1 November1 1910 • Tuesday


Weather has been delightful all the month. It has been an eventful month. The action of the Conference and Church Authorities to suppress the practice of plural marriages and punish the offenders. The birth in our family of a fine boy on the 11th and the progress made towards recovery all worthy of mention.

This day I went to Station and saw my daughter Nerva off for home.

I called on the First Presidency and laid before them the matter of the call of brother & Sister Johns of Sugar City, Idaho and the Presidency reversed their decision and decided that they be called to take a mission to the S. States I made appointment with bro. & Sis. John who met me at my home at 12:30 P.M. and when I informed them they seemed [p. 39] pleased and satisfied and said they would be ready to leave about the first of the year. I later saw brother Harold Reynolds of the Presidents office and so informed him and the call will be made accordingly.

I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and assisted in setting apart and instructing the missionaries. I set apart the following;

1. John Frederick Rosdahl of Central, Bannock Co. Idaho to Sweden.

2. John Evans Bowen Jr. of Spanish Fork, Utah to Gt. Britain.

3. Geo. Ogden Stoddard of Cardston, Canada, to Gt. Britain

4. Lawrence Manley Brown of Cardston Canada to Gt. Britain.

I presided at the meeting after Pres. Lyman left.

I called and visited with my mother about an hour.

Called at registration office

Wrote up journal wrote to my son Joel who is on the ocean bound for England.

This day I by consent of my mother presented to the Genealogical Society of Utah the Dawson printed history of 572 pages. My mother paid into the hands [p. 40] of a firm $20.00 and this book was presented in lue [lieu] there of as information of Longstroths. We now have a printed history of the Longstroths of 800 pages covering the information contained in the Dawson record

Mother yesterday gave into my care a printed history of the Richards family.

2 November 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the day at home & at my Sister Asenaths with my mother. Assisted my moth<er> in adjusting her accounts. She released me this day of $200.00 I was owing her after I had paid the int 8% to date. She gave Nerva & Fred the Same and gave Nerva & Asenath a $200.00 each to make them what Alice Ann had $2600.00 each.

I attended my circle meeting in the evening. LeGrand & Ina spent an hour with us in the evening. Ina made Ice Cream.

3 November 1910 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. A Committee meeting at 3:30 and at 4:30 I [p. 41] took train to Lagoon. Went up to my sister Nerva’s and attended to some business with her and returned reaching Salt Lake at 7:10 P.M. Called & Saw my mother. Did some writing in the evening.

4 November 1910 • Friday


I left Salt Lake on R.G.W. 8:10 A.M. train an hour late for Price where I arrived at 3:20 P.M. I was met at the station by Brother Richard Lorenzo Smith of Castle Dale and driven 33 miles to Castle Dale and staid the night at the home of Alonzo E. Wall of the Stake Presidency. Arrived at 10:20 P.M. A dusty night ride.

5 November 1910 • Saturday

Castle Dale, Emery Co. Utah

I rode from Castledale twelve miles to Ferron ward with Bro. R. L. Smith arriving there in time for meeting.

10 A.M. Attendance 250 Stake population 5402. Speakers.

1. Pres. Lars P. Oveson, Bro. Hickman Prin. of Emery Academy and myself.

I occupied 35 minutes. Confidence in Authorities stimulated by attendance at conferences General & Stake.

Effects of Bps. visits to the homes, the visits of Stake Presidenc[i]es to the homes. [p. 42] church School indebtedness & education.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 547. Speakers. Pres. Alma G. Jewkes, Bp. N. K. Beal of Ferron, Bp. Alonzo Brinkerhoff of Emery, J. Edwin Caldwell P.E. Molen branch, Bp. Hitch Cock of Clawson ward, Bro Willey of Academy, J. Frank Killean Religion class Supt. Orange Seeley, & Self.

I occupied remaining 15 minutes. Story. German Shepherd boy. We can never pay fully our parents nor the Lord for what they have done. We can give them comfort by doing right. However much we may give the church the church gives us more.

At 4 P.M. the Stake Priesthood meeting. Business attended to attendance 106. I addressed this meeting.

7:30 P.M. Conjoint meeting 330 Lecture by Archie Willey, Music & Drama. Bro. Dykes of Academy spok[e] & I followed 30 minutes, “Character and right living.”

6 November 1910 • Sunday

Ferron. I fasted until 4:30 P.M.

10 AM meeting attendance 616. The children were present. Sacrament administered

1. Sister Fowler Stake P. of P. association.

2. Wm T. Letster Stake aid S. Schools. Pres. Alonzo E. Wall, a sister told story and I spoke. Story all nature gives. Self denial [p. 43] and doing daily practice.

Attended a meeting of Presidency and High Council where Sister Peterson was released from Presidency of Y.L.M.

At 2 P.M. attendance 665. Authorities sustained, Pres Overson read letter from First Presidency on Subject of Plural marriages contracted contrary to rule of the church and made some comments. I spoke about 50 minutes same subject.

Drove down to Molen 4 miles and organized that ward and I ordained and set apart the following officers.

Joseph Edwin Caldwell ordained an High Priest and Bishop and set apart to preside over the Molen ward.

J. David Killpack a High priest I set apart First Counselor, Bro. Hyrum P. Rasmussen Jr. I ordained a H. Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor.

The new bishopric, Bp. Beal, the Stake Presidency and I spoke.

After meeting we drove 12 mi. to Castle Dale where I staid at Pres. Wall’s. Attendance at Molen meeting 80

7 November 1910 • Monday

Castle Dale.

Attended the devotional exerceses of the Academy and addressed the School for about 45 minutes, Subject. Faith vs. Infidelety & Atheism. [p. 44]

I left Castle Dale with Richard Lorenzo Smith at 10:30, drove 10 miles to Huntington and took dinner with a Bro. Johnson of the Council of the 81st quorum of Seventies and by phone arrangement three brethren to be ordained Seventies & one to be ordained High Priest met me there and I ordained them as follows

Clifton Gardner a High Priest.

Alfred Gideon Chidester a seventy

Leasil Brasher " "2

Erin Thoms Howard " " all of Huntington & all set apart to 81st quo.

After dinner we continued on to Price 23 miles arriving at 5:30 P.M. The 5:36 PM train was two hours late & I waited at Ry Station. Our train arrived in Salt Lake at 1:25 A.M. I took hack to main & Auto home a[t] a cost of $1.25. Folks well at home.

8 November 1910 • Tuesday


Election day.

I spent the forenoon at home. After noon attended missionary meeting where about forty Elders were set apart for missions. I set apart the following.

1. Franklin Earl Wood<w>ard of Franklin Idaho to California.

2. Alfred Alma Bybee of Lyman [p. 45] Idaho, to Eastern States.

3. Emil A. Browning of Thornton, Idaho, to Western States.

4. Wilford Hurd of Snowville Utah, to Western States.

5. Robert W. Field of Grant, Idaho to Northwestern States.

After meeting, I met with special a special meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve at the President’s office. I called and saw my mother on my way home.

A Republican victory everywhere.

9 November 1910 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. I have a cold.

Attended regular weekly meetings of the General Bds of R Classes & Y.M.M.I. also my Circle after 4 P.M.

Attended special meeting of the Twelve in the Temple from 10 to 12:30 and from 2 to 3:30 o’clock. We had before us Henry S. Tanner.

I wrote to my brother Fred and to my Son Joel who is in England.

Called and saw my mother.

10 November 1910 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 to 2 P.M.

Went up to the hospittal and visited Bro. Heber J. Grant and Joel F. Grover both of whom have [p. 46] undergone operations. I blessed the former by request. Walked from hospittal home, called on the way and saw my mother and my sister Nerva.

Received appointment with Pres. Lyman to Moab, San Juan Stake to leave at 7:20 on R.G.W. Train which appointment I filled. We took the Tourist sleeper and arrived at Thompson at 3:30 A.M. Friday, took beds at the Anderson hotel and slept until morning.

11 November 1910 • Friday


Weather pleasant.

Pres. F. M. Lyman and I and David Halls of Mancos in one conveyance a mail wagon myself driver left Thompson at 8 A.M. and arrived in Moab 35 miles about dark. Pres. Lyman & I put up at Bp. John P. Larsens.

In the evening Bros. Wm Halls & W. H. Redd of the Stake Presidency of San Juan met us at the Bishops’ in council. Pres. Walter Lyman not present account his wife’s condition but sent a letter. We considered men for the new Stake presidency as a change was contemplated. Pres. Walter Lyman having tendered his resignation on account of financial embarrassments.

I am nearly well of my cold. [p. 47]

12 November 1910 • Saturday

Moab. Utah.

Weather warm.

Attended opening session of San Juan conference held in the Moab meeting house at 10 A.M. Attendance 69. At this meeting there were ten speakers. I was the last and occupied 15 minutes. Subject. Primaries and Religion Classes. When the Stake officers visit a ward organization they should call upon the Bishop and state their mission and invite him to accompany them or send a representative a counselor in the bishopric or one of the High Councilmen appointed to aid that organization. Parents should subscribe for the Friend and read the lessons stories to the Children.

After the morning session a priesthood meeting was held at which 30 were in attendance. Names were suggested on paper to aid us in selecting officers. After this meeting Pres. Lyman & I remained in the meeting house convassing names &c until 2 P.M.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 115. Pres. Lyman & I occupied the time. I spoke first and occupied 49 minutes with excellent freedom. Subject. From the reports of the forenoon it is apparent that there are evils among the people needing correcting. Had the people the necessary [p. 48] faith these things would not exist. As faith is the first principle of revealed religion and the foundation of all righteousness and the moving cause of all action we deduct as follows; All our faithfulness and righteousness is due to the faith we have and our indifference and wrong doing is the result of a lack in faith. How faith is promoted and obtained. Read Lec. 6:1–8. Pres. Lyman occupied 56 min. Sund.

In the evening we had Bros. Halls & Redd with us again and slated our officers.

13 November 1910 • Sunday

Moab. Utah.

Weather fine.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting Attendance 215. Sund School Session. Speakers were in order as follows.

Stake Supt S.S. Clyde A. Hammond. I set him apart two years ago last August and he has never visited a ward except Moab since. He is able but too much occupied with temporalities. Next Pres. Lyman who occupied 50 minutes and myself. I occupied 20 minutes. What Christ and our parents have done for us; what we owe them; how we can best pay them and manifest our love and appreciation. A. By being good. That [p. 49] means to deny our selves. B. By doing good to others. Quoted Mat. 25:31–46 When the Son of Man shall come &c and told story of Aubo Ben Adhem. Good liberty and made a good impression.

At close of meeting Pres Lyman & I shook hands with the children as they filed out to the music strains.

The brethren were detained and the proposed new officers presented and sustained.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 226. The speakers were in order as follows. Myself, Patriarch Wayne H. Redd, Wm Halls, David Halls & Albert R Lyman. I occupied 50 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Joseph Smiths story. Evidences. If true then should be an apostacy. Such an important event would be predicted. It was. Historians would have recorded the fact. They have done so. Witnesses would have been raised up. They were. Three & eight witnesses. If their testimony is true Joseph was a prophet of divine calling. The Pres. Minister was present.

Pres. Lyman presented the names of the officers at opening of meeting and all were sustained. The new officers are as follows: For Stake Presidency, Lemuel H. Redd of Bluff not [p. 50] present. For Counselors David Halls of Mancos and Albert R. Lyman of Grayson Wayne H. Redd a Patriarch, Jense J. Jensen of Mancos Stake Supt. Y.M.M.I.A. Hyrum C Perkins 1st asst. Supt. do.3 Kumen Jones Bp. of Bluff, Francis Nielson 1st & Herbert H Redd 2nd Counselors. Ayrel Tangreen Stake Supt. Sund Schools. Walter Dillworth to Hammond 2nd Cour. to Bp Larsen <Moab.> Pres Lyman & I ordained & set apart these officers after the afternoon meeting.

At 7:30 Conjoint meeting the Speakers were as follows; (Attendance 184)

1. Albert R. Lyman, 2. A sister Hammond, David Halls, Judge Christensen of Manti Pres. Lyman & Self. I occupied about 15 minutes. Axiom “To do good for evil is the noblest revenge.” The folly of pinning our faith to others. The enacting claws of our salvation in danger of being stricken out by reason of the amendments we have made in our lives to the Gospel law. &c

The Sunday meetings were held in the New Opera house.

<See record for ordinations.>

14 November 1910 • Monday

Moab, Utah.

Rained some Pleasant riding

We left Moab at 4:30 A.M. with stage, Clyde A. Hammond accompanying us to Salt Lake. We ferried the Grand river before day light. Reached Thompson [p. 51] at 2:20 P.M. No. 3 train due 2:32 two hrs. 1/2 late. The wait at Station was tiring. Taking train at 5 P.M. we arrived in Salt Lake at 1:30 A.M. took carriage home arriving home at 2:10 A.M. in excellent condition. An enjoyable trip all told & notwithstanding.

Found all well at home. Got rid of my <cold.>

15 November 1910 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant Folks well.

I spent the most of the day at home writing up journal & records from notes, writing letters &c.

I went down town and attended to some business. I presented to the Genealogical Society of Utah for my mother on my own recommendation the printed history of the Dawson family which has a branch of the Longstroth family included. This book contains nearly six hundred pages. We have a Longstroth history covering same information as that in Dawson record.

I called and saw my mother on my way home.

16 November 1910 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant Health good.

I attended a meeting of the Council of the Twelve held in the temple from [p. 52] 10 A.M. to 1:45 P.M. Henry S. Tanner was before us. Adjournment taken subject to call by the President.

Attended General Board meetings of the religion classes and the Y.M.M.I.A. and my circle meeting in the evening; Attendance 21. I called in the LDS Gymnazeum and watched the class exercise of business men between meetings.

17 November 1910 • Thursday


Weather fine Health good.

I attended regular weekly Counsel meeting in temple, the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. I received an appointment with R. S. Wells to the Bannock Stake for next saturday & Sunday. Also received an appointment with Jos. F. Smith Jr. to Panguitch the week following, thence on to Kanab where we will have to reorganize the stake presidency, Pres. Woolley having asked to be released. It is optional with us whether or not we go on to St. George & back by Parowan.

I attended to some business down town, arranged for 25 bu. potatoes at 65¢ per bu., paid [p. 53] bill at Z.C.M.I., made purchases from Madsen, Owen &c., wrote a letter to Pres. Edwin D. Woolley of Kanab. At home I cut Oliver’s hair, Studied the Mutual manuel &c.

18 November 1910 • Friday


Rained afternoon. Nina Sick.

I worked out doors from morning until time to make ready to leave for Bannock. Cleaned up yards front & rear and burned leaves &c.

I left with Pres. Rulon S. Wells on 4:15 P.M. train for Preston, Idaho, thence to go by team 35 miles to Thatcher Idaho to attend Stake Conference of Bannock Stake. We arrived in Preston about 9 P.M. and were met by Pres. Lewis S. Pond who took us to Wilford Hobbs hotel where we spent the night, Pres. Pond paid our expenses. Raining when we arrived

Nina is sick with sore throat & nausea. I administered to her.

19 November 1910 • Saturday

Preston, Ida.

Prest Wells, Pond & I left Preston at 7:15 A.M. and arrived at Four Points meeting house at 12:15 o’clock P.M.

We lunched with the people in basement of meeting house, then engaged with the Stake Presidency about the Seventies 108th quorum. The Stake [p. 54] Presidency having recommended a reorganization of the Council of that quorum which was accomplished the next day and twenty-one new members added to the quorum by ordination.

The population of this stake is about 2700

Attendance 10 A.M. meeting [blank]

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance [blank]

The speakers were in order as follows

1 Pres. Lewis S. Pond, 2nd O. F. Olsen Stake Supt Religion Classes, 3rd Julia A. Pond Stake President of Reliefsocieties, 4th Pres. R. S. Wells 5th myself. I occupied 35 minutes. Commented on reports. Auxiliaries, what they are doing for us, our children & the church and why we should support them and how?

At 4:30 P.M. a conjoint mutual meeting was held. Bro. Walter Hogan reported the YMM work and Sister Williams the Y.L.M work. I occupied about 40 min. Subject Development of character which seemed to please. We ordained & set apart several brethren. I ordained Frank M. Snow a High Priest and Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Turner ward. I ordained Franklin W. Harris an High Priest and set him apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Snow.

Pres. Wells & I staid at Pres. Ponds.

Weather cold, roads hard. Our health & Spirits are good. [p. 55]

20 November 1910 • Sunday

Thatcher, Idaho.

Cold weather. Health good.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting, Attendance 386 Sacrament administered. Speakers; Geo Perry 1st asst. S.S. S. Schools, Mary A. White of Primary, Bp. Geo. H. Fisher of Bancroft Self 45 minutes & Pres. R. S. Wells 30 min.

Subject of my remarks. Thanksgiving. All we have & are we are indebted to God for and we are dependent on him for all we hope to receive here and hereafter. We will never be able to fully repay God or our earthly parents. We can please and make them happy by being good children and in doing good to others D&C 18:10–15, Mosiah 3:7. Comments

Lunch in basement after meeting.

From 12:30 to 2 o’clock in meeting with Seventies. We reorganized the Council of the 108th quorum and ordained twenty-one Seventies, set apart six presidents, see my record of ordinations.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was about 500. Authorities sustained Pres. Wells occupied about 45 minutes and I occupied balance 30 minutes. Subject. Tithing. Read Lect. 6:1–8

Left my benediction with the people and by request offered the benediction at close of Conference.

I ordained Charles Shank a High P. and set him apart 2nd Counselor to Bp [p. 56] F. H. Reddish of Lund ward. Set apart Peter P. Lechtenberg 1st Counselor to Bp. F. H. Reddish of Lund before Chas. Shank.

Bro Geo. Perry took us to Preston between the hrs. of 4:40 & 9:20 P.M. Staid at the Hobbs hotel. See below. names.

21 November 1910 • Monday

Preston, Ida.

Weather hazy and cold.

We took train at 6:45 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake about noon. Found Nina up & improving nicely and the others well. I looked over the papers and wrote up my journal, made out certificates of ordinations &c.

Set apart presidents of 108th quo. Seventy

Nov. 20, 1910.

1 Lorenzo J Durrant of [blank] by R. S. Wells.

3 James A Rawson " "4

5 Archabald B. Gunnell " "

2. David K. McLane "5 Geo. F. Richards

4. Wm Lloyd " " "6

6. John D. Mortensen " " "

I recorded temple work done by Edith twenty names.

On train between Salt Lake and Preston going and coming I read the Junior Manual of 116 pages through.

22 November 1910 • Tuesday


Weather fine Health good

I spent the forenoon working on lawn [p. 57] getting out an cleaning winter apparel for use, heavy coat, leggings, overshoes, gloves &c. Took a bath and change of clothing, wrote letters <&c>

In afternoon I attended a missionary meeting in temple annex and assisted in the setting apart of missionaries. Pres. Lyman & I officiated together, there being three companies. I set apart.

1. John Joseph Whetton S.L.C. to Gt. Britain

2. Sarah Ann Howard. Woods Cross to "7

3. Gottlieb Blatter of Ammon, Ida. to S. Africa

4. James Anderson, Goshen Ida, to Scandinavia

5. Lawrence A. Poulton, City, to Gt. Britain.

Attended a committee meeting with Elder Hyrum M. Smith & Elder C. W. Penrose

Called and saw my mother.

Recorded work done in temple, wrote in my journal, wrote letters &c.

Wrote to my son Joel in Eng. to Pres Rudger Clawson, England answering one of 8th inst wrote to my daughter Nerva.

23 November 1910 • Wednesday


Weather warm & pleasant.

I attended a committee meeting at 9 A.M. with Elders Hyrum M. Smith and C. W. Penrose. Sister Abby Young the plural wife of Pres. Seymour B. Young was before us. An adjustment of matters between her & her husband was the purpose of our meeting and this is only one of a number of such [p. 58] meetings but I think we now have the terms satisfactory to both so that when the agreement is formulated and signed it will be settled.

At 10 A.M. I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple usually held Thursdays.

Made some small purchases, attended to other business and attended with Alice, Geo & Edith, Sarah, Mamie, Ruby & Estella the theater in Elder H. J. G’s box on his invitation.

Attended my circle meeting in the evening. Geo. & Ina took supper with us and LeGrand later. A pleasant evening. Folks all usually well.

24 November 1910 • Thursday


Weather warm & ground dry.

Our health is good and we are all thankful and happy this Thanksgiving day. May the Lord be praised. We had my mother, my son LeGrand & wife & babe with us and had an excellent turky dinner. My Son George & wife went out to Tooele. My son & I played four games of checkers each getting two games. An enjoyable afternoon & evening was spent. Estella Lee phoned in from Tooele that neither she nor Nerva would be in to Thanksgiving dinner. I made ready to leave for Panguitch. [p. 59]

25 November 1910 • Friday


Folks usually well.

I left Salt Lake in company with Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. on R.G.W. Ry train 7:50 A.M. and arrived at Mary’s vale the terminus at 5:10 P.M. 198 miles from Salt Lake. We had a gospel conversation with the train Conductor. Bro Geo Auston paid for our dinners at Manti.

We were met at Marysvale station by Pres. Jno. N. Henrie and driven up town to Bro. Cameron’s where we took supper and after supper drove to Circleville, 25 miles in the darkness arriving at Bp Petersons after 10 o’clock where we staid over night. Ground bare and the weather not very cold.

26 November 1910 • Saturday

Circleville, Utah

We continued our journey Bp. Peterson with us to Panguitch 30 miles arriving about 12:30 P.M. We put up at Pres. James Houston’s where we had comfort and a generous welcome.

At the morning session of Conference the attendance was 110. Stake population is 4000+. Pres Houston & Pres Heywood and others were the Speakers.

At afternoon meeting attendance was 216 The speakers were in order as follows: Pres Jno. N. Henrie, Bp. Thos. H Cope of Tropic, Bp James E Peterson of Circleville, Bp. Rufus [p. 60] A. Allen of Kingston, Bp. James B. Burrows, a Bro King Counselor in bishopric of Junction, Bp James B. Heywood of Panguitch, M. D. Allen of Kingston Stake Supt Relegion classes, Joseph F. Smith Jr. and myself. I occupied 30 minutes with freedom. Subject. Why parents should not send their children to the Prespetarians or Mission School. Bishop and ward teachers should ascertain who the parents are and take up a labor with them.

After the afternoon meeting we attended a meeting of the High Council for about two hours and instructed them and answered many questions.

At 7:30 Attended Stake priesthood meeting where some business was attended to and Elder Smith and I instructed the brethren. I spoke for about 35 minutes addressing myself to the Bishops and ward teachers and their duties towards the people and to each child from infancy to time of graduation from the various lower offices of the Priesthood until they enter the High Priest’s quorum when they become watchmen themselves. Duty faithfully done to day makes easier the work of to-morrow. A good meeting. I was blessed in my talk with good liberty of thought and manner of expression of same. [p. 61]

27 November 1910 • Sunday


Weather still pleasant

My health & Spirits good, May the Lord be praised.

After breakfast I wrote up my journal for the past three days from notes.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting children present. Attendance 420. Sacrament administered. Speakers as follows; Alma Barney S.S. S. Schools Elida Hatch, S. Pres. Primary, Ethel Anderson, a story, I occupied 30 min. and Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. spoke.

My Subject. Thanksgiving; what the Father has done for us; what the son has done for us; what our parents have done for us; why? Because they love us. How can we repay them<?> By being good & doing good. Recited Aubu Ben Adhem.

Elder Smith & I took dinner with Bp Heywood & family.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting. The attendance was 358. Authorities were sustained. The Speakers were as follows; Pres David Cameron, Pres. Steel Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and myself. I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty; Subject. Sacrifice and Tithing. Elder Smith and I went with Pres Jn N. Henrie to Supper.

Attended Conjoint Mutual in the [p. 62] evening. Attendance. 341. Elizabeth Worthen SS. Y.L., L. C. Sargent SS. Y.M.M. instrumental by miss worthen, story by Adelbert Webb; recetation “thanksgiving” by Miss Clithers; Self 60 min, quartette of ladies; Elder J. F. Smith Jr. 15 min. My Subject was Era, missionary work, Athletics & character building, Story the King & palace, Enacting claws, “a Bundle of possibilities”

After meeting wrote home.

28 November 1910 • Monday


Elder Jos. F. Smith and I with Pres. Jas. Houston & wife drove to Hatch ward a distance of 18 miles arriving there a few minutes after 12 o’clock & just at same time Bros. Junius Heaton and Arthur Glover drove up with two single seated buggies a team on each having come from Alton ward 18 miles south after us. We all took dinner with widow Sister Hatch and after dinner we continued on our way over the divide with our new companions. I rode with Bro. Heaton and Elder Smith with Bro. Glover. The roads were good and weather warm and the ride was delightful. We arrived at Alton Kanab stake at about 6 P.M. put up at Bishop Jonathan B. Heatons. Prests. Thomas [p. 63] chamberlain and Joel H. Johnson of Kanab Stake Presidency met us here. We selected brother John Davis Roundy for 2nd Counselor to Bp Heaton of this Alton ward and at the meeting in the evening he was presented, sustained and mad[e] a talk of acceptance manifesting a good spirit. I ordained him an High Priest and set him apart 2nd counselor. Prests. Chamberlain & Johnson each made a few remarks at the meeting after which Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and I each spoke. I occupied about 50 minutes. Subject Obedience. A faith in God necessary to lead men to do the required works &c.

29 November 1910 • Tuesday

Alton, Utah.

Weather beautiful My health good.

With Pres. Chamberlain, Pres. Johnson, Elder Smith and I rode 14 miles to Glendale arriving there at 12:30 and put up with Bp. John S. Carpenter.

Wrote up journal for past two days from notes. Wrote letter to Joel in England and to Mama.

Attended the special meeting held in the evening. The members of the Stake presidency each spoke and an Elder Swapp recently re[p. 64]turned from a mission. I occupied about 40 minutes. Mormonism vs. Sectarianism. Reforming influence of former upon latter & True scriptural doctrine as an evidence of the truth of Mormonism. Read extract from Speach of Rev. Spaulding made in Cincinnatti, O. Oct. 14, 1910. “The “Mormon” Church is the best organized church in the world.”

Pres. Woolley met us here in Glendale

30 November 1910 • Wednesday


Weather fine ground dry.

My health is good.

Elder Jos. F. Smith and I with Pres. E. D. Woolley left Glendale about 10 A.M. and drove down Longvalley 4 Mi. to Orderville and put up with Bp. Esplin. The Stake Presidency, Bro Smith & I considered the advisability of reorganization of the Stake Presidency and whom we might Select for a new presidency. The brethren of the Presidency said they had not consulted upon that matter. We gave them blank papers and requested them to write names of representative men whom they thought would make a good presidency which they did. All named the Bp of Kanab, Wm W. Seegmiller first [p. 65] and Heber J. Meeks second. There were three different names given third but all agreed readily that Israel H. Heaton be third. They disclaimed any knowledge of the views of the others. We will investigate further when we get to Kanab.

The Stake presidency recommend a change in the bishoprick of the Orderville ward. We talked with Bp Esplin who thought it a good thing to do and his counselors indorsed it. We selected a new bishopric and were unanimous there-in and at the evening meeting we released the bishopric Henry Webster Esplin, Charles W. Carroll and Isaiah Bowers and Sustained Henry Chamberlain as Bishop and I ordained and Set him apart; David Esplin First Counselor ordained High Priest & set apart by Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr.; Melvin Luke, ordained an High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor by Geo F. Richards. We having decided on my suggestion to ordain Bp. Esplin a Patriarch his name was presented and sustained by the people to be presented to the priesthood and Conference later. I presented the business and made comments. Each of the members of the retiring & new bishoprics spoke also the mem[p. 66]bers of the Stake presidency and Elder Smith. I feel very much pleased and thankful for the uniminity of feeling with which the business was transacted.

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November 1910, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-11


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Oct.” before crossing it out and writing “Nov.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in next line for “a seventy”.

  3. [3]Ditto abbreviation for “Y.M.M.I.A.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “by R. S. Wells.”

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “by”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “by Geo. F. Richards”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “Gt. Britain”.