August 1901

1 August 1901 • Thursday

I made monthly report of lumber Business & mailed ck of $242.82 to Lum. <Co.> Issued bills to parties owing &c. Sold lumber. Mr. Michelsen called on me. I made order for Bicycle extras &c.

2 August 1901 • Friday

I branded our cattle with the boy’s help & sent nine head to canyon. In afternoon I took team & wagon and our family & Hyrum Lee & family to canyon where we had sarvesberries [serviceberries] & supper & returned in evening. Met Mr. & Mrs Dosay at McCuistions Cabin.

3 August 1901 • Saturday

The boys & I worked at field changing fence & repairing &c. In evening I called at R Warburtons & met there Mr. Post & Mr. McVickey. The latter ordered more than four thousand feet of lumber.

4 August 1901 • Sunday

I fasted, attended School & meeting & gave cash donation. Plessed [Blessed] Albert Lindholm’s baby [p. 77] & christened him Carl Erick. Assisted in confirmations & ordained I Herold Skelton a Deacon. Confirmed two or more. Ordained Jno A Lindberg an High Priest & Set him apart Supt. of the Y M M I A. of this stake. B L Bowen Set apart Matt. Speirs 1st Assistant & C. R. McBride set apart Willard Atkin 2nd assistant & Bp Atkin set apart J. E. Isgreen as Sec & Treas.

5 August 1901 • Monday

I repaired field fence in the forenoon & in afternoon Joel & I went to Canyon. Took black mare Gipsey & saw our cattle.

6 August 1901 • Tuesday

Repaired Wagons, mended sacks &c. Prepared for threshers. Engagued hands &c.

7 August 1901 • Wednesday

Hauled wheat for F J Barber in forenoon & had threshers in afternoon

8 August 1901 • Thursday

Continued the threshing Finished down west & got 710 bu. from 75 A. stubble planting.

9 August 1901 • Friday

Continued the threshing & finished at night. Had in all 1461 bu. of wheat. Paid threshers 8 bu. on every 100 bu. 117 bu. Paid hands 52½ bu. Had threshers 6 Meals.

10 August 1901 • Saturday

The boys & I cleaned up a couple of loads of wheat & dirt from threshing floor & put in yard. &c.

11 August 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & Prest. Gowans & went to E.T. where we attended School & Meeting. I spoke at both. Prest. Anderson & John Flinders joined us at meeting & spoke. Took dinner with Wm E. Moss

12 August 1901 • Monday

I commenced unloading Car of lumber. With the help of my boys we took boxes off wagons, greased wagons & made two trips to Station with two four horse teams. Two loads remaining out of 13000 ft. & 20M. Shingles. [p. 78]

13 August 1901 • Tuesday

Finished hauling lumber & shingles from station. Put boxes on trucks & Studebaker & basket rack on heavy wagon & repaired the latter. Checked up car of lumber just received &c.

14 August 1901 • Wednesday

Worked on rack all forenoon, repaired attachment, Cleaned out yard. &c.

15 August 1901 • Thursday

Cleaned up stack yard, put sows in their pens, hauled straw & dirty wheat from threshing floor down west. I accidentally sprained my ankle quite severely. On my arrival home found Maria Clark & her dau. Lucy & her husband & little ones who had come out from Farmington by team for a visit.

16 August 1901 • Friday

By team we all went to Garfield with the Lees, Barbers & Lindbergs, bathed & feasted & had a good time & arrived home at 10:30 P.M.

17 August 1901 • Saturday

Took folks up in the canyon sarvesberrying [serviceberrying] Took Cow & twin calves along.

18 August 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & buggy & went to Clover. Prest. Gowans & Prest Anderson having preceded me. I offered prayr at meeting & spoke 35 min. After meeting Held Counsel meeting & settled difficulty with Jos Tanner & others. Called at Sister Burridges & took supper & arrived home at 9:30 P.M. Some rain but did not get wet to hurt.

19 August 1901 • Monday

Stormy. I attended to business with Peter Clegg & others. Wrote business letters & fxied [fixed] up accounts clearing the calender of business the first time in many weeks. Took dinner with the other folks at Estellas.

20 August 1901 • Tuesday

Maria Clark & her daughter Lucy & Will Robinson left for Farmington. It rained in afternoon. I took my carriage to Shop & worked on it all day until evening & after 6 P.M. went shooting rabbits. [p. 79]

21 August 1901 • Wednesday

Home Weather pleasant after storms of last few days. I took grist to mill, Had work done at shop. Hauled wheat from threshing floor west. Sold Attachment & Plow to Peter Clegg. Exchanged Sow with pigs to P Clegg for male pig &c.

22 August 1901 • Thursday

Assisted Blacksmith doing work on header in forenoon. In afternoon did some business with Bro. Cline of Co-op Wagon & mc. Co. who took dinner with me and then I made ready to Start to Nephi by team. My mouth & pallet were very sore. Called on Dr Phipps & got Potash balls for same.

23 August 1901 • Friday

Alice the 5 little girls & I started for Nephi by team left here at 10:10 A.M. & arrived in Camp Floyd at 6 P.M. where we camped for the night.

24–28 August 1901

Sat. 24 Left Camp Floyd at 6 AM. for Nephi & arrived there at 6:30 P.M. Found Aunts Sarah E Smith & Louise R. there visiting Slept at Mothers each night & ate part of the time at Asenaths & part of the time at Mothers had a good visit though my throat was very sore at the time. Remained there until Thu A.M.

29 August 1901 • Thursday

Left Nephi at 8:07 A.M. & drove to Camp Floyd where we staid for the night. We arrived there at 5:15 P.M. Slept on grond same place as when going south.

30 August 1901 • Friday

Left Camp Floyd at 6 A.M. & arrived home at 11:20 A.M. Hauled a load of straw in afternoon from West field.

31 August 1901 • Saturday

<Joel returned from Mercur & Clover where he has been since Sunday eve. without permission>

I took my team & carriage & went to Grantsville where I attended Confrence meetings of the S. Schools. Prest Gowans, Geo. Nerva & Edith Dunn & Legrand accompanied me. [p. 80] Prest Gowans remained & we others came home at night. Prest. of S S U B Bros. Griggs & Peterson We staid at Prest C. L. Anderson’s. I offered benediction

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August 1901, George F. Richards, accessed March 6, 2025