March 1907

1 March 1907 • Friday

Mount Carmel.

This is the first day we have had no special labor to perform. We spent the day until about 3 P.M. at Bishop [p. 169] Sorensen’s reading & writing. Drove over to Orderville 2½ mi. and put up at Bp. Henry W. Esplin’s home and with him and Prest Woolley, Prest. Hart and I went up to the Cistern on top of a rock bluff same having been blasted out of solid rock. Took a walk about the town to hall & Meeting house Returned to the Bishops where we spent the night in Comfort. I took a bath.

I met Bro. Jonathan Heaton High Councilor of Kanab Stake who has two wives & 25 children & 26 Grand Children <sons & D in laws.>, all living and photographed together. He is but 49 years of age.

2 March 1907 • Saturday


At Bp. Esplin’s.

I attended Sat A.M. Conference meeting. I occupied 30 min. and Prest. Hart 35 min.

My Subject. Clean up the [p. 170] church; cut of[f] dead branches Ward visiting teachers Prosperity of Zion: Increase of numbers, increase of resources; building Centre Stake. Guard the Character of the Church.

At 2 PM Meeting Prest Hart occupied about 40 min. and I occupied the remaining 15 minutes with good freedom. Subject. We are well taught Do not as well as we know Some Hypocracy among us. We claim we know the Gospel to be true & the Books of Mormon & Covenants true which makes it the word of the Lord to us yet we reject the word & do not live it.

At 4:20 Attended High Council meeting laid before the brethren the advantages of meeting more often and they decided to hereafter meet twice each quarter. Good meeting.

At evening meeting I ans[p. 171]wered anumber of questions and spoke 15 or 20 minutes Bishops visit wards; Teachers visits; Lesser priesthood. Case for the boys, they are to be the men of the future.

After meeting I had a nice visit with my Nephew G. Q. Knowlton. Wrote up my journal for the day.

Weather fine; my health good. We have this day been well sustained of the Lord

3 March 1907 • Sunday


The Bishopric of Kanab and the Stake Presidency brought to me a question on appeal from Bishops Court where a man holding the Melchesedek Priesthood is disfellowshipped for Contempt. Answered this and other questions satisfactory.

Attended S. S. Session of the Conference and occupied 20 minutes Subject. Duties to of Parents to Children, How [p. 172] the S. School can aid in the work. Purpose of the organization. Laid responsibility on S.S. teachers to teach the First Principles to the Children before 8 yrs old and lead the older boys to the Priesthood. Bishops should promote the boys when worthy and make them worthy. Marriage in the temple for time and eternity. Marry early, marry right and live in peace and bear Children that your names may be handed down for generations.

At 12:30 The Presidency, High Council and Bps & Councilors met and continued until 2 P.M. Lined up the brethren. Bro. Edwin Pugh asked Prest Woolleys pardon in a good spirit for things he had said of him and was forgiven All voted good fellowship and a good lesson was learned.

Attended 2 P.M. Meeting I occupied 30 minutes [p. 173] on the Gospel its origin, its existance from the beginning taken away from the earth through the wickedness of men Apostacy of the primative church Restoration of the Gospel. Persecutions expected, they come but the works work stands & will endure for ever. We may have to suffer but whatever may be required we should be prepared for them. By doing the small duties we plant our feet in the narrow way and fix our faith permanently.

After meeting attended a meeting of the Seventies and spoke about 10 minutes Subject monthly dues. This led up to a gospel conversation with Bro. Geo. Corrall who admitted he was a little on the back ground. He had asked to be released from a mission in /95 when he had been out but two or three months & came home acct homesickness. [p. 174] At afternoon meeting I blessed William Heaton Esplin the infant child of Bro Esplin now on a mission.

Attended evening Conjoint meeting. I occupied 45 minutes with good liberty Subject. 1st Article of faith. Personality of God. We his ofspring, posessed of like attributes. “Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.” He is perfect in all his attributes It is our work to perfect our selves in our attributes. To do so in this life would be impossible but we have an eternity in which to progress. This the world do not believe. When we have re[a]ched perfection what will we be if not Gods. Spoke of the powers of man & what he has achieved in controlling the elements & subverting them to use of man. What may not God do & will we not then be in his presence. His Control of the elements as shown in the organizing of the world. By the Same [p. 175] power will be brought about the resurection &c Warned the people against sexual sins which have to be paid for with much Sorrow and the Stain can never be erased.1

4 March 1907 • Monday


With Prest E D Woolley and his dau. Ray, Prest. Hart & I left Orderville at 10 A.M. for Kanab after I had written home to my wife and to the Presidency & Twelve my report. Reached Kanab about 4:30 P.M. Lucern green and Apricot trees in bloom. After Supper at Prest. Woolley’s, we attended a special meeting in the Social hall which was well filled and some were in the galary Estimated about 400 present. I spoke first and Prest Hart followed each occupying 55 minutes. My Subject after a few introductry remarks The Gospel; free agency; God forces no man; if we love a brother [p. 176] we will not sit idlely by and see him go to destruction; obedience necessary; It is not so much that we never commit sin that is almost impossible but that we repent when we discover it. Any one can be good whit but few may be great. It is the good who are to receive salvation not the greats because of their greatness. If we believe what the Book of Covenants & the Bible say to be the word and will of God why not do those things He requires of us. This brings to the attention that we have our agency and some choose to do what they know to displease the Lord on whom we are dependent for every thing earthly and eternal.

Good attention at the meeting Medium liberty.

Rained during the night.

5 March 1907 • Tuesday

Kanab [p. 177]

Had a good night’s rest & am well. Prest. Woolley B. Rigs Prest Hart and I left Kanab about 10 A.M. for Fredonia 7 miles distant where we put up with Bishop Asa W. Judd and held meeting from 12 until 2 P.M. I occupied 50 minutes with good liberty. Subject. The Gospel. We should be true to the Gospel & to the Lord. Obedience, refrain from drink & other forbidden things. At this meeting having attended another Since I am not clear as to subjects treated.

After the meeting Prest Hart, Bp Judd & I went to the home of Moses Simpson Emmet 92 yrs. of age who was sick and we administered to him. Prest Hart anointed & I sealed the Anointing. I offerred the Closing prayr at the Fredonia meeting.

We left Fredonia, Coconino Co Arizona for Moccasin 15 [p. 178] miles distant at 3:18 P.M. in a rain storm and reached our destination at 7:18 PM. & at Bro. Jonathan Heaton 35 persons being present. Bro Heaton, Prest. Woolley, Prest Hart & I were the Speakers. I occupied about 50 minutes with good freedom. Related manifestations of Gods goodness to me in Confidence. A good spirit prevailed.

6 March 1907 • Wednesday

Moccasin, Coconina Co. Arizona

Moccasin Ariz.

Prest Hart and I left Moccasin at about 8 A.M. with Bro. Jonathan Heaton’s Son Jonathan on the way to Rockville, Utah in St George Stake. We were met about 18 miles from Moccasin by Henry Gubler from La Virken who took us to Rockville. Prest Hart went to bed ailing last night, and this day was very sick headache & vomiting. We reached Rockville at about 5:30 [p. 179]

I attended the meeting which was well attended and after hearing a few words from the school teacher Bro. Slack from Toquerville, I spoke occupying about 90 minutes of time with good liberty and to a large and attentive congregation. Prest Hart was not able to attend the meeting. I left at Moccasin a card addressed to Oliver.

Subject. Conditions generally in the Church. Auxialiary organizations in good condition. Children here have same advantages as elsewhere. Purpose of these Organizations. Parents duty to their Children and to these auxiliaries. We are to preach the Gospel, redeem the dead &c. Live in love together in the home, in the ward & be happy, Count the happiness of others & their love & a love for the work. Prest rested well during the night. [p. 180]

7 March 1907 • Thursday

Rock Creek, Wn Co. Utah

Weather pleasand [pleasant]. Prest Hart feeling much improved.

We left Rockville with Bro Henry Gubler at 9 A.M. Reached Virgin about 11 o’clock & held meeting. Good attendance, good spirit. I occupied 35 minutes with good liberty. Subject, marriage, live your religion & be happy &c. Bro Hart occupied about same time.

We drove on to La Virken wher[e] we held meeting at 4 P.M. Good attendance & we had good liberty. Occupied 45 min. Subject. The purpose of the earths creation. This spot for you. Beautify & love it. make good homes & your families comfortable. Obedience &c.

Bro Gubler drove us over to Toquerville & we put up with Bro. David Spilsbury who married my cousin Maria Ann. Attended the meeting in the evening and Bro Hart [p. 181] spoke 45 minutes and I followed occupying 45 min. having good liberty. Subject. First principles of the Gospel. After meeting we administered to Sister Sarah Stapley at her home. an aged lady. While at Virgin we blessed Sister Jepson an aged lady.

8 March 1907 • Friday

Toquerville, Utah

Did not get my usual amount of sleet [sleep] last night though I had a good bed & alone. Am well. Prest Hart & I with Bro. Batty as driver left Toquerville for St George We held meeting at Leeds where Prest Hart occupied about 30 minutes and I followed for an hour on the Apostacy & Restoration of the Gospel and First Principles. There were present two Wagon Missionaries, a Catholic School Teacher and some back sliders and I was well sustained of the Lord. We took dinner with [p. 182] Bishop McMullin. There are about 30 families here and at the Reef.

We drove on to Washington. 12 miles further where the people gave us a good greeting. The School Supt. Bro Stony from Cedar and his pupils had decorated the house with flowers, blossoms & willow & Stars and Stripes.

Had a good meeting. I occupied 27 minutes & Prest. Hart spoke 35 min. in conclusion. I had good liberty and spoke of Current affairs in the Church testified of Prest. Jos. F Smith’s integrity and the ultimate tryumph of the work.

After meeting we went to the home of Bro. Tobler and administered to his wife who has been ailing for some weeks. We drove over to St. George arriving at 6 oclock. Went to the home of Prest Whitehead where we were nicely cared for.

Letters received from home Raining at nigh[t]. [p. 183] After supper I bathed & changed my clothes. Had a good nights rest.

9 March 1907 • Saturday

St. George. Utah.

I trimmed my beard and wrote home to Mama in answer to one of the 4th received on reaching here last night.

I attended the morning session of Conference and in Conclusion spoke 20 min Subject. Temple work. Met and was introduced to many people. Prest. Hart spoke 30 min. Good spirit attendance not large.

Afternoon meeting I occupied about 25 min. Subject. Marry early and in the right way. The young ladies should not be too Confiding in Strangers. Men of the world do not look upon virtue as do we and many who are corrupt carry their heads high and are admitted in to the Society of [p. 184] our young people and too often corrupt them. The boys are to some extent responsible because they do not live worthy lives and are not educated and refined as they should be and as the young ladies would like them to be and they do not marry our girls when old enough.

After meeting I went with Prest Snow to the phone and arranged with Prest. Uriah Jones of the Parowan Stake to meet him at Bellview on Tuesday night the 12th and attend meetings in his stake until Sat & Sunday Conference at Parowan.

Attended a Priesthood meeting at 4:30 P.M. Addressed the meeting. Subject. Honor men in their offices. The Prest respect his Counselors & vice versy &c. The Lesser Priesthood Should be properly graded. Order of presenting the Names [p. 185] of young men for ordinations to the office of Elder. Fast offerings.

Put up at Bro. Whiteheads. Prest Hart & I recieved complementary tickets to the show. I gave mine to Sister Whitehead and she & Prest Hart went. I wrote up my journal and retired early to bed.

Health good weather fine.

10 March 1907 • Sunday

St. George, Utah

I attended S School session of the Conference. Prest Angus M Cannon and his son John M were present & the latter spoke as did Prest Chas H Hart and I. A good meeting.

I went with Prest. Edward H Snow to dinner.

Attended Afternoon meeting Prest Angus M Cannon, Prest Hart and I were the Speakers we each occupied about 30 minutes. I had pretty [p. 186] good liberty but started out too rapidly and could not very well check myself. I spoke of the loyalty we should give to the Gospel, the Church & the Lords Authority. Prophesied that if the people would pay their tithings & be otherwise faithful that the Lord would bless the Earth for their sakes. The attending to the Smaller things prepares us for greater sacrifices when they come.

After this meeting the Seventies met for about 2½ hrs.

Some young men (3) who were users of tobacco were suggested to be ordained Seventies. Two of them had been using tobacco for several years & in the mean time had been to the temple & married evidently made and broken their promise with their Bishops or the Stake Presidency. I recommended that they be placed on probation which was done [p. 187] There were [blank] seventies ordained I was mouth in ordaining three of them as follows.

Minor H. Prisbey of St George <Quo 22 27>

John Samuel Wittwer. Santa Clara <29>

William Franklin Wilson Virgin <9>

I also Set apart Wm Gardner as member of the High Council and Ordained Joshua A Crosby an High Priest and set him apart an Alternate High Council man. Bro Geo F. Whitehead of the Stake Presidency set apart Wm J. B. Carter a member of the High Council and ordained Frank G. Miles an High Priest and set him apart an alternate member of the Council.

Attended evening meeting and spoke 45 minutes with good liberty but with deliberation to an interested Congregation of young people. Subject. The first Principles; the mercy and good ness of God in providing such a plan for our salvation and what we owe Him [p. 188] for these and all other blessings Our dependence. How to Show our gratitude. By doing His will and in doing so we but do that which will be for our own good. He would have us to do only that which would be for our own good here & here after.

11 March 1907 • Monday

St. George.

Prest. David H. Cannon took Prest Hart, John M. Cannon & me through the temple and up into the tower where we could see well the City & valley the temple being central of the Valley. Two suggestions I have to make 1st that a vault for the records be provided. 2nd That photographs of the Presidency & Twelve be placed in the temple.

The Storms of the past year have washed off the Calcimine in places and the <See 195. Page Continuated> [p. 189]

California Mission2

Items to Report on.


Elders should be healthy who are sent to this mission.


Elders Should provide themselves with Prince Albert suits and such other clothing as they need before leaving home as clothing is high Singe [since] the San francisco disaster.


Elders should provide themselves with all necessary books before leaving home, except Bk. of Mormon & tracts which are had by the mission from the Northern or Eastern States.


Local brethren are called in to service but their numbers are too few. The Saints are not nursed as they should be and the invitations to [p. 190] visit Strangers can not be cared for for want of Elders.


The Elders love their Mission and Conference Presidents and are devoted to their work and humble. They have a good choir & the Conference and Priesthood meetings were choice. The latter held at Los Angeles was Characterized by the presence of the Holy Spirit as I have witnessed it on but few occasions of my life.


Instructed Prest Robinson Relation to Sacrament administration. Secretaries to the Branches and record of proceedings in meetings kept. Do not tolerate insubordination but Cut of[f] the infected branches if you can not revive them.

The Case of Henry Victers

Haw Thorn Farm

Milpitas. Road

San Jose. cal. [p. 191]

In California Mission

There are [blank] Mission Elders.

Henry Victors a hen Cal. pecked husband whose wife is wealthy and a member of the Church but does not believe in plural marriage or tithing and objects to his having the Priesthood or going on a mission. He wishes both Priesthood & a mission. He is a German. [1/2 page blank] [p. 192]

San Francisco Conference

19 Elders located as follows.

Oakland —


Sacramento —


Humbolt Co. —


San Jose —


San Francisco


[3/4 page blank] [p. 193]

<From page 189.>3

water has run down staining the walls.

I wrote to Mama and to LeGrand. Also wrote the Presidency & Twelve Visited Daniel D. McArthur the former president of the St George Stake who is now blind. We went to the home of Hector A McQuarry’s and administered to his wife who was in great pain She received immediate relief and a good night’s rest. Glory to God & the Lamb. We took Supper at Sister Whitehead’s Mother’s Sister Morris.

12 March 1907 • Tuesday

St. George. Utah.

Prest. E. H. drove Prest. Chas. H. Hart and me over to Leeds a distance of about 18 miles. We took dinner with Bishop McMullin after which the Bishop sent his team and a young man named Frank Sullivan with us to Bellview a distance of 10 miles about. We Staid over night at the [p. 194] home of Sister Gregson Bro. Gregson away from home but she had her little girl Dom, a Young Lady named Empey & a son about 16 yrs old with her Bishop Smoots Gottlieb Schmutz of Harmony met us here and staid all night. The wind blew Cold on the way from Leeds to Bellview and at night the weather was cold very much unlike the weather we had been having while at St. George 28 miles distant. My health and Spirits are good.

13 March 1907 • Wednesday

Bellview. Utah.

With Bp. Schmutz, Prest Hart and I drove to Harmony ward 15 miles north where we met Prest Uriah F. Jones & his Counselor, Bro Leigh. Held meeting at 1:30 P.M. Good attendance, good attention and a good spirit prevailed. I occupied 50 minutes and Prest Hart about 40 minutes after hearing a few words from Bros. Jones & Leigh. My Subject. Our advantages. What the Gospel has done for us; what we owe the Lord. Duty of parents to Children. Example and proper teaching Lesser Priesthood [p. 195] Touched upon the Subject of tithing, word of wisdom and general obedience to law.

We drove over to Kanarra 9 miles where we held evening meeting. Prest. Hart spoke about 40 minutes and I concluded with a talk of about 45 minutes. Subject The Gospel from the beginning. Ware War in heaven Why. Who involved, effect. Exercise of agencty. Had the Lord said then that many of us would fall away because of temptation we would have felt much as did the Deciple when Jesus told them one would betray Him. Yet here we are and in part at least have forgotten the purpose of our existance. We should study to know the will of our Father & then delight in doing it at any cost. We can not expect to do so without effort. The path is narrow stony & a thorny way. We expected it to be so. Why be disappointed.

We staid with Bishop Berry a son of James Berry who was martyred in the South with Bro Gibbs of Paradise. [p. 196]

Suggestions to President Pratt

1 Stools for Sacrament table in all the Branch organizations.


Secretaries or Clerks in all the Branch organizations.

14 March 1907 • Thursday

Kanarra, Iron Co. Utah.

Prest Hart rode with Prest Henry Leigh & I with Prest W T Jones to Cedar where we attended the funeral services of Wm Stewart aged 44 yrs who met death by Accident in mines. Bros. Chatley and Arthur each made a few remarks. Prest Hart spoke 15 minutes and I spoke deliberately 30 minutes

Worse things than death. Buried alive 15 days in a mine. Water on the brain, Living sorrows resulting from sin. If we live right death should leave no sting. We sorrow at the parting but it might be worse.

The House of prayr or mourning, Better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of prayr. Why. Broken hearts. We are led to ask ourselves <over> [p. 197]

Words and Their Definition.

Coalition — Alliance

Collate — To Compare

Collation — A meal

Repartee — A Retort

Where we come from what we are here fore and where are we going to. These questions answered will be light to us. The liberality & mercy of the Lord as exemplified in the Gospel The wicked even to be saved when they have paid the penalty of wrong doing even as those who were disobedient in the days of Noah. Those of them who receive the Gospel after may inherit Terrestrial glory & The glory of the Telestial surpasses all understanding Bk Cov sec 76, V. 89. Oh! the mercy of God.

Attended the evening meeting and occupied 50 minutes Subject Apostacy & restoration The latter subject touched but lightly Prest Hart followed for 30 min. Subject principally the Book of Mormon. Prayed in family at night. [p. 198]

15 March 1907 • Friday

Cedar City, Iron Co. Utah

My health good, weather fine. I had a good sponge bath & trimmed my beard before breakfast. Prest. Jones not able to Continue the journey with us. Prest. John J. G. Webster with Prest Jones buggy took me and Prest. Henry Leigh took Prest Hart and we drove 12 miles to Summit ward and held a meeting of the Priesthood of the Ward from 12 to 130 and of the public from 130 to 3:30. We installed a new Bishopric. There was but one opposing vote which was by Sylvester Hulet, a personal difference being the cause, which difference was adjusted after meeting. The officers chosen are as follows

Charles R Dalley, Bishop

Oscar W. Hulet formerly the Bishop of Summit 1st Counselor

Joseph E. Jones 2nd Counselor

Arthur Jones Ward Clerk

Barbara S. Tweedy former Ward Clerk released because of sex.4 I ordained Charles R Dalley a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Summit ward. Prest Leigh set apart

<See page 201>5 [p. 199]


What are you going to do when you return home?

Preserve your health.

Keep busy & avoid contentions.

Deportment Among women.

General Deportment

Clothing and books cheaper in Salt Lake.

Reading. When looking over the head lines of a paper 1st Consider whether or not the time will be well spent. Can you spend your time better?

Releases what form Used.

People visit Utah and get into temple who are unworthy [p. 200]

Bp. Oscar W Hulet 1st Counse[lor]6 & Prest Webster Set apart Bro Jones as 2nd Counseler.

Prest Hart set apart Arthur Jones Ward clerk.

At the public meeting I spoke about 45 minutes General instruction. How to promote happiness &c.

Prest Hart spoke about 30 minutes. After dinner I went with Bp. C. R. Dalley and administered to an aged lady Mrs White who is not a member of the Church. Administered a blessing to Father Dalley, 84 yrs old. We drove over to Paragoonah and attended meeting. I occupied: 45 minutes with good freedom but deliberation Prest Hart spoke well 40 min. A good spirit, good attention After meeting I shook hands with most of the people. Prest Chas H Hard [Hart] & I with Bro Richard Robinson with whom we are staying went home with Bro Stones and administered to his daughter Eliza Isabel aged about 13 yrs. [p. 201]

16 March 1907 • Saturday

Paragoonah. Utah.

We drove over to Parowan and put up at Bp Morgan Richards’ Attended A.M. Meeting of Conference and occupied about 30 minutes. Subject. Religion class work, Church discipline Attended afternoon meeting Heard from two returned missionaries and others.

Attended meeting of High Council at 4 P.M. and address them. They decided to hold monthly meetings instead of one each three months.

Attended Priesthood meeting in the evening. Occupied 45 min Expenditure of the tithing. Development of resources. The Priesthood should be men of deep thought Corrall the business & develop the resources. &c.

17 March 1907 • Sunday

at Parawan. Attended S. S Session of Conference and occupied 25 minutes with much freedom and spirit Subject. Our children more precious than all else. See memoranda this date.

After School met with the [p. [202]] Bishops & Religion Class workers & received promise from all the Bishops to immediately organize the classes and a promise from Supt. Platt to assist them. Only one of six wards had any religion classes & that was Cedar. At afternoon I occupied 50 minutes. Subject touched lightly and apostacy and then on First principles of the Gospel. Good freedom & spirit. Went home with Charles Adams to dinner after attending Seventies meeting at which I made a brief talk. After Supper Prest Hart Chas Adams visited Sister Anna Micklesen who had a fall & injured her hip & knee. We administered to her. Called on Aunt Paulina Lyman. Attended Evening meeting and occupied 40 minutes. Subject. The light which came into the world with the Gospel. What are the abominations in the Creeds the Lord spoke of & Joseph. Good freedom but tired. (See front page) [p. [203]]

243 K&T7

8Continued from last page. After evening meeting at Parowan I assisted in ordaining 9 Seventies. I was mouth in ordaining Hauce J Mortensen and Wm L. Adams.

18 March 1907 • Monday


Prest Hart and I left Parowan with Bro. Edward Rowley as driver at 8 AM and arrived in Minersville at 2 P.M. 36 mi. Took dinner at Bishop Baker. Attended a meeting at 3 P.M. about 55 present including children The Coldest reception we have had on the trip. I occupied an hour. Subject. Obedience & free agency & its proper exercise &c Prest Hart spoke 3 minutes. Not much warmth of spirit on [p. [204]] on the part of the people. After meeting we were driven to Millford 15 mi. by two unmarried men Rollins and Roberts. On the way we indirectly preached the Gospel to them. Arrived in Millford about 8 P.M. and went to Bp. Tanners and waited for the train which was late. We have finished our labors of this trip and are on our return home. The train which should have arrived at Millford at 9:25 PM did not arrive until 2:15 A.M. and Prest Hart & I waited at Station from about 10:30 until arrival of train We reached Salt Lake at 9:45 9:40 A.M. Tuesday March 19th and found folks all well at home.

Weather Clowdy.

[end of eighth volume]

19 March 1907 • Tuesday

Geo. F. Richards

1010. Third Street

Salt Lake City


Book IX.

Mar 19, 1907


Sept 16, 1907.9 [p. [0]]

243 “K&T”10 [p. [0]]

Salt Lake City. Utah.

I left Millford at 2:30 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 9:40 A.M. to-day having just finished a visit through the four Stakes of Panguitch, Kanab, St George and Parowan. We held meetings in Panguitch, Hatch, Glendale, Mount Carmel. Orderville, Kanab, Fredonia Moccasin, Rockville, Virgin, La Verken, Toquerville, Leeds Washington, St George, Harmony, Kanara, Cedar Paragoonah Parowan and Minersville. In an absence of 26 days we held 55 meetings.

On my return home Ied [I’d] bathed, cleaned up considering my mail & did other writing and visiting with the folks. Visited with Mother, my brother Fred & wife at Asenaths [p. 1] I spent about an hr with Prest. F M Lyman in the evening.

20 March 1907 • Wednesday

Salt Lake

Remained at home reading &c until 3:30 P.M then met with the Presidincy & Apostles & Committee to review & amend an address prepared to be presented to the aproaching Conference Called a “Declaration of Defence.[”]

I went to Shop & got barbered &c

2111 March 1907 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at the temple from 10 AM until 2 P.M. went home to dinner. Attended a meeting of the Twelve, Presidency & others to Consider a declaration to be issued to the public & the world.

Attended a meeting of the Circle at 6:20 P.M. and after meeting Called on my invalid Aunt Alice Watt on 1st S & [p. 2] 3 E. st.

22 March 1907 • Friday


I met with the Presidency and Twelve from 10, until 12 noon at Prest’s office where we considered a declaration to be presented to the world by the Presidency

Made preparation to go to Malad and left on the 4:10 P.M. train with Prest. Rulon S. Wells. Arrived at Malad at 9 P.M. were met at station by the Miffling Bros & were driven direct to meeting of the High Council. After meeting Prest Wells, Ward & Gibs and I went to Bp. Wm H. Richards’ where we remained during the Conference.

23 March 1907 • Saturday

Malad. I attended meetings in fore and after noon and Genl Priesthood meeting in the evening. At morning meeting I spoke in Conclusion 15 minutes. Prest Welling & Bp. M. J. Richards reported & Prest Wells spoke 45 min. [p. 3] I spoke upon the Subject of Grace. Bro. Wells had just treated the Same subject.

Afternoon meeting Prest Gibbs Bp. Jones & J. M. Hess spoke then I occupied 43 min. Subject Obedience, Purpose of existance <&c> Read from 12 ch. Rev. 29 & 76 sec Bk. Cov & P.O.G.P. [Pearl of Great Price] page p. 15, quoted from Job. & other passages on pre-existance. Showed the fall of Satan. His mission in. and ours & the Sons to do the will of the father. Free agency & obedience. Prest. Rulon <S> Wells followed 15 minutes same subject. Good meetings. At Priesthood meeting in the evening I occupied about 25 minutes instructions to new High Council also to Bishops on grading the Priesthood.

24 March 1907 • Sunday


Attended meeting 10 AM spoke 25 minutes training [p. 4] of children &c. Attended a meeting of Presidents of the Seventies from 12:15 to 1:30 labored with Sev. Prest J. M. Hess who is a persistant Coffee drinker.

Attended 2 PM meeting and occupied 30 minutes in conclusion of Conference. Subject Apostacy from the primative church. Good liberty.

After 2 PM meeting met with new High Council the former council having been released by their expressed sanction & the new council sustained. I gave instructions and assisted in the ordaining of such of them as were not already High Priests and in Setting them apart High Councilors as follows.

I ordained Calvin W. Richards an High Priest and set him apart a High Counciler in the malad stake.

I set apart L. H. Kennard Jr. a High Councilor. He had [p. 5] been a member of the former council.

I also ordained David Parkinson, (who held the office of a Seventy) an High Priest and set him apart a member of the High Council. The members of the Stake Presidency ordained & set apart the others I also set apart Ralph J. Harding 2nd Councelor filling the place made vacant by the calling of Bro. J. H. Dredge to be a High Councilor.

I took dinner with Bro Welling school teacher and supper with Bro Jenkin Jones.

Attended mutual meeting in the evening. Occupied about 40 minutes just medium liberty. Subject Contrast the true religion with that of our fathers. Prest. Wells gave a good talk upon the subject of marriage.

While in Malad Prest Rulon S Wills [Wells] [p. 6] and I slept to-gether at Bp. Wm Richards’ We administered to Sister Richards and her sister in law of the Same name.

25 March 1907 • Monday

I left Malad in a snow storm about four inches of snow on the ground 7 A.M. for Salt Lake City. When we reached Brigham we found dry ground. Windy in Salt Lake Snowed in Salt Lake several inches depth at night. Administered to our babe.

26 March 1907 • Tuesday


I bathed trimmed beard and during the day did some reading and writing at at 3:25 went down to Granite Stake tabernacle where we had a nice entertainment gotten up by the Stake Presidency & High Council in honor of the Stake officers of the Auxiliary associations. A nice supper was served cold. and Programme rendered. [p. 7]

27 March 1907 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon at home reading &c. My brother Fred Came shortly after noon and I spent some time with him talking over the proposition made him by one Mr Stewart to buy an interest in a job printing business 1/3 interest for $1050.00. I attended a Religion class board meeting at 4 P.M. and was with my brother Fred. at the Printing Co. office talking over matters and things pertaining to the Job printing business and the proposition he had made Fred from 8 to 11 P.M. Talked with him some upon the principle of Religion Organization of the Church and the Book of Mormon.

28 March 1907 • Thursday

I was in council meeting in the temple from 10 AM until 3 P.M.

Met my brother Fred [p. 8] soon after 3 PM and spent a couple of hours with him in Doctor’s office talking over the business proposition of which he has been considering of late. In the evening Alice & I attended a reunion of the Prayr Circle of which I am president at the home of Bro Wm Aspen. where we remained until 12 o’clock. Had a nice time including a nice supper. & programme. I made a talk and offerred the closing prayr.

29 March 1907 • Friday

I remained home all day. Read, Studied, wrote letters &c. My Bro. Fred left for home having satistifed himself that the Company with whom he had thought to unite is a fake or not reliable. [p. 9]

30 March 1907 • Saturday


I called on my mother. Paid my life insurance premium 230.20 & Got back $8.25 on a/c Special Contract. Attended a meeting at the President’s office of the auditing Committee for the church & the Twelve & Presidency & heard read the financial statement of the church for the year 1907 1906.

I did some studying upon the Subject of the Gospel obedience on which subject I expect to speak at the 2nd ward Mutual Sunday night next.

My boy Oliver had been sick during the night and I administered to him & he was better during the night day.

31 March 1907 • Sunday

Declared as Fast day.

Alice & I attended fast meeting at the temple at 10 A.M. I attended my Circle meeting at 1:30 P.M. and the 27th ward fast meeting at [p. 10] 2 P.M. On my return home I found my boy Oliver not so well and I administered to him. At our Ward Fast meeting I assisted in blessing two babies & confirming two newly baptized members. Was mouth in blessing Alvin Edgar Hall an infant. I also bore my testamony. Attended 2nd Ward evening meeting Conjoint Y. M. & Y. L. and had a fine Audience of young people and I spoke for 65 minutes on the Subject of obedience. Medium liberty. Hope I made some good impressions. After meeting I went home with Bp. Iverson and assisted him in administering to his boy Joseph Grant Iverson who was sick with sore throat & fever. 4 meetings today. Weather beautiful, my health good. Before retiring for the night I administered to Oliver again. [p. 11]

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March 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]This statement is inconsistent with the doctrine of repentance taught by the church today, which is that with sincere repentance, people can become completely sanctified from sexual sin. (See, for example, Jeffrey R. Holland, “Personal Purity,” Liahona, Nov. 1998, 75–78.)

  2. [2]Richards apparently wrote this mission report around the time of his trip to the California and Northwestern States Missions, 18 October–14 November 1906.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 194.

  4. [4]Tweedy was released because of her gender, not because of any kind of impropriety. According to the church’s 1909 Annual Instructions, bishoprics of wards could call a woman as “deputy ward clerk” if the ward clerk could not “perform all his duties promptly and to the satisfaction of the bishopric” and if no “competent male deputy clerk [was] available.” By 1944, the church’s Handbook of Instructions no longer allowed for women to be called to such a position. (Annual Instructions, 1909, Circular No. 10, to Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, Presidents of Missions, Bishops and Counselors, Stake, Mission, and Ward Clerks, and All Church Authorities [(Salt Lake City), 1909], 21; Handbook of Instructions for Stake Presidents and Counselors, Bishops and Counselors, Stake and Ward Clerks, and Other Church Officers, No. 17 [Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1944], 41.)

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically near the bottom of the right side of the page.

  6. [6]“Counse[page torn]”.

  7. [7]This is stamped in the upper right corner of the front flyleaf.

  8. [8]The remainder of this entry and the next entry were written on the recto and verso of the journal’s front flyleaf.

  9. [9]The preceding eight lines were written on the inside front cover. The dates were written vertically on the left side of the bottom third of the page.

  10. [10]This is stamped in the upper right corner of the recto of the flyleaf.

  11. [11]Richards originally wrote “20” before writing “1” over the “0”.