November 1903

1 November 1903 • Sunday

With my team & buggy Prest. Gowans & I went to Grantsville. Presidincy of the Stake met at Bro C L Anderson’s home 11 A.M and at 12 A.M. we met the members of the Prayr Circle and had a round up until 2:15 P.M. Attended Fast meeting where Prest. G. & I bore testamony with the others.

2 November 1903 • Monday

Secured order from A. G Gowans for material for his house for $108.00 and ordered a car of lumber including same. A. J. Stookey send [sent] one of Orson Johnson’s Sons over for a load of lumber and he staid with us all night.

3 November 1903 • Tuesday

Made statement to U. L. Co. and sent to them with ck. &c of $252. & Attended Mutual meeting in the evening and a committee meeting thereafter.

4 November 1903 • Wednesday

Worked on my books, attended to business and plowed potatoes in garden &c. Alice & I attended Lindsay’s Theatre in evening.

<My Dau. Nerva went home. I took her to Depot>1

5 November 1903 • Thursday

Herold Skelton helping me. We finished plowing potatoes, gathered carrots, turnips &c & plowed the ground. Bought of Jas. M. Gallaher 410 # lucern seed @ 9½¢ and hauled it home. Drove over to field where Remington’s were plowing for me. Arranged with D.K. Adamson to plow up lucern ground in small pasture $2.00 pr A

<attended Elders Meeting Spoke and gave 25¢ Contribution to aid Missionaries>2

6 November 1903 • Friday

Finished issuing bills. Delivered lumber wrote up Journal from Oct 24th. [p. 137] Car of Lumber came and I started team to hauling same. Gave Alms 50¢ to a woman asking alms. Weather fine.

7 November 1903 • Saturday

Attended High Council Meeting in forenoon & Stake Priesthood meeting in afternoon. Had to dinner with me Leroy Anderson & E J Pehrson. Attended to the chores, assisted with the lumber &c.

8 November 1903 • Sunday

At 6:10 AM in a snow storm the ground covered Prest. Gowans & I left for Mercur and got there for the opening of school a little after 10 A.M. Attended School in and evening meeting. At latter I spoke with freedom for 42 min. Staid at Bp. G. W. Bryans and after evening meeting administered Patriarchal blessings to Sisters Carrie Hansen Peterson, Mary Hellen Knight Hilton and Mary Eliza Lee.

9 November 1903 • Monday

Returned from Mercur Arriving home at 11 A.M. Attended to regular business of the place. Wrote letters &c. helped with lumber.

10 November 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to business. Helped unload two loads of lumber and at 11 A.M. Attended Water Co. Bd Meeting. Assisted Alice to [get?] off to City and took her, Nina & Edna to Station In evening worked on mothers accts. made statement & sent to her.

11 November 1903 • Wednesday

Did chores and attended to the regular chores business, worked on my books wrote letters &c In evening took the children to Bro Russells show at City hall. Windy & clowdy.

12 November 1903 • Thursday

Attended to the regular work of the place.

13 November 1903 • Friday

Attended to the regular work of the place Stake Presidency meeting at my home in evening

14 November 1903 • Saturday

In accordance with phone from Alice from Salt Lake the night before I sent Sarah in to City this day on train for the Doctor to examine.

15 November 1903 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans & I with my team and his buggy went to E.T. Ward where we arrived [p. 138] before School time. Attended both School and meeting and each spoke in both. Put up my team and took dinner with Bp. Emil Feller. On my return home I took supper at Estella’s on invitation after which I attended Seventies meeting.

16 November 1903 • Monday

I met Alice and the children at the Station on their way home from the City having been away since previous Tuesday. Attended to the regular work of the place.

17 November 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to the work of the place including cutting of wood, milking cows caring for cows & horses. In evening I attended the Mutual meeting.

18 November 1903 • Wednesday

I attended to the regular work of the place including business correspondence, keeping accounts &c.

19 November 1903 • Thursday

Special work put up a 3¼ Bain wagon which was shipped out by train and did other regular work. In evening worked on Mother’s papers and wrote her that I would go down to Nephi Saturday 21st.

20 November 1903 • Friday

Did regular work of the place and went to Station wrote letters to Mother, Stephen, Sister Nerva Fred and my Son George. On account of the health of Prest. Gowans being poor to-day the Stake Presidency meeting is deferred.

Baby Edna is quite sick with canker. Contributed load of ties to poor as a Thanksgivings offering to be delivered on demand of Bp.

21 November 1903 • Saturday

Attended to business and in afternoon I left home for Nephi by train. Had a 30 Min stay at Station S.L.C. where I was met by my three boys who spent the time with me Left Salt Lake at 6:05 P.M. and arrived at Nephi about 9:40 Sat up until 11:40 visiting the folks Slept at mother’s.

22 November 1903 • Sunday

at Nephi

Weather fine I spent the day visiting and assisting Mother to fix [p. 139] up her accounts &c and returned to the City S. L. on the 2:45 P.M train. Legrand met me at train and we went direct to George’s place where I staid all night. The three boys & I had a good visit until after 12 o’clock.

23 November 1903 • Monday

S.L.C. Left George’s home 6:45 Called at C W & M Co. & at Scott Strevell also at U. L. Co. Came home on morning train. Found my baby had an infected sore on her hand & had suffered much during my absence. In the evening I worked getting out statement for My Mothers children & writing them about Mother’s affairs.

24 November 1903 • Tuesday

I finished getting out statements & mailing to the folks Alice, Stephen, Asenath, Nerva & Fred. Attended to the regular business of the place &c.

25 November 1903 • Wednesday

Attended to the regular business of the place. Joel came out from Salt Lake on his wheel with attachment the weather being fine.

26 November 1903 • Thursday

Legrand came out with hunting party and staid with us when we returned him to the train. We had Sister Wills with us to dinner and her family. Had a pleasant time and a nice dinner.

27 November 1903 • Friday

Attended to the regular work of the place. Made preparation for Conference &c.

28 November 1903 • Saturday

<Prest G C L Andersen & Israel Bennion Staid with us over night.>3

Stake Quarterly Conference opened at 10: A.M. in Tooele Meeting house. Present from the city Elder Geo. Teasdael of the Quorum of the Apostles, Presidency of the Stake and a number of the Bishops, High Counselors & Stake officers. The President H.S. Gowans & Several Bishops made reports and Elder Teasdael spoke.

Afternoon. Continued reports & Bro C. L. Anderson and Elder Teasdael spoke.

Priesthood meeting at 6 P.M. 40 in at[p. 140]tendance. I offered the opening prayr and the time was well spent in testamony bearing after which I took Mama, Bro. Anderson & Bro. Israel Benion to the Concert. Foggy weather

<Bro Anderson & I sat up until nearly 2 AM Subject investment in lumber business.>4

29 November 1903 • Sunday

Attend Prayr meeting at S. School and offered the prayr. Attended the School and after School the Stake S. S. U meeting Afternoon meeting I spoke 20 minutes reporting conditions in the Stake. Elder Geo A Smith of the Quorum of Apostles came out in the morning and returned in the evening and spoke interestingly at both meetings.

In evening Y M & Y L. meeting J. E. Lindberg & Ellen Park reported the associations in the Stake and Elder Teasdael delivered an interesting address Subject development of the affections.

30 November 1903 • Monday

Attended to the regular work of the place. At 2 P.M. attended a meeting of the Priesthood at the New Tithing Office. I offered opening prayr Prest. Gowans made a few remarks and Elder Teasdael offerred a dedicatory prayr of the house. Bp. Atkin made a few remarks and Bro. Gillespie offered the benediction. In the evening I studied Mutual lesson, wrote letters, wrote up my journal from 26th.

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November 1903, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 4 November entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 5 November entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the portion of the 28 November entry on page 140.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the portion of the 28 November entry on page 141.