April 1884

1 April1 1884 • Tuesday

Hauled one load of manure on the bench and plowed all day. Spent the evening at home reading Battallion

2 April 1884 • Wednesday

Hauled one load of manure on bench and plowed all day. bought oil and assisted Jacob Miller to consecrate it, Spent the evening at home.

3 April 1884 • Thursday

Hauled one load of manure on the bench and plowed there, brought a load of rock home with me. Spent the evening at home.

4 April 1884 • Friday

Hauled one load of rock off the bench lot and plowed one half day on the bench. Went to the mill, took Steve & Lou home in the evening. Frank, Nerva, Steve and Lou took supper with us.

5 April 1884 • Saturday

Went to S. L. C. to Conference on the cars, returned in the evening.

6 April 1884 • Sunday

Attended Conference in S. L. City. Took Alice and baby down in buggy.

7 April 1884 • Monday

Prepared a portion of the lot for planting. went over to B. F. Ks. twice. Clerked for Bishop’s Court. where Hyrum Hess was charged by C. W. Richards with [p. 66] steeling from 80 to 100 bu. of wheat. Hyrum proved him self innocent.

8 April 1884 • Tuesday

Planted garden and drug a part of the meadow with a brush drag. Went down to Mariar Clark’s af-ter Alice in the evening.

9 April 1884 • Wednesday

Plowed on the bench all day. Spent the evening at home writing.

10 April 1884 • Thursday

Plowed on the bench all day. Attended Seventies meeting in the evening.

11 April 1884 • Friday

rained nearly all day cleaned out raspuerries [raspberries], went down to Stayner’s, went to see Myron about buying land on Bear River

12 April 1884 • Saturday

Stormed nearly all day, copied minutes of Bishop’s Court. Attended Teachers Quorum meeting in the evening.

13 April 1884 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School, Ward meeting and the funeral of Bro. George Manwaren’s child in the Meeting-house; dismissed the services by prayr.

14 April 1884 • Monday

Stormy, plowed on the bench 1/2 day, made arrangements with Stayner to take my mares to pasture.

15 April 1884 • Tuesday

Went down to Stayners, and on the bottoms after calves. heard from bear River. Sent 4 head of cattle off to Weber by Geo. Steed. Plowed on the bench 1/2 day.

16 April 1884 • Wednesday

Plowed on bench 1/2 day. Stormed.

17 April 1884 • Thursday

Plowed on bench 1/2 day finishing the plowing. piled brush 1/2 day, [p. 67]

18 April 1884 • Friday

Pulled sage all day. Visited at Bro Robinson’s in the evening. Traded Lady to Steve for a filly on Bear River.

19 April 1884 • Saturday

Wind all night and in fornoon from the east. Pulled sage in the after-noon.

20 April 1884 • Sunday

Attended Sunday-school went down to Stayner’s in the after-noon.

21 April 1884 • Monday

Started to Bear River with my horses camped over night at the cold Springs.

22 April 1884 • Tuesday

Drove to Bear River and went down to Ezra’s, Myron’s and back to Stayners.

23 April 1884 • Wednesday

Went to see Wheeler’s place. went up to Mason’s or the Leavitts place, Hesse’s, Adam Bigler’s and others.

24 April 1884 • Thursday

Went to see the Brig’s Place. Bought 160 acres of land of Jacob Peart for $400, and 2 span of mares $600, Total $1000,

25 April 1884 • Friday

Went over to Mendon and back, stayed at myron’s over night.

26 April 1884 • Saturday

Rode Dr. Joe’s mare from Bear River to Farmington.

27 April 1884 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school and ward meeting, took Alice down to Mariar’s and brought her back in the evening

28 April 1884 • Monday

Made two trips to Barbers had my spring seat repaired and put a handel in the adz; and had it sharped. Spent the evening at home writing. [p. 68]

29 April 1884 • Tuesday

Went to the mill, got grain from the store, and worked in the strawberry bed. Wrote to the C. P. Ry. Co. Land office, San francisco California filing on the following described land which I bought of Jacob Peart Apr. 24th 1884 for $200,

The west half of the north-east quarter of section (5) five, township (12) twelve, north range (2) two west. Also filed on the East half of the north-east quarter of section (5) five, township (12) twelve north range two west.

30 April 1884 • Wednesday

Grubbed sage all day.

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April 1884, George F. Richards, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1884/1884-04


  1. [1]Richards initially wrote “March” before crossing it out and replacing it with “April”.