1 February 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. My health good.

Edna Moselle staid out of school as she has what we think is chicken pox.

I received a phone asking me to go to Coveys Apartments 250 West, 3rd So. Street to administer to Blanch Tate Billing’s baby. I got there within about an hour but the babe had just shortly before died.

I called at Z.C.M.I. and got certificates of Stock for Alice Ann, Asenath & Nerva. Spoke to William Edward about becoming a member of our prayr circle. He took time to consider.

I called at George’s office and had my teeth examined and cleaned. No fillings necessary. Geo. came home with me to dinner.

At 2 P.M. Met with committee on apportionment of Church school fund, Lyman, Grant, Cummings & myself. H M Smith absent. [p. 117]

At 4 P.M. attended Religion Class Gen’l Bd. meeting. At 5 P.M. Y.M.M.I. Gen’l Bd. At 6:15 Circle 20 Present and 7:20 Committee meeting again.

At Circle meeting brother Morgan asked to be released from the Circle as it was so inconvenient for him to attend. We released him by unanimous vote.

2 February 1911 • Thursday


I am not feeling well to-day.

Sun shines bright but it is quite cold.

I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 3 P.M. Received appointment with Prs. Jos. W. McMurrin to attend Millard Stake conference to be held at Deseret.

Returning home I devoted myself to study and writing. My son George came up to Supper and we played a game of croconole by way of diversion.

3 February 1911 • Friday


A stormy night. Ground covered with the beautiful this morning and the weather cold. I am feeling all O.K. again to day. I went down town in the morning and signed report of the committee on apportionment of church school funds $265,000.00. for [p. 118] the school year of 1911 & 1912.

Called at my son George’s office and at S.L. Knitting Store. Later Alice and I took Oliver, Estella & Ray down to the Photographer, Eastman’s and had their pictures taken.

I answered correspondence and wrote a six paged letter, letter size, to my brother reasoning and pleading with him to keep the “Word of Wisdom,” attend to his prayrs in the family, pay his tithing, keep the Sabbath Day holy and attend to his duties generally as a member and especially as an High Priest of the church, a copy of which letter I will make and keep on file. I leave for Deseret on 11:30 P.M. train. Folks well.

4 February 1911 • Saturday


Stormy weather. My health good.

Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and I took the S.P. S.L. & L.A. train leaving Salt Lake at 11:30 last night and arrived at Oasis at 5:40 this morning. We were met at station by a brother Day, the hotel keeper and taken to his home near the station where a good warm room awaited us. I lay on the settee and got a nap while waiting for breakfast. We had a [p. 119] good breakfast for which brother Day would accept no pay. A brother Peterson counselor in the bishopric of Oasis drove us over to Deseret a distance of about two miles and took us direct to the meeting house. We were the first at meeting. We went with brother Western of the Deseret ward bishopric to dinner and after the afternoon meeting we went to Sister Hales’ where we spent the night in comfort.

At the morning’s meeting the attendance was 205. About 20 families of Hinckley ward including Pres Hinckly are in quarantine for measles. This accounts for the absence of Pres. Hinckley from Conference. Pres. Fred. R. Lyman is at his home, Oak City, sick with Appendicitis. Pres. Thompson presided. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Orvil L. Thompson, Bp. Peter L. Brunson of Fillmore and Pres. J. W. McMurrin. Subject. Church schools.

At afternoon session, attendance 288. Speakers. Four recently returned missionaries, myself and Pres. McMurrin. My remarks were principally showing our inconsistencies in comparing our lives with our profession of faith or the laws and doctrines of the gospel. Why not all live the law? [p. 120]

After the afternoon meeting I attended a meeting of the High Priests and addressed them. Advised that they maintain their mental activity by reading and studying. Study the outlined lessons and if not able to be at all the meetings when they can be present talk that which they have studied and give evidence of having studied. These having graduated from the various offices in the Priesthood in theory & practice should be qualified to teach any quorum or the Saints and should be in a position to be used.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union and addressed the meeting 25 minutes. Told the story of Gerhardt the Shepherd boy and quoted Christ to Peter, “Feed my lambs,” “Feed my sheep.” Proper attention to the flock in and out of school. Just as the closing hymn was announced a note was handed to Pres. Thompson stating that Pres. Hinckley had phoned over that while moving Pres. Frederick R. Lyman from his home to Lynn with the object in view to take him to Salt Lake, he died on the way suddenly and unexpectedly. By request of Pres. Thompson, I made the fact known to those present. [p. 121]

Pres. McMurrin was not feeling well and at my suggestion did not attend the evening meeting.

5 February 1911 • Sunday

Deseret, Utah

Health good Spirits good.

Weather cool enough but clear. I wrote up my journal for yesterday before going to meeting. I had a good night’s rest and sleep.

At morning meeting the attendance was 423. <Sac. adm.> The speakers were, Willis E. Robison of Stake Suptcy of Sunday Schools; Isabel Robison, Pres of Reliefsocieties; Prof. Monch of Millard Academy and myself. I took about 13 minutes on subject of Perfection of church organization. These excellent organizations should have the support of the people. They are for the people, had they not been necessary the Lord would not have given them to us.

At close of meeting I set apart Elder Robert Loverage Whicker, Second counselor to Pres. Gardner in the 3rd Quo. of Elders in Millard Stake.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance 489. Authorities sustained. Elder John Speirs of R. Class Superintendancy reported. Pres. McMurrin spoke 30 minutes on Religion Class work & 20 minutes on Seventies work and [p. 122] I followed 30 minutes on Religion Class and Church school work.

I broke my fast at 5:30 oclock.

Attended evening Conjoint meeting. Attendance 283. Reports were made by the two Mutual officers. I occupied about 30 minutes on Character, followed by Pres. McMurrin on marriage.

Pres. McMurrin returned on midight train and I remained over night at Sister Hale’s to attend the funeral services of Pres Frederick R. Lyman to be held at Oak City 18 Mi. distant.

6 February 1911 • Monday


Weather clear & cold. Ground bare.

I rode with Prests Hinckley, & Thompson and Willis E. Robison to Oak City arriving about 11:30 A.M. I found Pres. Francis M. & Richard Lyman there. Attended funeral and was one of eleven speakers. At close of the services, I took dinner and left with Bp. Ashby & brother for Lemington 12 miles north

Attended Special public meeting at Lemington in the evening and occupied an hour speaking upon the Subject of faith and trust in God and acknowledgment of His Probidences [Providences]. 63 [p. 123] out of a population of 248 covering 5 miles in distance, in attendance. I shook hands with the congregation after meeting.

I staid over night at Bp. Ashby’s.

7 February 1911 • Tuesday


Weather [illegible] Health good.

I took train at 7:20 A.M. and came home via Juab & Utah Counties & reached Salt Lake at 12:30 P.M. Called at my son George’s office and learned from Sarah that Geo. was at home sick and Mother there. I went over and got dinner and staid the afternoon. In the evening I did my writing &c.

8 February 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. My health is good.

My son George’s condition improved. He dressed him self in the evening. I spent the time until 3:30 at home Wrote my brother Fred and my son Joel, the latter in Liverpool, Eng.

I attended Religion Class and Y.M.M.I. General Board meetings and my prayr circle meeting and called and spent an hour or more with my son George after meeting. Read the paper when I got home wrote up my journal for the day &c. [p. 124]

9 February 1911 • Thursday


Health of family good. Weather pleas<ant>.

I attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve in temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Received appointment with J. W. McMurrin to Teton and later the appointment was cancelled that I might be in attendance at a meeting of a committee appointed to meet three of the B.Y.U. proffessors who are charged with having systematically taught in the B.Y.U. doctrines in conflict with the doctrines of the gospel &c.

I attended to some business down town and spent about two hours with my son George at his home where he is laid up with a lameness in back &c.

I called on brother William Edwards the second time and asked how he felt about becoming a member of our circle. It developed that he has been using tea & coffee and has not made up his mind that he can quit their use and wants more time which I readily granted.

I spent the evening with my family at LeGrand & Inas where [p. 125] we had a nice birthday supper. This is Mercedese’s birth day and LeGrands birth day was last Monday. This celebrates both.

10 February 1911 • Friday


Weather mild My health good.

From 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. with exception of 40 minutes recess I was with members of my council as a committee at Pres. Lyman’s office investigating the faith and doctrines taught in the B.Y.U. by certain college proffersors. The personnal of the committee was Pres Lyman, Elders Grant, Penrose, H. M. Smith, A. W. Ivins & myse[l]f and Pres. Cummings Supt of Church Schools. Prests Geo Brimhall and Keeler of B.Y.U. were in attendance. Henry & Joseph Peterson and Prof Chamberlain were examined. These believe in and teach Higher Criticism and Evolution in the B.Y.U.

By courtesy of Elder Grant, Alice and I attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening.

11 February 1911 • Saturday


My health is good.

Estella is not feeling very well. My son George is feeling much improved and is at work again.

This day the Aviation meet [p. 126] was announced but owing to a slight wind storm it was postponed until to-morrow to continue for three days.

I met with same committee as that I was with yesterday, from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. or there abouts. We completed our labors and formulated a report to be made to President Smith and the General Board of Education. I left my watch with Boyd Park Jewelers to be cleaned and oiled.

Called at my son’s office.

I was requested by Pres. Lund by phone to speak to-morrow in the large tabernacle to which request I assented. I read papers, did some writing, studying &c.

12 February 1911 • Sunday


Health good. Weather mild.

I attended 27th Ward Sunday School conference in the morning and spoke five minutes. Attended 2 o’clock meeting in large tabernacle and occupied 40 minutes principally on first six Articles of our faith. Elder A. W. Ivins followed 25 minutes on war. Pres. Jos. F. Smith offered the closing prayr. Pres. Lund also on stand. At close of meeting Pres. McLaughlainLachlan invited me to attend a meeting in the 5th [p. 127] ward and speak in the evening which I did. It was the first public meeting held in the assembly room upstairs of their new meeting house. The house cost $17,000. The population is 675 and the attendance 247.

I occupied 40 minutes, subject, obedience. A happy home compared with happy church members. That which is conducive to a happy home when applied to our religious work produces a state of happiness and appreciation of the gospel. My son George accompanied me. I went with him to see two houses one on K. & 4th & one on J & 5th with a view to moving. <Administered to Estella>

13 February 1911 • Monday


My health good.

Family well except that Estella has quite a cold.

The weather was pleasant until towards night when we had a hard driving snow storm and about six inches of snow.

Bro. H. J. Grant phoned me to come down to his office which I did and talked over a business matter which took me away from home about two hours. The remaining time of day and evening to 10 P.M. [p. 128] I spent on temple records and listing new names for temple work. Nina assisted me in the evening.

14 February 1911 • Tuesday


Health good. Snow on ground.

Estella & Ray have hard coughs.

I worked on temple records all day and evening except a couple or three hours while I was down town attending a stock holder’s meeting of the Utah Implement Vehicle Co at which I was elected a director of the company.

15 February 1911 • Wednesday


Weather Cold Three little ones ailing with colds. Mamie went to Tooele.

I attended a special meeting of the Council of Twelve in the temple from 10 to 1 o’clock. I spent an hour or more on temple records and attended the Religion class & Y.M.M.I.A. Gen’l Bd. meetings and my prayr circle and after meeting called with my son George at his home on K & 4th and got Edith and walked home and after supper Geo & I played one game of crocinoles. I wrote up my journal and retired to bed at 10:30 P.M. well & happy. [p. 129]

16 February 1911 • Thursday


Weather cold. My health is good.

I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve in temple from 10 A.M. to 2-30 P.M. Received no appointment Called at Pres. Office, George’s office & the drug store. Went home and worked on temple records. I have taken from the printed history of the Longstroth’s of more than 800 pages all the names and necessary genealogies of all those for whom we are entitled to do temple work and recorded in a record for that purpose and listed same on temple sheets for the workers for baptisms & endowments and expect to go with members of my family to the temple next Tuesday to be baptized for the remaining ones not already done for.

I wrote my brother Fred this day urging him to do temple work also wrote my sister Alice Ann what we have been doing in this line.

Alice and I spent an hour & half at LeGrand’s in the evening.

Oliver, Estella and little Ray are not well. [p. 130]

17–18 February 1911 • Friday–Saturday

<Blended with Sat. Feb. 18.>1


Cold night. Clear day. Our baby is quite ill and Estella and Oliver have chicken pox. My health is good.

I did some listing of names for temple work for LeGrand & Ina, wrote Uncle Will Longstroth and Aunt Ann Whitney of Mendon, urging temple work. I spent the day home writing and studying until 2 P.M. when Elder Heber J. Grant phoned me asking me to go to the Bear River Stake Conference in his stead at Garland, Pres. Lyman already up there. I made ready and took O.S.L 4:15 P.M. train arriving at Garland at 7 P.M. I was met by Pres. Jos. Jenson of Stake presidency who took me to his home where Pres. L. was also staying.

192 February 1911 • Sunday

Garland. Weather pleasand [pleasant].

I attended 10 A.M. session of conference. Attendance 360 quite a number of whom were sunday school children. The Sacrament was administered and the Speakers were as follows; Prests Hansen & Jensen of stake presidency and Pres. Lyman. The latter occupied 57 minutes, sundries.

The stake population is 3382.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 635 or 20% of the Stake population or less.

The authorities were sustained and [p. 131] Pres Lyman asked me to speak and feel feree to use all the time I felt to do. I had good liberty and occupied about one hr., 20 min. Faith as the first principle of revealed religion and moving cause of all action hence all our righteousness is result of faith and all our indifference and neglect of religious duty is due to want of faith. We know better than we do. We need to have our faith stimulated. This may be done by more regularity and fervency in prayr, in attending to the worship of the Lord, partaking of the Sacrament and hearing the testimonies of the Elders, in searching the scriptures, in considering the eviden[c]es of the gospels truth. Here I took up evidence of the gospels truth. Josephs first vision, the three & eight witnesses, Apostasy & restoration, true church, true scriptural doctrine taught &c.

The Conjoint Mutual meeting was held at 4:30 P.M. attendance 295.

Sister Cecelia Grover reported young lad[i]es Bro. Frank D. Welling reported Y.M.M. Jn. Forsgren reported religion classes, Pres. F. M Lyman and I each spoke about 30 min. I spoke upon Era Subscription & reading & Character vs reputation and benefits of mutual work aim high made numerous quotation. Did not treat “as a man thinketh” That would naturally follow. [p. 132]

At close of meeting brother Secrist of the Garland ward bishopric drove us over to Dewville 6 miles where we took 7:46 P.M. train arriving in Salt Lake at 11-15 P.M.

Our baby still ailing but somewhat improved we think.

20 February 1911 • Monday


Cold north wind. Folks usually well.

I wrote up my journal for past two days. Revised sermon for publication, studied read and wrote remainder of day and evening except that I went over to my sister Asenath’s for a short time in evening.

21 February 1911 • Tuesday


Cold north wind. My health good. Baby better, others usually well.

Alice Nina and I went to the temple and were baptized for the dead, Alice for 19, Nina for 20 and I for 29. These are all we at present know of to be baptized for. At the opening services I made a few remarks by request of Pres. Lund. Gave a 50¢ contribution. After noon I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and instructed the missionaries and I set apart the following,

1. Godfrey Jared Fuhriman of Providence, Utah to Swiss & German mission. [p. 133]

Edwin Andrew Johnson of Mantua, Box Elder Co. Utah to Northern States; Albert Edward Money of Spanish Fork to Great Britain.

I did some trading before returning home and got my watch from the jeweler where I had left it to be cleaned, oiled &c Cost $2.50.

I received letters from Chas. A. Welch of Cowley, Wyo. and from my son Joel in England and answered both.

Bro. Henry Robinson and wife called on us and took supper with us.

The extent to which evolution and higher criticism is gaining ground among our school teachers is something alarming. The effects of such teachings in the B.Y.U. of Prove [Provo] are indeed alarming. These style them selves the progressive eliment There are those making up the conservative element and then the orthodox Mormons.

22 February 1911 • Wednesday

Washington’s birth day anniversary.

I attended a meeting of our council held in the temple from 10 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Jno. W. Taylor was before us for the first time. Adjournment taken until next Wednesday 10 A.M.

Alice and I attended the ward so[p. 134]cial at the meeting house from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. We attended Claud Richard’s wedding reception at the bride’s parents, F. Y. Taylors’ residence. Left home at 6:15 and was home at 9:15. Carving set, present.

To-morrow will be the fiftieth an<n>iversary of my birth day.

23 February 1911 • Thursday


Weather freezing at night, thawing daytime.

We are all pretty well now.

This is the fiftieth an<n>iversary of my birth. I received at our regular weekly Council meeting, the appointment to Box Elder Stake Conference for next Saturday and Sunday. I was in meeting in temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. This being my birthday Alice invited some of my folks in and spent a part of the afternoon and evening and a good supper was served. There were present my sons George & LeGrand and their wives, Asenath, Katie & Roscoe, Dr. Stephen & wife Sister Nerva & her daughter Rhoda and Jay Grover, Mercedese Richards and our own unmarried children excepting Joel who is on a mission in England And Mamie who is in Tooele with my Daughter Nerva. A number of nice presents were given me. A very nice time was had. Nerva & Rhoda Knowlton [p. 134] staid the night with us and we did not get to bed until one o’clock A.M.

<Two caces of apples received by express from brother Myron.>3

24 February 1911 • Friday


Weather pleasant.

We are all well except slight Colds. I remained home all day and read and wrote &c. I wrote to my daughter Nerva, to My brother Myron & to Mathonihah Thomas.

Mamie returned this afternoon from Tooele. Folks well out there except Estella who is quite ill.

I feel that I have a very great deal to be thankful for and am very happy with my family and my home and in my membership in the Church. The fellowship I have with my brethren and the Saints and the favor of the Lord. For the understanding I have of the plan of Salvation, the gospel, and the assurances I have of its divine druth [truth] and saving power. For my calling and authority as an Apostle of the last days, one of the Chosen Twelve; that I feel as much in place as I do in council of the Tw<e>lve & Presidency For the help and blessing of the [p. 136] Lord in my past labors; the things I have learned; the things I know and feel; for the peace there is in my soul. May the name of the Lord be praised for ever. May his grace sustain me to the end. I desire to know what the Lord and my brethren would have me to do and to be able to do same in a proper manner. May the Lord help me to this end.

25 February 1911 • Saturday


Snowed most of the day and in the night.

I took 8 A.M. Short Line train for Brigham where with Bp. David A. Smith we were met by Denmark Jensen who took us to the tabernacle before beginning of meeting.

Attendance at morning session 432. Stake population 6134. Speakers. Lucius A. Snow, James Olsen, Wm Merrill, Bp. David A. Smith and Pres. Oleen Stohl.

At afternoon session, Attendance [blank] Speakers were in order as follows

1. Pres. Oleen N. Stohl, Henry L. Steed and myself each occupied about 35 minutes. I spoke upon the Theme. The requirements of the gospel are as general and universal [p. 137] as is salvation. All are wanting salvation all should comply with the gospel requirements. The greatest sacrifices when made bring the greatest blessing Ex. Missionary work, Tithing &c. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God and knowledge comes from doing the works of the gospel. If by disregarding the requirements of the gospel we have got into a condition difficult to harmonize with the gospel we are responsible and should make the greater sacrifice. All requirements of the gospel & commands of God are for our good. That which is conducive to eternal bliss will give us bliss here. Let us not pray alone that God will bless and sustain these authorities but relieve them of anxiety concerning us by doing the things they would have us to do.

Bp. Smith and I took Rapid Transit car to Ogden, thence to Salt Lake via Bamberger line arriving at 7:10 P.M. in Snow storm.

I read the paper, wrote up my journal &c. Excellent health.

26 February 1911 • Sunday

Home. About a foot of snow & cold. [p. 138]

I left Salt Lake in company with Bp. David A Smith on 8 o’clock Short Line train to Brigham. We arrived at 9:50 A.M. and were met at station by a bro. Stohl and [blank] who drove us to the tabernacle arriving at 10 A.M.

There were present mostly S. School children 1195. Sacrament was administered, and the following were speak<ers>

1. Vance Tingey, Biography of Lorenzo Snow.

2. Bro. [blank] Ballintine. Birthright.

3. S.S. S.S Call

4. Myself 20 min. What schools have acomplished trustworthiness &c Story Gerhardt. “Feed my sheep.”

5. Bp. David A. Smith. Story. King, Servant, palace

I took dinner with my brother Calvin W.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 1110. Authorities sustained. The speakers were Pres Horsley, Bp. David A. Smith and myself. I occupied 30 minutes with excellent liberty. Subject, Charity.

Met in Vestry after 4 o’clock and assisted in ordaining & Setting apart officers.

I ordained Peter C Johnson a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Mantua ward. I set apart Sarah P. Stohl Stake president of the Reliefsocieties of the Box Elder Stake. Caroline F. Facer and Merion Whitney Dunn (my cousin) Missionary aids to the Stake reliefsociety presidency. Other ordinations & settings apart were done by Bp. David A. Smith & stake presidency. [p. 139]

Bp. David A Smith and I took supper with my Cousin Mamie Dunn & her husband.

At evening Conjoint meeting the two association organizations were reported, a sister Horsley read a paper, State senator James B. Wilson from Midway, Wasatch Co stake about 30 minutes. Bp David A Smith and I each spoke briefly. I occupied about 15 minutes leaving 10 min for Bro. Smith. I spoke of Era Subscriptions. We should subscribe for what we can get out of it but if that be not sufficient incentive then out of loyalty and then read it to get our money’s worth. It will be an index to our literary taste and our capacity. If we do not find it especially interesting that evidences the necessity for cultivation of our taste, this done by reading that class of literature. If it seems to be beyond our understanding, therein is the evidence for the necessity of enlarging our capacity. Quoted “Lives of Gt men oft remind us” also “The heights by Great men reached[”] &c

We took Rapid transit car at 9 P.M. and at Ogden took SL&O car and arrived in Salt Lake at 1140 P.M.

27 February 1911 • Monday


I spent the forenoon at odd jobs such as shoveling & sweeping snow, repairing clothes [p. 140] line, tacking curtains on east porch repairing Cellar door, washing maching &c. I took a bath and when cleaned up attended to my writing. Went down town and attended to some business and on my return recorded temple work, read papers &c and in the evening by courtesy of Elder Heber J. Grant Alice and I attended the Salt Lake theatre, “Julius Caesar.”

28 February 1911 • Tuesday


Weather moderating and clowdy.

Folks all well. I do not know when I ever felt better.

I spent most of the day at home. Received a request to go to the President’s office which I did and with the Presiden<cy>, and four of the Twelve considered some special matters of interest to the Church and our people. Attended to several items of business while down town. Received a letter from my son Joel in England and wrote him a three paged letter in answer.

In the evening I attended with Alice a birth day reception of Sister Emeline B. Wells, 83rd, at Bps building.

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February 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 131.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “18” before writing “9” over the “8”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 136.