July 1899

11 July 1899 • Saturday

I sold lumber, collected bills, made up accounts & report to U. L. C & Went to S.L.C. on train. Attended to business in City and went down to Sugar House & staid all night with Stephen.

2 July 1899 • Sunday

Sugar House I went to Temple in Solemn Assembly at 10 A.M. & got out at 7:20 P.M. Tithing was the subject discussed or talked by the Presidency & Apostles & Church Bishop. Staid at Bishop Stephens at night.

3 July 1899 • Monday

Sugar House Came home on morning train. went up on bench where Geo & Joel were plowing & put landside & Lay on plow. Folks usually well. Geo broke both plow handles

4 July 1899 • Tuesday

Staid home & rested until towards evening when I took Alice & little girls for a ride out to farm to see crops &c.

5 July 1899 • Wednesday

I worked in Garden all day & replanted some water melons. George Assisted me & the other boys plowed on bench.

6 July 1899 • Thursday

I continued the worke in the garden all day. Assisted Bp. Atkin & Bro. Craner in Administering to J C DeLamare who is sick with Pneumonia. We knelt & I prayed. Bro. Craner anointed & Bp Atkin Sealed the anointing.

7 July 1899 • Friday

Continued work in garden in forenoon and [p. 319] in afternoon Geo & I went to field & got header out and made some repairs & partly put it together Legrand & Joel plowed on bench & Leg. broke plow beam. Relief. Lawn party in the evening. I remained home with Alice & children. Geo. & Nerva were waiters.

8 July 1899 • Saturday

Home Dry hot weather. No rain since 1st Saturday of June. Crops suffering. Geo & I worked on header all day at field. Legrand & Joel finished plowing on bench. In evening I called on J. C. Delamar who is very sick. Prest Gowans & Apostle Lyman had just been in & administered to him. I called on Bro Lyman.

9 July 1899 • Sunday

Weather hot & dry.

Home I spent the forenoon at home while the children went to School. Attende[d] Meetitng [Meeting] & Circle. Prayed at latter & at meeting I spoke 25 minutes upon the Subject of Tithing. Apostle Lyman spoke upon same subject and in the course of his remarks said no plural marages are being solemnized in the Church. No one in this stake Could say he had entered that principle since the Manifesto was issued. [initials of individual redacted] & [first and last names redacted] had claimed to be married. [p. 320]

10 July 1899 • Monday

Weather windy.

Home I went to S.L. City via. Garfield. Joel went with me to Garfield. Sarah Kirk rode down with us. I attended to some business & got home before dark. Principle busines was to get header extras but there were none in town.

11 July 1899 • Tuesday

Home Had a good shower in afternoon the first since 1st Saturday of June.

I irrigated the Lot, in forenoon and in afternoon I attended Court as a witness in the case of Tooele Co vs. J. B. Bowden did sundry work towards evening. Irrigated again at night.

12 July 1899 • Wednesday

Weather clowdy.

Home I repaired Header extras drapers in forenoon and went to field and fixed up header in afternoon. Legrand & Joel weeded potatoes. Jas Kirk brought some things for me from Town but did not bring the header extras.

13 July 1899 • Thursday

Finished putting header in repair and cut a couple of rounds below the hollow in Larson field

14 July 1899 • Friday

Headed wheat all day

15 July 1899 • Saturday

do do2 [p. 321]

16 July 1899 • Sunday

Home Attended meeting & Circle. Took Prest. Gowans team & my carriage & Thos Martin, Annie Bowen, Millie McLaws & Agnes Isgreen to Stockton where we held meeting I presiding. The ladies sand [sang?]. Thos. & I did the praying & speaking. About 35 in attendance.

17 July 1899 • Monday

Home Continued the heading of my wheat.

18 July 1899 • Tuesday

Continued heading grain for self

<met Bros Lyman, Gowans & Grace Hendrson at Lymans in evening.>

19 July 1899 • Wednesday

do do do "3 <Wrote up J. from 12>

Recd Proclamation here attached.4

20 July 1899 • Thursday

Cut barley all day & finished at night.

21 July 1899 • Friday

"5 Spring & started on fall grain again. Ellen Park called & asked question in relation to Religion class catechism.

22 July 1899 • Saturday

Accompanied Prest Gowans to Grantsville where we attended Conference. Present Apostle Lund, Geo Reynolds & Rulen S Wells. Good meetings. I returned home in the evening with Orme’s Bros. Took dinner with Bp Wrathall. Offered grace.

23 July 1899 • Sunday


I went with Orme’s Bros and Administered to Sister Wills and from there on to Grantsville to Conference held in Grove. Attended [p. 322] both meetings, took dinner with Prest Anderson. Came home with Prest Gowans in my carriage. Estella & Hyrum came from Mercur.

24 July 1899 • Monday

Home The children all attended the 24 meeting & I staid home with Alice. In afternoon took little girls down to play ground for a while. Went with a number of the brethren and administered to Sister Wills. We administered to her several times. she is very sick. A baby 2 weeks old & fever and Pneumonia. Took Alice, Hyrum, & Estella for a ride down to west farm took a gun & got a rabbit.

25 July 1899 • Tuesday

Continued cutting my wheat on Bowen 40 & moved upon to the bench.

26 July 1899 • Wednesday

Continued cutting wheat on the hill & finished at 5 P.M. Geo Moved the header & box down to J. W. Tates dry farm & he & Joel staid there all Night. I ground knife & Elmer Herron took wagon to shop & had 3 tins set.

27 July 1899 • Thursday

Went to Tates field prepared to cut grain. Made a stack but not being able to do a good job I quit came home & sent for a new knife by Phone. I took stock of lumber on hand and [p. 323] made July report & Requisition for Car of Lumber & with cks amounting to $32.95 full for lum sold in July sent same to U. L. Co. Talked with J P Hill Archetect through the Phone who called me up to ask if I would cut his grain 15 A. I told him I would look at it & let him know

Sold considerable lumber today.

28 July 1899 • Friday

Home Had clevis for header pitman made Settled with John England our accounts Header extras came at 10:30 A.M. & I went right out to J. W. Tates farm where we commenced heading at 12:30 and got in a good day i.e. afternoon. Geo. Staid with horses & Legrand, Joel, Elmer Herron & I came home in carriage. J. W. Tate rode with us. Folks continue well for which I am very thankful.

29 July 1899 • Saturday

Headed grain at J. W. Tate’s all day.

30 July 1899 • Sunday

Called on Bro. Craner and with the assistance of Thos. Martin administered unto him he being sick with cold & bowels trouble. Consecrated a bottle of oil for Thos. Martin and with [p. 324] his assistance administered to his wife. Attended meeting. Hugh Cannon & Wm Spry speakers. I offered the benediction. No Circle on account of the room being disordered & unclean. Took Alice & Mamie in buggy over to Abrams ranch to bid Newel & wife good by they having arranged to leave for Mendon next Wednesday.

31 July 1899 • Monday

We cut grain with header for J. W. Tate all day.

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July 1899, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1899/1899-07


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “30th” before crossing it out and writing “1st” above it.

  2. [2]Ditto abbreviations for “Headed wheat all day”.

  3. [3]Ditto abbreviations and mark for “Continued heading grain for self”.

  4. [4]There is a pin hole at the top of the page, but no proclamation is attached.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Cut”.