June 1889

1 June 1889 • Saturday

Tooele Attended the irrigating, raked hay, made bridge across City ditch, wrote Doremus and made weekly report.

2 June 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School, taught my class in Book of Morman and acted as Secy. of the school. Attended meeting in the afternoon and by request went and assisted in administering to Sister Lyman who had Eryseplous in the eyes. Then to Elder Vance’s to supper 8th weeding [wedding?] anniversary. Read the serman delivered by The Prophet Joseph Smith at the Funeral of Elder King Follet from Contributor Vol 4 page 252.

3 June 1889 • Monday

Drove down to Peter Nelson’s, raked and bunched hay, made monthly Vouchers and went down to Pococks in the evening.

4 June 1889 • Tuesday

Raked hay, had 4 men at work, mowing and hauling. [p. 194]

5 June 1889 • Wednesday

Tooele Had 4 men at work haying. Washer, carpet and other things came from Chicago.

6 June 1889 • Thursday

Had 6 men at work in the hay, I did the raking & bunching with Stallion, broke spring that supports seat, bought a new one of Droubay &c. ordered some knife sections from same company.

7 June 1889 • Friday

Worked at haying, had 6 men employed Put down new carpet, Mrs. Vanad, husband and children were here in the evening.

8 June 1889 • Saturday

Had 7 men at work in the hay, pulled up anchore to hay fork cable, shaved & cut the 3 boy’s hair, raked and put up hay in the forenoon.

9 June 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and at a meeting after school of teachers, was appointed one of a committee of six to visit all the families in town and ascertain the number of school children over 5 years of age and to use our influence to have them attend Sunday School.

10 June 1889 • Monday

Had 8 hand employed hauling hay. Broke large wheel to mower. [p. 195]

11 June 1889 • Tuesday

Tooele City Took the Barrington water at 4.30 A.M. and used it on young poplars and used what spare time I had in trimming poplars, over seeing the hay hauling &c. Took sections off one knife & put the best of them on the other knife. Made new piece for the horse rake to clear it of hay, raked hay &c.

12 June 1889 • Wednesday

Took the Kelsey water at 4.15 A.M. used it all day on apricot orchard, raked hay and bunched it. Finished mowing with the Mower.

13 June 1889 • Thursday

Continued the hay hauling with one team, and had one man mowing among trees in apple orchard. I attended to the irrigating. Finished reading the History of Apostle Parley Parker Pratt, having read it aloud to my family. Wrote a letter to Fred stating my intention to visit him at Plymouth with Mother providing I can get a leave of absence for a week.

14 June 1889 • Friday

Attended to the irrigating and had men hauling hay. Received check [p. 196] with letter from Abram, took Alice to the store, and paid off a few small debts.

15 June 1889 • Saturday

Tooele Finished haying by working late at night; Irrigated &c.

16 June 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and meeting. and irrigated.

17 June–24 June 1889

Took down hay fork tended the irrigating and went to S.L. City in Afternoon enrout to Plymouth Box Elder Co. Staid all night and next day June 18 continued my Journey to Farmington where I staid all night, from which I left on 6.30 train in company with my Mother for Plymouth. Arived there in safety about noon same day. Fred was there to meet us. Spent the time while there visiting, looking over the country and animals, sinking well, greasing harness &c. Returned to Farmington on Saturday June 22nd where I remained untill Sunday evening next day and while there sold to D Chaffin the hay on Mother’s Meadow. Saw Eddy Clark about buying Alices Meadow attended Sunday school & meeting in Farmington, by request spoke in Sunday school [p. 197] Went to SL City from Farmington June 23d 1889 and from there to my present home at Tooele on the 24th staid an hour or so at Garfield. Arrived in safety and found all well at Home

While at Plymouth I had the pleasure of seeing at short range three deer in my brothers pasture. They trotted leisurely away. I also saw the Road supervisor, Garns, about having the road changed, also wrote J. D. Peters of the Road commission of Box Elder Co. on the same subject. On my way home and while in Salt Lake I bought of A. F. Doremus one large black mare and colt for $90.00

25 June 1889 • Tuesday

Got cart from shop paid off our work hands, used the Barrington water in the forenoon, trimmed poplars Wrote letters to A. F. D. & Mother also sent out bills to parties owing us.

26 June 1889 • Wednesday

Cleaned out the ditch running from Kelsey ditch to front & garden south of house. Took the Kelsey water at 11.15 Put horses in south field and rep. fince [p. 198]

27 June 1889 • Thursday

Tooele Attended the irrigating, pulled weeds in garden, wrote letters, had Jno. Ice Green cleaning out the Barrington ditch, helped Alice with the washing &c. Mrs Vance staid all night with us.

28 June 1889 • Friday

Attended to the irrigating, trimmed willow cuttings and weeded potatoes cared for the animals &c.

29 June 1889 • Saturday

Attended to the irrigating and trimmed poplars & willow cuttings.

30 June 1889 • Sunday

Attended sunday School and spent the remainder of the day at home with my wife who was about sick with sore throat & cough.

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June 1889, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1889/1889-06