December 1903

1 December 1903 • Tuesday

Fair weather

I attended to the regular work of the place including work on books getting out report &c. In the evening I attended Mutual.

2 December 1903 • Wednesday

Attended to Regular business & work on books.

3 December 1903 • Thursday

" " " "1 issued bills.

4 December 1903 • Friday

" " " " "2 Administered to my daughter and in evening attended meeting of Stake Presidency in my office.

5 December 1903 • Saturday

Administered to my baby assisted by Jno Gillespie and at sundry other times did I [p. 141] administer to her she having been sick for about two weeks.

I took my team & surray and accompanied by Prest. Gowans, Jno Gillespie & Archie Bevan went to Grantsville where we attended High Council & Stake Priesthood meetings and returned home arriving before dark.

6 December 1903 • Sunday3

Fast Day. I fasted & gave donation to the poor. Attended Sunday School and after School I administered a Patriarchal blessing upon the head of D.P. Howell, Wm Cassity Scribe. At School I bore testamony, Attended afternoon meeting and bore testamony Attended Prayr Circle & blessed the oil. Assisted in administering to Bro. Moyers after meeting.

7 December 1903 • Monday

Attended to the business of the place and put several additional wires high on top of fence from Cow yard around to & including west gate on north Side. Stookeys team tends.

8 December 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to business as usual. Continued fencing around to Imp. house including gate and put both gates under lock & key. Bro. O. H. Barrus called and got bill of lumber and staid over night with us. We attended mutual meeting in the evening.

9 December 1903 • Wednesday

Wrote up my journal from memory since Nov. 30th Attended to regular business. Took inventory of machine extras and copied them to mail to C. W. & M Co.

10 December 1903 • Thursday

U. S. Cline & one Mr. Olsen representing C W & M Co. called on me. I assisted with the washing. Made quotation to C H Worden on bill of material for R. Gundry house stockton 319.00. Prest. Gowans called on me in evening and showed me letters which passed between Bp. M M Stookey of Clover & John St Jeor also his intended father [p. 142] in-law Bradder in relation to giving John S. Jeor a temple recommend with a request for suggestions if we had any to give. Prest Gowans made answer indorsing the united action of the Clover Bishoprick in with holding recommend.

11 December 1903 • Friday

Attended to the regular business of the place. Repaired spring to Swing door between dining room & kitchen, put bottom in cole hoal [coal hole], hoops on tub &c. Attended Alice to store where we bought some christmas things and attended meeting of Stake Presidency at 7 P.M. after which I copied the minutes and wrote to Elder Francis M. Lyman at Liverpool Eng.

12 December 1903 • Saturday

Received a letter from Elder Geo. Teasdale of the Quorum of the Apostles dated Nephi Dec 11, in which he asks if I remember what was said in Sunday Morning meeting of our late Con. that could be construed in to being a reflection on Bro Nuttall. I made answer that I did not and explained my remembrance of what was said and Prest Gowans wrote an indorsement on bottom.

I mailed this day with letter to Bro Lyman. Attended to the regular work of the place. Made preparation to go to Vernon tomorrow.

13 December 1903 • Sunday

With my team Prest. Gowans & I left here at 6:10 A.M. & drove to Vernon arriving there at 10:40 AM and put up team at Bro Pehrson’s and went to School getting there before the opening at 11 A.M. We both spoke in school: Inspected tithing lot granary &c Took dinner at Bro Pehrsons E. J. Attended meeting where we both spoke. After meeting we returned home arriving home before 10 P.M.

14 December 1903 • Monday

Attended to business, made a summary of Lumber quotations &c.

Have been figuring for some time on a proposition to borrow about $3500. and put it into the lumber business, buying out U. L. Co interest here and run an in[p. 143]dipentent yard. Bro C. L. Anderson has intimated that he would loan me the money.

15 December 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to the business of the place as usual. Joseph Steed of Clover came over for lumber &c for School Dist. In evening I attended Mutual meeting and lectured. Subject Individuality of translator preserved in Book of Mormon & justification for custodian of record changing phraseology grammer &c.

16 December 1903 • Wednesday

Continued work of attending to chores & business of the place correspondences.

17 December 1903 • Thursday

Spent spare time in making business calculations. Left home with team & buggy at 4:45 P.M. Drove down to C. L. Andersens in one hour 17 min. Spent the evening talking over lumber business. Arranged with him to get $3500. or more if desired to put into the lumber business for five years at 10% int. payable quarterly. Returned arriving home at 11:25 P.M.

18 December 1903 • Friday

Attended to the regular work of the place as usual. Answered correspondence &c. Attended Creamery meeting in evening.

19 December 1903 • Saturday

Met Joel at depot coming from School for the hollidays. Attended to regular business and a meeting of Stake Presidency in evening postponed from last night on account of Creamery meeting Wrote up Journal since 14th inst. Folks pretty well.

20 December 1903 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans & I with my team & buggy went to E.T. Ward where we attended School & meeting and a Priesthood meeting at Bp. Feller’s home between. Bro. Morton of the Gen’l S. S. Union board was at School in interest of a Convention of Schools to be held in Salt Lake in January. We then spoke at School & at meeting. Attended a meetings meeting of S. S. officers [p. 144] after School. August Naymann was chosen for second Counselor to Bp. Feller and sustained by the people. I was mouth in ordaining him an High Priest and setting him abart [apart]. We had a good time. A good spirit prevailed. We arrived home safely. On my return home I found Lucena sick with sore throat and fever. I administered to her and she was benefitted thereby.

21 December 1903 • Monday

Lucena quite sick. I administered to her several times in course of a few days. Attended regularly to my work. This day Joel & I took stock of lumber &c. and in the evening listed it up.

22 December 1903 • Tuesday

Worked on my accounts until middle of afternoon when I got ready and went to Salt Lake on the 4:30 PM Train. I called on Utah Lumber Co. that night also made some xmas purchases up town. Phoned from Lum. Co. Office up to my son George and he came over & accompanied me from Lum. Co. to his home where I staid the night.

23 December 1903 • Wednesday

at Salt Lake Snow slightly covering the ground and weather cold enough. I attended to business at C. W. & M. Co. and with Stephen, with Strivell, Pattersen Hard Ware Co. Called on Parker Lumber Co., Morrison, Merrill Lumber Co., Utah Lumber Co. and Geo Romney Lumber Co and with the latter placed an order for car of shingles & lumber. From the latter place I phoned to My son George & he came over and accompanied me to his home where I spent the night.

24 December 1903 • Thursday

Salt Lake City. Snowed during the night several inches. Geo. Edith & babe Legrand & I all rode over to Ry depot. [p. 145] on car and from there boarded train for Tooele where we all arrived safely in due time. Found Lucena up and feeling much better then when I went away. Folks busy making preparation for Christmas. Geo. & Edith, G L & Nerva Spent the night with us and helped to dress the tree &c. We went to bed long after mid night.

<Geo & Joel brought freight up from Depot and we delivered a stove & set it up. at Mrs. Taylors. Joel met us with team & sleigh.>4

25 December 1903 • Friday

Christmas. Arose early with the children and enjoyed with them the pleasures of the occasion. During the day I took the folks for a sleigh ride.

26 December 1903 • Saturday

Geo. Went to Station with team & Sleigh & brought up Jackson two seated sleigh and with Legrand’s & Joels help I put it up. also a pair of bobs, Scales, & stove cleaned up my business house &c

27–28 December 1903

Prest. Gowans & I with his team & buggy went to Batesville where we attended School & Meeting & <I> spoke at both. Between School & Meeting we held Council meeting with the Bishop & his Counselor E. Ekman and agreed to propose the name of Ernest Wood as second counselor to the Bishop and at meeting he was sustained and was ordained & an High Priest and set apart by Prest. Gowans. A good spirit prevailed. I occupied about 35 min. in meeting. Legrand left for Salt Lake by afternoon train so that when I arrived home he was gone. Geo & Edith Staid all night with us. I aworke [awoke] at 1 A.M. & lay awake until after 4 A.M. Arose before it was day light. Got the Chores done when the Ry Agent phoned up that a car of lumber had come for me. I made ready the team & wagon while Joel got breakfast and I started him off for first load [p. 146] with Harold Skelton at 9:15 A.M. They hauled three loads of shingles & lumber.

I worked on sheds all day. Put girts through about one half the length of sheds and piled lighter class of lumber up there. Assisted in unloading lumber &c. In the evening I worked on my books. Weather cold not to extreme, roads good Family well. Geo. went back to City by train <4.30>

<C L Anderson called & I gave him my note for 3500.00 Dated Dec 23, 1903 time 5 yrs. Int. 10% Quarterly. Alice signed>5

29 December 1903 • Tuesday

Weather good. Folks well. I worked on sheds assisted with the unloading of the lumber and in the evening I worked on my books wrote up my journal from Sat. 19th Received from Mother this day agreement in duplicate signed by her & acknowledged by Notery wherein I accept $2500. as my interest in Mothers property and I signed same & had them acknowledge and Sent to Mother a copy and kept a copy.

30 December 1903 • Wednesday

Attended to the regular work. Assisted in the unloading of the lumber as the boys hauled it from Depot. Worked on Sheds &c.

31 December 1903 • Thursday

Went over to Buehl to See C. H. Worden. Did some work on sheds moving lumber &c. Worked on books in evening. Wrote to Mother & Asenath. Wrote up Journal for 30th & 31st. Folks pretty well at closing of the year.

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December 1903, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Attended to Regular business & work”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Attended to Regular business & work issued bills.”

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Mond.” before crossing it out and writing “Sunday” above it.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the portion of the 24 December entry on page 146.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 27–28 December entry.