October 1890

1 October 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine excepting clouds.

I sold hay to S. F. Lee and Chas. Pocock a load each. Put three loads on large stack and one in stable. Received the moneys and other property from the Ex. County Treasurer J. W. Tate.

2 October 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. Finished getting up the hay in field that was cut. I issued admits to school children.

Attended a meeting of the tax payers of school District No 1 where it was decided by vote to bond the School District to get means to build & furnish the new Brick school house.

3 October 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather damp and cold.

I went down to Pocock’s and arranged with him to look after things on the ranch while I was gone to Conference in Salt Lake City. Got ready and went by rail to S.L. City.

Alice took me to the Depot with horse [p. 31] and cart. Arrived in Salt Lake City at 4.30 P.M. Went directly to A.F. Doremus’s, left a couple of small boxes of grapes at the Depot and returned with Abram for them in the evening. Polly & I went over to Sarah’s in the evening where we found Aseneth. Returned to Polly’s where I staid all night retiring after 12 P.M.

4 October 1890 • Saturday

S.L. City Weather cool, some clouds.

Attended two conference meetings and in the evening I went to the Theatre to see Hasel Kirk played by the Home Troop. Sisters Sarah, Seney & Nerva accompanied me, Nerva having come down from Farmington in the morning. Staid at Sarahs over night. Took Supper, dinner and breakfast with her.

5 October 1890 • Sunday

S.L. City Weather cold, some clouds. I attended two Conference meetings and in the evening accompanied Aseneth and Nerva to Farmington Arriving there after 8 o’clock. Fred met us at Depot with buggy Nerva called in Clark’s by request to see Sarah Knowlton’s baby which was sick. [p. 32] The buggy returned for Nerva and took her to Mothers where we found, Mother, Alice Ann & children, Nanny & babe, Aseneth, Nerva Fred & Carlie & babies. I took Louise, who was also there, home in the buggy and returned. Nerva went home and the rest of us sat up visiting until 2 A.M. when they retired and I went over to Louises and staid all night.

6 October 1890 • Monday

Farmington Weather cloudy and some warmer. I took breakfast with Mother and then by the 9 A.M. train went to S. L. City Met many old friends and acquaintances. Attended both conference meetings. Took dinner at Dr. Joseph’s Willard Joseph & I. After the meetings I went to the Fair and remained until about five P.M. Went from Fair to Sarah’s where Fred Carlie & I all staid all night. Bro. William Burton & wife staid there also.

7 October 1890 • Tuesday

Salt Lake Rained for a short time so that I bought an umbrella for protection. I made purchase of a Desk & bookcase combined, and [p. 33] a congress chair, also a buggy through Apostle Lyman Cost $132.00 also two pairs of blankets. I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidencies and Apostles in the Gardo house at 10 A.M. A Territorial Convention at 12 M. and in the afternoon attended the Fair again. Staid at Polly’s all night. Sat up with Abram until 2,15 A.M. discussing Politics & Religion. Got my dinner at the Restaurant. Saw Fred off for Farmington on the 7.30 P.M. Train.

8 October 1890 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City Weather cold.

I left Salt Lake on the 8.20 A.M. train for home. Hattie Knowlton came out as far as Mill crossing on same train. Carlie accompanied us as far as the U.P. Depot where she boarded the train for Farmington. I arrived home about noon Pocock met me at train. I cashed some County Warrants for J. W. Tate Wrote to U. C. & S. Bank. Computed the interest on all the Notes held by the School Trustees and sent notifications [p. 34] to the makers of said notes that they were long since matured and asking them to redeem said notes. I wrote up my Journal since Wed. Oct 1st 1890. I attended to the irrigating and to the animals. Retired at 7,30 P.M. Legrand is not feeling just right to night and I from loss of sleep and a severe cold feel miserable.

9 October 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy, Snowed during the past night coating the lucern not yet cut, the first of the season. I attended to the irrigating, went to the Depot and got desk & chair. Put desk up attended to some business at the Court house, stores &c. Attended Trustees meeting.

10 October 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I went to Depot and got my buggy, it having just arrived from Salt Lake City. Cost $132.50. Attended to the irrigating, chores &c. Attended a wedding festival at George Craners in honor of the event of the marriage of Geo. Craners daughter to Owen Dunn which event took place several days since. After Supper we [p. 35] Repaired to the Brick hall and engaged in a free quiet dance. I [r]etired to bed at 11 P.M.

11 October 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Snowed most all day. I hung bed room door put in two window lights, repaired the cupboard and put up the new buggy. Attended to the general work of the place. Did some writing, bathed &c.

12 October 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Weather cool and cloudy. I attended Sunday school here & offered the Benediction. Was mouth in consecrating oil. I extended an invitation to J. A. Bevan and A. J. McCuistion to accompany me to Batesville to attend meeting. Neither accepted. Prest. Gowans & Apostle Lyman had gone to Grantsville. I took Alice Legrand & baby and with new buggy never before used I went down to Bate’s ville and attended meeting and talked to the people about 45 minutes upon the beauties of the Gospel. The exalted stations we could attain to through living up to the Standard of the Gospel. I attended the first Joint sess[p. 36]ion of the young men’s and Young Ladies’ associations held in the Meeting house in the evening. Present Apostle Lyman, H. S. Gowans and others. I assisted in setting apart the officers of the Y.L.M.I. Association and was mouth in setting Lottie Lee apart as second counselor to Miss Maggie Herron President. Miss Emily Caldwell was set apart as 1st counselor. Called in the meeting of the Methodists’ after our meeting was over.

13 October 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather cloudy and cold, rained during the night. I wrote to A. F. Doremus Sold and delivered 40 gallons of vinegar. Went down to school house and issued admits. Wrote two letters in reference to Cosafe, one to Ohio & one to New York.

14 October 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very cloudy part of the day. I went down and saw about getting Dunyon’s hall fixed up for school purposes. Delivered to Geo. Speirs 10 gal. vinegar at 35¢ pr. gal. Fixed up some accounts of School Trustees. Cashed some County Warrants &c. [p. 37] Got out a form of receipts for Treasurer of School Board of Trustees to be made in duplicate. Took guards off mower and ground a bout half of them. Went to Basin pasture and found all right.

15 October 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine. Frosty night.

I finished grinding guards to mower. Put plate in shoe to mower, put on new track clearer. Ground two mower knives. Approved Judge Herman’s bonds and filed them. In the evening I read the News paper and Contributor. Read until 11 P.M. Rec’d stove from Z.C.M.I. put it up &c.

16 October 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I delivered to Joseph Mecham 500 lbs. of baled hay. Commenced mowing and mowed all the lucern west of barn yard. Took Alice Joel & Sarah a riding with Vick and buggy. I attended the Y.M.M.I. Association in the evening and addressed the association for about half an hour, marked attention being paid. [p. 38]

17 October 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I mowed lucern all day until about 5 P.M. Went over to Court house and wrote a letter to County Treasurer of Sanpete Co enclosing a warrant for $2.86 to be cashed. Sent money order of $10.50 to Z.C.M.I. Salt Lake City in payment for stove. Got gray mare and bay horse out of E. field. Separated the colt from Gray mare to wean it. Read the News in the evening.

18 October 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I mowed lucern all day excepting the time used in grinding knives, loading hay for Hoogland and &c. Wrote a letter to A. F. Doremus in the evening.

19 October 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cloudy.

I shaved, bathed and went to Sunday School. Supt. A. J. Johnson was up from Grantsville and addressed the School.

Attended and addressed the meeting in Afternoon Had a conversation with Joe Lee a Josephite in front of the Meeting house for about two hours before a crowd of young men. Atten[p. 39]ded the High priests’ meeting in the evening and after meeting went down to Gennet DeLaMar after Alice. Wrote a letter to Mother.

20 October 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I mowed lucern, Sent money order to Des. News Co. for $7.00 cashed some warrants &c. Received four copies of President Woodruff’s Manifesto through the mail Pamphlet form including the proceedings of the Conference meeting held in the fornoon of Oct. 6th 1890 at the Tabernacle Salt Lake City.

21 October 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

Mowed lucern until about 4 P.M. finishing the mowing for the present season. Sold lumber and vinegar to C Pocock to the amount of $3.70 Took Alice for a buggy ride. Read from the Juvenile & News. Attended to some business pertaining to the school District.

22 October 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele. Weather fine.

I picked the apples, sorted them over and put them away. Made some repairs of bridge, stable door manger &c. Called at the Court house where I [p. 40] saw A. J. McCuistion on some business for the school district and visited John Gillespie on similar business, bought a new 3.00 hat. We all got weighed. I weighed 165½ lbs. Lydia De La Mar spent the evening with us. Gave her a copy of the manifesto and Conference proceedings.

23 October 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I filed the large saw, sawed up some wood. Hitched up the Gray mare and took Alice to Store, went to Post office and to Hoogland’s. Had the Gray mare weighed. Weight with buggy harness on 1348 pounds. I shaved and cut Joels & Grand’s hair. Raked the hay west of Barn Yards with Vick. Attended Young Men’s Association in the evening.

24 October 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I examined trees in east field to see if injured by animals. Went and saw stock and feed in South field. Put tung scraper away. Repaired bridal to Cleaned out Vick’s manger & stall. Handled hay on stack to dry it. Attended Bro Thomas Lee’s funeral & services. Drove the large Gray mare in my buggy. Prest Gowans [p. 41] rode with me. I offered the dedicatery prayr. Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans did the speaking. Bro. Thoma’s Lee’s grand child was buried at same time at one & same service. I attended Ward Teacher’s meeting in the evening & offered the opening prayr. Wrote letters to Lumber Companies S.L.C. for School Trustees. Alice was in pain most of the night

25 October 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked up hay, sold two loads. Alice was taken sick in the Afternoon and at about 4 P.M. I went for Sister De La Mar She and her daughter Lydia came and at 7 P.M. a nice baby girl came to Town Alice got on reasonably well.

26 October 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine & dry.

This is first day of Conference. I attended both conference meetings. Alice got on this day pretty well. Conference here in Tooele. I offered the opening prayr of the Forenoon meeting. Had Bishop Sharp and Bro. Benyon [?] of Vernon to dinner and fed their team both [p. 42] days. Had Bro. Woolley to dinner also.

27 October 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did not get to meeting in forenoon. Met Mother at the Depot. Attended Afternoon meeting and occupied a few minutes talking Alice and baby got on nicely this day. Estella, Georgie & Nerva attended the theatre and Georgie went to sleep and Estella not being able to rouse him started to carry him home but left him on the road. Came home crying and excited Alice who had just gone to sleep and caused her to chill followed by fever and then by pains aches &c. None of us got much sleep.

28 October 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather beautiful.

Alice got to feeling better as the day advanced. Could not get Mrs De La Mar until 12 M. as she had gone to E. T. Ward. She had relief in the afternoon and had a pretty good night’s sleep.

29 October 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

Alice had high fever which continued to rise [p. 43] until about 2 P.M. when it reached 104⅕ degrees. I gave her Antefebrin powders and administered to her and she commenced to sweat and continued until about 6 P.M. so that all her clothes had to be changed and she wiped dry and rubbed dry when her fever, pain &c was gone and she was the most comfortable she had been since her confinement. I waited on Alice. Brought the Mid wife each day and took her home again. This day I raked hay attended to some business at the Court House, filled three bed ticks at Cleggs &c.

30 October 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had two men helping me haul hay. I heloped with the loading and Georgie rode the horse to unload while I raked hay with Vick. Alice had a good nights’ rest and felt well until about noon when she began to chill succeeded by cold fever to 104 degrees followed by sweats and then easy. Could not get the Midwife all day as she was out. Got Midwife at 1 A.M. in Night. Telephoned to Dr Joe. Had but little sleep. Alice rested and Slept pretty well. [p. 44]

31 October 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I waited on Alice most of the day. She had high fever near mid day. Recorded her temperature and pulse beats every two hours or there abouts. Telephoned to Dr Jos. at 5 P.M. Had men hauling hay. Attended to some business at the Court House. Got but little sleep during the night. Alice rested pretty well for one so sick.

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October 1890, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1890/1890-10