May 1892

1 May 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy in morning This being the day set apart by the Church Presidency for fasting & prayr, I fasted about twenty-six hours. Attended the meeting and offered the opening prayr. Apostle Lyman was present and spoke and prayed. Meeting held from 10 A.M. until after 2 P.M. and then subscriptions were taken for the completion of the Salt Lake Temple funds including promises to the amount of over $700. were raised. I subscribed $50.00.

During the meeting Alice at home had severe pains and when I came home I sent for Miss Grace McKellar whome we had previously engaged as nurse and soon after sent for the Docter, Davis, At 10:30 P.M. A baby girl was born in a perfect condition.

2 May 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant most of the day Some rain. I loaned James Gowans & Alvin McCuistion $400.00 for 4 months. Wrote letters to Several persons and cards to all the folks. Sold and loaded three loads of hay. Used Kelsey water did some writing &c. Helped McCuistion to drive the Bull up the cañon the one I traded to him. Alice suffered much from piles and after pains but otherwise every thing seemed favorable. She rested well during the night. [p. 18]

3 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy most of the day. I issued bills to parties owing and worked on monthly report. used kelsey water Received a check of $110.00 from Paul Droubay interest on his note past due. Wrote letters and in the evening attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board.

Alice is feeling much better and is quite encouraged. Has no fever and a good apetite. The baby appears to be all right & others well and all feel blessed.

4 May 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy all day. In the forenoon I worked on monthly report finished it and mailed it. Wrote letters, repaired chair & bedstead. made new slats for the little bedstead and nailed them in. Ground the ax Used Kelsey water &c. Alice and babe getting on nicely. Others all well.

5 May 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon, stormed in latter part of Afternoon.

I sold five loads of coal hay, went to the Depot and got a load of coal, used Kelsey water repaired the boy’s wagon &c.

6 May 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant all day. I loaded a load of hay and sent it to Stockton, to Conner by Rich Lougy. Attended [p. 19] to some business at the Court House & stores, sowed lucern seed in East field to a finish. I planted garden seeds &c.

Alice still improves and the others of us are well.

7 May 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of the <day> Prest. H.S. Gowans and I went in his buggy to Grantsville, put up team at Prest C.L. Ander<sons> Attended stake Priesthood meeting spoke a short time called at Rowberrys by request and administered to Miss Annie Rowberry I anointed her & Prest Gowans confirmed the anointing. She died at 4 A.M. next morning. My folks are getting on nicely the baby is 6 days old. Grantsville people played at the Theatre at night Estella, Geo & Nerva went. I remained at home.

8 May 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Rained hard in the morning. Attended Sunday school and addressed the school for a short time and attended the Afternoon. Met with Prest Gowans Bp & Con. [Counselors?] & Prest of High Priests Quorum and assisted in ordaining Geo. Speirs, John McKellar & J. G. Heggie High Priests. I was mouth in ordaining John McKellar. Wm Cassety came in with oil and desired to be administered to. By request I anointed him & Bro Mieklejohn sealed or confirmed [p. 20] the anointing. Spent the evening at home with my wife she being in bed.

9 May 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold a load of hay to Philip DeLaMar, put in some garden, spaded in grape vines, Attended Wm Dunns funeral in the meeting house and offered the Benediction.

Blessed the baby and named it Ruby

11 May 1892 • Wednesday1

Tooele Weather pleasant

I went to the Basin pasture with several others & got horses, repaired fence near well, took pump out of well, Brought 8 Donkeys out of pasture & put in yard Branded two horses, (Colts) Caught Brown mare for H Huff to break to ride.

10 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I worked in the garden, tranplanted Poplars & Grape vines, planted corn &c. Attended the funeral services of Miss Annie Rowberry of Grantsville held in Tooele Meeting house Apostle Lyman was present & spoke. Attended to some business at the Court House with James Wrathall.

12 May 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Stormy

I settled with Paul Droubay by his redeeming his note & I releasing his mortgage. [p. 21] I loaned $300. to F. Horman for ten three yrs. Took horses back to pasture and brought one more jack up. Handled the Gray colt sold hay &c.

13 May 1892 • Friday

Tooele Handled the Gray colt Received news of the death of My sister Nerva’s baby. Attended to some business down Town. &

14 May 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended to some business of various kinds in the forenoon and in the afternoon I went into to the City by train and on to Farmington. Arrived there just after Nerva & folks returned from the Cemetery from burying her child. Staid all day with night at Nervas

15 May 1892 • Sunday

Farmington Weather fine.

I called on aunt Phoebe. Attended Sunday school & Meeting and spoke in each also spoke on Temples in the Theological class. Went to Town on the evening train Louise & children were on same train. Staid at Stephens all night.

16 May 1892 • Monday

Salt Lake City Stormy at night <Sunday night> Nerva & I left Stephens on 1st Car and [p. 22] came to Tooele arriving safely before noon. Sold two loads hay and attended to other business.

17 May 1892 • Tuesday2

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I accompanied Arthur Stayner Jr. to see several parties on life assurance [insurance]. Wrote Bp. Shields up for $250.00. Had Jos Henson load a load of hay to Gillet & haul a load of sand to repair sluice. Had Edw’d. Green & Georgie go to the Basin & turn out two mares and bring up pump & sent it Town for repairs.

18 May 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I worked at the Assurance [insurance] business in Tooele All day. Had Geo. Remington & Ingleby working on hay racks. repairing.

19 May 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had Remington & Ingleby working on Basin fence while I went with Arthur Stayner Jr. to Stockton and talked up life assurance [insurance].

20 May 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Remington & Ingleby at work at Basin on fence while I went to Lake View on Insurance business. Wrote up Bowden Home. [p. 23]

21 May 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I took Arthur Stayner Jr. With me and went up to see Pocock, Called on Stevens and Jos. DeLaMar in the insurance int[erest] Wrote Prest Gowans for one thousand. Took A. Stayner to the Depot, Took Dr Davis up to Bowdens to examine him for assurance [insurance]. Wrote up Henry Harris and had him examined. Talked with J A Bevan upon the Subject, Collected of Coleman on Ranch account $133.00

22 May 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went with Prest Gowans to E.T. where we attended School, put up with Bishop Moss and in the afternoon met Prest C. L. Anderson at meeting. James Bevan and Geo. Remington came in later & all of us spoke. Returned home and retired early. I ordained Thos. R. Wright a High Priest.

23 May 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I talked insurance with J W Tate, Wm Vowles, Hanks, Murphy, Spray, Bruce Sagers. Prepared and mailed literature on insurance to some thirty odd persons in the county. Sold hay to James McKendrick. Drover [Drove over?] to Spray’s, & Sager’s. Spent the evening at home. Alice improving slowly Up. [p. 24]

24 May 1892 • Tuesday3

Tooele Weather pleasant

I went to the Basin pasture with buggy and drilled holes in rocks on pass for post holes. Took Alice for a ride, talked insurance to E. Martin at Terminus

25 May 1892 • Wednesday4

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took pump over to E. Broads for repairs. repaired fence on east line, went to the Basin & put up fence over the rocks on the pass called on Pocock and took his application for a life policy of $1000.00 Talked with Nels Johnson and Darwin Dunyon about insurance in the evening. Called on Dr Davis in the evening. Recd P O order for $42.00 of O. L. Robinson <Canada>

26 May 1892 • Thursday5

Tooele Weather pleasant but interspersed with showers.

Called on J. C. DeLaMar and explained insurance, Saw Jas. Gowans about pasturage, took Alice for a ride, made collections, Attended funeral of Thos H. Nix and offered the opening prayr. H. B. Hay<nes> Lysander Gee & Prest HS Gowans wer[e] Speakers. Talked with Ed. Arthur of St. Johns on Politics & Insurance Settled with Perry hanks for School Dist. Looked over my tithing account at Warburtons Spent the evening at home writing [p. 25]

27 May 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant with a nice shower in the morning.

I repaired fence near front gate, went to see E. Broad about putting pump in Basin well. Wrote letters, went to Basin pasture and drove horses over to Rush lake to water and measured depth of well and water found more than ten feet of water in well. Called on Martin at Terminus and by his request called on his wife in the interest of insurance.

28 May 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant with a shower towards evening. I went down to Thos. DeLaMar’s and talked insurance to him. Talked with Thos. Gundry about assurance [insurance] and loaning money: Mailed Equitable literature to parties in number about 30. Went over to Sager’s on Assurance business. Called at E. Martins with team in the evening. Tied to the hitching post and while in martins the team pulled the post over and ran away. It was raining and dark. I found the buggy top in the road above Atkins and got Edwd. Green to assist me in hunting my team. He found them down near Thos H. Nix home but little damage done It was a dark & Stormy night. [p. 26]

29 May 1892 • Sunday6

Tooele Weather pleasant a few light showers during the day.

I rode over to St. Johns with Prest. Gowans where we attended School and meeting and spoke in each. Took dinner at Pp. [Bp.] Caldwell’s. One horse tired out on the way home and we left it at Mr Wilsons and got one of his to come home with. The roads were in good condition but the other horse fag[g]ed so we had difficulty in getting him home. Retired early.

30 May 1892 • Monday

Thanksgivings D.7 Tooele Weather pleasant. I took the buggy up to Lee’s Shop for repairs early. Did the chores, Went to the Stores and got pants & hats for the boys.

Took team up to the Shop for the buggy & helped repair it. Thos. Gundry of Stockton and Geo. Davie of Tooele called on me to get a loan for Dave of $300.00 I got a blank form of mortgage and note and made out mortgage & note and gave Davie a check of $300.00 Took Alice and the babies up to the Cemetery where the people were engaged in services and decorating. Speeches were made by Apostle Lyman, D. T. Hedges & A J Stookey. Bp. Shields and wife took dinner with us and after they left I took Alice for a ride. Wrote a little in the evening. [p. 27]

31 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went to the Basin pasture about 4:30 A.M. Took E. Broad and George along. We put in the pump at Basin well. Got back at or near 4 P.M. Went with Bro. Gowans Cluff & Lyman up to the Water system head. Made staple for lower tank. Turned the water on the McKendrick lots and went to hear Bro Cluff talk on the Subject of Education.

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May 1892, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote the date of this entry as “Tuesday— May 10th”, and then changed it to “Wednesday May 11th”. In the original manuscript, the 11 May entry precedes the 10 May entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Monday. May 1” before crossing it out.

  3. [3]Richards dated this entry 4 May instead of 24 May.

  4. [4]Richards dated this entry 5 May instead of 25 May.

  5. [5]Richards dated this entry 6 May instead of 26 May.

  6. [6]Richards dated this entry Sunday, 30 May, instead of Sunday, 29 May.

  7. [7]Richards mistakenly noted that this day was Thanksgiving Day rather than Decoration Day. (“Decoration Day,” Salt Lake Tribune, 30 May 1892, p. 4.)