December 1889

1 December 1889 • Sunday

Tooele City Attended Sunday school & two meetings, assisted with the sacraments and offered the benediction in the afternoon meeting, Apostle Lyman was present.

2 December 1889 • Monday

Met A. F. Doremus at Tooele Switch and with him attended a largely attended water meeting where I was appointed by a unanimous vote to act as one of the water board of trustees for the Tooele City Irrigation Company for a term of two years.

3 December 1889 • Tuesday

Looked over the place with A. F. D. and took him to the switch again. Wrote to F. W. Richards and paid $113.65 for P.O. Money orders to send to F. W. Richards by next mail.

Wrote up my journal for three days and and posted my private accounts to date.

4 December 1889 • Wednesday

Hauled hay into the stable next to Vick’s stall and raked up after it; Sorted over apples and took a barrel full to the Switch & sent to A. F. Doremus Lectured 45 minutes before the Seventies Quo. [p. 233] in the evening upon the first principles of the Gospel. Mailed to Fred on the train a letter containing two P.O. money orders amounting to $113.65. Had home made candy & peanuts in evening after meeting.

5 December 1889 • Thursday

Secured bondsmen and qualified as a trustee for the Tooele City Irrigation District. Took down the fence on the north side of the stack yards and laid of[f] the ground for a new fence. Set several posts. Copied the minutes of a Lesser Priesthood meeting to be read at the next meeting. Looked over the Record of the meetings of the Lesser Priesthood since 18877.

6 December 1889 • Friday

Worked on the stack-yard fence. Copied two sets of minutes of the Lesser Priesthood meeting in the evening.

7 December 1889 • Saturday

Stormy day, wrote to Fred and Mother, Alice Ann & Nerva together. Letters from M. J. R. & card from F. W. R. Took horses to the Basin.

8 December 1889 • Sunday

Sunday. Attended Sunday school and meeting both afternoon and evening. Bro. & Sis. Vance took supper with us. Sister Vance staid the evening. [p. 234]

9 December 1889 • Monday

Tooele City Wrote to Abram & Fred; sent $30.00/100 to Fred, $27.00/100 to be used for paying freight on 1609 lbs of galv. barb wire 5th class freight from Chicago to Collinston. Cost at Chicago $3.95 per 100 lbs. & cartage, 50 Attended a water meeting in the evening to consider the subject of piping water from the cañon for culinary purposes. No definite understanding arrived at & meeting adjourned until Thursday Dec. 12th at 7 P.M.

10 December 1889 • Tuesday

Scattered manure, repaired wagon and attended Teachers meeting in the evening. Wrote A. F. D. in referance to the water meeting of last night. Heavy wind all day & night

11 December 1889 • Wednesday

Heavy wind all day & night. Raked up the scattered hay, weighted the stack, went to the store and bought window light and put it in the window. Hitched up a team and delivered to Vowles 400 lbs. baled hay. Repaired Georgie’s wagon & in the evening studied Leaflet 17 to speak from Sunday next in Sunday School.

12 December 1889 • Thursday

Scattered manure and attended a meeting of the water owners to consider the subject of granting the City Council three inches [p. 235] of water to use through pipes for culinary purposes.

13 December 1889 • Friday

Tooele Saw Herron, Herman & Gillispie about work being done in Middle cañon. Took John Gillispie in cart and went up & investigated said work & springs near Hank’s Mill. Attended a concert in the evening. Sent $110.60 to Logan to pay on land final payment.

14 December 1889 • Saturday1

Went to the Basin pasture to water horses. Scraped into piles the manure in the cow yards, one pile in each yard. Filled up holes in the lane to troughs. Received $90.10 from A. F. D. with which I paid his taxes for 1889. In the evening, shaved and did some writing.

15 December 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School & meeting, Lectured in School & passed the Sacrament in meeting. Wrote letters in the evening. Stormy.

16 December 1889 • Monday

Had all our pictures taken one dozen of each cabinet size, two bust pictures for $14.00 Went visiting as a Teacher in the after noon and attended a water meeting in the evening. Wrote to Fred, Myron & Zaundall of Washakie about posts. Warm clear day after about 10 o’clock A.M. [p. 236]

17 December 1889 • Tuesday

Tooele City Went to the Basin Pasture and repaired the fence on the Pass. Went to Nelsons and got a bucket of lard. Visited as a Teacher in the evening.

18 December 1889 • Wednesday

Hauled a load of hay to Vowles. Raked up after it. cleaned Dunn’s straw out of the creek. Attended the Seventies meeting in the evening. Bought toys, books &c for the children’s Xmas.

19 December 1889 • Thursday

Dug up trees & trimmed trees. Read & wrote in the evening.

20 December 1889 • Friday

Trimmed trees, went with Alice to sit for her picture. Read in the evening. Snowed about one half of the day.

21 December 1889 • Saturday

Attended a meeting of the water Board. Bought toys &c for Xmas. Got five sacks of bran & shorts from Vowles’. &c. Spent the evening at home reading, writing &c.

22 December 1889 • Sunday

Went to clover Creek on a home mission accompanied by B. L. Bowen. Took supper with Bp. St. Jar’s Son, arrived home about 8 O’clock P.M. Cold windy weather [p. 237]

23 December 1889 • Monday

Tooele City This being the birth day of the Prophet Joseph, was set apart by the First Presidency of the Church as a day of fasting & prayr. We fasted and attended two meetings on this day.

Attended a meeting of the Lesser Priesthood in the evening, took the minutes, Spoke and after meeting revised two sets of minutes.

24 December 1889 • Tuesday

Xmas eve Wrote letters to Mother, Alice Ann, Nerva, Seney, Steve, Fred & Abram. Sent Fred Five dollars to buy felt boots with rubber over shoes & a pair of gloves. Bought things for xmas. Took xmas to poor Matthias’ family in the evening and arranged the childrens presents. Nerva having taken sick the previous night still sick with pain in the head. I administered to her and she had relief and rested pretty well during the night. Windy. No snow.

25 December 1889 • Wednesday

Xmas day. Wind and rain. Nerva feels better. She joins the others in play. All are pleased and satisfied. Sister Vance and children came up and spent the afternoon, took supper with us, played [p. 238] checkers &c. Alice & I went home with them in the evening.

26 December 1889 • Thursday

Raked up the yards, took apart one set of harness and greased it, and attended to the regular chores. In the evening, I wrote letters. Weather is cloudy, No wind. A letter from Nerva.

27 December 1889 • Friday

Snowed part of the day. I went with a committee up Middle cañon to look at the springs. Greased harness &c. In the evening I wrote to A. F. D. and read Xmas story.

28 December 1889 • Saturday

Greased harness all day. Started to the theatre in the evening called in the Methodist chapel & heard the services. Wrote letters after meeting. It snowed most of the day and part of the night.

292 December 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School & meeting. Spent the evening at home.

30 December 1889 • Monday

Trimmed trees and attended to the regular chores of the place. Attended Teachers meeting & theatre in the evening. [p. 239]

31 December 1889 • Tuesday

Tooele City Trimmed apple limbs for wood, hauled hay into vick’s stall, Got the water down, Put a tung in old wagon. Had Huff hauling manure. Spent the evening at home reading and writing

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December 1889, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]The “14” is written on the previous line between the words “pay” and “on”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “30” before writing “29” over it.