January 1894

1 January 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant in fore noon but windy in afternoon and evening, thawing.

<New Years Day>1

I repaired manger to yard, made December Ranch report, issued bills to parties owing. &c. Bought of C. D. Hanks one share of State Bank stock previously traded to him for family conveyance. I paid him $78.00 for it back again. Spent the evening at home. Estella went to the party with Hyrum Lee for the first time. All usually well.

I sent check of $54.50 to Marshall Dyer on advise of Richards & Richards, bal due John Larson estate. [p. 228]

2 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled manure, hauled hay on to shed in south yard. Sold two loads of hay to J. E. Johnson. Received of Geo. Davie, Martin Mahnkins note of $312.00 in full payment of Davies Note of $300.00 & interest $12.00 and I gave up his note and mortgage and released same of record. Spent the evening at home writing Prepared statement of Tithing showing the amount of tithing due from me $158.98 for the year 1893. In early evening I took team and sleigh and Alice & the boys and went down to Swen Nelsons for lard, Vowle’s for flour and Englands for shoes.

Arranged Home missionary appointments and wrote letters of notification to the Home Missionaries.

3 January 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled manure, sold hay to J. E. Johnson and James James. Attended funeral services of Lady Green and preached for a short time. Drove down to J. W. Tate’s with team & sleigh also to Joseph Hensons and took Alice through New school house. Spent the evening at home writing.

4 January 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant some little snow fell. I took a shave, had a shingle by [p. 229] Robt. Shields. Took team & buggy and Alice & baby and left home about 2 P.M. for Grantsville where we attended the Old folks sociable. Made a brief speech at the Hall and gave a toast at supper. We Staid at Prest. C. L. Andersons. Prest. H. S. Gowans & two wives also staid there. He & I slept together. Retired at one A.M.

5 January 1894 • Friday


Weather stormy and cold.

We left Bro. Anderson’s about 9:30 A.M. for home and had a cold ride but got through safely. Bro Anderson was away from home in Wyoming. Made my Annual report for the Treasury of the Water Co. Visited School building. &c. Attended a trustees meeting at my home. Full quorum present. afterward called on Bro. Lyman on School business, J. W. Tate accompanied me. Arranged with him to go to Vernon tomorrow. Estella, George and the three little girls are ailing with colds and sore throat.

6 January 1894 • Saturday

Tooele City Weather frosty and Cold. Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowans started with team and buggy for Vernon about 9 A.M and I started about 15 minutes later with team and buggy. I overtook them at Center [p. 230] Ajax place. We took dinner and proceeded on our way I leading and breaking the road the snow being several inches deep. The trip was a cold one but being well wrapped and having warm bricks I got through O.K. arriving at Vernon in the middle of the afternoon. Put up the team at David Bennion’s and staid the night at Israel Bennions. Took supper at Bp. Sharp’s <blessed the food> and attended a council of the Brethren at the Bishops until 8 P.M. and after that hour attended a meeting of the Ward Priesthood at School house & by request spoke for a short time. Slept at Israel Bennion’s and prayed with the family. At our Council meeting we reconciled the Brethren of the Bishoprick which was the only trouble in the ward. Jos. Henson hauled manure.

7 January 1894 • Sunday

Vernon Weather cold.

At Israel Bennions, I took breakfast and attended School where Bro. Lyman addressed the school particularly on the order of administering the sacrament. Respect and courtesy should be shown the highest in authority. Took a dinner at Bp. Sharps stuffed turkey. I asked the blessing. Attended the afternoon Ward Conference meeting where also the dedicatory prayr for their new meeting house was offered by Patriarch Israel Bennion and Confirmed [p. 231] by Apostle Lyman. I was honored by being privileged to offer the opening prayr. A very pleasant time was had and in the evening Apostle Lyman Prest. Gowans and I occupied the time speaking to a good sized and attentive audience. I took supper with the brethren at Bro. Pehrson’s 2nd Counselor to the Bishop. After the evening meeting I accompanied Bros. Lyman and Gowans to Israel Bennions where we administered to the two children afflicted with sore throats. Prest. Gowans annointed both and Apostle Lyman confirmed one and I the other (the older <a> Girl)

Slept with Mahonri Stookey at David Bennions.

8 January 1894 • Monday

Vernon Weather Stormy.

I left David Bennion’s at 9 A.M. for St. Johns. The weather was severe snow & wind. Bros. Lyman & Gowans followed me and we arrived at St. John’s about noon and put up at Bp. Caldwell’s. Took dinner and repaired to the meeting house where we held a Ward Conferince. I offered the opening prayr and Prest Gowans and Apostle Lyman occupied the time in speaking. On account of the deepness of the snow it was decided to not hold conference meeting but to have [p. 232] a meeting of the Ward Priesthood in the evening. The people voted to approve and sustain the action of the meeting in the evening. Took supper at Bp. Caldwells and in the evening attended the meeting of the brethren. We sat until 3:15 A.M. speaking, pleading & hearing others speak before affecting a union of sentiments and organization of the Ward. Having thus got the brethren to be reconciled towards one another Bro. Lyman blessed them all; only 8 persons besides we 3 visiting brethren being present. Each received a blessing under our hands & then by request I as Patriarch sealed these blessings upon the brethren and dismissed our meeting at 3:15 A.M. Tended my team & retired. Bro. Gowans & I sleeping together. Jos Henson hauled manure

9 January 1894 • Tuesday

St. John, Utah Weather cold and snow deep. We set apart one of Bp. Caldwell’s sons (D. H. Jr.) Ward Clerk and assistant Supt. of Sunday schools also two of the Daughters to labor in the Presidency of the Y.L.M.I. Association. I set apart Alice A Morgan the older as Prest. or rather Supt. Wm A McIntosh also called in and was ordained a teacher by Bro Lyman. We left St. John [p. 233] about 9:30 A.M. I led the way and arrived O.K. at home before noon. I wrote to A. F. D., State Bank, U C & S. Bk, School Furnishing Co. (Pierce and J. S. Boreman.[)] Wrote up my Journal from the 6th to date. Jos Henson hauling manure.

10 January 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold.

This being the opening day of schools in the new School building and I being Chairman of Trustees, I spent the forenoon in the school interests until 11 A.M. when I attended a meeting of the Tooele Irrigation City, Water Co. Board. Took Alice & Georgie & baby to Depot They went to Salt Lake. Repaired wagon shed door and family conveyance brake blocks. Drove the bay filley Had Jos. Henson hauling manure. I spent the evening at home reading from Book of Covenants. Helped Estella with arithmetic lesson in per cent.

11 January 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I did the regular chores and hitched team on sleigh and went to Depot to meet Alice. She came up in Bro. Lyman’s sleigh & I met her. Geo rode with me. I did some shop work and sold & loaded hay to Alvin Walters and Wm Green. Attended to some business down town. Looked over with Prest H. S. G. the papers in the trial of Sister [last name redacted] vs. [first name redacted] [p. 234] [last name redacted] in Bishop’s Court &c.

Spent the evening at home. Joseph Henson was hauling manure in my stead.

Wrote letters to Fred & others on business.

<Jos. Henson hauled manure>

12 January 1894 • Friday

<Social Gathering at F. M. Lymans>

<54th Birth Day of Apostle Francis M Lyman>2

Tooele Weather pleasant, good sleighing. I did the regular chores, shaved, went over to Court house and signed bond of B.L. Bowen as Irrigation District Trustee. Sold small load of hay to Geo. Davie on six week’s time. Spent an hour or longer reading from Book of Covenants. Bathed and Alice & baby and I went down to Apostle Lyman’s about one P.M. This being the 54th anniversary of Apostle Lyman’s birth. He got up a fine Turkey dinner and had there President Hugh S. Gowans & wife, Bp. Atkin & wife, Sister Beesley, Sister McBride (his daughter) and me and my wife. After dinner we sang a hymn and Bp. Atkin offered prayr, then Apostle Lyman, Prest. Gowans & Bp. Atkin laid their hands upon my head and Bro. Lyman pronounced a blessing upon me after which we I gave Patriarchal blessings as follows to Apostle Francis Marion Lyman his wife Rhoda Lyman, his daughter Rhoda Alice, his daughter Lois Victoria and Prest. Hugh S. Gowans. We then at 6 P.M. or later sang and Prest Gowans offered the closing prayr and we went home having spent [p. 235] a most enjoyable afternoon. Attended a meeting of the Trustees of the Tooele Irrigation District at which the old board went out and the New Board came in. Wrote up my Journal for the day. Joseph Henson worked on the Ranch in my stead.

13 January 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took all the family for a sleigh ride in forenoon. Answered call at telephone by Supt. of Schools P. P. Christensen of Grantsville. Sold three loads of hay. Called at School building in the evening and from there went to A. J. Stookey’s where we attended to some School trustee’s business the Board being all present. Then prepared bylaws for Civil Government class.

14 January 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School and addressed the school for a short time. Attended Afternoon and evening meetings and occupied 40 minutes in the evening meeting speaking upon the subjects of Tithing and the Qualifications necessary for admittance to the temple. Prest H. S. Gowans followed upon the same subject Finished a letter to My Mother after meeting.

15 January 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather thawing.

I wrote to Abram, received of Geo. Coleman $30.00 due me on account of interest. Attended to some [p. 236] Water Company business. Greased harness. Sold hay to Marsden. In the evening I attended Civil Government class meeting. Was elected Vice Chairman and a member of the Programme committee.

16 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. stormy. It snowed about four inches. I greased harness and sold a load of hay to Warburton.

Spent the evening at home studying for Tooele Sunday school Review & for Civil Government class. All are usually well.

Wrote letter to Sister Nerva.

17 January 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I greased harness in forenoon and in the after-noon and evening attended County Teachers examination. Supt. P. P. Christensen took dinner with us and he and Eugene & Horace Woolley took supper here.

18 January 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Co. Teachers Examination as examiner in Court house all day and in the evening. I bought lunch for all and we remained there at noon.

19 January 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy.

I met with the examiners at my house from 9 until 10 A.M. then attended a business [p. 237] meeting of a committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary of the Water Company. With team and sleigh I went down to Jos. Hensons & J. W. Tates. Attended a meeting of the directors of the Water Co. at 4 P.M. and a School Trustee’s meeting in the New building in the evening until a late hour. Carpenters were present. also Mr. Broad.

20 January 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy part of the day. I had Jos. Henson helping me & we greased harness all day. In the evening I attended Civil Government Class shaved & bathed.

21 January 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant but some-what cloudy.

I took team and buggy and Brother Robert Skelton accompanied me to Grantsville to attend Stake Conference. I put up my team and staid at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s. Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans also staid there. Attended forenoon and afternoon & evening meetings. Was first speaker in first meeting. By request reporded the Stake and my labors as Patriarch. Had given twenty one blessings and had been a Patriarch six months. Patriarch S. W. Woolley also reported his labors. [p. 238] Apostle Lyman spoke upon the subject of Patriarchal blessings and testified that I possessed the spirit of my calling and said further that he had read some blessings given by me and that they were as well worded and as good as any he had ever read.

22 January 1894 • Monday

Grantsville Weather pleasant. Staid over night at Bro. Anderson’s & slept with Prest. Gowans.

Attended two meetings and returned home arriving about 6:30 P.M.

Spent the evening at home. Recorded a blessing given to Apostle Lyman on the 12th inst and wrote letter enclosing a School Warrant of $541.66 to Vernon School District trustees. &c.

23 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I wrote several letters did some work pertaining to treasurer ship of Water Co. Received letter from my Bro. Stephen at 12:30 informing me of the death of their baby 10 mon. old. I immediately got ready and went in to Salt Lake by train. Arrived there (Sugar House) at 5:40 P.M just as they got through with the services. Remained there over night. The folks stood their trial well. [p. 239]

24 January 1894 • Wednesday

Sugar House Weather pleasant. I remained with Stephen all day and until next morning excepting that I went up town for an hour or so in the afternoon Stephen accompanied me. Called on Abram at City Hall.

Aseneth came from Nephi and spent the night with Stephen. Willard & wife came in and spent the evening and we had a pleasant time considering the circumstances. Retired late.

25 January 1894 • Thursday

Sugar House Weather pleasant I got up early and left for home on the 6:45 A.M. Car Arrived home O.K. at 10:30 found all usually well. A letter awaiting me from Nerva said her baby was sick. In the afternoon I did some writing put pains of glass in windows. &c. By invitation Bro & Sister Joseph O. Dunn came in took supper and Spent the evening. I gave to both of them a Patriarchal blessing. My wife Alice did the writing. Our baby is not feeling well to-day.

263 January 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had Joseph Henson working in my place as I had a severe cold and [p. 240] almost sick. I recorded three blessings and copied two others from original pencil copy during day & evening. Our baby is not well. Estella attended the dance with Frank Beesley.

27 January 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Joseph Henson working in my place as I was nearly sick with cold. I wrote all the forenoon recording blessing. In the afternoon I hitched up the bay filly, Henson with me and we started for Basin pasture but meeting Mr Martin from Terminus and learning that our animals are all right at Basin, we returned home late in the afternoon. In the evening I attended a meeting of Theological class and afterwards a Civil government class & spoke in the latter on governments. Paid $160.00 tithing.

28 January 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Tooele School in the morning. This being the day for Annual Sunday School Review I attended in both afternoon and evening and offered the opening prayr in afternoon. Stake Supt. of Sabbath Schools A. G. Johnson and his wife and little boy took supper with us and I gave sister Johnson a Patriarchal blessing.

29 January 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mailed a letter to Mother. Attended the [p. 241] funeral services of sister Steel at Lake View, repaired washer and fence to my Main St. lots. Accompanied My wife to the stores. Spent the evening at home writing, recording blessings. Have a severe cold & head-ache. Some of the children are also ailing.

30 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I repaired fence in forenoon and in the afternoon took George with me and drove the bay filley down to Basin pasture to look after the horses. In the evening I attended School Trustees meeting until 12 mid night. It snowed on us all the way down to Basin and back.

31 January 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I did the regular chores, received posts of Chas. Pocock, let Geo. Gee take team & family conveyance to go to depot after his father & helped him hitch up. Peter Clegg used my bug[g]y to go after Archetect H. H. Anderson. I met with the Archetect, carpenter contractors and School Trustees to settle with Contractors &c from 11 A.M. until 2 P.M. and talked through the telephone with Pacific lumber Co. &c. I sold a load of hay to Alf. Hanks, issued bills to parties owing and &c. In the [p. 242] evening I attended School Trustees meeting in the New School building until nearly 12 midnight. Settled with Contractors excepting for painting not yet done. &c. I have severe cold or species of Lagrip.

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January 1894, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1894/1894-01


  1. [1]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 January 1894 entry.

  2. [2]These two insertions are written vertically in the left margin next to the 12 January entry.

  3. [3]In the date “Jan. 26th,” Richards originally wrote an unclear number before writing “6” over it.