1 January 1911 • Sunday


Good sleighing. Weather cold, probably the coldest day of the season thus far.

I fasted and gave a dollar each at temple and at ward meeting as offerings. I attended temple fast meeting, ward fast meeting and evening conjoint Mutual meeting in Eighteenth ward in the evening. At the latter meeting I offered the opening prayr and Pres. Jos. F Smith occupied one hr. 8 min discoursing. Elder A. W. Ivins offered the benediction. At fast meeting in 27th ward I consecrated a bottle of oil and made a talk of about 20 minutes on the Immortality of the soul & resurection. Between the afternoon and evening meetings LeGrand and I called at my mother’s and we administered to my mother also to my Sister Minerva. After the evening meeting LeGrand and I went up to Bro. Giver’s between T. & W. Streets on 2nd and administered to their daughter Dortha who is about 7 yrs of age and has what the doctors call leakage of the heart. I called on my way from Temple fast meeting and saw my mother. Assisted in administering to Elder Geo Albert Smith [p. 93] at conclusion of temple fast meeting.

This has been a very busy day the first of the New Year 1911 and I feel that I have done my full duty. I have enjoyed the meetings.

2 January 1911 • Monday


Weather Cold.

Mother had a bad night last. I spent a good part of the day with my mother. Wrote letters to my Sister Alice A. and Fred W. also wrote Pres. M. H. Welling of Fielding asking for blank forms of Teachers and High Councilor’s reports used in his Stake. I read James Allens works this day Accompanied Sister Sarah from Mothers to her home in 16th Ward in evening.

3 January 1911 • Tuesday


Weather warmer. My health good.

My Mother’s condition improved. I called and saw my mother in the morning on my way to meeting and again returning in Afternoon

I attended Quarterly meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. I occupied 35 minutes in talking and offered the closing prayr. Alice and I attended a reception tendered by the General Superentendency of the Sunday Schools [p. 94] in the Lion house from 6 to 10 o’clock A good supper was served and a nice programme rendered. We left before it closed by permission of Pres Smith on account of our baby at home.

I wrote up my journal after I went home and retired at 11 P.M.

4 January 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. Not much snow but good sleighing. My health good.

I called and saw my mother and administered to her. Attended Quarterly meeting of the Council of Twelve from 10 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Called at my son’s office and saw him. Attended a meeting of the General Board of Y.M.M. and my Circle meeting. I made a little talk commendatory of the faithfulness of the Circle members which was appreciated. 16 present. Went home with my son George and got lunch.

Alice and I accepted invitation of Elder Heber J. Grant to go to theatre. The play was “In search for a Sinner.” Not very good play.

My Mother is in a bad way. My Sons George & LeGrand called in the evening and administered to her. I went over at 11:30 P.M. and staid the remainder of the night. [p. 95]

5 January 1911 • Thursday


Weather moderated. My health good.

I sat up with my Mother all night. She had a bad night all night. I phoned Nerva at Farmington at 6:30 A.M. and she came down arriving about 9 A.M.

I attended Quarterly Conference of the First Presidency & the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. in temple. Sacrament.

Took supper at home and spent the remaining time at my Mother’s bed side. She rested better during the day than she had during the night. Dr. Stephen phoned Fred and Alice Ann Mothers condition and Fred came down arriving about 10:30 P.M. Alice’s Willard phoned that Alice would come down leaving home next day. Asenath, Nerva, Fred & I sat up with Mother. I got between three and four hours sleep. I administered to Mother in the morning and early evening and later my Son George came up and we administered to her.

6 January 1911 • Friday


Weather ideal for this time of year. My health is good. Dr. Stephen phoned Fred yesterday that he thought Mother [p. 96] could not live more than 24 hrs. or something similar. Her fate to me is not yet certain, but she is almost speechless. I went over home at 7 A.M., made the fires, wrote up journal, read paper and got breakfast, phoned some of the folks &c. Returned to Mother’s bed side. Between 12 and 3 o’clock I went down Town. Took dinner with George & Edith and George went with me and I bought a black suit at Gardner’s. Regular $35.00 suit on sale $27.50. Suspenders 50.00. George paid for same account note part payment. During the night last my Mother seemed to suffer less and get more sleep than during the night previous. This day she has slept more and suffered less than during yesterday and this evening I feel encouraged, yet she is very sick and gets weaker. She suffers greatly.

7 January 1911 • Saturday


Weather same. Health good.

I spent the night at my sister Asenath’s with my sick mother. I got about 4 or 4½ hours sleep. Asenath, Nerva, Fred and I sat with her. Mother suffered all night. Complained of her heart. I let at 7:10 A.M. and went home to breakfast. Slept an hour while waiting for [p. 97] breakfast. Cleaned up and had intended going over to Asenath’s before going down town to a meeting appointed in temple to hear the Henry S Tanner Case but foung [found] the time too short so phoned to Asenath who said Mother was having a restful sleep and I excused myself and went to that meeting and remained from 10 to 1:20 P.M. when Morris Young brought the word that Mother was worse and the folks had phoned me to come. I was excused and making all haste arrived at Asenath’s at 1:40 P.M. and Mother died about 1:53 P.M. I had not expected her to go so soon but since she had to go, I acknowledge God’s providence and am thankful she did not linger longer to suffer. I spent the remainder of the day phoning and attending to other necessary business.

My sister Alice had been sent for but did not come.

<My Mother died at 1:53 P.M.>1

8 January 1911 • Sunday


Weather mild.

My health and that of my family good. I met Willard B. Stephen L. & Fred W. at Asenath and with her [p. 98] we talked over matters pertaining to mother’s burial. Willard, Fred & I went up to the cemetery and looked over the grounds and we on Dr. Stephen’s statement that Mother assented to being buried on his lot, agreed that it be so, Stephen saying that he would see that the grave be kept green & well kept for ever after. Agreed that a monument be erected in centre of four lots of which Stephen’s is one, that we from means left by Mother help purchase the monument and have her inscription there one [on]. I named the following saying that we would expect at least that much of an inscription, “Nanny L. wife of Willard, born Apr. 15, 1828. Died Jan. 7, 1911.[”] To which Stephen assented. Willard, Stephen, Fred & I went to Jos Wm Taylor’s and Selicted a casket We also decided to have a brick vault and so instructed the undertaker. We were engaged in making these and other arrangements until 5:30 P.M. when I went home to dinner. Have not learned if Alice Ann will be here. She knows but is sick over it. Many details attended to not here mentioned. [p. 99]

9 January 1911 • Monday


Weather thawing.

Folks well. Letter from Joel at Liverpool, Eng. He was well on Dec. 26th. I was engaged all day perfecting arrangements for the funeral services of to-morrow. Engaged speakers, singers, and others who will partiscipate.

Mother has Six children; fifty-seven grand children and forty-four great grand children a total of 107 posterity. All except twelve grand children and eight great grand children survive her.

10 January 1911 • Tuesday


Snowed most of the day and in the evening.

I was busy all day with preparation for and attending to the funeral services of my Mother and burial. The services were held in my Sister Asenath’s home at 1 P.M. We had 100 hired chairs placed. These with those belonging filled well the rooms and most of them were occupied, probably, 90 pres[en]t. The Speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Francis M. Lyman 17 min., Pres. John Henry Smith same, Pres Jos. F Smith about 30 minutes. [p. 100] All spoke well. I occupied about 5 min. thanked all who had contributed to our comfort, their presence &c in behalf of the family. Uncle Henry P. Richards offered the opening prayr, Elder Heber J. Grant the Closing prayr and Cousin Leve W. Richards dedicated the grave. Bp. James Maxwell conducted the Services and Ward Choir leader (27th ) Thos. H. Ash and members of his choir did the singing. Every thing passed off without a hitch and entirely satisfactory to all concerned.

We buried Mother’s body in Dr. Stephen’s Cemetery lot in a brick vault. The bottom consists of two slabs of sandstone between five & six inches thick laid on a bed of cement, in the laying of which one man got his leg broken. One [On] this stone floor a vault of hard brick & cement was built, 8 inches thick and cemented on the out side. The covering was of three sand stone slabs 5 in. thick laid in cement and cealed all around the edges and the joints. All mother’s children except Alice were present. My brother Fred & wife staid with us over night. [p. 101]

11 January 1911 • Wednesday


Weather is pleasant.

Snow about a foot deep. I took my physical culture first thing this morning shoveling paths clean of snow I spent the most of the day at Asenaths, looking over Mother’s papers, assisting in making distribution of Mothers effects &c. I received vols. one to thirteen of the Millennial Stars in five books, also Mothers bedstead & springs and her small table with covers. Fred & Carlie took supper with us and spent the night at Asenath’s.

I wrote to Joel in evening.

12 January 1911 • Thursday

I attended regular weekly meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple. I received appointment with Pres. R. S. Wells to attend the Benson Stake Conference to be held in Smithfield next Saturday and Sunday.

I took dinner with George & Edith. Called on my sister Asenath on the way to meeting and again in the afternoon. I received from her Hyde’s Note $500. LeGrand’s Note $200. and $88.00 Cash all of which belonged to Mother and receipted for same. [p. 102] I also borrowed from her $140.00 with which to meet immediate demands for expenses of burial & gave receipt for same.

I spent a couple of hours looking over papers, bills &c and making book entries &c. Wrote letters to my sister Alice Ann at Holbrook Ida.

Alice and I spent the evening at my son LeGrand’s.

13 January 1911 • Friday


Weather mild South wind. Thawing. Snow nearly gone.

I went down town and attended to some business. Deposited $1.00 in the Zions Saving’s Bank to the Credit of Ray Longstroth Richards, our baby, this was a gift from Uncle Loren J. Robinson. I called and saw my sister Asenath. Made ready to leave for Smithfield, Cache Co. to attend the Benson Con.

I took 4:15 P.M. train accompanied by Pres. Rulon S. Wells for Smithfield & arrived there at 8:15 P.M. On the train I read the Evening News and “Entering the Kingdom” by James Allen. We were met at Smithfield Ry Station by bishop E. R. Miles Jr. who took us to his home where we spent the night and made it headquarters while in Town. [p. 103]

14 January 1911 • Saturday


Weather mild and beautiful. Some snow.

Attended 10 AM meeting of the Benson Stake Conference. Attendance 240. Stake Population 6,000 + 4%. Speakers were in order as follows: Pres. Alma Merrill, Bp. Hyer of Lewiston Bp. Miles, Bp. Winn, mySelf & Pres Wells. I occupied about 35 minutes and had good liberty. Spoke with deliberation. Told story of Abram & Zimri and told them that the same spirit should characterize our actions toward all for all are brothers or sisters Eight out of ten wards in the Stake are building meeting houses. Let every man carry his own burden & not require others who are loaded to carry another’s. The first ward should have assistance from 2nd

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 394. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres Waddoups, Bro Roskelley, Henry Hansen, Elder Bowman, Pres Wells & myself. I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject Genealogy & temple work following trend of Bro Roskelley’s remarks.

No meeting in the evening so Pres. Wells and I spent the evening at the home of Bp Miles, our headquarters. [p. 104]

15 January 1911 • Sunday


Rained some and cloudy all <day.>

Attended 10 A.M. services of Conference. The children were present, Attendance, 753. Sacrament administered.

Speakers as follows. Stake Supt Sund. Schools, J L McCarrey; S.S. R. classes Sylvester Low; Elder Griffen of Newton Ret. Missionary; myself and Prest. Wells. I occupied 25 minutes with good liberty. Instructions to parents, children and officers & teachers. Told story of dandelines & Priest. Repentance &c. Elder Wells occupied about 8 minutes & told story of Grecian & Spartin boys & old man in theatre.

I took dinner with Bp. Winn.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 774. Authorities were sustained. A trio, females. “We ever pray for thee, our Prophet dear[”] It had been sung once before, yesterday. Father Ferrill and Bro. Skidmore each spoke briefly and Pres. Wells and I each spoke. I spoke last and followed Pres Wells upon the subject of the Word of Wisdom. Pres. Wells spoke with force and effect and I was greatly blessed. Pres Waddoups made a few remarks, thanking all who had contributed in any way to the success of the conference. I feel well pleased with the Conference and [p. 105] with our work and the Lords help.

At 4:30 attended a meeting of the Seventies and I ordained a brother Wm F. Jamison of Lewiston a Seventy & talked to the seventies. Of the 65 present several use to-bacco.

I went to Bp. Mile’s home and wrote up my journal to this hour, made certificate of ordination &c.

Attended conjoint meeting in the evening. Attendance about 300.

Reports were made by officers of both associations. I occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Character building. Pres. Wells concluded the speaking occupying about 20 minutes with good freedom and made an impressive talk on word of wisdom &c. When we came out of meeting it was snowing hard. I think this has been a profitable conference. May the Lord be praised.

16 January 1911 • Monday


Cold morning about a foot of Snow. Elder Wells and I took train at 7:30 and arrived in Salt Lake at 11:35 A.M. In Salt Lake City the ground is mostly bare. Our furnice has been out of commission for three days on account of a burned out pipe. I ordered a man with pipe up from Bywater & Groe Co. to repair same [p. 106]

Letters from Joel, Liverpool, and from Acme Cement Co. Attorney in answer to mine of an earlier date.

Folks usually well. I wrote up my journal, wrote and studied during the remaining hours of day and evening.

Ina and Legrand called in evening and took supper with us.

17 January 1911 • Tuesday


Clear cold weather. I spent the forenoon at home. Went down town, called at my sister asenaths. Walked down to my son George’s and he trimmed my hair. Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and instructed the company of missionaries. Elder Heber J. Grant and I set apart a squad of Six. I set apart the following:

John J Stoel. S.L.C. to Netherlands

Albert Geo. Brain, S.L.C. to Great Britain

Benjamin Layton of Cardston to Gt. Britain.

I paid bills of last month.

I met Mr. Amon Moore of Portland with my son LeGrand at the latters office from 4:30 to 6 P.M. & talked over Portland Cement Co. affairs and accepted a proposition of investment by which I relinquish or Surrender 12 of my 23 shares of Preferred and 33 of my 67 shares of common [p. 107] stock in the Portland Cement Co to cover losses so that others will come in and help finance the Company. A written agreement in my possession will show the transaction.

In the evening Alice and I attended the wedding reception of W. B. R. Jr and bride at the bride’s parents’ home at 54 So. 8th east. Coulom’s.

18 January 1911 • Wednesday


Weather mild. My health good.

I spent the forenoon at home, reading and writing. After noon went down town and attended to some business and attended a General Board meeting of Y.M.M. and from 6 to 10 o’clock Alice and I attended a farewell reception tendered to Bro O. D. Romney and family by the General Board of Primary of which Sister Romney is a member. The reception was held in the Bishop’s building and an excellent supper was served. Bro. Romney and family leave for New Zeland to preside there, on Feb. 13th.

19–20 January 1911 • Thursday–Friday


Weather cloudy. My health and that of the family is good.

I attended regular weekly council meeting and received appointment with Pres. Chas. H. Hart to attend the [p. 108] San Luis conference, to do which we leave on R.G.W. Ry. train 7:10 o’clock this evening. Spent the time between our meeting and train time making ready. At our council meeting I asked what is the policy of the church with respect to insuring meeting houses and other church buildings and Pres. Smith answered, “We recommend that they be insured. We insure our public buildings here in Salt Lake.”

I wrote letters to my son Joel, my daughter Nerva and to James Dunn of Tooele asking latter for bill for subscreption.

With Pres. Chas. H. Hart I left Salt Lake on 7:10 P.M. R.G.W. train for San Luis Col. The road was clear and we reached Pueblo at 8 P.M. the day following, 50 minutes late. We had until 10:45 P.M. train in Pueblo. We went up town and got supper in the interim. We got upper births to Alamosa arriving there at 6:30 A.M. Saturday about an hour late. Thence on by narrow guage D. & R.G. to La Jara. On train I read from James Allen’s works.

21 January 1911 • Saturday


Arrived at LaJara at about 7:30 A.M. We were met at the Ry. Station by Bishop Wm. O. Crowther of Sanford and driven about [p. 109] four miles to his home in Sanford. After trimming my beard, washing & changing my linnen, went to meeting. Attendance [blank] Stake population 2100. The speakers were in order as follows Stake president Erastus S Christensen, Bishop Wm. O. Crowther, Bp. Sam’l Jaction of Manassa, Bp. H. W. Valentine of Richfield, Pres. C. H. Hart and myself. I occupied 25 minutes with deliberation and freedom on topics suggested. Took dinner at Bishop Crowthers.

At afternoon meeting meeting the attendance was [blank]. The speakers were as follows; Erastus A Nielsen of Stake Pres. Elders N. P. Culler, J. G. Granny, Sowards, Alma O. Crowther an[d] John A. Smith all recently returned from missions.

I occupied 20 minutes, read the two hymns, “Know This that every Soul is free” and Wheat & Tares, commented with good liberty but with deliberation. Pres. Hart followed for about 20 min. A good meeting. After meeting by arrangement made between the bishop and his counselor brother Peterson, Pres. Hart and I changed our staying places to the latters home. I wrote up my journal for the time since leaving home to now. Retired to bed early and had a good nights rest. [p. 110]

22–24 January 1911 • Sunday–Tuesday

Sanford, Col.

Weather Clear but cold. I have some cold but not to interfere with my work.

Attended Sunday School session of conference in Sanford at 10 A.M. Attendance 306. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in order as follows; Assistant Stake Supt. S. Schools, Assistant Supt. Religion Classes Stake Supt Primary, Pres. C. H. Hart and myself. I occupied 25 minutes. told stories. Gerhardt <the> shephard boy; and Aubo Ben Adhem. The afternoon meeting was announced to commence at 1:30 and the Conjoint mutual at 4 P.M. I met with the High Council from 12:15 to 1:10 o’clock.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was about 400. The authorities were sustained. The speakers were, Bro. Jackson of Stake Presidency; Bro. Soul, Supt of Church school; myself and Pres. Hart. I occupied 40 minutes with deliberatoin and freedom on subject of witnesses for God & for Jos. Smith. Josephs first vision must be true also what he was told on that occasion The Book of Mormon witnesses are by logical reasoning witnesses to same.

After the Conference meeting I ordained three High Priests as follows: Nathaniel P. Culler of Manassa, Andrew Rasmussen and William L. Martin of Sanford. Attended conjoint mutual at 4 P.M. An excellent programme [p. 111] was rendered including a male quartette, a ladies quartette, a violine solo male, a recitation, female; a lecture by a young man Geo Larson and a lecture by a young lady, sister [blank]. Pres. Hart & I each occupied about 15 minutes.

I spoke of effort necessary to succeed & quoted, Lives of Great men, The heights by Grt m[e]n He that seeketh findeth &c.

I was practically all the time in meeting from 10 AM to 5:45 P.M. preached three times counseled, ordained &c without dinner. We now took dinner at bishop Crowthers and he took us to LaJara Station where we got train about 7:45 and on the D. & R.G. narrow gague [gauge] rode about 15 miles to Alamosa where we took a sleeper on D. & R.G. wide guage to Pueblo arriving if on time, at 3 P.M. Our car was switched off and we slept until about 6:30 A.M. We went up town and took breakfast and then by Street car went out to the Bessimer Steel works and spent the forenoon inspecting the works & workings. We saw the ore put in to the hopper and followed the various processes through which it passed until it came out a finished steel rail, coils of wire, steel shafts, rods &c.

We took train No 1 leaving Pueblo at 12:02 noon and arrived in Salt Lake at 2:25 P.M. the day following one hr [p. 112] late. On the train I read three of the series of James Allen’s works finishing the series of eight books. I spent the remaining part of the afternoon at home reading the papers, writing &c.

I found the folks usually well except the baby who is not feeling the best. I have quite a cough.

25 January 1911 • Wednesday


Weather mild. Ground bare. My cough and cold dispelled.

I spent the greater part of the day at home reading and writing.

I attended the Board meetings of the Religion classes and Y.M.M.I.A. and my circle meeting in the evening.

My son Geo & I attended the wresteling match at the theatre between Yokel & Gehring two world’s champions and after 3 hrs. 38 min without a fall it was declared a draw. I slept with my Son George at his home.

26 January 1911 • Thursday


Weather clowdy.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting and received appointment to Pioneer Stake Conference next Sund.

Visited the Tuburcolos exibet. &c. Did some writing & reading at home and in the evening Alice & I & Geo. & Edith [p. 113] took supper with Ina & LeGrand and an exceptional good supper it was. I spent the evening there.

27 January 1911 • Friday


Weather mild. Ground bare.

I attended to some business down town. Called at City & County building & Saw Senator Hyde of Nephi. &c.

I wrote letters to my sister Alice, my brother Fred and my Niece Nanny Ashcroft. Spent an hour with my sister Asenath. Studied &c.

28 January 1911 • Saturday


Weather Mild. Health good.

I remained home and studied and wrote all day. Spent about two hours visiting with my son LeGrand and wife and babe at their home in the evening.

29 January 1911 • Sunday


Weather mild clowdy, some rain.

By appointment I attended the Pioneer Stake Conference. The morning and evening sessions in the Pioneer Stake house and the afternoon meeting in the large tabernacle. At Morning session the Speakers were: Sylvester Q. Cannon of the Stake Presidency, Bp Margaritte of 7th ward, Bp. [p. 114] Cuttler of 30th ward, Jos. J. Cannon, Pres. John Henry Smith and Pres. Anthon H. Lund.

At afternoon session in Large tabernacle the speakers were in order as follows; Myself, Pres. Rulon S. Wells and Elder Hyrum M. Smith. All of the member of the First Presidency were present.

I occupied 27 minutes, subject. Tithing. At evening session the speakers were Annie Wells Cannon of Reliefsociety presidency, Myself and Pres McLaughlin. Sacrament was administered and authorites sustained. I occupied 40 minutes, Subject. Tithing & Sacrifice & offerings I had excellent liberty and made a good impression I think. Read Lect. 6:1–8.

My son Geo & wife called after meeting. We arranged for Sarah to go help him in the morning to be at office at 8:45 A.M. & stay until 5 P.M. and to continue indefinitely. We also had an understanding that hereafter we would have breakfast at 8 A.M. and all try to be ready for it at that time.

We are all well. Letter from Joel.

30 January 1911 • Monday


Stormy. All well.

Our resolve of last night carried out this morning and all day. [p. 115] I started for Tooele and with Oliver and Estella got as far as the Ry Station only to learn that the train leaves at 10:20 instead of 10:30 as formerly. We were left. I took the children to the barber’s and had his hair cut. Bought me a cravenette coat at Bartons, half price, $30.00 for $15.00. I went to Farmington on 1:30 P.M. S.L. & O. Ry. train. Had a nice visit with my sister Nerva and returned on train leaving Farmington at 5:08 P.M.

I wrote to Joel a two paged letter in the evening also spent a little time in Pres. Lyman’s Home of his invitation conversing with him.

31 January 1911 • Tuesday


Weather stormy Health of the family good.

I took Oliver & Estella with me and went to Tooele on 10:20 A.M. train. Sent word to Hyrum & Estella and they came down to Nervas where we had a nice visit. The folks were all well. The wind blew hard and it rained nearly all day. We returned on train arriving in Salt Lake at 6 P.M. My son came up on same car and got off at our home.

I paid LeGrand $200.00 on my note of $300. and he paid off a $200.00 note made [p. 116] in my Mother’s favor, held by me. Int paid to date in each case.

I spent the evening home reading and writing.

I wrote to Peter M. Clegg of Tooele about Toolle Creamery Co. Stock.

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January 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 98.