November 1907

1 November1 1907 • Friday


I commenced Friday evening Oct. 25th to read the Book of Mormon and this day at 2:30 PM I finished it. All within a week. In the mean time I attended eight meetings and one theatre, read the News papers & Visited my folks, wrote to my sons.

Boarded 11:48 P.M. train for Rigby Idaho.

2 November 1907 • Saturday

On Train [p. 28]

Arrived at Rigby about 10:45 A.M. Was met at Station by Bro Robert Bybee of the Bingham Stake Presidency. Went directly to Meeting in Pecks Hall. Bro Thomas Lee talked a few minutes and then I read II Nephi 2 chap, and spoke in all 45 minutes. Subject. “Man is that he may have joy” Present 64 only. I staid at the home of Bro Call. At afternoon meeting Present 138 I occupied 50 minutes. Read 21 verses of 27th chapter III Nephi and talked upon the First Principles.

3 November 1907 • Sunday


Attended 10 AM Meeting Pres. 551 By phone request Pres. James Duckworth of Blackfoot Stake joined me and unexpectedly My Nephew Stephen L. Richards Jr came in to AM Meeting. Both he and Pres. Duckworth spoke at the morning meeting. At afternoon <Pres. 724> meeting Bro Stephen L. Richards & I were the Speakers. The former occupied 35 minutes and I 45 minutes His subject Sunday School work and my subject, training of children. At Conjoint meeting Pres. Duckworth, Stephen L. & I were [p. 29] the Speakers.

After meeting I took train 6:30 PM for home Tourist Sleeper. Had a poor night’s Sleep.

4 November 1907 • Monday


Arrived home at 8 AM from Rigby Ida. Wrote up Journal, wrote letters &c.

Did some trading down town. Met Pres. Lyman at Pres. Office to consider matters pertaining to Southern trip.

5 November 1907 • Tuesday

Home. Election Day.

On account the funeral of Elder John Henry Smiths Sister taking place tomorrow at Provo which Several of the brethren desired to attend, our council meeting was called for to-day.

I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and Missionary meeting from 2 until 4 P.M.

I assisted in setting apart 36 missionaries and instructing same. I offered the Benediction. Was mouth in Setting apart the following.

Wm Geo. Ogilivie. Richfield Utah to Southern States

Alma Donaldson. Teton Idaho. " "2

Lester Belknap. Blackfoot " " "3

James Alfred Quinn. Basalt. " " "

David William Allred. Cove Ore Central States

I purchased birth [berth] from Salt Lake on San Pedro Road to Daggett for 6th [p. 30]

I voted and later called on my mother. My daughter Nerva came in from Tooele and voted.

6–8 November 1907

Wed. Nov. 6, 1907. Home.

I cleaned up front yard. Mother and Sister Nerva visited us. I brought Mother over by car and Alice & I walked home with her. I bathed and made ready for my Southern trip. Attended my Circle in the evening 14 present. Claud Richards and Stephen L Jr’s oldest child (boy) called and took dinner with us.

I took the Los Angeles train at 11:40 PM. for Holbrook Arizona via Daggett & Santafee Ry. Bro. Geo Albert Smith & Sister McCune with me or I with them. Nothing of much importance transpired enroute to Daggett except that we had a time singing hymns Thu. evening in which several of the passengers joined us. Bro Smith & Sister McCune had a Gospel Conversation with one Mrs. Lacy. Our train which should have arrived at Daggett at 1:30 A.M. was about four hours later, in consequence of which we missed the 2 A.M. Santafee train out of Daggett and had a lie over until 2 P.M. Friday. We took Daggett hotel two rooms and retired. Got several hours more sleep. The [p. 31] weather warm like summer at Daggett. Some clouds hanging about. Our health is good at this writing 11:40 A.M. Fri. Nov. 8th eastern or Mountain time.

8–10 November 1907

Snowflake Ari.

Elder Geo Albert Smith, Sister McCune and I left Daggett Friday 5:30 P.M. on Limited Santa Fe and arrived at Holbrook at 11:30 A.M. Saturday. Went to the home of Bro. Robt Smith son of the Late Jesse N. Smith

Met at Station Bro Frost & Bro Wm Howard Shumway, the latter drove us to Snow flake 28 or 30 miles. Left Holbrook 12 o:clock Noon and arrived at Snow flake at 5:30 and went directly to Special meeting of the public called for our benefit or rather on account of our coming there having been two meetings already held during the day. At this meeting I spoke 45 minutes, get acquainted talk and encouraging the people to not only be good but do good. We are favored & much is expected of us. We are to be the Salt of the earth, the light set on a hill. Our lives should be a living sermon of good works before the world & one another and we should be preachers too by precept, every man to his neighbor & wash our hands clean of all responsibility to our neighbors & to the world. Be contented with what [p. 32] the Lord has done for us and not covet the talents and blessings enjoyed by others but count our blessings often & see what the Lord has done for us.

Bro Smith occupied 5 min & Sister McCune 10 min.

We took Supper at Bro. Jos. W Smiths.

Attended a Stake Priesthood meeting at 7:30 P.M. at which considerable business was attended to. Bro Geo. A. Smith occupied about 40 minutes and I about 20 minutes. Subject. Bps & Stake Presidency should have an under Standing as to the necessary qualifications of a young man in order to be promoted to the office of an Elder. Then the Bps & their Counselers should be united on all names recommended and they should not impose upon the people of the ward, or the Stake Priesthood or the Elder’s quorum by recommending those who are unworthy. &c.

I went home with Bro. James Madison Flake of the Stake Presidency where I spent the night. Weather pleasant but ground muddy the results of the recent rains. At Bro. Smiths where I took Supper at 7 P.M. I was mouth in family prayr and again at Bro Flake’s before retiring to bed I was mouth in the family prayr. We received a kind greeting & welcome. [p. 33]

Attended 10 AM meeting and occupied 30 minutes with method & freedom. Subject. Symmetrical training <Development> of faculties & person Physical, Intellectual, moral & Religeous.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting and occupied 45 minutes with reasonable freedom concluding 10 min. to 12 o’clock. Subject. Book of Mormon and Agency of man.

Attended a meeting of the Seventies for 1½ hrs 4 to 5:30 P.M. and spoke to the Seventies about 15 minutes. Subject. Seventies farm; Individual & personal missionary work Practice on delenquent Seventies. Presidents & Bishops should call on these Seventies to preach and they should prepare to do the preaching.

Attended Conjoint meeting and occupied 30 minutes. Subject. The Gospel & first principles.

Took supper with Father Flake at his son-in-law’s Bro. McLaws Son of John McLaws Jr. of St. Joseph.

Administered to one young man Bro. Porter whose mind is affected weakening. Slept at Bro. Flake’s.

Have enjoyed my visit here greatly Have met many dear friends of my Sister Alice Ann whose lives and experiences have been interwoven with hers. Sister Lucy Rogers & Bro. John McLaws are acquaintances of mine the former, of early days. Bro Smith has a severe cold. [p. 34]

11 November 1907 • Monday

Snowflake Ari.

We visited the Snowflake academy and spoke to the Students. I occupied about 20 minutes with good freedom yet deleberate subject. Concentration of mind. Sleek [Seek] the Spirit of the Lord to aid in all problems Be gentle to one another. Do not tear down each other by speaking evil of one another. Say & do that which will make others happy & you will yourselves be happy. Bro Smith & Sister McCune also Pres Mo[e]nch & Pres. Sam’l Smith spoke.

I called on Sister Lucy Rogers and had an hour’s visit. Hyrum Smith came to see me at Bro. J. M. Flake’s I met an one Sister West and her Niece Maralda Robinson dau. of Solomon Robinson Deceased. Relatives of My wife.

We left Snowflake for Pine Dale at 2 P.M. 18 miles South & west & reached there at 6 P.M. a pleasant ride. There were two conveyances and besides our party of three Pres. Sam’l Smith & his brother Joseph & Miss Bushman from St Joseph who went with us in interest of the Y.L.M. At evening meeting the attendance was 178 while the population of the ward is but 125. Some were gone [p. 35] to Phoenix to the State fair and others away from home on thresher.

Some business was attended to by the Mutual officers. Bro Geo. A. Smith occupied 30 minutes, Sister McCune 30 minutes & I concluded with a 45 min talk including the reading of the 2 chapter of II Nephi. Had good liberty and Spirit and spoke deliberately. Subj. Men are that they may have joy. Bros. Geo Albert & Saml F Smith & I stay<ed> at Bp. Thomas’es while the other visitors staid at Sister Pearsons. A Cold night. Bro. Smiths Cold no better. Before leaving Snowflake I penned a few lines home to my wife.

12 November 1907 • Tuesday


We left Pinedale about 11 AM and reached Showlow ward 15 miles East at 3 P.M. Took supper at Bp. Owens and learning that Alfonse Burk lived three miles back on the road at Tool Hollow or Adair, I got Pres. Saml Smith to hitch up and take me over to See him. I spent about 1½ hrs with him and preached to him and he took it all in good part and spoke as if he would accept of it and take the course I indicated for him. He also accepted the invitation to come over to meeting and went to the field & got a horse and rode over. His wife & he were pleased [p. 36] that I called on him.

At the evening meeting which lasted from 6:30 to 9 P.M. there were present 107. Good order prevailed and a good Spirit. Pres. Saml Smith, his Bro Joseph, Sisters Bushman & McCune each spoke and together took about 35 minutes. I occupied 30 minutes & Bro G A Smith 50 minutes My subject was Repentance & charity. We all have need for repentance & a condition of forgiveness is that we foregive others. Be gentle to the erring one. Though our sins be as scarlet yet shall they be wash<ed> clean by the Blood of the Lamb through acceptance of the Gospel. Had a general hand shake. Retired to my room at Bp. Owen’s and wrote up journal for the day.

13 November 1907 • Wednesday


We left showlow about 9 A.M. and drove to Shumway about 13 miles Went out of the way to see the Reservoir site. Attended meeting at Shumway at 3 P.M. I occupied 50 minutes, Read from BoM Moroni 6 & 8 chapters and compared the faith & doctrines of the L.D.S. with that of other denominations. I was the concluding Speaker. Bro Smith had preceded me and occupied but about 17 minutes.

We drove over to Taylor & held meeting Present 266 if counted correctly. I occu[p. 37]pied 45 minutes. Subject. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream & fulfillment.

Johns Prophecy of the Gospel’s restoration and gathering all evidence of the Gospel’s truth. Bro Smith concluded with a 40 min. talk. Others preceded us.

After meeting we drove over to Snowflake where I staid with Bro Flake.

Sholow to Snowflake 20 mi.

14 November 1907 • Thursday


Bro Flake and I administered to his daughter Iris for the restoration of her hearing and to his son Sam’l Dinnis [Dennis] for his heart.

We left Snowflake about 9:30 A.M. with Bp. Hunt of Snowflake for Concho 30 miles distant reaching there about 6 P.M. Saw pre historic ruins on the way. We put up at Bro. Pulsifers. I wrote home. We held a cottage meeting at the house where we were Staying 46 being present. Bro. C. P. Anderson of the St. John’s Stake Presidency and Bp. Overson met us & attended the meeting Sister McCune Pres. Anderson Bps Hunt & Overson Spoke & occupied together about 20 minutes. Elder Geo. Albert Smith occupied about 40 minutes and I occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Young people should look upward and [p. 38] cultivate refinement. So conduct your selves that if the eye of some refined and educated young man should be upon you, he will not become disgusted but charmed. Read II Cor. 6:14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers & commented upon same. Warned the young against associating with their Mexican neighbors. Parents provide Amusements for the young and mingle with them &c.

15 November 1907 • Friday


We left Concho for St Johns at 7:30 A.M. and arrived at St Johns at 10 AM. Put up at Pres. David K. Udall’s.

Attended Mutual Convention at 10:30 A.M. and Spoke. Subject Leaders Duty of Presidents to Counselors. &c. on the topic Leaders. Attended Mutual Convention 2 P.M. and in the Y.L.M. Department Spoke. Subjects. 1. Duties of L.D.S. women to bear children following sister McCune. 2. on topic How can we best develop a testamo<ny> in our girls? 15 or 20 minutes.

Added a few lines to letter written home last night & mailed same. Mail leaves here for the north at 2 P.M.

We took cold lunch at the Academy building where the meetings were held. [p. 39] At 4 P.M. races and basket ball played. Meeting of Presidency at 6:30 P.M. and of Stake High Council at 7 P.M.

At latter meeting I recommended that they instead of holding Stake Priesthood meeting and High Council meetings once each quarter, that they be held each month alternating between St Johns & Eager 35 miles south, which suggestion was adopted.

I spent the night at Bro Chas. P Anderson’s of the Stake Presidency.

16 November 1907 • Saturday

St Johns.

I took a bath first thing this A.M. and am feeling well. Weather threatening storm.

I attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting Took dinner at Pres. D K Udalls.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting and occupied 20 minutes. Bro. Smith 20 min. Subject. Get acquainted talk, related some of my personal experience in early life.

Took supper at Wm D. Renchers’

At evening Priesthood meeting Elder G. A. Smith occupied about 50 minutes and I, 30 minutes Subject ‘You are the working forces of the Stake. Requisets. 1. pure life why? 2. Example, Why? 3. Enerjetic effert. 4. Re-enforcement by preparing [p. 40] the boys for promotion and promote them when old enough & worthy. If not worthy, why not? Have the bishops done their duty by the boys.

I wrote to my wife and to my son George. Slept at Bro. Chas. P. Andersons Rained a little just at dark but clear<ed> away and stars shone out bright

17 November 1907 • Sunday

St. Johns.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting & occupied about 20 minutes. Subject.

1. Origin of S. School. Results of insperation

2. Object " ".4 Religeous education of young

3. Why necessity for such education.

a. To make them good & save them

b. To qualify them for usefulness.

4. Guardianship of young.

5. Bring in those now neglected or extend scope <of usefulness>

I took dinner with Bro. Francis G. Brown a most sumptuous repast.

At 2 P.M. Meeting Some strangers present Sister McCune & Pres. Udall each spoke a few minutes Elder Smith occupied 45 minutes Comparison of beliefs and changes in modern Christianity. I followed and ran over the time the first time on the trip and that I did knowingly and I believe profitably 10 min. I occupied 35 minutes. Read [p. 41] Sec II Nephi 2:1. near end which is a discourse of Lehie’s to his Son Jacob on fall & Resurection then took up 1st art. of faith and showed our belief &c. Good voice, language & freedom of thought. One of my best efforts, yet I scarcely knew what to say when I arose. The Lord helped me. Thanks and all honor be to Him.

I mailed letters to my wife and to my son George.

Elder Geo Albert Smith, Sister McCune & I took supper with Sister Ballentine Farr & family.

At evening meeting I occupied 35 min, Sist McCune 25 and G A Smith 15 My subject was. Purpose of the earth’s creation. a. an abode for man. 1. God gave Eve to Adam to wife. That is honorable marriage. He commanded to them to multiply & replenesh the earth. We are expected to receive our companions the Same way & to follow the Counsel given Adam & Eve. Courtship and proper association of the Sexes received attention. The young should provide the amusements and entertainments and under the Supervision of older heads, those who are responsible for such things; and they should seek that class of amusement which is refining, educational and elevating. &c. [p. 42]

After meeting we met the Stake Presidency in council again. I slept at Bro. Chas. P. Andersons. Set apart officers

18 November 1907 • Monday

St. Johns. Arizona

Weather rough. It commenced to Snow hard about 8 o’clock this A.M. and at this writing 8:30 A.M. the ground is covered and it is snowing about as hard as I ever saw it snow. We have before us a drive of about 20 miles to Hunt on our way to train with another drive to-morrow of about 40 miles. I am well. We have had a good conference. There are many expressions to that effect. The Lord has blessed and magnified us and the people feel that they have been blessed.

We took dinner with Bro & Sister Overson We left St. Johns at 1 P.M. and reached Hunt at 6 P.M. 20 miles distant.

Driving snow storm part way, cold all the way. Excellent supper prepared by Sister Morgan widow of the late John Morgan at Pres. D. K. Udall’s ranch home.

I mailed letter to my son Oliver before leaving St Johns.

19 November 1907 • Tuesday

Hunt, Ariz.

We left Hunt for Adamana 40 miles distant at 7 A.M. Had [p. 43] cold weather and muddy roads & our team got very tired. We drove through the petrified forest and obtained some good samples. There were many trees various sizes & thickness some five or six feet in diameter. They are flinty rock of many colors. We reached Adamana about 8:30 P.M. too late for night train. We got rooms at hotel and it was a very cold night and we suffered during the night.

20–21 November 1907


We bid Pres. Udall good-bye and took train at 5:30 A.M. Stopped off at Williams an hour or two & took next train Stopped a few hours at Ash Fork and left there at 6:15 P.M. for Phoenix. Arrived at Phoenix at 3 A.M. and retained the car until 7 A.M. Went to Adams Hotel and got breakfast. Took Auto & saw the town. Visited the State Capitol, the Insane Asylum & Indian Schools. We left Phoenix at 3 P.M. and in about 40 minutes reached Mesa. Met Bro. Pomeroy of the Stake Presidency on train from Phoenix and Pres. John T. Lesueur met us at the Ry Station & took us to his home. Here I received letter the first from home and one each from Geo. & LeGrand enclosed All well at home, 11th inst. date of letter [p. 44] I wrote home from Phoenix and mailed cards to the children.

I trimmed my beard, changed my linnen and after Supper <should have gone> went to a Young peoples convention but the notice of the meeting for some cause was not circulated and the meeting had to be deferred.

22 November 1907 • Friday

Mesa, Arizona, <Maricopa Co.>

I took a bath before dressing, changed clothes &c. Wrote home to my wife also to my Son George in Chicago & to my Son LeGrand in Holland.

Pres. Lesueur & wife, Bro Dana & wife, Bro Pomeroy, Sister McCune, Elder Smith & I went in large conveyance for ride about the town & fields and over to Lihi where we attended the funeral services of Sister Prethero and after Bp. Davis had made a few remarks I occupied 30 minutes followed by Elder Geo Albert Smith. Returning to Pres. Lesueur’s we took Supper and attended a Convention of Y.M.M.I. workers. I spoke briefly in conclusion. Late getting home. Slept at Pres. Lesueur’s. Received an interesting letter from Pres. Francis M. Lyman addressed to Elder Geo. Albert Smith & myself. Advised us of a letter we should receive from the Presidency later with [p. 45] reference to the Juarez Stake & Mexican Mission Presidency.

23 November 1907 • Saturday

Mesa. Ariz.

Letters from Mama, Joel & George.

Attended 10 AM meeting and occupied 45 minutes. Subject. Improve home surroundings, plant crops & raise fruits which will be most profitable. Climate, soil &c suitable to make here a paradise. The land is too valuable to go uncultivated. Every square yard should produce something either useful or ornamental. 2. Get out of debt before pinching times come. Do individual missionary work among the Strangers & also our own people &c.

<This talk was in afternoon Did not talk in forenoon.>5

Took dinner with Bro. Stewart Pres of Y.M.M.I.A.

At 2 Meeting I made the talk as reported above and did not talk in the forenoon I remember. We went to Supper with Bro. Geo. Stewart Lewis.

At evening priesthood meeting I occupied about 40 minutes after Bro. Smith had occupied same time. Subject. Cleans[e] the platter from the head down including the families of the officers. 2 Activity in callings. Release those who will not or cannot [p. 46] attend to duty. Train the boys to become Deacons, the deacons to become teachers, teachers to become Priests, Priests to become Elders, Seventies, &c. Then we will have live quorums of Elders & Seventies & young men will be prepared for temple blessings. The Bp should fortify himself against any charge of discrimenation or injustice by laboring with the boys and warning them of the requirements made of them before they can go to the temple or be promoted in the Priesthood.

Slept at Pres Lesueur’s

24 November 1907 • Sunday6

Mesa. Attended prayr Circle at 8:30 A.M. and after prayr Elder Smith and I each talked to the Circle members and a good time was had.

Attended 10 A.M. Meeting present. 332. 632. Sister McCune, Elder Smith and I each spoke in order named. Each spoke on Subject of removing hats in meeting. I gave them an original Conundrum. Why is the removal of hats in Church to-day like the first princeples? Answered Told the Story of the wind & the sun. Quoted James 1:20 [21]. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness & superfluety of naughtiness &c. Good liberty. [p. 47]

Dinner at Pres. Lesueur’s. Windy weather. I wrote card Home.

Elder Smith & I had conversation with one Bro. [last name redacted] of Phoenix Excommunicated in California. Rebaptized here on recommendations of Pres Robinson from California misison by letter. Wishes to know if his sealings & Priesthood can be restored without going through the temple again. Ans. Yes when he has satisfied the Pres. of Stake of his worthiness.

Dinner at Pres. J. T. Lesueurs.

On our way to afternoon meeting Pres. Lesueur, his boy Karl 12 yrs old, Elder Geo Albert Smith & I were in a two seated surrey with top and the horse got frightened at the harness breeching dropping on to her heels & She began to run. Elder Smith jumped from the conveyance just before it tipped over and as the conveyance went over on its side the animal checked her speed turning the opposite way from that the buggy tipped and towards Elder Smith who caught her by the bits & Pres Lesueur having the lines they controlled her until I and others got her relieved of the harness. No one hurt a most fortunate thing.

At the afternoon meeting I occu[p. 48]pied 55 minutes chiefly on Apostasy touched the Subject of Restoration lightly, not so well satisfied with my effort as at some other times Present 657 of whom 50 were babies.

Elder Smith Sister McCune & I took supper with one Bro <Geo.> Lewis.

At evening meeting Sister McCune & Bro Smith were the principle speakers. I did not talk. Slept at Pres Lesueur’s each night as did Bro. Smith. Sister McCune staid at Bro Isaac Dana’s.

I mailed a card home.

<We administered to the following. Sarah Valensuela (indian) Samuel Johnson Hyrum B. Morris, & blessed baby Geo Hyrum Pomeroy.>7

25 November 1907 • Monday

Mesa. Ariz.

We attended a meeting of the High Council at 10 A.M. At this meeting at my suggestion we inaugurated the Quarterly Conference of the Stake Presidency & High Council. I made a few remarks by way of introducting [introduction] representing what would be expected Then the Presidency each and each of the members of the High Council spoke, made confessions and promised they would reform. 16 talks 1 hr 20 min. Then I talked about 20 10 min. and Elder Smith about 30 minutes. A most profitable meeting.

We called at Bro Lesueur’s & got lunch and from there went to Papago & held meeting with the Lamanites. [p. 49] All the Stake Presidency & the wives of Pres Lesueur & Danna, the Bp of Mesa & his wife & others present. Sister McCune Elder Smith & I were the Speakers Elder Smith 1st I last. We each occupied about 30 minutes included including the interpretation by Bro. Valensuela a Native & counselor to Bp. Rogers. I told them we are brothers & Bro. & Sis. Their skins are black & why? but if their lives are clean & they obey the Gospel their souls will be as white as mine. Spoke of Darwen theory & lack of hope on their part. &c. We administered to several of the Indians. Went down to Chas. Peterson’s to supper. A brother of Julia P. Richards my brother Myron’s wife.

Attended a recital given by a Miss Holliday from Salt Lake in the evening.

26–27 November 1907

Tuesday <& Wed.> Nov. 26, 1907. Mesa, Ariz.

Dr. A J Chandler took Elder Smith Pres. Pomeroy & me up to the distribution dam in the Salt River 12 miles distant from Mesa & just below where the Verda river empties into the Salt River. The trip was made in an Automobile. 50 minuts going & 50 min, returning.

We wrote up Journal to date and wrote letters. Took supper with Bro. [p. 50] Dana & family. Left Mesa about 6 P.M. to Phoenix. There boarded pullman for Tucson. At Tucson changed trains from #8 to #10 a faster train just behind us. Thence on to Bowie. There we had about 8½ hrs. wait for branch train to start to Thatcher. Arrived at thatcher about 5 P.M. Sister McCune was met at Depot by her father & a number of relatives. Pres. Andrew Kimball met Elder Smith & me with buggy and took us to his home where we staid the night. We accompanied him to a theatrical given by local talent a benefit for the Y.L.M.I. Association. The American Tramp. Found letter from my Son George awaiting me also one from LeGrand to him enclosed.

28 November 1907 • Thursday

Thanksgiving At Thatcher.

Pres. Kimball drove Bro Smith & me about for two or three hours and Had a nice dinner at his home Pres Chas Layton & Pres. Nash & their wives were present and after dinner we were engaged in counsel for several hours & in the evening we called on Pres Johnson who had formerly been a member of the Stake Presidency but retired on ac[p. 51]count of age 75 yrs & poor health. We administered to him.

I went home with Pres Chas M Layton where I spent the night.

29 November 1907 • Friday

Thatcher Ariz.

Attended 10 AM Mutual Convention & spoke briefly to Y Men

Attended afternoon Convention & spoke briefly to the Young Ladies.

Attended a gathering at Pres Chas M. Layton’s & Excellent supper two tables served. Went to Layton 3 miles distant to to evening meeting. I occupied 40 min on Gospel discourse Present 246.

Subject. Gospel origin. First principles as correct a law as that which governs the Universe. All must yield to it sooner or later. Fortunate is he who has the faith & the Courage to yield when first convinced. The humiliation is the greater as time is deferred but humbled we must be.

I rode over with Bro. C. M Layton.

<wrote to Mama, Joel & George>8

30 November 1907 • Saturday


I attended 10 AM meeting. Singing by Religion Classes did the Singing and gave an exercese. Subject. Obedience. Several reports & Bro. G. A. Smith spok[e]. At 11:30 the children were excused & [p. 52] an hour was devoted to Stake Priesthood work. Then The Stake Officers of Religion Classes met & each reported and I addressed them briefly. Took dinner at Bro C M Laytons. Present 568

At afternoon meeting after Several reports Sister McCune spoke about 15 or 20 minutes and I concluded with a 50 minutes talk. Had good liberty. Get acquainted. Spoke of the climate Soil & resources. Advised that they make their homes attractive within & without. Teach the children faith by example they learn best by object lesson we should live a worthy life before the children. Not be hypocretes. Relationship parents Sustain to the auxiliaries in the training of the Children. Unite our efforts & with the Lords help we will succeed & save our own &c 730 present.

We drove over to Pima 6 miles to evening meeting. I rode with Att’y Geo W. Crowsby Jr. We took supper with Bro. W D Webb & family. Attended the evening meeting. Present 248.

I was the last speaker and occupied about 35 minutes. Subject. We must know that our lives are acceptible to the Lord, or that our course is approved of him or we can not take hold upon the blessings of Eternal [p. 53] Read from Lecture 6 D & Cov.

Peoples minds must be prepared as soil for the Seed. Ex. Jos. Smith’s first vision, the Vision of the Glories &c.

Elder Smith spoke of the wireless telegraphy the adjustment of the instruments at both end. The operations of the Spirit &c. Sister McCune related a dream she had of Pres. Woodruffs rug. Her small part in it. &c.

On my return to Thatcher I found at Bro. C. M. Layton’s where I was staying, A letter from my Son George written from Chicago 26th inst. informing me of the Confinement of his wife the babe a boy having to be taken from her and dead herself being in a critical Condition. I wrote him a letter & Mother a card before retiring to my bed the Same to leave on the morning’s mail.

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November 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Oct.” before canceling it and writing “Nov.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “to Southern States”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “Idaho. to Southern States”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “of S. School”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 November entry.

  6. [6]Richards wrote “Mo” before crossing it out and writing “Sunday”.

  7. [7]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 49.

  8. [8]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 November entry.