February 1897

1 February 1897 • Monday

Mercur Snowed all forenoon.

We visited in forenoon & came home in afternoon. Found all well.

2 February 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather clowdy & stormy. Sun shone out a short time.

I hauled two loads of sand & one of gravl. St. Clair & Son made murter [mortar] for plaster. In the evening Mama, Nerva & I attended E. Beesleys Concert R Easton was present & sang.

3 February 1897 • Wednesday

Commenced plastering cellar.

Tooele Weather moderated.

I hauled gravel & sand and rock & put rock in stalls of stable. Attended Irrigation Board meeting in the evening.

4 February 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold at night, changeable during the day. Plasterer worked on Cellar floor putting down concrete. I hauled sand, gravel & rocks and finished paving stalls. [p. 136]

5 February 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather thawing

I hauled two loads sand. Met with Apostle Lyman Prest. Gowans & Bp. Atkin at apostle Lymans where we considered the matter of Choosing Counciler for the Bishop. Jos. C. Orme was suggested to take the place of his brother Saml moved away In the evening I read the paper & wrote to Representative Dresser about Irrigation Law.

6 February 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy part of day Took wagon box load of hay over to field to horses. Called at Robert Wills & got vegetables. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting and spoke with freedom. The Home missionaries & Thos. Clark Jr for Alternate Member of High Council all spoke & excepting Bro Moroni England all were feeling right. Moroni England had a reservation on the Declarration on Church Disciplin[e]. With his exception all were set apart. I was mouth in setting apart Jos. C Orme & Otto Johnson. In the evening I went down to Bro. England’s to talk with him but did not on account of his wife’s sickness & people present. I administered to Sister England. Bought goods $9.05 at Vowles. <auction> [p. 137]

7 February 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I fasted, attended School & Spoke in Theological class, attended meeting & spoke first also blessed Silas and Erma Orme’s baby John A. Attended Prayr Circle & opened by prayr.

8 February 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather threatening & some snow. Snowed hard at night. I hauled about three tons of hay from tithing stack. Went to field and looked after horses. Attended Irrigation Board meeting in the evening.

9 February 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather flickering snow most of the day. I attended auction, Settled tithing, Attended Auction did some writing, recorded blessings &c.

10 February 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold & warm alternately

I assisted Mr Shaffer working on gables of New house. Read the papers aloud to Mr Shaffer in the evening.

11 February 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Clowdy & cold.

I assisted Mr Shaffer working on gables of New house. In evening attended Irrigation Bd. meeting. [p. 138]

12 February 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold & stormy.

I assisted Mr. Shaffer on house. Attended Relief. meeting at 2 P.M. & was appointed with Geo. Speirs auditor of their accounts. I both Spoke & prayed with them. Wrote a letter to Mother.

13 February 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold very cold during the night I cleaned out rooms of new house. Went over to the field with Moroni Holt to see our horses with a view to buying them.

Made Water Co. Treasurer’s report & turned over to the Supt. Met Bro. Williams at R. Masteurtons about tithing &c. Did the work caring for animals &c.

14 February 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold.

I went to E.T. and held Ward Conference. Took dinner with Bp. Moss. Spoke about 15 min. in School and 45 min. in meeting. The Ward Clerk presented the Authorities.

15 February 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy & Cold.

I took hay to field & brought young mares back. Mr Shaffer came up from Grantsville after dinner & I assisted him on porches. <attended Irrigation Board meeting in evening>

16 February 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold & changable. [p. 139] I assisted Shaffer on porches. Assisted in Administering to Sister Mary Dunn and her baby.

17 February 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Cold & stormy.

Shaved, called on Bro. F. M. Lyman. Attended funeral of Mary Dunns baby. Spoke at services. Assisted Shaffer on front porches. Assisted Prest. Gowans in administering to Alfred Hank’s wife. Attended District meeting in the evening at McKellars & spoke.

18 February 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy & cold.

I worked on porches all day. Attended Irrigation Board meeting in the evening.

19 February 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather Cold & stormy.

Worked on house porches.

Spent the evening at home read papers. Letters from Mother & Aseneth. Ck. of $100. from Asenath on loan.

20 February 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold & stormy. Shingled South front porch in forenoon. In the afternoon brought a load of straw from field & repaired wagon [p. 140] box &c. In the evening I attended Bro. Karl. G. Maesar’s lecture on Religion class work & after meeting I accompanied Jos. C Orme in to Sister Pickets & administered to her.

21 February 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Cold & Stormy.

I attended School, Ward Conference, Prayr Circle & evening meeting. Spoke in con. & meeting. Jos. C Orme was sustained to be 2nd Counselor to Bp. Atkin in place of his oldest Bro. Sam’l resigned on account of his intention to move away. Between meetings I wrote to Asenath & Mother & pronounced a blessing upon John E. Isgren.

22 February 1897 • Monday

Washington’s Birth Day.

Tooele Weather cold & clowdy.

I finished shingling North front porch about 3 P.M. & worked on cesspool & trench. Pronounced a blessing upon Primrose Lee’s youngest daughter Clara May & assisted Geo. Speirs until 12 oclock at night auditing Relief society Accounts from Oct 15 1897 1894 to date continue the work to-morrow evening. [p. 141]

23 February 1897 • Tuesday

My 36th Birth day.

Tooele Weather threatening

I worked on cesspool in fore-noon. Jos. Tate used my team hauling manure.

Had a good dinner & Birthday cake. Arranged with Bp. Atkin about tithing.

Took my wife & little girls sleigh riding with my young mares Gypsy & Queen. Sister Gillespie & Bro & Sis. Judd accompanied us.

24 February 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm & thawing

I hauled three tons of hay from Tithing Edwd Atkins delivered potatoes 15 bu. 2500 lbs oats & 75½ bu wheat.

25 February 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm & thawing.

I hitched up young mares and took shingles down to J W Tates & got 12 large cedar posts to cover cesspool. Tried to find Spring seed wheat. Worked some on Relief society accounts. Sand papered Porch brackets &c. All Well.

Alice was called up to Whitneys Mrs Whitney being sick.

26 February 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant Snow on ground Streets & walks muddy. Cold at nights. [p. 142] I did some work on new house. Invited Moroni England to my house & talked with him a couple of hours trying to show him his error in opposing Declaration of Gen’l Church authorities. Can not tell what effect our talk may have.

Attended Relief Society meeting and assisted the Sisters in voting in their officers for the ensuing year. All new officers were elected. Met at Bro. Lyman’s Prest Gowans, Bp Atkin & Jos. Orme who was ordained a High Priest & set apart to be 2nd Counselor to Bp. Atkin by Apostle F. M. Lyman. Spent the evening at home.

27 February 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I Went to S.L. City & from there on to Farmington where I staid all night at Nerva’s.

28 February 18971 • Sunday

Farmington Weather pleasant.

I went to S.L. City from Farmington Went to See Painter Anderson & attended Childrens celebration of Prest. Woodruff 90th birth day & Staid at night at Stephens.

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February 1897, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1897/1897-02


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote the date as “Mar. 1st” before crossing it out and writing “Feb. 28”.