April 1908

1 April 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting with Presidency & The Twelve at Temple fasting & Sacrament.

In afternoon attended funeral services of the wife of Geo. Reynolds and offered the closing prayr.

Attended my Circle meeting at the temple at 6 P.M. Present 18 and an interesting time had. Alice & I attended the musical entertainment in Large tabernacle after 8 P.M.

Geo L. Tate Came home this day from his mission.

2 April 1908 • Thursday


I attended the funeral services of Jos. F Smith Jrs wife in 17th ward house. Met my council members with Presidency & Auditing Committee at Pres. office in the afternoon. Paid a number of bills &c. Called at Mother’s on way home. Folks usually well.

3 April 1908 • Friday


I attended a meeting in the temple of five hours duration of the Council of the Twelve and the Mission Presidents. Reached home about 4 P.M. and spent the remaining time there. [p. 172]

4 April 1908 • Saturday

Beautiful weather. Conference Opened this A.M. with unusually large attendance. In forenoon the speakers were the First Presidency. Afternoon, Pres. Lyman, J. H. Smith & H J. Grant. A meeting of Religion class workers in large tabernacle at 4 P.M. Genl. Priesthood meeting at night. Good spirit prevailed. Good talks. I have quite a cold & some cough.

5 April 1908 • Sunday


This is Joel’s 21st Birth day.

Weather pleasant. My cold develop<ing>

Attended Conference meetings and Sunday School Union in the evening. At the morning session the Speakers were Elders Clawson, G. A. Smith H. M. Smith, G A Smith & Geo. F. Richards I occupied 25 minutes with good liberty and good satisfaction. Subject. Mormonism Defined. The plan of God. The Law by which the world are to be judged. A savor of Life unto life or Death unto death to those to whom it comes. Its destiny is assured Dan 2:[blank] See Con. Circular.

6 April 1908 • Monday


I attended conference meetings and spent the evening home. [p. 173]

7 April 1908 • Tuesday


I attended Special Priesthood meeting in Assembly room from 10 AM until 1 P.M.

Attended Missionary meeting at Temple annex and was mouth in setting apart the following.

Lewis M. Jones of Bisbee Ariz. to Cent. States

Ormus Albert Tolman, Cardston Canada. "1

Chester Sessions Jr. Auburn Wyo. "

Archibald Anderson Glenwood, Utah. "

Nathaniel Holman Young, Kanab. "

I also addressed the missionaries.

At 5<30> P.M. and until 10:30 P.M. Alice & I were with Pres. Winder & family at their home and with the Presidency & the Twelve & their wives.

8 April 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting at temple meeting of Religion Class Bd. and Prayr Ci[r]cle.

Alice & I spent the evening at the Lion House with the Mormon Batallion & Zion’s Camp members & guests. Had a nice supper.

9 April 1908 • Thursday


I had the carpenter Thos. Horman make bill for material to make Toilet room on East porch. Got the lumber from Taylor Armstrong & co [p. 174] Let the Contract for plumbing to James & for $91.00.

I attended a missionary meeting at Annex of Temple where about 50 missionaries were blessed & set apart and instructed. I gave instructions and set apart the following.

Scott B. Brown of Canada to Gt Britain

Hyrum W. Hansen College Wd. Utah. to Scandinavia

Andrew Carlos McCombs. Grover Wyo. to Gt Britain

Marion Lee. Thatcher Ariz. to Gt. Britain

Milton R. Mitchell. Logan, to Switzerland & Ger.

Blessed Sister Burgon who is going to England with her husband to procure geneologies.

Alice & I went up to the L.D.S. Hospittal & visited Uncle Jos E Robinson & Wm Dunn. In same ward with latter found Elder Ganor of Rexburg who had this day been operated upon for Appendicitis I administered unto him.

10 April 1908 • Friday


My Son Oliver is 4 yrs old to-day.

I had the plumbers and carpenters here at work. I did what reading I could and studying from Roberts Gospel. Man’s Relationship to God &c.

I have nearly got rid of my cold. Weather beautiful. [p. 175]

11 April 1908 • Saturday


I spent the forenoon at home & in the afternoon went with Alice and four youngest children to the Photographer and to buy shoes and at 5 P.M. Alice & I went down to the home of John McDonald where we assisted to celebrate his birth day. An excellent Spread was made and a good time generally had.

12 April 1908 • Sunday


LeGrand, Sarah & I attended the 21st ward S. School. I spoke. I attended Tabernacle services. Elder A. W. Ivins occupied 60 min. Subject Book of Mormon evidences. I attended the 21st Ward evening meeting and occupied 50 min. Subject. The perfection of Gospel Law. Gospel sacrifices. Mans origin v.s. Darwin Theory of Evolution

Returning from meeting I called in to my sister Asenath’s home and found my mother had taken suddenly very ill. Chill, Pain in head, neck & shoulder. Drs. Jos. Stephen & Gill came in and she got ease after midnight. I staid all night. Mother much improved in the morning. I administered to her last evening. [p. 176]

13 April 1908 • Monday


I spent part of the day at home. Had plumbers & carpenters at work. Spent some time with my mother. Did some reading &c. Mother better.

<Our baby was taken sick & I administered to her.>2

14 April 1908 • Tuesday


I spent several hours with Mother. Administered to her. Visited the hospittal and administered to Uncle Jos. E. Robinson there. Made some inquiries about a job for Geo. L. Tate & wrote Nerva about same in the evening. Administered to our baby Estella who is threatened with Pneumonia.

15 April 1908 • Wednesday


My Mothers 80th birth day.

I called on Mother at her home on my way to meeting. I was in the temple in Council meeting from 10 A.M. until nearly 2 P.M. Bought flours [flowers] for Mother and Alice & I called & Spent an hour or so with Mother & I administered to her. Our little babe about as yesterday.

16 April 1908 • Thursday


I attended to some business down town. Bought some [p. 177] Clematis vines down town & planted them out by lattice fence. Painted lattice fence &c.

Called on Mother in evening & Pres. Jos S. [F.] Smith & Sarah called & we administered to Mother. I anointed & Pres. Smith Confirmed.

Wm Dunn of Bear Lake Came from the hospittal to-day and is staying with us. L. J Robinson Jr. staid with us over night on his way to Central States mission. We still have the plumbers & the Carpenter. Mother & Our babe still improving.

17 April 1908 • Friday


I spent the day home. Took the three youngest children over to See Grandma. Soon after my return home Oliver was taken sick which later developed into Pneumonia.

Carpenter & Plumbers finished their work. Plumbers bill $102.00.

My Mother, while confined to her bed is much improved.

18 April 1908 • Saturday

I went to Provo and attended there the Utah Stake Conference.

Elder John Henry Smith & I continued through the Conference [p. 178] Pres. Jos. F. Smith was present at forenoon & afternoon meetings and spoke at each, he leaving on the 4 P.M. train for home.

Bro. John Henry Smith & I each spoke in forenoon meeting.

At 4 P.M. Elder J. H. Smith & I met the Stake Priesthood & got an expression from them on the Subject of reorganizing the Stake Presidency. They indorsed the proposition and on paper indicated whom they preferred. Elder Smith & I repaired to the office of City attorney Smith where we canvassed the written expressions and there decided on Jos. B. Keeler for President. We called on Bro. K. and with him agreed on Lafayette Holbrook for 1st and Jesse W. Knight Jr. as 2nd Counselors. Took supper at Pres. Keelers and attended a recital an exhibition of rare intellectual elocutionary ability

Later I took train for home getting in on last car 12:50 o’clock. Oliver very sick.

19 April 1908 • Sunday


I got about 4 hrs sleep last night. Went to Provo where I attended Stake Conference [p. 179] At forenoon meeting the speakers were C. R. Savage, Pros. Brimhall & Bp. C. W. Nibley an interesting meeting. At afternoon meeting the business of the Conference was attended to and John Henry Smith and the three David John, Jos Keeler & L. Holbrook each spoke and we ordained & Set apart these new officers. J W Knight Absent.

Pres. Jos E Keeler set apart by J H Smith.

"3 L Holbrook by G. F. Richards and David John was ordained a Patriarch by J. H. Smith. I occupied about 30 minutes in conclusion of Con. Answered statement made by Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Sat A.M. Intermountain where she advocated as truth the re-incarnation of the Soul.

Elder J. H. Smith filled appointment at Lake View ward and Bro. L. Holbrook and I at Springville Bp. Nibley remained at Provo to Conjoint meeting. I took train from Springville at 4 P.M. for home.

Oliver some what improved. Dr Stephen had called in during the day & pronounced it Pneumonia.

My mother continues poorly. Her cough uses her up. [p. 180]

20 April 1908 • Monday

I visited my mother at her home I saw Wm Dunn off on train for his home in Bear Lake.

I reviewed my manuscript of Conference talk. wrote letters &c.

Oliver improving nicely.

Weather warm & pleasant.

21 April 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon home reading & writing and in the afternoon I attended a missionary meeting and set apart five of the brethren as follows.

Wm. Henry Lynn of Lovell Wyo. to W. States

Jos. H Hopkin. of Coalville to W. States

Jeremiah Reece of Payson to Cent. "4

Hyrum L Neves of Burlington Wyo. to Cent. "

Ezra L. Tanner of Payson John Mather. Smithfield <to Cent. States.>

I instructed the missionaries

Visited my mother at her home twice took her a beauquet of flowers. A rose & half Doz. Carnations. Met Sister Nerva at Mothers.

My Daughter Nerva & Thelma came in in the evening and she, Mamie & Nina went to the theatre.

Oliver continues to improve

Mothers cough still bad.

22 April 1908 • Wednesday

Home. [p. 181]

I attended council meeting in temple from 10 A.M. until after 1 P.M.

Visited my mother.

Attended meeting of Gen’l Bd of Religion classes. And Circle meeting in evening in the temple 18 present.

Interviewed Presidency with reference to my Sister Sarah E. Robinsons complaint against one Bro Hunter which both Bps. Court & H Council refused to entertain. The President instructed me to write the Bp. or Pres. of Stake or both & learn on what ground her complaint was denied a consideration. Accordingly I wrote Bp. Thomas of Oakley 4th Ward. Also wrote Sister Sarah what I had done.

Six [Sick?] folks improving.

23 April 1908 • Thursday


I spent most of the day and evening at home reading & studying. Read Morton’s L.D.S. & the World. Called & Saw my Mother who is bed fast.

Attended Missionary meeting at the Annex of temple and assisted in setting apart missionaries. About forty missionaries were set apart. I was mouth in setting apart the following. [p. 182]

John H. Ottley of Elba Cassia Co. to Gt. Britain

Alma Monson P. Grove Utah. Co. Sweeden

Quince Rice of Farmington. Netherlands

John Henry Buhler of Midway. Swiss & Germany

24 April 1908 • Friday


I spent the day home studying except that I spent an hour or such matter with Mother at her home.

My wife and I attended S. L. Theatre in the evening.

Oliver & Grandma improving in health.

25 April 1908 • Saturday


Pres. F. M. Lyman and I went to American fork on R.G.W. Ry train where we met Elder John Henry Smith who went via Salt Lake Route and we attended Conference meetings held in 2nd Ward meeting house.

At forenoon meeting there were present 259. Pres. Chipman, J. H. S. & I were the speakers in order named. I occupied 30 minutes good liberty Subjects Fast offerings, Deportment in meetings, self control &c.

At afternoon there were present 274? The speakers were Pres. Jas. H. Clarke, Elder Vance recently return<ed> from Turkey and Pres F M Lyman the latter occupied 65 minutes sundry subjects. Good meeting. [p. 183]

Pres. F. M. Lyman returned home on 4:34 P.M. R.G.W. Train. I accompanied him to Ry Station.

At evening Priesthood meeting there were present 174.

After the business of the meeting was attended to, by request I spoke and occupied about 30 or 35 min. Grade up the priesthood. Take the boy of 8 yrs when baptized and have in view making of them Elders, Seventies Bps &c & to prepare them for temple blessings. Had good liberty and had good satisfaction in talk. Elder Smith followed for about 30 minutes.

Snowed some in morning and was cold during the day but moderated towards evening.

26 April 1908 • Sunday

American <Fork.>

Attended Stake Conference in the opera house. There were in attendence 773. Speakers were, Abel John Evans, Bp. O. P. Miller & Elder John Henry Smith. Good meeting.

In afternoon an overflow meeting was held at second ward Elder J. H. Smith being present. Attendance there 238 At Social Hall there were present 820 The authorities were sustained. A new lot of Religion Class officers were sustained. Elders Bromley & Grant [p. 184] recently returned missionaries, Bro. Andrew B. Andersons newly sustained Stake Religion Class Supt spoke and I followed 40 minutes subject sentiments of our hymns. The folly of atheism. &c.

In the evening Elder Smith & Bp Miller remained at Conjoint meeting of young people and Bro. James H. Clark of the Stake Presidency and I went over to Lindon ward and held meeting. The population of the ward is 643. The attendance was 253. Bro Clark occupied about 15 minutes. I occupied an hour & fifteen minutes with good freedom. Subject Fall, Atonement, First principles, as sons of God we are to become like him as Christ was like him. &c.

Administered to Bro. Birch 84 <yrs old.>

27 April 1908 • Monday

American <Fork.>

Elder John Henry Smith Bp O. P. Miller and I staying at Pres Stephen L. Chipman’s. Bro. Miller & I were bed fellows last night. I was mouth I in family prayr. We took 8.25 A.M. train Salt Lake Route for home. Read the Bible en route.

At home I trimmed my beard, cleaned up changed linnen & went over to Mother’s and spent [p. 185] an hour with her. I wrote letters to my son George at Chicago and to Sister Sarah E. Robinson, wrote up journal and in evening I attended 27th ward Services which partook of the nature of Dedicatory Service The meeting house having been dedicated yesterday Pres Jos. F. Smith being mouth. This evening the announced speakers were W. H. King and Dr. J. E. Talmage. They spoke in the order named about 25 minutes each and by request I spoke occupying about fifteen minutes. Spoke deliberately and with good liberty.

Our boy Oliver is regaining health and this day sat up several hours in my large easy chair. My mother though bed fast is getting some better.

28 April 1908 • Tuesday


I attended missionary meeting and was mouth in setting apart the following named brethren.

Geo. A. White. Far West Utah to N. States

Geo Alma Bagley Koosharem to S. "5

Le Grand Durfee Aurora Utah to Cent. "

Jos Peterson of Cardston Canada to Cent. "

Allen Rowe. Mt Pleasant to Western "

Sidney Wesley France Centerville to W. " [p. 186]

I gave instructions to missionaries Called on my mother on way to meeting. Assisted Pres. Francis M Lyman in administering a blessing to Harry Robinson for his eyes (one of the missionaries[)].

At home I devoted my time to Study.

29 April 1908 • Wednesday


I attended council meeting of First Presidency & Twelve in Temple also Circle meeting in the temple at 6 P.M. Attended a meeting of the Gen’l Board of the Religion Class workers at Presidency’s Office and at 7:30 P.M. filled an appointment at 7th ward. My son LeGrand accompanied me and occupied about 30 min. I followed with freedom for 45 min. Subject. The worship of the Lord. Attend Fast meetings better. The perfection of man desegned of God. &c.

I made a loan from Continental Life Insurance Co. of $485.00 for 11 mo. @ 6% int paid for 11 mo.

30 April 1908 • Thursday


I attended to some business down town, paid a number of obligations, wrote my Son [p. 187] George who is in Chicago.

Visited my mother and Sister Asenath a couple of hours. Did some reading and studying.

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April 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 20, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-04


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in the next three lines for “Central States”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 177.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Pres.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “States”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks here and in the next four lines for “States”.