August 1890

1 August 1890 • Friday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I sent to School Supt. Robinson of [p. 2] Grantsville my Certifacate of Election as School Trustee & my oath of office. I issued checks for the water Co. Cut the children’s hair: made out my monthly report for July and sent to A. F. Doremus with a letter. Put Got wheels from the shop and put them on Baler and hauled the baler into place

2 August 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I bought a pair of pants and a sack of sugar. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele Meeting House. I addressed the meeting by request. Bp: James Wrathall & father took dinner with us. I started the mower to cutting 2nd crop of lucern. Geo. Nix mowing. Shaved & shingled, trimmed grape vines &c.

I attended a meeting of the Irrigation Board.

3 August 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday School and meeting Addressed the meeting by request. H. S. Gowans was present. I read from Contributors between meeting & school & after meeting. [p. 3]

4 August 1890 • Monday1

Election Day.

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended the Election most of the day & until 11 P.M. counting the votes. I went over to Murrays to settle a difficulty &c. at Lake View. At the Election I was elected County Treasurer.

5 August 1890 • Tuesday

Hauled hay, raked hay &c. A letter from A. F. Doremus saying Bolley [Polley] & children would be out next day.

6 August 1890 • Wednesday

Used the City water from 5 A.M. to 10 A.M. Hired a carriage and met Polley & family at Tooele switch Baled hay in the Afternoon. Attended a meeting of the water owners of the Settlement Canyon to consider the matter of dealing to the Water Co. 10½ acres at Wrench springs they having bought that number of acres. It was decided by vote to deal this 10½ acres but they (a click) would deal no more. I tendered my resignation which was received i.e. as one of the Water Trustees. [p. 4]

7 August 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I baled hay in the forenoon and in the afternoon I took down the Barrington fence and hauled it over here to the Yards. Wrote up my Journal since July 30th 1890.

8 August 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine some clouds. I hoed out the east grape patch. weighed up baled hay, piled up poles, posts &c. Had Tanner & Marshall baling hay and Geo. Nix cutting lucern. I attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board from 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. Came home & found the folks making ice cream. In the evening I wrote in Journal and read from contributor. Polly and children are still with us.

9 August 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cloudy, some wind, some thunder & lightening. no rain. I raked and cocked up hay. Went with two horses and saddles down to the 4[?] at Glasmans to meet Abram but he did not come. returned at 1036 P.M. [p. 5]

10 August 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I remained at home all day resting reading and writing letters.

11 August 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I ground sythe, filed hoe, threaded bolts, hoed weeds, received School Trustee’s Books and $40.95 from Water Co. for use of team. Sent $10.00 by James Kirk to get our sewing machine held in S.L.C. for the freight from Chicago. The cows got out of South Field and I put them in and fixed up the fence at gap made for hauling gravel through. Drove Dunn’s cows out of our lucern. Took Polly & children to the switch.

12 August 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather made up of clouds rain & sunshine.

I worked in the garden weeding. Attended a meeting of the School Trustees at the Court House. Recorded the minutes &c. Viewed the School house grounds with a view to having repairs made and out house built [p. 6]

13 August 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele City Weather cloudy, suny & showery. I took the City Water a few minutes past 4 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Hoed in the garden weeding grapes. Wrote to A. F. D. All well except Legrand. He is not in bed but has the Diarhoe [diarrhea] and has had since Sunday night. Letters from Fred, circular from J. T. Cane at Washington, Notice of an assessment of 10% on the Water Co. Stock.

14 August 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Weather fine. light shower. I finished weeding among the grape vines and hauled the weeds up to the yards for the cattle. Cleaned out the house of commons. Used the hose on the hydrant in the evening.

15 August 1890 • Friday

Tooele Light rain about noon. I turned hay in the field to dry; hoed in corner among young poplars. Saw Wm. Vowles about buying our baled hay to sell in Stockton. Paid John Tate for pitman rod. Went up to the cemetry to select a lot for [p. 7] A. F. Doremus and one or two lots for myself. Did not decide but will take Alice up tomorrow and decide how many and where. I attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Water Company in the evening. Present of the Board. & Director

Francis M. Lyman

Prest. & Director

Alexander Herron

Vice " & "2

Hugh S Gowans

Secy. pro. tem. "3

George F Richards

Treasurer "

Peter A Droubay


John Gillespie


David James and Mr. Bishop were here to repair the hydrant, left it unfinished to be finished next week.

16 August 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine, no rain. I weeded the poplar corners. Received a call from one Mr Christensen who wanted a position as a teacher in School. I went with him down to the Hall to see A. J. McCuistion. Waited on a number of persons who held orders on the Treasurer of the Water Company. Did not go up to the Cemetery as I had expected to do. [p. 8]

17 August 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Weather fine & warm. I rode to Grantsville on Sorrel horse and attended School in both and meeting. Spoke in both places. Took dinner with Eugene Woolley at his father-in-laws Bro Clarks and from there went up to Coun. Chas. Anderson’s where I found them in mourning, they having lost their 4 month old babe in death the night preceeding the day of my visit there. The burial to take place Monday at 3 P.M. I fed my horse at Bro. Andersons while at meeting and rode home with Prest. H. S. Gowans in his buggy, my horse tied beside. All tolerably well. Legrand and Sarah were ailing some.

18 August 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

Having done nothing at hay hauling for a week past on account of rain and having 12 or 15 loads in the field I commenced hauling. I had one man, Nix, cutting and three men hauling. I used horse and rake in the forenoon and helped haul hay in the [p. 9] afternoon until 6 P.M. when I took the team and wagon and all my family up to the Cemetry to choose lots. I bought two lots for myself and one for A. F. Doremus. Price of lots with certificate Eleven Dollars each. Size, one rod square with 5 foot walk around each lot and water right. I wrote a letter to A. F. Doremus before receiving his.

19 August 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele City Weather hazy.

I received a letter from A. F. Doremus and answered it, enclosed certificate of purchase of a lot in Cemetery. Received certificates for two lots in Cemetery for myself, for which I paid $22.00 Raked hay and helped with the Stacking. Took than the horses and calves out of South field and put them in East field. Got a check of $189.60 cashed at the Co-op Store. Paid Jos. Henson $98.30 in full for labor.

20 August 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine, cool nights. I took the City water at 4 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Loaded 2150 lbs. of hay [p. 10] and sent to Jos. Mecham’s. Hauled a load of hay and put on top of South stack. Attended County Court to get my taxes reduced. Raked and cocked up hay. Got an order from Vowles for one ton of baled hay to be delivered at Stockton @ 13.00 We are busy with our 2nd crop of hay.

21 August 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine all day <Thunder & Lightening.> but showers of rain came in the evening. Bad for our hay. I raked and cocked up hay and assisted in the stacking. I repaired brake blocks to wagon and sent a load of baled hay to Monk of Stockton and a load of loose hay to S. F. Lee. I read a sermon on unity by Prest Woodroof delivered in Logan Aug 3d 1890. Also read from the Juvenile.

22 August 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

Raked several toons [tons] of hay and cocked up 15 or 20 tons and stacked nine loads hay. P. A Droubay was here and ordered a ton of hay delivered. Jonas Lindberg called. [p. 11]

23 August 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the Kelsey water at 7.15 a.m. and used it all day. Had four men at work haying. Sent one load of hay to Peter A. Droubay’s @ $7.00 per ton. Returned pants to Geo. Speir’s Store, paid for weighing a load of hay at Co-op Store and bought a pair of blue pants at Drouby’s store. Paid John Shields for two rake teeth 1.00 Called on Prest H. S. Gowans at the Courthouse and saw David James there.

24 August 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the irrigating, attended afternoon meeting & offered the closing prayr. Home missionaries from Grantsvill[e] occupied the time of meeting

25 August 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the irrigating and raked down large hay stack. Attended a meeting of the Water Co Board of Directors. Received an invitation through Bros. Gowans & Anderson from H H Cluff to attend the 1st aniversary [p. 12] of the enterence of the Kanaccas [Kanakas] into the Skull valley. Had four men at work. Paid Geo. Nix off.

26 August 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

Ordered of P. A. Droubay one Miller Concord buggy @ $265.00 Cash. Finished the mowing 2nd crop. Finished the large stack. Changed large fork on to South division. Attended to the irrigating &c. Received letters from A. F. Doremus & F. W. Richards. The News of this date gives an account of the Canvass of the Tooele Co. Votes which elects me County Treasurer for a term of two years. Failed on buggy. <Had none in Stock.>

27 August 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine, warm days & cool nights. I attended to the irrigating, raked and cocked up hay to a finish of 2nd crop. Had three men hauling hay. My buggy did not come as there were none in stock. I went with Apostle Francis M. Lyman up to see the Large Reservoir; Called at Geo. Craner’s to see his grapes; by his request. In the evening I went and saw Edwin Broad about the road [p. 13] over the mountain to the Josepa Colonization. Went and saw Jos. Henson and arranged with him to water while I went over to Josepa next day. Shaved &c. Retired at 12.30 A.M.

28 August 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine. I arose at 3.30 AM and at 5 A.M. started on horseback across the Valley & mountains to Josepa in Skull Valley. I arrived on the Summit at 8.45 A.M. and at Josepa at 10 A.M. A distance of about 23 miles in five hours.

I found all the 1st Presidency of the Church, Bros. Gowans, Anderson, Woolley & others with their wives there. We sat about in the shade of the trees conversing until eleven 30 A.M. when we participated in a march or procession from the Rich dwelling up around the liberty pole in the public square of the New Towncite and back to the Meeting House & bowery. where after witnessing the uncovering of the food cooked in a hole by hot rocks and steam and listening to the music of [p. 14] the band we partook of a bountyous repast of Beef, Pork, potatoes, Corn green, beans, poa [poi?], fruit &c. A meeting was held from 3.30 to 53[0] P.M. at which the singing was done by the natives. Prayr by an elderly or rather aged Kanacka [Kanaka] over 90 years. Oration by a native, Pioneering <speech> by a native. Address by Prest W.W. Woodruff interpreted by Prest J.F.S. after which J. F. addressed them in their language speaking in great power and fluency. After bidding the folks a hearty good bye I left for home at 5.50 P.M. by the same route as I went over. My horse after having about 8 hours rest & feed in a good green meadow carried me safely home in six hours arriving home at 11.50 P.M. tired & sleepy.

29 August 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I felt somewhat the worse for yesterday’s ride. Repaired fence between yards. Put away forks, ropes &c from haying. Had a call from John Isgreen wanting to buy brick owned by the School district. Attended a meeting of the [p. 15] Directors of the Water Co. Apostle Lyman was about to leave for a trip south to be gone about a month. Had a chat with him & Prest. Gowans about the Stake Academy at Grantsville. I wrote to James E. Talmage about School Teacher.

30 August 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy. A nice rain in afternoon. I took hay racks off the wagons, put box on one and run them under the shed. Repaired both wagons. Received cidar mill & cidar from Isgren’s. Attended Justices Court where Lafayett Utly was fined $20.00 for disturbance Loaned Moroni Tanner a mare to go down near Basin pasture. Went to Court house and got pay for sand from Water Co. Sent $12.00 to Salt Lake Columbia Art Co. to pay for my picture enlarged. Gave Thomas delamar $10.00 with which to buy cart wheels Wrote a letter to A. F. Doremus. Hitched up team to go up the canyon for an out with my folks but did not go on account of rain. Appointment to Lake View tomorrow. [p. 16]

31 August 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went over to Lake View horseback. Attended School and meeting, spoke in both. Consecrated some oil. Took dinner with Bp. Shields & wife. Prest Gowans got over to meeting. After meeting we administered to Sister Shields (Bps mother) who was very low, hardly expected to recover. Also administered to Sister Adamson (74 years of age) she being sick in bed. Returned home O.K. We are all tolerably well and happy in the cause of truth.

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August 1890, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote “Sunday. Aug” before crossing it out and writing the date on a new line.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Prest.” and “Director”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark here and in the next three lines for “Director”.