September 1900

1 September 1900 • Saturday

I worked in garden 3 hours in morning Attended two meeting of the Sunday school conference & spoke in the afternoon. Geo. Reynolds present. Came home with me after afternoon meeting & staid all night. Bros. Jas. Griffiths & Wm. Moss took dinner with us.

2 September 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather dry. Some clouds about I attended Sunday School conference in School house in fore & afternoons. & in latter Spoke upon subject of Sacrament by request. I blessed Agnes & Albert Lindholm’s baby & gave her the name of Sarah Adams Lindholm. Blessed her for her health she being very frail. Assisted in blessing several other children. After meeting Bros. Hugh J. Cannon & Geo Reynolds came home with me & took supper & then went to E.T. to hold Evening meeting. I administered to Wm. Henry Bryan a Patriarchal Blessing. Nerva being scribe. [p. 22] Alice & I attended conjoint meeting of the Y.L. & Y.M’s mutual in the evening.

3 September 1900 • Monday

Picked fruit made fence to contain straw & Jno. Mercer commenced to haul agreeing to haul five loads from west farm for a large hog valued at $7.50 Legrand & George continues disking & drilling at west field.

4 September 1900 • Tuesday

Picked peaches, weeded garden &c.

5 September 1900 • Wednesday

" "1 Irrigated lot. Traded Roan horse to John Mercer for Brown horse dick.

6 September 1900 • Thursday

Repaired wagon took tung out & hounds off. &c.

7 September 1900 • Friday

Picked fruit. & did other odd jobs. Administered to Albert Lundholms baby

8 September 1900 • Saturday

Picked fruit in forenoon. In afternoon Joel & I went to Station with two teams & got lumber & shingles

9 September 1900 • Sunday

Prest Gowans & I with my team went to Batesville. Attended School & meeting. I spoke at both. Prest C. L. Anderson came to meeting. Prest Gowans & I ate dinner with James Wood. I administered Patriarchal blessing to Dora Woods. Alice & I called on Bro & Sis. McBride in evening. I called & talked with Phares Dunyon about taking up a night school this coming winter.

10 September 1900 • Monday

I hauled lumber from Station attended funeral of Albert Lindholm’s baby & spoke at the Services. Delivered Shingles &c to Relief society on Contract of $98.00 5.00 of which donated.

11 September 1900 • Tuesday

Unloaded two loads of shingles & lumber Hauled two loads of wood from Ry & two loads of straw with Joel’s help & two [p. 23] teams. Geo & Legrand continue the seeding of grain.

12 September 1900 • Wednesday

Windy I hauled straw two loads & worked on drill points taking off old ones & putting on new ones

13 September 1900 • Thursday

Windy. Tried burning brush on west farm Bro’t barley straw home & put in yard for pigs to look over. Finished putting points on Drill hoes

14 September 1900 • Friday

Commenced hauling corn Fixed up rack for hauling.

15 September 1900 • Saturday

Hauled two four horse loads of corn from Larson Field. George Commenced drilling wht. on corn ground. I accompanied Bro J. K. Orme up to Andrew Russell’s by request where we administered to his wife & baby the latter 18 days old. Both were benefitted.

16 September 1900 • Sunday

Windy weather I attended Y. M. M. Committies in Relief Hall at 10 & 2 oclock I offered the opening prayr in Morning session. Set Heber J Robinson abart [apart] to be an aid to the Superintendency of the Y.M.M.I.A. of the Tooele stake

John K Orme & I administered to Sister Adelia Russel after Circle which latter I attended. Bros Ekman & Frank Bates took dinner with us & put up their horse here. Attended Convention in evening & offered closing prayr. Wrote to Grandma.

17 September 1900 • Monday

Hauled corn from east field.

18 September 1900 • Tuesday

" " " " "2 to a finish. put rack off & box on trucks. Sent by Legrand 12 bu wht to mill for feed. I put new singletree on Carriage &c. Geo & Joel worked at east field leveling and seeding.

19 September 1900 • Wednesday

Hauled Rock off west field Legrand & I hauled 9 loads. In evening I accompanied C R McBride to Russells & Administered to Adelia Russell; She being very sick. She got good rest during the night. [p. 24]

20 September 1900 • Thursday

Continued rock hauling off west farm. Joel & Legrand helped me & we hauled 15 loads. George finished drilling on east field & moved back to west field.

In the evening Bro McBride & I administered to Sister Adelia Russell again.

21 September 1900 • Friday

With four horses & three boys we hauled rock off west farm. 12 loads.

22 September 1900 • Saturday

Weather clowdy.

Home Continued the rock hauling.

23 September 1900 • Sunday

Clowdy in A.M. Rain from 6 P.M. to towards morning.

I remained at home in forenoon and studied in afternoon Nerva accompanied me to Lake View where I met Prest Gowans & attended the meeting & spoke about 30 minutes.

<Rained for 6 hours or more continuously, the 1st good rain since last May.>3

24 September 1900 • Monday

Paid J. W. Tate 65 bu. wheat 40 bu for Disk harrow & 25 to bal. Store acct. Wrote letters to Mother Stephen Nerva & Fred. Put handles on augurs &c. Picked peaches.

25 September 1900 • Tuesday

Home No storm last night & no frost today Clowdy this morning & cool.

I had a most pleasant night’s sleep and rest and during the night dreamed that I was ordained an apostle under the hands of Prest. Lorenzo Snow and was told by him that there were other blessings for me which he had not the authority to give, greater than these. This day I with George’s help butchered a pig which weighed 110 lbs. dressed. I wrote several letters, made some repairs &c.

<I dreamed a Dream>4

26 September 1900 • Wednesday

Weather stormy

Home I did odd jobs about home. In evening I attended Republican primary where 13 delegates were elected to attend Co. Convention at Grantsville. My name was mentioned but I asked to have it withheld as I had an appointment for [p. 25] that day, that appointment was Stake Priesthood meeting.

27 September 1900 • Thursday

The three boys & I with four horse team gathered up & hauled off from west farm, rocks.

28 September 1900 • Friday

Continued rock hauling.

29 September 1900 • Saturday

I attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele and after the meeting Bro. C R McBride & I went to Grantsville and attended the Rep. Co. Convention and in the evening attended Rep. rally the Speakers being Gov. [Heber] Wells. Rep. Nominee for U S. Representative Geo. Southerland, E. B. Crichlow & Jno Gray Dixon of Provo. Nominee for State Treasurer. At the priesthood meeting I talked Apostle Lyman being present gave valuable instruction in which he said Presidents of Stakes & Counselors & Bishops & Counselers and men of more than one family should keep out of politics i.e. their names should not appear upon a ticket to be voted for but they should take active part in primaries & when wanted in Conventions to counter act trixters & bring good men to the front. At Grantsville Bro McBride & I took supper with Gustave Anderson & there met Mr Raddatz of Stockton & Mr Gibson of Mercur. Returned home after the Ralley; Wm S Marks accompanying us. Arrived home a little after 1 A.M.

30 September 1900 • Sunday

On order of Prest Snow this day is set apart as fast day the 1st sunday a week later coming at Conference time. I fasted, accompanied Prest Gowans to Grantsville & there attended school and meeting we all 3 Bros Gowans Anderson & I spoke at each. Ate Supper at Prest. C. L Andersen’s & returned home arriving about 7:30 P.M. Our folks tolerably well. Mamie somewhat ailing & I have quite a cold. [p. 26]

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September 1900, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Picked peaches”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Hauled corn from east field”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 September entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 September entry.