February 1890

1 February 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Attended Stake Priesthood Meeting and occupied a short time. Bp St Jar and two boys took dinner with us. Attended a meeting of the water Board in the afternoon and in the evening wrote on Monthly Report, Gave 100 for fuel.

2 February 1890 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School where I was released from further services in the school on account of my being called to the office of Counselor to the Stake President Hue S. Gowans. Attended meeting in the afternoon where I spoke about 20 minutes upon the subject of Tithing. Attended the evening meeting presided over by the Young peoples Associations. Paid $600 tithing

3 February 1890 • Monday

Made out monthly report and wrote to A. F. Doremus enclosing report. Wrote out bills to send to parties owing us. Sold a load of loose hay to Calumet. Repaired Gate to Barn yard. &c In the evening I attended a meeting of the Lesser Priesthood took the minutes and after meeting revised the minutes. Spoke in meeting.

4 February 1890 • Tuesday

Trimmed trees, sold another load of hay to the Calumet Mine. Saml Lee got it. [p. 250] Raked up in stack yard worked in the manure &c. Had H & W. Huff hauling manure. In the evening wrote & read.

5 February 1890 • Wednesday

Attended a hearing of a missunderstanding between The Bishop & Council Counsel & Young men in regard to the governing of the Ward parties. Which was amacably settled H S Gowans present Killed pig, Had Huff hauling manure. Repaired wagon &c. In the evening attended a committee meeting at M B Nelson’s where Nils Johnson was hired to take charge of the work on springs in Hank’s field. Called on Widdows Perry & Smith after meeting.

6 February 1890 • Thursday

Fasted and attended Fast meeting. Assisted in blessing the children was mouth in blessing Hannah Matilda Norquist. Went up the canyon yesterday and showed Nels Johnson what work needed doing. Bro & sister Vance & Miss Bell Smith spent the afternoon & evening here though I was away until evening. Did some writing in the evening. Talked with A. F. Doremus in the evening by telephone. He stating that he would be out next day. [p. 251]

7 February 1890 • Friday

Tooele City Met A. F. Doremus at the Tooele switch and with him looked over the place and in the afternoon we, with Apostle Lyman & Son went up the Settlement canyon to see the Wrench springs and in the evening met at Apostle Lymans in company with a number of others

8 February 1890 • Saturday

Took A. F. D. up Middle Canyon to see the springs and the proposed work to increase the water. Took him to the Switch and bought corn & oats. In the evening I shaved, bathed &c.

9 February 1890 • Sunday

Went to Clover to assist in completing the Ward organization, which work was postponed for cause. Alice accompanied me in the cart. Returned home @ 8 P.M. Snowed in the evening.

10 February 1890 • Monday

Snowed and blowed most of the day. I proportioned the special water tax and wrote notices of taxes and delivered them Wrote to Fred and registered to him $40.00 with which to buy barley for seed. Attended Ward Teachers meeting in the evening where I occupied some time in talking. [p. 252]

11 February 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele City Went up in the canyon and started men to work on springs. Went and saw Chas. Pocock about working also went & saw Thos. Horman & Mathias Nelson. Cleaned out the yard with team and scraper and hauled hay into the stable for Vick. Bought a pair of new over shoes. Sent by James Kirk to Salt Lake for express package. In the evening I wrote & read the News. The Liberals won Salt Lake City by fraud. Weather clear and cold.

12 February 1890 • Wednesday

Started a man and team to work in canyon Hauled manure & Sold a load of hay to Mathias Nelson. Went down to Mathias Nelson’s to see him about canyon work. One of our neighbors Geo. Nicks has a child down with diphtheria. Weather clear & cold.

13 February 1890 • Thursday

Snowed nearly all day. I wrote to Mother, Alice & Nerva and read the two Jan. Nos. of Juveniles. Attended to the regular work of the place and made paths the snow being twelve inches deep. Went up to B. S. Bvnens to notify him of tax and water meeting Attended a water meeting in the evening and after meeting did some writing. [p. 253]

14 February 1890 • Friday

Tooele Attended to the regular work of the place, shoveled snow off hay and lumber. Took slay to blacksmith shop and had shaves repaired. &c. In the evening I got <school> admit for Widow William’s little girl and took to her. Called in Sis De La Mars. Read the news in the evening. This day Victory Remington was buried and Geo. Nick’s little girl died of diphtheria. I read some from Book of Mormon & Compendium.

15 February 1890 • Saturday

Attended to the regular work of the place. Repaired two shovels & one halter, Sawed cows horn off. Wrote letters to Ezra & to A F Doremus, Shaved, bathed &c in the evening. Snow 12 inches deep and drifting all day with the wind. All well.

16 February 1890 • Sunday

Intended going to E. T. with Prest. H S Gowans but the weather was so severe we postponed it. Attended Sunday School also Afternoon and evening meetings. Read from the Bible between meetings. Wind ceased blowing near midnight and about seven inches of new snow fell before morning.

17 February 1890 • Monday

Attended to the regular chores; sold two tons of hay; took Alice down to John A. Vance’s in a slay and went and got her [p. 254] in the early evening. Attended the Lesser Priesthood meeting in the evening, gave some instructions to the young men and was mouth in ordaining Samuel Johnson an Elder. Wind blew some during the day and heavy wind at night.

18 February 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Sold hay to Shelton, one ton; sold lumber to Chas. Pocock; Talked with Abram through the telephone; met the train and got 1014 lbs of lucern seed; bought a box of soap 60 lbs $3.75 Received letters from Alice Ann and Nerva Read letters & the News. Wind blew hard in the forenoon and in the afternoon it snowed. In the evening I attended a lectur given by Johnson Bros. of Springville upon the subject of Eloqution. Accompanied with recitations.

19 February 1890 • Wednesday

Sold two loads of loose hay and one of baled hay. Hauled four loads of manure and attended to the regular chores of the place. In the evening I attended a class in Elocution Alice accompanying me. The first of a course of twelve lessons

20 February 1890 • Thursday

Trimmed trees, sold hay Hitched on slay and took Alice and children to the Post office and for a short ride. In the evening. Received letter from & wrote to Dr Francis E Roche about Canal money [p. 255] I attended class exercises on the Science of Elocution.

21 February 1890 • Friday

Tooele Hauled manure all day except while engaged in attending to the other work of the place. Snowed lightly all day and was foggy in the evening snowing in the fog. Attended class exercises in Elocution, taught by Msrs. Johnson <Bros.> of Springville, Utah.

22 February 1890 • Saturday

Attended to the old white Cow which had just calved, scraped snow away for baling purposes. Sold hay to Gordon & Nethercoat. Attended Elocution class in the evening.

23 February 1890 • Sunday

This is my 29th birth day. There is considerable snow on the ground. I took Prest. H.S. Gowans in a slay over to Lake View Ward where we attended Sunday <school>, a meeting of the Priesthood of the Ward and teachers of the School where Bro Hansen was appointed to Supt. of the Sunday school and also attended ward meeting. On returning home I found Bro. & Sis. Vance here who took supper and remained the evening I had an attack of sick headache in the evening. Otherwise all of us well Eight in family including Estella. [p. 256]

24 February 1890 • Monday

Tooele City Windy and cold. Wrote to A. F. Doremus Attended to the regular work of the place. In the evening, I attended an Elocution class. Received from Chicago a suit of cloths, shoes, Websters Unabridged Dictionary, <$13.50> satchel & other things.

25 February 1890 • Tuesday

Attended to the regular work of the place. Attended a meeting of the Water Board where James Adam Smith was appointed Water Master. Water transfers made, City drinking streams done away, reports from committee had, and committees appointed to examine the public sluices &c. Snowed nearly all day. In the evening I attended the Elocution class. Col. Class fees $3900

26 February 1890 • Wednesday1

Stormed nearly all day of the 26th Took buggy tung to shop for repairs. Made paths, shoveled snow &c. Attended Elocution class in the evening, The coldest night of the season. 12° below Zero.

27 February 1890 • Thursday

Clear & very cold. Attended to the regular work of the place. cleaned snow off stacks scraped snow away for baling purposes. Sold one load of baled hay and one load of loose hay. Started Pocock & Marshall to baling hay; Attended Elocution Class in the evening. Collected class fees $27.00. [p. 257]

28 February 1890 • Friday

Tooele City Had Pocock & Marshall baling hay. I assisted and weighed and piled up hay Sold loose hay to S.F. Lee & baled hay to Kirk & Broad. Attended Elocution class in the evening. Cold & clear. <Letter from Ma. $2.000.>

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February 1890, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1890/1890-02


  1. [1]Richards wrote the date for this entry on the same line as the first line of the entry, with the “26” coming between “nearly” and “all”.