August 1906

1 August 1906 • Wednesday


Cut lawn & vines and dug weeds from lawn. Visited my Aunt Alice Watt at A F Ds and administered to her. Went down to Dr Stephens Sugar Hous[e] and [p. 109] visited my mother. Exchanged two notes for one to my advantage $55. by my mothers suggestion the same being a gift to me. Met Alice and children at Depot 8 P.M. on their return home from Georgetown where they had been for about 10 days.

2 August 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting at 10 A.M. Rec’d appointment to Alpine Stake for next Sunday Prest Lund will likely be present on Sunday. I leave here on D & R G Ry 8 A.M. Sat.

After Meeting I called on M. D. Wells of C W & M Co. and made an appointment to meet the Executive Committee at 3:30 PM today to lay before them the proposition of buying my home. Met the above mentioned board & after laying before them this proposition it was taken under advisement.

I called on Aunt Alice Watt [p. 110] and administered to her. She seems to be improving now. Attended President Lyman’s Prayr Circle at Temple in evening. Circus in Town this day. None of my family went to see it.

3 August 1906 • Friday

Home I studied and wrote during all the forenoon, read paper Looked up ordinations I had performed from my Record and issued Certificates to all those not already provided & mailed to the persons.

Went down to Hist. Office and obtained names of some I had set apart for missions whose names I had not yet got and entered same in my record. Got report of Alpine Stake from Tithing office and bought an Alegater hand bag at Z.C.MI & paid Cash down $15.00 wrote journal for the day. [p. 111]

4 August 1906 • Saturday

Home Left Salt Lake on D&RG. 8 A.M. train for American Fork was met at Depot by Prest Stephen Chipman who took me to the Alpine ward where we attended Alpine Stake Conference.

At forenoon meeting I spoke 25 minutes. Subject. Spoke encouragingly to the Saints encouraging them to faithfulness They should pray for Faith <as well as wealth. &c> Afternoon meeting I spoke 45 minutes. Subject. How the Lord provided us a county & government to protect us in our religious liberties and in the great plan of Salvation provided that we should have our agency and how stubborn & presistent we are to have our own way. God commands the elements & they obey. He commands man & man by his actions says I don’t have to. Ours is an uncompromising position before the world. We make [p. 112] the statement that the Father & Son appeared to Joseph thus revealing their identity and personality. They told Joseph the creeds of other denominations were an abomination in His sight &c. This the only way. quoted Daniels prophecy as to the estableshment of the kingdom also The Gospel to be preached to all the world, and Isaiah that the Mountain of the Lord’s house is to be established in the tops of the mountains and all nations shall flow unto it. The Spirit of Gathering accompanies the testamony of the Elders and all nations are gathering unlike the fruits of the preaching by other denominations.

After afternoon meeting I rode home with Presedent Chipman to Am. Fork where I staid all night. Visited Tithing premises & offices, examined records & found them well kept and the most perfect system [p. 113] that I have found any where in any of the Stakes.

I visited the principle stores, the Commercial Club. rooms, the Dancing pavillion &c.

5 August 1906 • Sunday

American Fork

I went with President Stephen Chipman up to Alpine Ward where we attended Stake Conference. At forenoon I occupied 45 35 minutes Subject. Book Cov Sec 68. Parents to teach the children. What Auxiliary organizations have done for us. Our Allegiance <to them &c> Took dinner with Bp.

Afternoon meeting Bros. Brimhall & Hinkley of B.Y.U of Provo spoke also Bro Clark of Stak[e] Presidency Clark and Prest Chipmans wife. I occupied about 30 min. Subject Geneologies & Temple work. Took supper with Bro Strong. Attended Conjoint meeting in the evening. Bros. Hinckley Brimhall & I occupied the time [p. 114] outside reporting by Presidents of the two organizations. Each occupied about 1/2 hr. My Subject training & bringing up Children The effects of invironment upon ones life. Related my experience in raising my family. Advised early marriages & in the proper way.

Returned to American Fork & staid with Prest Chipman over night.

6 August 1906 • Monday

Am Fork. I returned to Salt Lake on AM train. Visited with my Mother in afternoon & evening, read papers &c. Wrote up journal.

7 August 1906 • Tuesday


Wrote a lengthy letter to my son Legrand at Rotterdam Attended a meeting at Temple annex where 7 Elders were set apart for missions. I was the only Apostle present and [p. 115] presided. Was mouth in setting apart Wm A Morten a mission to Liverpool to assist with the editing of the Star also set apart James E. Jenson and Otto Wolfinsperger.

I instructed the missionaries. Bro Martin went with me and assisted me in administering to Aunt Alice Watt who is getting on nicely.

I secured an affidavet certifying that one Arie Sandman aged 16 of Holland would not be a public charge and sent same to Legrand that he might send the boy on here.

8 August 1906 • Wednesday


M D Wells accompanied me to Tooele where we met U. S. Cline and looked over my property with a view of making sale of same to CW & M Co. & the home to U. S. C. [p. 116] U S Cline agreed to take the Home 12 x 12 Rods on corner for $4.000. I would carry him on same for two years or longer @ 7% int. secured by mortgage on home and additional property that owned by him at Stockton & at Tooele, the Dalton saloon property on security on home with a down payment of say $1000.00

If the deal goes through without further consessions I told Bro Cline I would leave the Dining room stove up and give him my iron safe the two meaning in value more than $100. M. D. Wells will make representation to the Company for their action.

Returned home in evening

9 August 1906 • Thursday

Home Attended Council meeting at Temple as usual and Prayr Circle in the evening. [p. 117] After Circle I spent about an hour visiting with my Aunt Alice Watt. Anointed and administered to her. She is improving.

10 August1 1906 • Friday


I leave for Summit stake (Coalville) on 4:05 P.M train today accompanying Geo Albert Smith.

Rec’d a nice letter from Elder Heber J. Grant.

Wrote some, phoned to Tooele made phone orders to be shipped to Tooele &c.

Left Salt Lake on 4:05 PM train with Geo A Smith for Coalville and arrived there between 7 & 8 P.M. Prest. Moses Tayler met us at depot and took us to his home where we were cared for all through the Conference.

11 August 1906 • Saturday


Attended 10 AM meeting of the Summit Stake Conference Priesthood quorums and Aux.[p. 118]iliary organizations officers meet together for opening services then Separated for department work. The priesthood remained in the Stake tabernacle and I there addressed them about 25 or 30 minutes. Subjects Weekly meeting of Bishopric; and auxiliary organizations and care of the Lesser priesthood

Between forenoon & afternoon meetings I was introduced to my half Brother William P. Richards a son of Susan who is now the Bishop of Oakley Ward, Summit Stake. I also was introduced to my half sister, Nancy Fraser and her husband. I spent some time visiting with Wm & Nancy between meetings.

Afternoon meeting 17½ min. left before 4 PM by request I occupied same Subject Obedience The elements obey & order follows. Man disobeys and confusion follows. Agency is ours but judgment is His. [p. 119]

At 4:30 P.M. Attended a meeting of High Council & Bps Elder G A Smith spoke 1 hr 25 min. I spoke about 10 min. Subject Fast offerings how collected & same should be sufficient for poor without drawing on tithing. Bro Smith read the report from Preseding Bps Office on the wards of that stake making Comments & then spoke on subject of temple & temple clothes. In evening the Brass band serinaded us.

12 August 1906 • Sunday

Coalville. Attended S S Session of Conference and occupied 15 min. Subject. Duty of Parents, S S officers & Priesthood to Children.

Bro Smith followed 15 min with a story of S S Class chopping wood. &c.

Sunday 2 PM meeting I spoke about 30 minutes. Subject This Country God given. We love our homes, our towns, state or Counties, our Utah and [p. 120] the U. S. best. This a land of freedom & of promise to the faithful Our Country guarantees us freedom Religious freedom & God grants us free agency. How we should use that agency. The Gospel has been revealed & is being established as predicted &c After Afternoon meeting we administered to one Ellen? Beal who has been afflicted with Epilepsy. I anointed & Elder Smith Confirmed.

We attended Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. I spoke from 15 min to 7 to 15 min after (30 min) Subject. Why the young less appreciative of the Gospel than their parents? Ans. because it Comes to them easy. They have not Commenced at bottom & from the Ground up Studied it and learned by comparison what they have gained through the gospel &c. Exhorted them to become acquainted with & live the Gospel.

I left the meeting at 7:15 & [p. 121] took the 7:15 7:18 train for Park City the brethren having phoned ahead that I would be there. I arrived at Park City meeting house at 8:30 P.M. meeting in progress. I talked 40 min. Subject general remarks and advice followed by a discourse on the Gospel as taught by the LDS. as compared with the teaching of the Christianity of the world at the time of the Gospels advent. Noting Changes in Christianity while the Gospel remains the Same. The Changes in Christianity do not recommend the Christianity of the world as having been of divine origin. I spent the night at Bro. Geo. Smith’s a stake High Councilman.

13 August 1906 • Monday

Park City. I walked up through Main Street viewing the Town before breakfast. Took train for home via. Coalville & Ogden at 7:40 and arrived in Salt [p. 122] Lake at 12:06 noon. Folks well. weather somewhat moderated by thunder shower.

I took a bath. Cleaned up two prs. Shoes, watered lawn, tended Cover read papers &c.

Estella & Children are here. Alice & children & all her Company went down to Wandamere and did not get home until about 9:30 PM.

14 August 1906 • Tuesday

Home. I trimmed up read the paper wrote to Joel did some studying and Attended a meeting at Temple Annex at 2 P.M. where three missionaries were set apart I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Luther A Stroud to Southern States

& Parley W. Madsen to N. " "2

Prest SB Young assisted me. I had charge of the meeting.

I called on the Aunt Alice Watt who is still sick in bed and I administered to her. Called & saw my mother. [p. 123]

15 August 1906 • Wednesday


I took train and went to Tooele Spent the day there and returned in evening. Alice, Mariar Clark Lucy Clark Robinson, Estella & Nerva were out to Salt Air. Got home at 10 P.M.

16 August 1906 • Thursday


I attended council meeting at Temple at 10 A.M. and reported my labors of past week including my visit to Summit Stake and received appointment with Prest. Lyman to Millard Stake to be held at Scipio.

I attended Prayr circle at 6.15 P.M.

At Council meeting I met Elder Geo Teasdale for the first time since I was received into the Council of the Twelve.

<Before leaving for Scipio I administered a Special blessing to my wife Alice.>3

I took supper at Young’s Caffe after Circle and walked to depot & took the 8:30 PM train for Juab with Prest [p. 124] Francis M Lyman. We were joined at Pleasant Grove by Richard R Lyman who accompanied us. We arrived at Juab about 2 A.M. and stayed at Bro Taylers Hotel. They would not accept of pay.

17 August 1906 • Friday


We wer[e] taken from Juab by one Bro. James Sornsen to Scipio calling at the Big Severe Reservoir inspecting dam &c.

We put up with Bp. Thompson R R Lyman & I while Prest Lyman staid with the old lady Thompson.

Arrived at Scipio about 12 or 12:30 we attended Relief society Conference at 2 P.M. Reports were made and Prest Lyman spoke about 30 minutes after which I spoke 30 min. meeting Closing at 4 P.M. I read from Matthew 25 ch. and quoted Pure Religion &c Commended the work of the Relief societies. Gave instruct[p. 125]tions as to storing grain Mother’s work in training children &c

Two important objects of organization

1st what we you can do for others

2nd What it will do for its members with explanations.

In the evening we attended Stake Priesthood meeting

I talked about 30 minutes. Advised that Presidents & Bps respect their Counselors in their place. High Council should be consulted and made to feel the weight of responsibility of presiding.

Presidents & Bps should hold weekly meetings The poor should be looked after and the Fast offerings should be sufficient for the poor without calling on tithing. The President of stake should have that ambition so also the Bps.

Leading men should be exemplary before the people [p. 126] The Stake Presidency should know how all stake officers including Bps & Counselors are living. Private work most desirable.

Prest. Lyman talked about 30 minutes exhorting the brethren to faithfulness.

R R Lyman & I slept together at Bp. Thomsens. weather not excessively hot.

18 August 1906 • Saturday


I attended an informal meeting of Stake Presidency at Mother Thompsons at 9:10 A.M. and the Conference meeting at ward House at 10 A.M.

A good attendance house well filled. Reports from the Stake President and several Bps & R R Lyman talked about 25 minutes Subjects.

Character & Typhoid; how contagious &c.

Afternoon meeting Prests. Callister & Seaman spoke and Prest F M Lyman conclu[p. 127]ded with a 60 minute sermon. Text. “Ask and ye shall receive. Knock & it shall be opened unto you.” After meeting I accompanied Prest Lyman to old lady thompsons where I had a nice chat with him for about an hour.

At evening meeting which was a Sunday School session The officers of S. S. adjourned <repaired> to School house & parents & others. A house full remained in meeting house where a nice programme was carried out and I occupied about 15 minutes commenting on subjects which had been under discussion viz.

What individual benefits to parents their attendance at S. School.

2nd What the effects of moral reading. [p. 128]

Slept with R. R. Lyman at Bp. Orvil Thompsons

19 August 1906 • Sunday


Good health. weather clowdy some storm yesterday & likelyhoods of more to-day. I attended forenoon meeting while S. S. workers met at School house with Sunday School. I spoke in conclusion 30 minutes Subject Obedience.

Attended Afternoon meeting and offered the final talk of 30 minutes Continuing the Subject of obedience.

After meeting I assisted Prest Lyman in ordaining and setting apart officers as fol.

I ordained John E. Lovell an High Priest and set him apart an Alt. High Counciler

I ordained Jorgen P Brown an High Priest

I set apart Adeline Brunson Smith a Stake Aid in Relief [p. 129] society

I set apart Sister Elizabeth Walker 1st Counseler to the Stake President of Primary Associations

Prest F. M. Lyman was mouth in other ordination & settings apart.

After taking lunch and bidding our friends a good bye Prest Lyman left for Fillmore and Bro R. R Lyman & I with Bro. Wm Bradfield for Juab. Stormed on the way but we were well protected & did not suffer. Staid all night at Hotel Taylers. They would not accept pay but I gave them $1.00 to pay for Bro Bradfields Keep.

20 August 1906 • Monday


Left Juab on 6 AM train & arrived in Salt Lake at 10 A.M. Found folks well. I read papers, wrote up my diary. Wrote letters &c. Alice Tate [p. 130] Hanks & Luella Tate here over night.

21 August 1906 • Tuesday


Clowdy, cool & some rain.

I cleaned up, trimmed beard &c Called on my Aunt Alice Watt at A F Doremus’ and administered to her she is improving Attended a meeting at Annex of temple for setting apart missionaries. Officiating J H Smith H M Smith, G F Richards and Jos. W McMurrin. Seven missionaries and one sister going to NY to study.

I was mouth in setting apart Wm August Peterson of Victor Idaho to a mission to Scandinavia; also Robert Read Judd of Grantsville a missionary to Great Britain.

I also instructed missionaries reading from Book Cov. Sec 20 & Sec 50. making some Comments on same.

Offered the Closing prayr. Enjoyed a good spirit all through the meeting. [p. 131]

I have in mind to recommend to the brethren of my Council that we give unwritten blessings and Simply Set missionaries apart. Using simple form Something like the following

Bro. —— in the authority of the Holy Priesthood we lay our hands upon your head and set you apart a missionary to —— and confer and seal upon you power and authority to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances there of in the —— mission in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I with Alice went down to Sister Asenaths & visited with Mother & Asenath about an hour. We there went up to F & 1st st & registered. On our return home found Jno E Isgreen [p. 132] who called to get a written statement from me of what in my judgment his home in Tooele is worth as he wishes to borrow money on same.

22 August 1906 • Wednesday

Home Weather clowdy & stormy. I took Nina with me and went out to Tooele and back in evening. George met me at Depot and returned me to depot. Folks well.

23 August 1906 • Thursday

Home. I attended Council meeting at Temple. Op. prayer.

Called on my Aunt Alice Watt and administered to you her. Got forms of Elder Rudger Clawson for a record of ordination also form of a record of events and forms of Certificate of ordinations and left same at Des News office to be printed and Bound [p. 133] Attended Circle meeting in evening. &c.

24 August 1906 • Friday


I[n] forenoon I did some reading & writing at Alice & I left SLC on a P.M. S. L. & O. Ry. for Farmington where we went to visit my sister Nerva who is sick in bed. I administered to her and we left for home on the 7 PM train. I called at Asenaths and visited with her & Mother a short time.

25 August 1906 • Saturday

Home I accompanied Prests F. M. Lyman and B H Roberts to Nebo Stake Conference held at Spanish Fork We left Salt Lake on 8 A.M. S.P. Ry. Conference was held in City Pavillion. Present at forenoon meeting 304 Reports and a a 30 min talk from B H Roberts. Prest Lyman made Op. remarks.

Afternoon meeting

560 in attendance.

More good reports, good [p. 134] Spirit prevailed. I occupied 30 minutes in Conclusion. Subject. Congratulations. Temple vs civil marriages and the preparation necessary to be made Weekly meetings.

26 August 1906 • Sunday

Spanish Fork.

at Prest Henry Gardners. Attended forenoon meeting. Attendance 1126. good attention & good order.

Prest. Brimhall spoke about 20 minutes. Bring out of the Child the best there is in him. Possibility are of a Deamon or a Divine. Prest Lyman occupied 45 65 min. Sund. Subjects.

Afternoon meeting. Presen[t] 1375 people. Authorities presented & sustained unanimously I occupied 35 minutes Subject. Fall of Lucefer & his hosts Read from Pearl Gt Price page 14 & Bk Cov Sec 29 par 36. Their influence upon the race to tempt & lead them astray. What disobedience [p. 135] has done for man via. degeneration and what obedience would do for us via. redemption The exercise of our agency & reasons why we should be obedient.

Prest. B H Roberts spoke about 50 min. Subject Honor in Commercial affairs & Tithing reading from Malakai. Gen’l Priesthood meeting at 4 P.M. Prest Lyman occupied about an hour sundry subjects.

Evening meeting

Prof. Lund, Brimhall & Roberts were the Speakers. Prests of M I A reported.

After evening meeting Bro Gordon took Prests Lyman, Roberts & me to Springville where we took train for home and arrived home belated train about 2 A.M.

27 August 1906 • Monday

Home. I spent the day reading, writing and Studying. Wrote to Legrand [p. 136] Studied the Bible.

Arranged to meet CWM officials at Tooele Wednesday 29th with a view to selling to them my property & business. Phoned home to Geo. & Joel in the evening. Folks well.

28 August 1906 • Tuesday

Home. I wrote my brother Fred at Fielding the following being an extract from same.

I am kept busy with the duties of my calling and enjoy same except that I feel my inability keenly especially when I have to stand before a congregation to instruct them. However I hope that in time through prayrful thought, hard study and the blessings of the Lord I may be able to acquit myself with reasonable credit and satisfaction.

I hope Dear Brother Frederick you will find time to attend faithfully to your religious [p. 137]

<A letter to My Brother Fred>4

duties and live a clean and exempleary life so you can be used in a more responsible position than you a[t] present occupy for I can now tell you, your services will be needed and I should feel badly, indeed, if when the occasion presents itself for your rise to a more prominent position in the Church, when you could be more useful in the Lord's hands, some little thing such as a non observance of the word of wisdom; a neglect of your prayrs or any thing of the kind, should block your way. It is by the observance of these little things that men show whether theirs is an obedient or a willful spirit. A man with a willing and obedient spirit can be used for positions of trust and honor though not other wise very well qualified but if otherwise qualified so much the better. Success [p. 138] will follow for his ministry will be attended by the blessing of the Lord. But the man who has demonstrated an unwilling and disobedient spirit Can scarcely be trusted with grave responsibilities and high honor lest the Same be trailed in the dust as it were and the man himself be in reproach before his brethren.

One man say, I am not seeking any such honors. Of course not but that is no reason why we should not be prepared for what the Lord has for us and wants of us.

God showed Abraham Certain Inteligences and Said He, These are my noble ones whom I have chosen to be my rulers. Thou Abraham art one of them.

You my Dear Brother may be one of them and you should not hedge up the way of your coming to this honor.

A straw thrown up indicates [p. 139] the direction of the wind. Even so the small things of our lives indicate largely our future destiny.

My Dear Brother Fred. I want to See honor come to you. I know it awaits you but if from your course of life you allow it to pass you by, the oppertunity may never again be presented. Do now put your self in order, then your House and by your actions say, As for me & my house we will serve the Lord in these little things as well as in greater things. Now Frederick, do not be offended at my appeal but heed it I pray you. I am your Elder Brother & for this reason you should hear me and not take offense. God bless you & your family

Affectionately Your Brother

Geo. F. Richards

I spent the day in study and writing. [p. 140]

29 August 1906 • Wednesday

Home. I went to Tooele by train in A.M. Nerva & Thelma accompanied me. G. T. O.’del C S Burton M D Wells of C W & M Co. Came out by Automobile. After looking over my home property by their invitation I returned with them in Auto. to Salt Lake. Got in the Slue & stuck. Had to work in the mud to get out being detained 35 min. Two Hours travel.

30 August 1906 • Thursday

Home Attended Council meeting in temple at 10 A.M. Attended to several items of business down town & returned home about 2 P.M. My Sister Nerva here also my mother.

I phoned Geo. F Jr. at Tooele this A.M. perscription for medicine for his boy.

Attended Circle meeting in the temple in the evening.

Threatening Storm at Night. [p. 141]

31 August 1906 • Friday

Home. Left in company with J G K. for Preston where we Attended Stake Con. Staid with Prest Geo C Parkinsen.

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August 1906, George F. Richards, accessed March 5, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote “Oct” before crossing it out and writing “Aug.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “ern States”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically across the entire left margin of page 124.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 138.