July 1907

1 July 1907 • Monday


I went out to Tooele and attended the funeral services of Marcellus Lafayette Orme the 10 month old child of Lafayette Orme & Emily Orme Spoke at the Services. On my return home had a message Sent to Lafayette at Newark. Eng. appraising him of the death and burial of his Son.

After 9 P.M. received a phone message from Pres. Seymour B. Young requesting me to meet him at Sister Dr Shipps 713. 2nd St which I did as soon as I could get there and with the assistance of several of the brethren present we blessed some nurses for their profession & labors. The Setting apart occurred as follows.

Dr. E. R. Shipps Class. [p. 114]

Mrs Elzadi Lawrence by Geo. F. Richards

Mrs Susie C Gammott by S. B. Young M.D.

Miss Eva Hesler by Bro R. A. shipp

Mrs Ida Gellich " "1 Jas. W. Musser

Mrs Mary Tingey "2 Jas. Reynolds

Mrs Sarah Reynolds " Jas. Kennard

Mrs Ida Schirzenger. Geo. F. Richards

We had a nice lunch of cake sandwiches, grape juice unfermented and Ice Cream.

I got home shortly before 12 o,clock. Weather warm.

2 July 1907 • Tuesday


Weather warm

I attended Quarterly Conference of the Twelve at Temple and occupied 20 minutes.

Went with a number of the Presidency & Twelve to Mill Creek to Bro. Neff’s where we had a nice supper under the trees. Alice accompanied me

3 July 1907 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting [p. 115] of Presidency & Twelve fasting from 11 A.M. until 3:30 P.M. And partook of the Sacrament. I attended a meeting of the Gen’l Board of Religion Class workers at 4 PM and at 6 P.M. met with my prayr Circle in the H.C. Room in Temple. Our first meeting in that room and on this day. Wrote letters to Lafayette Orme in England & to my brother Fred. Also to Daniel Ricks of Rexburg and Pres. Nephi Pratt N. N. States.

4 July 1907 • Thursday


I read from U S History by Thomas all day or most all day. Went over & visited with my mother an hour in the evening.

Gave $20.00 to aid in the temple work for the Richards’ family Pd to Levi W. Richards through his wife Lulu. Called to See my mother in the evening.

My son George went out to Tooele this A.M. to practice dentistry. Ruby & Lucena [p. 116] went out to Tooele yesterday for a few day’s visit.

Cousin Levi W Richards’ wife Lulu and her Son Evan called on us in the evening.

Weather warm but in the house was bearable.

5 July 1907 • Friday


I remained at home until 4 P.M. when I went down town to present to the Presidency a matter concerning Gridley Colony. Cal. Submitted by letter to me from Pres. Jos E Robinson. Failed to get a hearing.

Warm weather. All well.

6 July 1907 • Saturday


I was at Pres. Office at 10 A.M. until 1 PM to get a hearing on Gridley Cal. matters. Presidency instructed me to instruct Pres. J E Robinson of Cal. to buy the 20 A tract Reserve in Gridley Colony [p. 117] for $1600. I wrote Pres. Robinson accordingly.

7 July 1907 • Sunday


I attended Fast meeting at temple at 10 A.M. and Ward fast meeting at 6 2 PM Fasted gave $2.50 to poor fund and $1.00 to ward expense acct. Bore testamony. Attended evening meeting. B. F. Grant was the Speaker. Went down to Mother’s at noon & brought her up to our home by car. She went to afternoon meeting with us and I took her home in the evening.

Weather very warm.

8 July 1907 • Monday


I remained home all day & in the evening. Studied scripture & Gospel subjects. Paid off several bills &c [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] 12 years outside the Church called to See me and remained [p. 118] about 3½ hours 6:30 to 10 P.M. Recounted his troubles and I advised him to accept of baptisim as a result of Faith, Repentance and forgiveness of his brethren. Carrying his own load & responsibilities and let time and the Lord work out the justice his case merits.

9 July 1907 • Tuesday


I spent the day at home reading & writing &c.

10 July 1907 • Wednesday

Home. I attended Council meeting in the temple from 11 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. Attended a meeting of Religion board at 4 P.M. Attended Circle meeting at 6 P.M. Called on Bros. Park & Morgan at Z.C.M.I. and on their employers Supt. Webber & Bp. Tingey and obtained permission for these brethren to quit their work early Wednesdays [p. 119] so as to be able to attend the Circle meetings. Paid $20. to Bro Willis for work done on our temple record. Cut front lawn in evening. Alice & baby & Mamie & Nina went to Farmington & returned. I received appointment to Blackfoot Stake with Pres. Lyman & Bro. Rudger Clawson for Sat & Sunday next.

11 July 1907 • Thursday


I cut rear lawn, raked & swept leaves off lawn, dug dandalines &c. Bathed and changed my clothes, read, wrote to Joel, to Albert Lee &c Attended Pres. Lyman’s Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M.

Weather warm. Folks well.

12 July 1907 • Friday


I had a good day of study. Church chronology subject principally. In the evening Alice & I and the three youngest children visited Grandma in [p. 120] the evening. I wrote to Aunt Alice Watt about temple records and temple work. Took 11:45 PM train for Blackfoot with Pres. F. M. Lyman & Rudger Clawson.

13 July 1907 • Saturday


Arrived at Blackfoot at 9:30 We were met at Ry Station by Pres. Chas H. Hart who came up last evening and staid at the Hotel over night; also by Pres. Elias Kimball, Pres. Thomas & others. Pres. Lyman & Bro Rudger Clawson and Pres Hart & I went together the former to Bro Lorenzo Thomas’ and we latter to Bro. Johnstons where we made head quarters during our stay.

We attended morning meeting 170 present not counting babies. Each of the retiring Stake presidency spoke also Pres. Hart and I & Bro Clawson in order named beginning with Bro. Walker. I occupied 20 or 25 minutes [p. 121] Subject. Obedience; Read from P of G. Price page 15.

The Lord reserved this goodly land for his people The earth is the Lords and the fullness there of & we are his. If he blesses us we should pay our tithes & offerings, acknowledge His hand in adversity as in prosperity. Though He slay me yet shall I trust in Him. Between fore & after noon we were in council with the Stake Presidency.

At afternoon meeting, a meeting of the Priesthood, Pres. Lyman occupied most of the time, I followed speaking upon the Subject of disciplin, Sustaining those in office that we may be sustained of the Lord. Lay our substance as well as our time at the feet as it were of the Bishop or Stake President who will not betray the Confidence resposed in them [p. 122] or take advantage of our trust. Named some of the qualifications a Bishop or a Stake President or their Counselers, should possess. They should be large enough to associate with your Governor, or State Legislaters or U. S. Representatives & Senators & live in peace with them. Not to sacrifice a principle or to be influenced adversely by them but to be to them as the salt of the earth. They should also be so humble as to Consider the most humble among us and to repent when found in the wrong. They should be wise as judges and should visit the people in their homes and administered to them comfort & encouragement and thus win their love and with their love you will have their support. &c.

Bro Clawson followed. [p. 123] After 4 P.M. went to dinner and after dinner we four brithren canvassed balloted expressions 80 in number on names for Stake Presidency. We did not take those having highest votes for the positions. But we were very clear on whom we did decide upon.

James Duckworth


Bp. John Shelley

1st Con

Heber C C Rich

2nd "3

and as the two last named are High Counselors it was decided to fill their vacancy by Bros. Thomas & Walker of the Retiring Presidency.

Bro James Duckworth being in the town he was consulted and expressed a willingness to act though said it was his greatest trial as he felt his inability. The counselors we had selected, he said he had named in his vote at the [p. 124] Priesthood meeting as two of the three men of his Choice for Presidency. So we felt clear that they were the men. Afterward Pres Hart told us that Sam Rich had indicated to him that these three men would in his judgment make the Strongest Presidency. Another Confirmation though from one so little interested in church matters. I wrote up my journal for the day. and retired earley. Soon after 10.

I prayed in family at night.

14 July 1907 • Sunday


Attended A.M. meeting. Present 730 Regular conference meeting.

I occupied about 25 minutes with good liberty & good voice

At 2 P.M. Meeting I assisted in setting apart the brethren and was mouth in setting apart Bro Heber C. C. Rich 2nd Counselor to Pres. James Duckworth in Stake Presidency. Had good voice & liberty. [p. 125] At this afternoon meeting the business of the Conference was all attended to Present 875 The voting was pretty general. One opposing vote to Heber C. C. Rich Each of the three retiring brethren and the new Presidency members spoke and each manifested a good spirit. We were very clear in our minds that the right thing was done and never heard of a single suggestion otherwise. I offered the closing prayr of the Conference.

After the Conference, I assisted Pres. Hart in setting apart and ordaining 3 Presidents of Seventies and ten (10) seventies. I was mouth in setting apart Bro. Jas. H. Merrill who had been ordained a President, to the presidency of the 147th quorum. I ordained Leroy Nuttall a President of Seventy & set him a part to preside in the 106th quorum.

I ordained Lafayette Sessions and Gotfred Malen [p. 126] Seventies & set them apart members of 106th Quorum.

At Conjoint meeting I occupied about 12 minutes.

Took train at 11:45 and arrived in Salt Lake about 8:45 AM 15th Did not sleep very well. Found folks well.

15 July 1907 • Monday


All well. Weather pleasant. I read papers, received letters from LeGrand, Geo. F Jr. Joel, Nerva & Lucena. All except LeGrand being in Tooele. I wrote to Joel. Attended the Mill Creek ward reunion held in their meeting house and spoke briefly. In the evening I attended the Ensign Stake Priesthood meeting and spoke briefly. Subject Church Schools & amusements.

16 July 1907 • Tuesday


My Sister Minerva being down, I took her & my wife [p. 127] on the Sight Seeing car and to the Chamber of Commerce.

I gave to David L. Bowen of Tooele a recommend to the Street Ry Co. to get employment.

Albert Lee of Tooele Came in to City from Tooele and Called on me in the morning. I arranged with him to paint my house and I am to pay him three ($3.00) Dollars per day of 9 hrs each for so doing.

I bought from Morrison Merrill &c materials for ladders and paints as Albert Lee & I decided that we would need. He commences work in the morning.

17 July 1907 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting at 11 A.M. and received the appointment on a committee with Pres. F. M. Lyman and Bro [p. 128] Hyrum M. Smith to hear the claims of the various Church School Presidents for appropriations for the ensuing year and make recommends to the Presidency of the Church. We sat and heard Pres. Lundford of the B.Y College of Logan I attended a meeting of the Gen. Board of Religion classes and attended my Circle meeting in the evening 6 P.M. A busy day.

This day Albert Lee Commenced painting for me. Beginning at 10:30 o,clock on front fence @ 3.00 per day of 9 hours ea.

Mailed letters to my sons Geo. F. Jr. & LeGrand.

18 July 1907 • Thursday


I remained home in forenoon and in afternoon did some trading, called on State Bank by request of Cashier Burton to advise as to the establishment [p. 129] of a bank at Tooele.

I met in committee at 4 o’clock with Pres. Lyman, Hyrum M. Smith and the Presidents of BYU & Beaver branch. At 6 P.M. attended Pres. Lymans Circle at the temple and was honorably released from same as a member. This course taken because a mission has been given me to preside over what was known as the John Taylor Circle and we meet on Wednesday’s at 6 P.M. When I became a member of President Lyman’s Circle, I was not a member of any other.

At 8 P.M. attended a meeting of the Stake Boards of education of the eight Stakes comprising the LDS. U Tooele, Davis, Jordan, Granite, Salt Lake, Liberty, Ensign & Pioneer. There were also present six of the Twelve & representatives from [p. 130] this school. I offered the opening prayr and made a brief talk in which I was greatly blessed.

Ruby and Lucena returned from Tooele to-day where they have been visiting for two weeks. Folks usually well.

19 July 1907 • Friday


I met with Pres. Lyman, H. M. Smith & Horace Cummings at latters Office in Sunday School Union office and considered Applications from the 17 Church Schools & Juarez Schools Mexico for appropriations from the Church from 9 AM until 3:40 P.M. without recess. Returned home and later T. B. Clark called on me and aired his troubles for a couple of hours.

I repaired the three screen doors and the [Gocard?] and put six castors in the dining room table legs. Shined shoes & made other preparations to [p. 131] leave for Wasatch tomorrow Invited Pres. Lyman & wife in and we ate a 75¢ watermellon Warm weather. Temperature 77o at 10 P.M.

20 July 1907 • Saturday

Left home in company with Pres. B. H. Roberts on RGW 7:50 A.M. train for Heber via Provo. Delayed at Provo and did not reach Heber until about 1 P.M. We were met by Bp Probst and taken to Pres. Murdocks where we were generously cared for.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting and heard a report from Bro Jenson of Stake Presidency and from one of the Patriarchs then I spoke about 35 minutes and Pres Roberts about 40 minutes.

My subject word of wisdom and caring for our children by Church officers preparing them from time of baptism for the Higher Priesthood & temple blessings [p. 132] Pres Roberts spoke upon the subject of temple marriage & marrying those of our own faith.

At close of this meeting, with the High Council & Bps we considered the names of about 48 men to be ordained Seventies and cut out about ten because they are users of tobacco.

We rode about town after meetings and retired at 9:40 P.M.

21 July 1907 • Sunday


A beautiful day. Quite warm in mid day. Warm nights.

I attended 10 AM meeting and spoke to the Children after the Schools assembled.

Between meetings we catechised between twenty and thirty men proposed to be ordained Seventies. Rejected one who felt he was hardly ready as he had not yet overcome the tobacco habit. At afternoon meet[p. 133]ings I occupied 30 minutes with good freedom of thought, Speech & language & Pres B. H. Roberts followed for 45 or 50 minutes. I spoke of the improved spiritual condition of the people as indicated by the reports made. The beautiful valley, the necessity for good lives & setting good examples &c. After the meeting I had Six of the seven patriarch[s] present. Pat. Murdock having excused himself and learned how they are getting along with their work and gave them some good counsel. Assisted the Stake Presidency in ordaining ten High Priests. I also ordained one of twenty for Seventies which were this day ordained. I ordained the following brethren.

James Thos. Pyper of Midway a Seventy

<2> James W. Thomas of Elkhorn an H. Priest

<1> Robert B Montgomery. Heber H Priest

Henry Zingers of Midway H Priest.

Issued certificates to above [p. 134] We administered to one Chancy Chas. Chatwire. Pres. Murdock did the anointing and I confirmed same.

At evening I attended mutual and occupied a few minutes. Subject reading & talking the Gospel. Pres. Roberts occupied most of the time.

22 July 1907 • Monday


Weather extremely warm I accompanied Pres. Jos Murdock, Edward Clide and B H Roberts in Carriage to Midway and Hot pots. Met the Presidency and answered a number of questions inspected records &c.

Left Heber on 2 PM train and arrived in Salt Lake at 7 PM.

23 July 1907 • Tuesday


met in committee to consider applications of Church schools for appropriations for maintenance of the [p. 135] seventeen schools for the year 1907–8. We recommend amounts, amounting to $230,000.

Attended Council meeting held to day on account of the morrow being a state holliday. Met again in committee. Wrote to My Sons George & Joel & to my daughter Alice Minerva all at Tooele.

24 July 1907 • Wednesday


Weather warm but endurable. Mother came up soon after noon and staid with us. Sarah went out to Tooele with Wm Maxwell. I remained home all day, reading, writing &c.

25 July 1907 • Thursday


I went down town and signed report of Educational Committee. Spent remain[p. 136]der of the day at home reading and writing & studying.

26 July 1907 • Friday


I took train 7:10 A.M. for Evanston & arrived at 12 noon. Met by Bp. James Brown & went to his home & took dinner. Pres. Fingerson called for me at about 3 P.M. Sister Vilate Peart with him She having Come on the Same train as I representing the Genl Board of Primaries. We had a pleasant ride Sisters Gild & Johnson with us. We went to Pres. Baxters where Sister Peart & I staid during our stay at Woodruff.

27 July 1907 • Saturday


I was joined by Pres. C. H. Hart who came from Bear Lake by team. We attended forenoon meeting. Present at commencement 40 others came in later. At my suggestion, we turned the meeting into a testimony meeting and the time [p. 137] was all occupied and profitably. No dirth of testimony or spirit. After Pres. Baxter made opening remarks, I occupied about 15 minuts bearing my testimony. Pres Baxter said after that he thought it inspirational that it was made a testimony bearing meeting.

At afternoon meeting one hour was taken up with reports and sister Peart and Prest Hart each spoke.

After meeting Pres. Baxter & Counselors & Pres. Hart and I went over on to the Reese Ranch 2400 acres offered our people for 30,000. In fording the river the water flowed over the top of the carriage box.

Attended Priesthood meeting at 8 P.M. and spoke there upon the Subject of missionary work and preparing boys to be missionaries, Elders & to Go to temple. We administered to Sister Tyson Stake Pres of Relief societies. Pres. C. H. Hart anointed & I sealed the anointing. [p. 138]

28 July 1907 • Sunday


I attended 10 A.M. meeting and a meeting of the Presidency & High Council from 12 until one o’clock I was mouth in setting apart Bro. David E. Fackerel as first assistant Supt. of Sunday Schools and Bro. Benj. Bell presiding Elder of the Alma branch. Bro. Henry Voss was set apart 2nd assistant Stake Supt by Pres. Baxter.

Attended 2 PM meeting and occupied 30 minutes. Subject Restoration and temple work suggested by Anthem sung by choir. “And in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the Lords house” &c Micha 4 ch.

Held a meeting with the Stake Presidency for 1½ hrs between 4 & 6 o’clock considered written report of stake.

Attended Mutual conference at 6 P.M. which concluded our conference. A very good spirited conference and much valuable instruction was given [p. 139] Miss Vilate Peart was in attendance at the Conference and held Primary meetings between Conference.

Sister Peart & I with Bro Cox left Woodruff at 8:30 and arrived at Evanston at 12:30 Train reported several hours late So we staid at Hotel and were called at 4 A.M. We had a further wait until 6 A.M. 268 mi. travel.

29 July 1907 • Monday


Boarded train at 6 A.M. and reached Salt Lake a few minutes after noon Had a nice chat with Bro. Kerr of Ogden at Ry Station I presented before the Presidency a proposition to buy a tract of 2400 acres of land 3 miles east of Woodruff for $30,000. which was considered favorably and decided to submit to Council Wednes I was instructed to write [p. 140] Pres Baxter to secure an extension of option for a few days which I did this day.

30 July 1907 • Tuesday


Alice & I with our four youngest children went out to Tooele and visited with our folks returning in the afternoon. Had a brief conversation with Pres. Lyman in evening.

31 July 1907 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting at 11 A.M. Time Changed to 10 A.M. Wednesdays.

Was appointed with Pres. Lyman on a committee to learn what can be done to assist the Woodruff people to Secure the Reese Ranch of 2400 Acres. I wrote to Pres Baxter to Know what they would like.

Attended my Circle meeting in evening.

My Sister Nerva came & staid ov[e]r night. A good visit with her [p. 141]

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July 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-07


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