December 1898

1 December 1898 • Thursday

Tooele I hauled fodder & hay over to field & brought straw home. Hauled a load of 3080 lbs coal from Depot. Read & wrote to Mother unto [p. 269] until 11:30 P.M.

2 December 1898 • Friday

I hauled a couple of loads of coal from Depot. Roads muddy & soft. Spent the evening reading Compiled Laws Wrote in my Journal &c.

3 December 1898 • Saturday

I attended to sund. items of business. Attended Stake Priesthood Meeting at Tooele & presided Prests. Gowans & Anderson being absent.

I set James Hutchins apart to labor as a missionary among the young men Prest Gowans assisting at his office. Recorded two blessings.

4 December 1898 • Sunday

Attended School & offered the opening prayr Attended afternon & evening meetings & Circle. Administered Patriarchal blessings to Alice Tate and Marie Brown. Blessed a baby in meeting.

5 December 1898 • Monday

Bought mince meat from Vowles. Took seven head of horses down to Fish & Dairy Pasture Alonzo Gowans went along and took two horses.

6 December 1898 • Tuesday

Weather cold, but little snow on ground In forenoon I bought files & filed cross cut & meat saws. In afternoon killed pig.

7 December 1898 • Wednesday

Worked pole tax repairing ditch in front.

8 December 1898 • Thursday

Continued work in front on ditch in forenoon and in afternoon cut up & Salted down the pig. Spent the evening studying & writing and attended the Elders Quorum & talked to the members for about 30 minutes. [p. 270]

9 December 1898 • Friday

Did some recording & other writing and read & studied from Orson Pratts Works. In the evening I attended the Sunday School Concert.

10 December 1898 • Saturday

Spent the forenoon studying and In the afternoon Prest. Gowans & I with my team went to Vernon. Staid at E J. Behrson’s [Pehrson’s?] and had a pleasant evening.

11 December 1898 • Sunday

at Vernon. Attended School & meeting; occupied about 15 min. in School and 35 min in meeting. Administered a blessing to Sister Pehrson and Prest Gowans & I administered to Elizabeth Pehrson. Bro Gowans anointed & I confirmed the anointing. We left vernon about 4:30 P.M. & arrived home about 9:30 a cold drive.

12 December 1898 • Monday

<I washed and repaired Washer & otherways helped Mama.>1

13 December 1898 • Tuesday2

Weather clear & in the shade, cold. I husked corn all day. Sister McIntosh called & had dinner & I feed fed her team. Spent the evening writing and reading.

14 December 1898 • Wednesday3

Went down to Fish & Dairy pasture & Saw my horses. Traded Browny to Alfred Bell for a 3 yr old horse. He is to keep the horse for until <me until> next fall when we have to commence feeding for $3.00 I copied two blessings, & read eight chapters from the Juvenile for the Children in the evening.

154 December 1898 • Thursday

Hauled wheat to mill (1 load) hauled a load of Straw. Attended Elders meeting and spoke ass[p. 271]isted in setting apart J. G. Damian Coun to the Prest of the Quorum and set apart Brigham Gillet as Secretary of the Quorum.

16 December 1898 • Friday

I husked corn &c. read papers. Wrote letters M.I.A. Missionaries Pearson & Rasmussen staid over night with us.

17 December 1898 • Saturday

Went up to Lees & administered to Estellas babe They having come from Mercur last night. Hyrum Lee, Frank Barber & I & the boys met Bro Stookey at Ry Section house on my land at 1 P.M. and surveyed our land got home in the evening.

18 December 1898 • Sunday

Attended School at Tooele Also. Afternoon meeting and circle In the evening I read to the children from the Juvenile Little Willey & other Stories

19 December 1898 • Monday

Attended Tooele City Water Co. Board Meeting where a dividend of 3½ % was declared. I assisted Prest. Gowans with his Water Co. accounts Paid Warrants &c. Went up to Lees twice & administered to the baby. George with my team took F. Barber and others to Mercur.

20 December 1898 • Tuesday

I paid T. W. Co Warrants. Studied Law <&c>

21 December 1898 • Wednesday

Turned the washer & helped with the <washing>

22 December 1898 • Thursday

Mended chairs and my Desk &c. Studied Parliamentary law &c.

23 December 1898 • Friday

Wrote letters. Did some studying, attended School exercises with the family &c. Elders Duke and Rasmusen S[t]aid over night with us. I attended a meet[p. 272]ing of the Board of Trustees of the Irrigation Dist. in the eve.

24 December 1898 • Saturday

Tooele. I took the children to the Childrens dance. Did some shopping for Xmas. Administered to Sister McLain. Bro McKellar & I. Hyrum and Estella staid here all night and assisted us in preparing the Xmas tree.

25 December 1898 • Sunday


The children were happy but before night Ruby, Sarah, Lucena & Mamie were sick with colds sore throats and fevers. I administered to all of them. They all got pretty good rest except Lucena I attended S. School & meeting and between school and meeting I did some missionary work. Jos. Orme & I went down and talked with H. B. Haynes and afterward to his wife and we think we did some good. Our efforts were to bring about a reconciliatory feeling & action between them. We leave the future to prove the fruits of our labors.

26 December 1898 • Monday

Our children seemed to feel better and I availed myself of the cheap rates and went to Farmington Staid all night at Nervas. Administered to Nerva, Rhoda and Eva Alice. Retired at 12:30

27 December 1898 • Tuesday

Farmington. At Nerva. Called at Maria Clarks & left for Salt Lake on 8:25 A.M. U.P. Ry. At S.L.C. borrowed $150.00 at Zions Savings Bank at 8 % on demand. Did some trading, engaged No. 3 room at Whitehouse for Jan. 7th for $12.00 per mo. Went down [p. 273] to Dr. Stephen’s and accompanied him to the Sugar house Carnival in the evening.

28 December 1898 • Wednesday

Sugar House. Left Sugar on 6:45 Car & S. L. City on 7:45 train Arrived o.K. Sarah was sick with Sore throat & fever & rash Doubtless Scarlet fever. I administered to Sarah and afterward telephoned Stephen & got prescriptions. The other children were better.

29 December 1898 • Thursday

Home. I staid in and waited upon Sarah day and night. Administered to her occasionally. Wrote some letters.

30 December 1898 • Friday

I staid in and read & waited on Sarah who has a very sore throat. Administered to her several times. Mama washed and Legrand helped her. The other boys hauled 90 odd bushels of wheat to J. W. Tates & paid up our account there.

31 December 1898 • Saturday

I went up to Geo. Akin’s by request and assisted in administering to him: Present Prest. Gowans, Bp. Atkin & his two Counselors. I waited on Sarah who seems some better. I attended a meeting of the Social Hall committee at Bro. Craners in the evening.

The boys delivered wheat to England to pay off my account. [p. 274]

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December 1898, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin under the heading “Monday 12th”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote the date “Mond. Dec. 12th 1898.” He crossed out “Mond.” and replaced it with “Tues. 13” but did not cross out the rest of the incorrect date.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Tuesday Dec 13th” before crossing it out and writing “Wed 14”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “14” before writing “15” over it.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 December entry.