August 1900

1 August 1900 • Wednesday

George & I with team & carriage Started for Soda Springs. Drove as far as Farmington & staid at Sister Nervas at night.

2 August 1900 • Thursday

Drove from Farmington to Mantua about 5 miles up Box Elder Canyon & Camp

3 August 1900 • Friday

Drove through Wellsville Canyon across to Hyrum and up through the Settlements on east side of Cache Valley to beyond Whitney where we camped for the night.

4 August 1900 • Saturday

Drove to Soda Springs arriving there just at Dark in a rain storm. Put up at Pratt Bros Stables & slept in the barn.

5 August 1900 • Sunday

Drove up to Hooper Springs where we met Alice Mamie & Nina with Wilford Richards & family; Maria Clark Wm Dunn & family.

6 August 1900 • Monday

at Soda. Drove over on to the Black foot river about 25 miles & camped.

7 August 1900 • Tuesday

On Blackfoot River 30 miles from Georgetown. Remained here all day. Cold nights. Froze sheet of ice over water left in wash basin.

8 August 1900 • Wednesday

On Blackfoot. Maria Clark was taken sick in the night. Wilford R [p. 18] and I got up & administered to her twice. Started for Georgetown through the mountains at 8:20 A.M. Maria on a bed in my wagon. Arrived at Georgetown at 4 P.M. a distance of 30 miles. Staid at Sarah J. Dunns at Night.

9 August 1900 • Thursday

Left Dunn’s near Georgetown & drove down to Fish Haven George & I & stopped for the Night. Saw Jas. Howell there.

10 August 1900 • Friday

Drove from Fish Haven to Meadowville over into Logan canyon & camped at night 4 miles from Logan.

11 August 1900 • Saturday

Drove to Fielding & Staid at Alice Ann’s. Commenced to put up shed at back door of Carter’s house. Put up frame work.

12 August 1900 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School 2 meetings of the Relief. Conference & on[e] in evening of Young Ladies. Met Alice & babies at 5:18 PM Train, She coming from Georgetown.

Carlie was very sick in the night I administered to her & afterward went over & Got Lot Smith co [to] come over & assist me & we administered to her again She rested after about 3 A.M.

13 August 1900 • Monday

Fielding I put roof & floor on shed over well & south Door of Carlies house.

14 August 1900 • Tuesday

Assisted with the threshing of Fred’s grain. They expected 800 & got 1200 bus.

15 August 1900 • Wednesday

Drove across the river & called on Myron Richards. Called on Anny Dalton & Alice Welling. Stephen & Irene called at Alices on their way north just in time for dinner. I took Alice to the 3:30 PM train at [p. 19] Collinston & she came onto Farmington I followed by team, George remained at Fielding to come down with excursion to Lagoon Friday. I staid at night at 3 mile creek.

16 August 1900 • Thursday

Drove from 3 Mile Creek between Willard & Brigham & got home <to Farmington> at 3 P.M. Brought Willard’s mare down to him, from Bear River.

17 August 1900 • Friday

Visited a little & went to S. L. City by train & left George to bring team.

18 August 1900 • Saturday

Staid at Dr Stephens last night & came home in morning on train.

19 August 1900 • Sunday

took team & Carriage & went to E.T. Prest. Gowans accompanied me I spoke in School & meeting

20 August 1900 • Monday

McBride & I went up Settlement Canyon to look after land with a view to buying some of Estate I killed 5 [Chicks?]

21 August 1900 • Tuesday

Went down to west field & tried to burn the Stubble acros also sages. Shot 5 rabits.

22 August 1900 • Wednesday

Bought Disk harrow of J W Tate for $20. Started Legrand to harrowing with Disk & George Drilling at east farm. I irrigated

23 August 1900 • Thursday

<Notice.>1 Put new pen in holder at 8:30 <P.M Ahem!> Hauled 2560 feet lumber from station with Pete & Clay the last for School Dist on Contract. George Drilled wheat on Larson farm where Lucern was planted in spring & Legrand harrowed with Disk harrow at West field. In evening posted up accounts. I had Clay & Pete Shoed. Administered to Albert Sundholms baby.

24 August 1900 • Friday

Helped pick & sold 5 bu. fruit. Fixed up my lumber accounts Wrote letters &c

25 August 1900 • Saturday

Sold to McBride & Orme 300 bu. of my best wheat @ 50¢ per bu & received check for same the wheat to be delivered at mill when needed. [p. 20] Attended to business down town and sent into U L Co. two bills to figure on. Relief Gristmill Arranged to Go to Mercur with Bro Anderson Prest Gowans to remain here to attend funeral of Wm Bracken’s daughter.

26 August 1900 • Sunday

Accompanied Prest. Gowans <CL Anderson> to Mercur. Attended School. Meeting in afternoon where Relief society & Primary were organized. and evening meeting I spoke at each Staid at Estellas & Bro Anderson staid there also. I set apart Sister Jas. Lee to be 1st Cou to Sister Taylor in the Relief society & set apart Sister Barnham to be prest of Primary. I blessed a baby

272 August 1900 • Monday

Came down from Mercur Prest Anderson took dinner with us. I saw Bros Marian Lyman & C.R. McBride about canyon lands & arranged to Go up in canyon next day with Marian Lyman & survey Left Hand Kelsey having in view the purchase of same from the Government. Took Mama for a ride. In the evening I attended a committee selected by Ward authorities consisting of the following named persons the object to be the building of an opera house & dancing hall.


CR McBride

Peter Clegg

H Marshall

Jas. Orme

J. W. Tate

A committee on finance was also present B L Bowen, Lafayette Orme, Matt Speirs, Geo Lyman.

I was made Chairman of Committee Decided to report to Board of Ward Com’te [p. 21] that we favored a joint stock company plan.

28 August 1900 • Tuesday

I took with me my Son George & Surveyor F. M. Lyman Jr. & went up in canyon & surveyed off in Left Hand Kelsey 8 lots in sec 18 Lots 5 to 12. A hard day’s work. Got home at 11 P.M. Pd surveyor $7.50. On account of the Lateness of the hour did not get the S. E. Corner & we should have movd the N. E. Corner 39 feet west.

<Windy weather & warm night & day.>3

29 August 1900 • Wednesday

Sent in application to purchase Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in Sec 18 T 3 W. 4 S. 206.73 <A> <307.45 A Sent $76.87 25 cts pr A. 1st Pam’t.>4 Made bids on Mr Mills lumber bill & Relief Bill. Did other writings &c.

30 August 1900 • Thursday

Worked all day weeding garden

31 August 1900 • Friday

Worked in garden, sold lumber &c.

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August 1900, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written diagonally at the beginning of this entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “26” before writing “7” over the “6”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 28 August entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the left margin.