January 1891

1 January 18911 • Thursday

Tooele Snowed in the morning. Pleasant most of the day.

I loaded up 2106 lbs. of baled hay and took to Stockton on the 2nd. The above is for 2nd. This day 1st I attended Fast meeting. Loaned to F. K. Lougy One Hundred Dollars for one year. Made out my monthly report. Put the cattle in the yard, commenced feeding them. Spent the evening at home. It was a fine day.

2 January 1891 • Friday

Tooele Snowed in the morning. Pleasant in the afternoon.

I took load of hay to Delamar Stockton Made sign board and put up on De La Mar’s shop. Had a shave at Barber shop. Spent the evening at home. [p. 69]

3 January 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took team and buggy and met Prest. H. S. Gowans at the Depot and took him to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting. I addressed the meeting. After meeting Prest. Gowans and I took dinner with Counsellor Charles Anderson. Viewed his views and returned home arriving about 5 P.M. Spent the evening at home.

4 January 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine but cold.

H. S. Gowans and I in my buggy went over to St. Johns. Attended both School and meeting and spoke in both places. Called at Bro. McIntosh’s and Administered to Sister McIntosh who was sick. We put up at Bp. Caldwell’s. Arrived home at 7 P.M. Remained at home in the evening.

5 January 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine in forenoon, stormy in afternoon.

I presented my report as Treasurer of the [p. 70] County for the three months ending Dec. 31, 1890 to the County Court which was received and an allowance of $60.00 made me for services during the quarter. Wrote to Zions Savings Bank to open an account with them and do a Banking business with them. I got the water into the watering troughs, repaired fastening to front gates and put out sign board. Attended to several small matters pertaining to the interests of the ranch. I also issued School admits to Several children. In the evening I attended a meeting of the water owners of Settlement Canyon where the matter of selling water to the Water Co. was discussed.

6 January 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine. Cloudy in afternoon. I grubbed sage, went to look at the McKendrick lot west of Speir’s store. Attended to some business at the Court house. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board and transferred Ranch acc’ts. from old book to New book those that were open. [p. 71]

7 January 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine most of the day Snowed some little.

I did some sage grubbing, attended to some business at the Court House, attended to some School Trustees business at McCuistions and to some Water Co business at home. Attended a meeting of the High Priests at 2 P.M. and occupied a portion of the time in talking. In the evening I shaved and did some writing & reading.

8 January 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine but cold.

I attended to some business at the Court House as County Treasurer. Took Alice in buggy to Grantsville where we Attended the Ward sociable. Staid over night at Councillor Chas. L. Anderson’s. Prest H. S. Gowans & wife staid there also.

9 January 1891 • Friday

Grantsville Weather fine.

Visited the New School house in company with Bro. Charles Anderson & others. Attended the childrens Sociable dinner and dance in the middle [p. 72] of the day and at 2.30 P.M. started home. Arrived home all right and attended to some business at the Court House. I had Charles Pocock working during my absence for which I paid him from my own means. Spent the evening at home. The baby having taken cold was sick all the night so we got but little sleep.

10 January 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine, dry & cold. No wet this winter.

I attended to the regular work of the place, sold one load of hay to Chas. Pocock and pitched it on for him. Grubbed sages and &c. Spent the evening at home. The baby had a better night than last.

11 January 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather coldest of the season thus far. Frost fell nearly all day.

I accompanied Prest. Gowans to Clover where we attended school and meeting. Prest. Gowans spoke in school and both of us spoke in meeting. Between School and meeting we visited and administered to Bp St. Jeor’s Son (married), who [p. 73] was afflicted with what <we> supposed to be Typhoid Pneumonia. Good results followed. Arrived home about 7 P.M. The baby had been some easier during the day. I wrote up my Journal from the 7th inst from memory. Rec’d an invitation to attend the Lake View Ward Sociable to be held Jan. 16th 1891.

12 January 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather continues dry and cold with the ground barely covered with snow. I grubbed and piled sage in east field, and towards night went over and saw Bro. Geo. Atkins house on inside with a view to buying. The above is for Tues. 13th on the 12th I wrote letters, Saw the other Trustees about furniture &c. Received letters from Dwyer, Mother Seney and Fred. I wrote letters to Fred, Dwyer, Mother, Seney, W. J. Robinson, Bank.

13 January 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather dry and cold.

The forepart of yesterdays report is for today as you will see by reading the above— written to-day. Went to the Store [p. 74] with Alice. All are feeling better of colds.

Remained at home during the evening, read the paper, wrote in Journal.

14 January 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather mild in morning, clouded up and commenced snowing about 4 P.M. About three inches of snow fell by bed time.

I wired three chairs and put rounds in. Made fire in forge and drawed out two grub hoes. Attended the funeral services of Miss Ewin from Ophir held in the Meeting House and preached the funeral sermon. Went to the School house and issued school admits. Called at the Court House and at Prest. Gowan’s office. Went to P A Droubays Store and got letter from Lyon & co. in reference to baled hay. Wrote that company. Attended the Elders Quorum in the evening and occuped a portion of the time talking. After meeting I repaired door lock, chair, wrote in Journal and wrote a letter to Lyon & co. Alice moved the childrens beds up into [p. 75] the south front room, took up kitchen carpet, moved cupboard down in Kitchen put down carpet &c.

15 January 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather mild. About three inches snow. I hitched Vick into the cart and went up to A. J. Isgrens and got him to come down and repair our hydrant. Sold baled hay to James James, grubbed sages, went down to post office in cart. In the evening I read from the Book of Covenants several sections relating to the Millennium. Also read the 13th chapter of St. John, and read from Bible Readings.

16 January 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine not so cold.

I grubbed sages in forenoon. In afternoon I settled my tithing for 1890 Total payment for the year One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. I saw A. J. Stookey, Teacher, and A. J. McCuistion Trustee about desks and other matters and telephoned to James Dwyer of Salt Lake. Went over to Lake [p. 76] View in the evening horseback and attended their Ward Sociable dance. Arrived there about 7 P.M. and got back home at 1115 P.M. While in Lake View I went with several other elders and administered to Sister Adamson who was very sick. Shaved.

17 January 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather continues fine. Only about 4 in of snow fell this winter and no rain. Some snow on ground now.

I grubbed sages, mended three more chairs, sharpened two grub hoes &c. Spent the evening at home reading the News. Bathed &c.

18 January 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended the Tooele Ward Sunday school Review. Three meetings all of which were splendid. Superentendent Johnson from Grantsville took dinner with us and Prest. Charles Anderson took supper and staid all night with us. A pleasant visit. I offered the opening prayr in the afternoon. [p. 77]

19 January 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hitched up the team after breakfast and took Prest. Charles Anderson up to the head of our water Cystem, talked with A.F. Doremus through the Telephone. Attended a meeting of the Stock Holders of the Tooele City Water Company and was elected one of the Directors for the ensuing two years. Received assessments for the Water Co. attended to some writing arranging of Water Co. books &c. Spent the evening writing and reading.

20 January 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine and thawing. I grubbed sages in forenoon and in afternoon I hitched up the team on buggy and took Prest. Gowans with me over to Lake View where we attended the funeral Services of the Old Lady Adamson. Apostle Lyman was present. I got Alice’s shoe repaired at the Shoe shop and made purchase of Children’s rubbers at Droubays. [p. 78] I sold to Bp. John Shields of Lake View one ton of baled lucern. Put wagons in sheds, took rack off off wagon &c. In the evening I went over to Geo. Atkins to See him but not finding him at home, I did not remain but went down to Newton Dunyons. Found young folks there. Listened to music on the Piano, singing &c. Inquired of Dunyon if he would sell a part of his lot. No sell. Wrote cards to Fred Mother and to Juvenile Instructor &c.

21 January 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I posted a notice on the Co-op Store, Pasturage, &c. Put rack on wagon loaded a load of hay 2660 lbs for J. M. Isgren and cleaned up after it. I grubbed sages in the east field in afternoon and in the evening I attended the Seventies quorum meeting. Spoke a short time. Talked with George Atkin about buying his place. Sent letters off.

22 January 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine. Not cold. The light snow like frost fell nearly all day. [p. 79] I grubbed sages all day in East field. Called at Store and got weigh receipt of hay, called on Prest. Gowans at his office. Talked with B. L. Bowen about his place home and farm.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ward visiting Teachers. Spoke to them upon their duties.

23 January 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine. Foggy.

I grubbed sages in east field until 130 P.M. Came in took dinner. Met at H. S. Gowans office the Directors of the Tooele City Water Co and adjourned until tomorrow. Attended to Some business at the Court House. Spent the evening at home writing. Looked over the Geo. Atkin lots with a view to buying them. Letter from Fred.

24 January 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather continues fine. I put rack on wagon, hitched up team and loaded up a load of hay for Benj Howells, Cleaned up scattered hay, hitched up team and took Alice to the funeral [p. 80] services of Ezra Rowberry’s wife John Gillespies daughter. Apostles Lyman and Grant spoke. H. S. Gowans offerred the closing prayr and I the Dedicatory prayr at the grave. Alice did not go to the Cemetery so I took Bro. George Craner up and from there took Apostle Lyman and Prest Gowans took Apostle H. J. Grant up to the Springs in Settlement Cañon at head of Water Cystem. Attended a meeting of the Directors of the Water Co. for the purpose of organizing. I was elected Treasurer for the Company for a term of two years. Spent the evening at home. Agent for Whitneys History of Utah called and spent an hour or so with us. I wrote up my journal for a couple of days. Wrote to A. F. Doremus. received a letter from Doremus.

25 January 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I arose early, did the chores, hitched up a team on buggy and Took Estella with me to Grantsville to attend Conference. Apostle Grant accompanied Apostle Lyman and [p. 81] Prest H. S. Gowans took with him B L Bowen. Bro. Bowen returned in the evening and Estella accompanied him home while I remained over night at Grantsville putting up at Counselor Charles L. Addersons [Anderson] with Apostles Lyman and Grant, Prest. Gowans Bp. Sharp and William King.

At the Conference I opened the Conference by prayr and in the afternoon I occupied twenty five or thirty minutes preaching. In the afternoon after 4 P.M. Attended a meeting of the Stake officers and Pps. [Bps.] and in the evening a meeting of the Stake Priesthood. We had excellent instructions and powerful testamonies for the Gospel. Prest. H. S. Gowans & I occupied the Same bed.

26 January 1891 • Monday

Grantsville Weather light wind which blew some during the previous night. Commenced raining in the evening after my return home to Tooele and from rain to Snow. I attended the two conference meetings and while at Bro. Anderson’s I was was mouth in consecrating a bottle of oil. Prest Gowans [p. 82] anointed Sister Tanner and Apostle Grant administered to her. Sister Anderson was feeling quite miserable to-day. We returned home arriving home a little before six P.M. found Legrand ailing with what appears to be Chicken Pox. I talked to the children a while and then administered to Legrand. Wrote in journal and wrote out a proposition to make to Bro. Geo. Atkin on purchase of his home.

27 January 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy, Snowed nearly all day, only about six inches.

I had my bonds as Treasurer of the Tooele City Water Co. approved and filed. Made Geo. Atkin an offer of $2500.00 for his home. Waited on the children who were sick with chicken pox. Did the regular chores &c. In the evening I attended a lecture delivered by Prof. Alexander on Phrenology and had my head read before the public. There were three others, S. F. Lee, Wm Elkington and D. T. Hedges. Got but little sleep on account of lecture and sickness.

Wrote to Mother and Nerva also to Des. Nat. Bank & David James Enclosing check in full. [p. 83]

28 January 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the regular chores and went in buggy to Stockton to See about the hay Selling business. Made collections &c. Bert Howells rode home with me. I went over to Hotel to see Prof. Alexander. He called in the evening and examined my head and my Wife's head and gave us a chart which we examined in the evening. Waited on the sick children &c. Nerva and Georgie was real sick.

29 January 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold but clear. I grubbed sages all day in East field. Had Charles Pocock helping me. In the evening I read the papers while Alice attended the lecture by the Phrenologist Alexander Alexander. Children sick with chicken pox.

30 January 1891 • Friday

Tooele Snowed part of the day. I had Charles Pocock helping me and we grubbed sages all day in East field at my expense. In the evening I [p. 84] shaved, cleaned up and Alice and I attended the lecture of Mr Ellis in the meetinghouse and from there we went to the dance held in commeration of or honor of the birth of the Scotch Poet Robert Burnes. Had a Splendid time. Came home at 12:30. Children improving.

31 January 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Snowed part of the day. I issued school admits all day at the Adobe school house. Spent the evening at home writing and fixing up accounts. Sent a warrant of $151.00 to the City Board for 40 desks bought of them. The children are getting some better.

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January 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1891/1891-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “1890” before writing “1” over the “0”.