November 1899

1 November 1899 • Wednesday

I met train & got Aunt Maria Clark & 3 children. Went to field in afternoon & drilled wheat to a finish. E Horman working for us piling sages.

2 November 1899 • Thursday

Continued work at field E. Horman & J. G. Doman helping. Legrand & Joel plowd. Did writing in evening. Fixed up accounts.

3 November 1899 • Friday

Jos. Tate added to help. I drilled barley all day. at west field.

4 November 1899 • Saturday

Continued drilling barley all the land that is ready. Have paid out 160 bu. wheat for help clearing sage. Now have in at west field about 150 acres wheat & 18 A. <barley> Also have 45 A. in on bench. Mailed ck. to Geo Follick 2.00 full of demand.

5 November 1899 • Sunday

I attended School, & two meetings & Circle.

Blessed Geo Coleman’s baby Geo.

6 November 1899 • Monday

Sold lumber, Let J. G. Dorman have 60 bu. wheat due him for labor. Attended funeral service of Old Sadie Thompson Aikin & occupied part of the time Berg: Clegg, Philip [p. 343] DeLaMare & Prest H. S. Gowans preceeding me.

7 November 1899 • Tuesday

I dug our potatos Voted This being election day.

8 November 1899 • Wednesday

Plowed potatoe ground 2nd time Hauled lumber from Depot. &c.

9 November 1899 • Thursday

Continued lumber hauling from Depot.

10 November 1899 • Friday

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11 November 1899 • Saturday

" " " " " <finished>

12 November 1899 • Sunday

Attended School and meeting. Gave an unwritten blessing to Sister McLaw’s grand Dau’r [daughter] Maggie Taylor.

13 November 1899 • Monday

Drilled 2¼ A. barley for Jos. Tate. Grubbed sage & Joel & Legrand plowed. Used new plow.

14 November 1899 • Tuesday

I went to west farm and pulled Sages while Legrand and Joel plowed.

15 November 1899 • Wednesday

Weather Stormy.

Home Legrand, Joel & I went to west field and plowed part of the day & came home on account of the rain. Called on Bro. Lyman.

16 November 1899 • Thursday

Received pay for wheat from Bro McBride and paid my Taxes, Sent $50.00 to Asenath on interest Sent $24.50 to C. L. Anderson on interest. Sent 5.00 to George at S.L.C. In evening I attended Elders meeting and advised them to commence their meetings on time and not waste the time but have short speeches or lectures and short meetings one hour is long enough. Shorten [p. 344] the minutes & make it easier for the Secretary. My suggestions were indorsed by Prest Lafayette Orme, John Dorman & Robt. Wills & others assented. This day I commenced to make a basket rack for hauling straw. Legrand & Joel hauled two loads of straw. I wrote U Lum Co. asking if they could not send me a car of lumber and lath from Salt Lake at same rate as from the Mills. telling them what to Send. Wrote to Mother & to Asenath.

17 November 1899 • Friday

Stormy weather.

Home I sold & delivered lumber, worked on basket rack &c. Helped Mama wash.

18 November 1899 • Saturday

Worked at West field plowing & clearing brush. Prepared to go to Mercur next day.

19 November 1899 • Sunday

Weather pleasant.

Home I took my team & carriage and Prest Gowans, Mama & the little girls Sarah, Ruby Lucena, Mamie & the baby went to Mercur leaving here at 9 A.M. & arriving there at 1 P.M. Attended Sunday School at 2 P.M. Prest Jos. W. McMurrin of the Council of Seventies was present. He & I spoke at School & at meeting in the evening. Large attendance at both. Prest. Gowans, Jos. Bost & I called on the Mgr. Golden Gate Mr McVickie about meeting House site. He gave us a nice site and [p. 345] promised to have same surveyed & deeded to us at once Deeds to be made to Prest Gowans & he to transfer same to Bishop when Mercur Ward becomes organized. Lucena was quite sick during the Night.

20 November 1899 • Monday

At Mercur Met with Prest Gowans, Jos. W. McMurrin & others on site of meeting house in forenoon & determined on the Site selected &c. Prest Gowans & I left Mercur for home at 1:45 P.M. & arrived home at 5 P.M. Mama & Children remained with Estella.

21 November 1899 • Tuesday

The boys & I went to west field. They plowed & I cleaned brush. I delivered lum. to Geo. Davis, Mrs E J Atkin & went to Mill before going to field. Joel & I took cold this day and Joel was quite sick at night. I administered to him.

22 November 1899 • Wednesday

Rained most of the day.

Legrand & I worked about home all day, Joel in bed all day. Prepared to Go to Mercur next day for Mama & Children.

23 November 1899 • Thursday

Went to Mercur & got Alice & children. Legrand finished the plowing at west field for this fall. Joel some better but still in bed.

24 November 1899 • Friday

Alice & I went up on bench field & Bowen & Bowden’s fields to see how things are. [p. 346] In afternoon I went to west field & got our plows & attachments & stowed them away in tool shed Loaned Bert Lee team & harrow to harrow his lot. Gave Alonzo Gowans & J. B. Skelton each load straw for bedding. Put Basket rack on wagon for 1st time. Geo Horman & Bert Lee assisted Legrand & me.

25 November 1899 • Saturday

Weather pleasant.

Home I bought 12 c[e]dar posts of Jos. Tate for 1.50 Pd cash. Set some posts in yard for shed & otherwise prepared for sheds. Hired carriage to Henry Marshall to go to Mercur for which he paid me $1.00 hired team & buggy to Archie Bevan & Pharis Dunyon to go to Mercur for which they paid me $1.50 one half its value. Loaned wagon & Basket rack to Thos. DeLaMare. Geo Horman brought home my drill he having been using one of the large wheels for several days.

26 November 1899 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School, Meeting & Circle. Mouth in Prayr. Wrote up my Journal from Nov. 16th 1899. from memory. My cold continues bad.

27 November 1899 • Monday

Delivered 800 ft flooring to Geo Davis. Went with Peter Clegg up in Middle canyon to select sites for measuring boxes and met in evening at his home and formulated report to Irrigation Board. [p. 347] Greased the two wagons & Carriage & Buggy and prepared to go to the City.

28 November 1899 • Tuesday

Nerva & I left home with team & buggy at 9:50 A.M. & arrived in Salt Lake @ 3 P.M. Put up team at Sheets Bros Stables. Took Nerva to the Doctor who with illuminating light examined her ears, nose & throat & prescribed an ear wash and a swab for the throat. Saw George at his room. Nerva & I went down to Sugar House & Staid at Dr Stephens over night.

29 November 1899 • Wednesday

Sugar House Went up town early. Did some trading and started home about 2 P.M. George accompanied us. The wind blew hard & we had a disagreeable ride. Called at Bills to see about pasturage.

30 November 1899 • Thursday

Home I went to field with boys & we killed lame colt. Attended wedding reception at C.R. McBrides of Echo & Jack Kirk. Prest. Gowans & I by request went from McBrides & administered to Bro. Geo. Bonelli. In the evening I attended Elders meeting where Elder Lafayette Orme President was given two counselors J. G. Dorman & Wm S. Marks I set apart Bro. Dorman Prest Howans [Gowans] Set apart Wm. S. Marks


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November 1899, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks in this entry and the next for “Continued lumber hauling from Depot.”

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 30 November entry.