January 1910

1 January 1910 • Saturday


I settled my tithing for the year 1909. $267.53 twenty dollars of which paid Jan. 3, 1909 should have been credited on the year 1908. I settled Mother’s tithing for her also $44.10 her full tithing. Mine is also a full tithing. [p. 41]

Bro. Junius F. Wells also called on us and gave Mama, Oliver & me souvenirs of Vermont, we having been with the Vermont party at the dedication of the Joseph Smith Monument. He gave us some apples picked from the old Smith orchard also a box of spruce gum and some butter nuts.

I called in and saw Pres. Francis M. Lyman for about 20 minutes.

Alice, Oliver and I attended the Salt Lake Theatre, Matinee. “Prima Donn” Took supper with my Son George & his wife, all of us, and remained there until after 10 o’clock. I read about fifty pages of U.S. Church history.

2 January 1910 • Sunday

<My Daughter Alice Minerva gave birth to her second child a girl 6:30 A.M. at Tooele.>1


I attended temple fast meeting and bore testimony. Attended 2 P.M fast meeting in 27th ward and gave my offering. Fasted until after the afternoon meeting. Attended the evening services of 27th ward and offered the opening prayr. Song service. Prof. Call & class.

After the evening meeting Alice and I went down and saw my Mother and spent an hour or two with her and my sister Asenath. Weather moderated. Snow gone I and several members of the family have colds.

I feel well in spirits. Never better I think, may the Lord be praised. At 6:30 this morning a little girl was born to my daughter, [p. 42] Alice Minerva Tate her second child, at Tooele. Her husband Geo. Lawrence Tate phoned the news to us. I counseled my Sister Aseneth with regard to her girls that they would be happier and have their faith better established if they would attend auxiliary and Sacrament meetings and take part in the ward in religious matters. She responded that they were of age. I admonished her that her duty by her children does not cease when they become of age.

<At fast meeting I blessed Frank Thomas Redd & named him, an infant.>


3 January 1910 • Monday


I took the 10:30 A.M. train to Tooele & returned arriving in Salt Lake 6 P.M. Attended Priesthood meeting and the Seventies Class and occupied 15 minuts by request speaking to them. 27th Wd. I went out to Tooele to See my daughter Alice Minerva and her baby born yesterday and spent my time at her home. Did not go up town. I assisted a lady off car and on to tooele train who had a child and a suitcase. Resolved that I would seek oppertunities to do good and show kindness. Gave my seat in car to a lady as I often do when I have oppertunity. I may say always.

Received good and interesting letter from LeGrand & Ina and other mail which I answered writing until 10:30 <P.M.> Folks usually well.

Weather cold but moderated and snowed in evening. [p. 43]

4 January 1910 • Tuesday


Before breakfast I swept paths, a few inches of snow having fallen during the night, trimmed my beard, Shined my shoes and at 10 A.M. me[t] the members of the Council of Twelve in the Temple in quarterly conference. Had a recess from 1 to 2 P.M and at 5:45 adjourned to 10 A.M. to-morrow. Nine present those Absent Reed Smoot, Geo. Albert Smith and C. W. Penrose. All spoke and a letter from Elder Penrose was read. Varied were the Subjects considered. A good spirit prevailed. A profitable meeting held.

I called at my Son George’s office and saw him for a few minutes on my way home.

Pres. Francis M. Lyman called me in to his home when we talked ofer some matters briefly. On entrance of his Brother Fred & Son Richard I retired.

Read church history until 10 P.M. wrote up my journal and retired at 10:30 P.M.

Weather Cold. My Cold some better. Mama has hoarseness & cold.

5 January 1910 • Wednesday


Weather cold nearing Zero. I attended Conference meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Attended General Board meeting of Religion Classes and Circle meeting in the evening. Attendance <19> ninteen. Presented two names to fill two vacancies in Circle both of whom were rejected for cause. [p. 44] Between meetings I recorded two sets of meeting minutes of special meetings held by the Twelve held Oct. 6 & 7 last. Investigating a case of questionable relationship between a man & woman. In the evening after Circle meeting I went with my Son George to his office and he trimmed my hair. Alice, several of the children and I are afflicted with colds.

6 January 1910 • Thursday


Weather very cold. Near Zero. I attended quarterly meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the Temple from 10 A.M. until about 2 P.M. All present except Elders Smoot G. A. Smith and C. W. Penrose including the Patriarch and clerk Geo. Gibbs. The Sacrament administered. I offered the benediction.

Attended to some business at Z.C.M.I. Called and saw my Mother Paid bills, wrote letters &c.

Alice has severe cold and quite ill.

7 January 1910 • Friday


I attended a meeting of the Council of the Twelve from 9:30 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. and again from 3:30 to 6 P.M.

Bro [first and last names redacted] was before us on trial or rather we were investigating his case wherein he is supposed to have formed improper maritial relations with Sister [first and last names redacted]. He persistantly refused to answer [p. 45] our questions which we considered pertinent and possible to answer.

It was decided by unanimous vote that he be disfellowshipped which is construed to mean a deprivation of all the privileges of the Gospel and to be relieved of of all official positions until Feb. [blank] when he is cited to appear and show cause if any why he should not be cut off the church (excommunicated) for contempt.

Pres. Lyman wrote out the decision and submitted it to me which I indorsed the same evening.

This is an action we felt reluctant to take but it seemed necessary and right. I offered the benediction. Elder O. F. Whitney made the opening prayr. I spent the evening at home reading and writing. &c.

Weather Stormy. Snowed nearly all day. Am better of me cold. Folks improved. I have peace in my soul. May the Lord be praised.

I wrote to LeGrand, to Nerva & to Estella a page each.

8 January 1910 • Saturday


Weather cold.

I spent the forenoon home studying. I left Salt Lake on 4:15 P.M. train for Cache arriving in Logan about 9 P.M. Was met at station by Pres. Isaac Smith and I accompanied him to his home where I spent the night in comfort.

Good sleighing and cold weather. [p. 46] I rode up from Logan Depot on Street Car. The same commenced operating the first of present month with but one car.

9 January 1910 • Sunday


I accompanied Pres Isaac Smith and Counselors to Logan Eighth Ward in Sleigh 1½ miles and met ten of the brethren in an upper room of the New Meeting house which room had been prepared for Circle purposes. We opened the meeting by singing & prayr. I gave some instructions and then dedicated the Circle room for Circle purposes and organized the Circle giving them all necessary instructions. The saints came in to Sunday School at 11 A.M. and we had about 80% of the people present and I occupied about 40 minutes instructing them. Had good liberty.

We took dinner with Bp. Johnson and then the Stake Presidency and I drove to Benson ward in sleigh about 9 miles where we met the people in meeting at 2 P.M. Attendance large. The Bishop (Ballard) made a few remarks and a report of the Building committee was given after which I offered the dedicatory prayr, dedicating the meeting house and after the prayr of 20 minutes and the singing of a dedicatory prayr I spoke about 45 minutes with good liberty which seemed to be appreciated. [p. 47]

We drove down to Bishop Henry W. Ballards and took dinner and then drove to Providence about 10 miles where the two wards met in one meeting house, the house being well filled 356 being in attendance Each of the members of the presidency of the stake spoke a few moments and I occupied about 60 minutes with good liberty Subject. Faith in God and in his Son the Savior and in the Gospel. The office of the Holy Ghost. Persecution and sacrifice legacy and lot of Saints. After meeting we drove back to Logan and I staid at Pres. Isaac Smiths. We rode about 25 miles during the day. The Lord was very good to us and especially to me as I did most all the talking My voice kept up well and I had freedom of thought and of language May the Name of the Lord be praised forever. At providence I showed the necessity for faith in God and in Jesus Christ and in the Gospel. From a scriptural stand point we must have faith in the Father & the Son. The shut out from their presence we are expected to trust them. Referred to Job’s trust and to Thomas’ mistrust. All things created to bear record of him so man is without excuse. The gospel is given us in the church works, quoted Peter “The Prophecy came not in olden times by the will of man but Holy men of God spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. These scriptur[es] then were give[n] of God through his ser[p. 48]vants by the Holy Ghost. These bear record of the Father, the Son & the gospel. “Search the Scriptures &c We are not left without excuse. The Priesthood restored and authority. What manner of men are we or ought we not to be. He that doeth the will of the Father shall know of the doctrine &c” quoted also read Moroni 10:4, 5 By the power of the Holy Ghost we shall know the truth of all things If we do not investigate how can the Holy Ghost testify of these truths. Study it out and ask God & He will reveal the truth of it to you. Study the Scriptures.

10 January 1910 • Monday


Weather foggy & cold.

I left Logan for Salt Lake at 8:15 A.M. Arrived in Salt Lake about 12:15 P.M. Found the folks usually well. Cold weather and good sleighing.

I went down to Dr. Stookey’s office & he looked into my nose and finding my nose not entirely healed advised me to wait a few days before taking other treatment.

Attended to some business and returned home where I wrote up my journal for the past two days &c. Read stories to the children and in the evening I attended the ward Priesthood meeting and the High Priests dept.

11 January 1910 • Tuesday


Snowed some & generally moderated weather. Folks usually well. I spent an hour with my mother [p. 49] Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where thirty odd missionaries were set apart and instructed. I was mouth in setting apart the following;

John Raymond Blackham of Moroni to E.S.

Geo. Henry Ransom of Lewiston Cache Co. to E.S.

Parley John Davis of Rigby Ida. to N.S.

Jesse Winter Smith of S. Lake to Sandwich Islands

Bro Jesse W. Smith’s wife Florence Elizabeth was set apart by bro J. G. Kimball to accompany her husband to the Islands where he is going to do some engineering and will do missionary work.

I also instructed the missionaries.

Attended to Some business down town.

Signed a note with my son on at State Bank of Utah for $300.00 for one year, 8% int

I studied Church history Vol. 3

Am feeling well both in health and spirits and have good will towards all men and ill will towards none.

May the Lord be praised for ever.

The Gospel is true.

How long O Lord will the honorable, honest, missguided, go on and not be undeceived? Lord have mercy on the deceivers of men; Those who blind the minds of the Children of men to the truth and prejudice their minds against thy cause and thy people.

12 January 1910 • Wednesday


I remained home until 2:30 P.M. Studying Church History. Called to see my mother who is just [p. 50] fairly well. Attended Religion Class General Board meeting and Circle meeting. Spent latter part of the evening at home reading &c. Alice did the washing with the assistance of Ruby and went to bed sick with headache, sore throat, fever, cold &c Joel & I administered to her and she felt better.

13 January 1910 • Thursday


Weather cold.

Alice quite sick, sore throat aching head, body & limbs, chills, fever &c. She got up and dressed herself about five o’clock and remained up until about 8 P.M.

I attended Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Alice and Oliver were prayed for in the Circle.

I received the appointment to Wasatch with Jos. W. McMurrin of the First Council of Seventy.

I called at Dr. Stookey’s office and he injected water into the ducts of my eyes down through the nose into the throat, this to learn if the ducts are free which fact he assured him self of. The Doctor has about exausted all his resources. I am to go again next week and have the mouth of the ducts enlarged by making a slight incision on the inner side of each. This is all experimental as the ducts seem to be normal at mouth and open full length. [p. 51]

I returned home about 5.15 P.M. and spent the evening reading and writing. Received form from the Genealogical Society of Utah which I filled out and returned to them with my check of $1.50 to pay for subscription to Vol. 1 of the Genealogical and Historical Magazine.

Oliver continues lame and makes very slow progress if any towards recovery. Excepting Oliver & Mama the folks are usually well.

Excepting my eyes which water to excess I am well and am happy in the Gospel and my religious work.

Joel & I administered to Mama before retiring to bed.

14 January 1910 • Friday3


Weather moderated

Alice got some rest during the night and is some better to-day. Dressed herself about 2 P.M.

I spent the day home studying and reading Church History.

15 January 1910 • Saturday


Weather moderated.

With Pres. J. W. McMurrin I left Salt Lake on RGW train at 7:50 AM for Heber to attend Wasatch Stake Conference. We arrived in Heber after 12 o’clock Attended afternoon meeting.

The population of L.D.S. souls in Wasatch Stake is 4250. The attendance at Saturday morning’s meeting was 358 [p. 52] The speakers were Pres. Jas. R. Murdock, Pres. of the High Pr[i]ests’ quorum, and two recently returned missionaries.

At 2 P.M. Meeting attendance was 563. The speakers were in order as follows: James C. Jensen of Stake Presidency; D. A. Broadbent Stake Supt religion Classes, Pres. J W McMurrin and myself. I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty. Subject: Gathering, temple work and Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine.

After the afternoon Pres. McMurrin, the Stake Presidency and I visited Patriarch John M. Murdock and administered to him and his wife.

In the evening there was a concert and basket ball contest staged but I prefered to remain at Pres. Murdocks where I was staying and I spent the evening conversing with Patriarch Murdock the President’s father & his wife.

16 January 1910 • Sunday

Heber City, Utah.

Weather stormy most of the day but not hard. Good sleighing.

I attended prayr Circle from 8:30 to 10 A.M. Attended Conference meetings at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. and a Seventies meeting at 4 PM and Conjoint meeting at 7:30 P.M.

At 10 A.M. the attendance was 612. The Sunday schools were being held in all the wards but there were many young people in attendance at Conference meeting.

Sacrament was administered. [p. 53] Edward D Clyde of the Stake presidency Elder Broadbent, recently returned missionary myself and Pres. Jos W McMurrin were the speakers in the order named.

I divided the remaining time with Bro McMurrin occupying 17 minutes. Subject. Gospel evidences; persecution Conditions found to be as Joseph said the Lord told him they were in his first vision

After morning met with stake Presidency and Reliefsociety presidency of stake and considered the matter of re-organizing the Reliefsociety’s presidency which we did by sustaining as president Sister James C Jensen as president, Sister Joseph R. Murdock first Counselor and a sister of Pres. Edward C. Clyde second counselor.

At Afternoon meeting the attendance was 925. The General and Stake authorities were sustained. Pres. Jos W. McMurrin and I each occupied 40 minutes in the order named My subject was that reported for Sunday morning, in error, and Sunday morning I quoted the Saviors saying, Ye shall know them by their works. Jos. Smith & the Savior bore the same fruits, both good according to Jesus’ prescribed test.

At the Seventies meeting between 4 & 5 P.M. and later we set apart four presidents of the 20th quorum and one president of the [blank] quorum. James H. McDonald and David W. Hicken were set apart by myself and Wm. T. Wootton & Wm H. Bond were set apart [p. 54] by Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin presidents of 20th quorum Council as Presidents of Seventies. Bro. Gottlieb Buehler was set apart president of the 96th quorum by Pres. McMurrin. Eleven or twelve brethren were ordained Seventies by Pres. McMurrin and myself. I ordained the following;

1. Victor D. Cram Jr. of Heber. Utah

2. Nephi Forman " " "4

3. Wm C. Crook " " "

4. Walter S. Plummer " "5 R.F.D. Utah

5. Wm T. Thacker " " Utah

6. Francis M Whiting, Wallsburg, Utah.

At the Conjoint Mutual meeting held in the evening, each of the two organizations was reported by its president. I occupied 20 minutes followed by Pres McMurrin 13 minutes and Pres. Murdock. 5 minutes. I spoke of the Era subscriptions, loyalty of people, uses to make of Era. Corralating evidences on points of doctrine The natural inclination is to follow the road of least resistance. True happiness is not known to such as these. Happiness comes in conquests, accomplishments &c We ought to not fear obstacle, The surmounting of obstacles makes us strong and gives us joy.

17 January 1910 • Monday

Heber, Utah.

I spent the forenoon reading, “The Parent & Child Vol. 2.[”]

Took train at 2:10 P.M. for home & arrived in Salt Lake at 5:40 P.M. Found my wife much improved in health. Others usually well.

I cleaned up and attended Stake [p. 55] Priesthood meeting of Ensign Stake held in 18th ward house. Elder Hyrum M. Smith was the Speake[r] having been previously invited to speak there. His theme was Duty of Parents to Children read from Book of Mormon Alma’s experience with his Son Corianton and Mormon to Helaman and the 2000 boy soldiers taught of their mothers faith in the Lord. After meeting I walked down with my son to his home on North State and thence by car home.

I had exceeding peace in my soul this evening and had there been oppertunity I would have enjoyed talking for 30 or 40 minutes.

“It’s good to be a Saint of Latter Days”

18 January 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the day home also the evening excepting about two hours spent with my mother & Sister Asenath at their home. I read the papers, wrote letters, wrote up my records & Journal for past three day &c.

19 January 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon and until three o’clock reading Church History. Attended Religion Class Board meeting from 3:40 to 5 PM. and Circle meeting in the evening. At the latter meeting than were nineteen in attendance I instructed the brethren on prayr and commended them for attendance and accomplished manner of doing their [p. 56] work. After Circle went directly home and there spent the evening reading & writing.

Pleasant winter weather Folks well.

20 January 1910 • Thursday


I attended a council meeting in the temple. Regular council from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. when a number of stake Presidents, general Superintendency of the Sunday Schools & others by invitation came in and we continued until 3:45 P.M. Continuing Considering a recommendation of a committee on Priesthood that the Priesthood quorums have the time from 10 to 12 o’clock Sundays, the Sunday schools from 2 to 4 oclock and the evening be used for sacrament meeting. Adjourned to meet Feb. 8th at 10 A.M.

I spent an hour with my mother in evening. Alice with me.

Received appointment with Pres. Lyman to Yellow Stone Stake.

21 January 1910 • Friday


Pleasant day.

Alice and I and the two children Oliver & Estella went out to Tooele on the 10:30 A.M. train. While there brother J W Tate, Geo L Tate and I blessed the baby I was mouth & named it Alice. I called up to see Estella. Called & saw Pres Gowans and wife and others and returned on the 4:36 P.M. train leaving the other folks in Tooele for a few days visit. On the way out and [p. 57] back I read Parent & Child. Vol 2. Made ready to go north and with Pres. Lyman boarded the train for St Anthony about 9:30 o’clock P.M. Train left Salt Lake at 11:45 P.M. and we reached St Anthony at 12:30 P.M. next day.

22 January 1910 • Saturday

On train to St Anthony

Arrived at noon. Missed forenoon conference meeting. Snow deep but thawing. Conference held in the Social hall over Foggs Store. At Sat 2 P.M. meeting there were in attendance 380, at forenoon meeting about 250. The speakers in forenoon were in order as follows: Erastus Rudd Jr. and Orin Robinson, recently returned missionaries also Wm Carbine and Chester B. Walker, stake clerk.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were in order as follows:

Pres. F M Lyman 20 minutes

"6 Daniel G. Miller 12 "7

" Myron J Kerr 15 "

I spoke 40 or 50 minutes on gathering temple work and Genealogy, Genealogical Society & Historical & Genealogical Magazine. In the evening we had the Stake Presidency & Bp. A D Miller of St. Anthony ward to-gether at the latter’s home where Pres. Lyman & I spent the night. We spent about two hours or longer giving my instructions.

23 January 1910 • Sunday

St. Anthony.

Weather pleasant, deep snow. [p. 58]

At 10 A.M. conference meeting of this the Yellowstone Stake there were in attendance 579. of a Stake Population of about 3500. The sacrament was administered and the speakers were in order as follows;

Pres. Fogg about 5 min.

Elder Charles Miller, returned missionary

Pres. Francis M. Lyman. 65 minutes.

At 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 952. Authorities sustained.

I occupied about 50 minutes on the first principles of the Gospel. Quoted First, Eighth & Ninth articles of faith. I had good liberty.

Pres Lyman took for his text Art 13 and introduced the Subject of marriage occupying about 47 minutes.

At 4:30 we attended a seventies meeting and did some ordaining and setting apart of a number of officers Pres Lyman & I being mouth. At this Conference brother Mason Stake Supt of Religion classes was taken and made Stake Clerk and we installed as stake Superintendency of the Religion classes Jos. S. Rudd Supt. Wm Cameron and Alvin L. Jackson assistants. I set apart Bros Rudd & Jackson also stake clerk Bro [blank] Mason and a number of missionaries.

Pres Lyman & I each instructed the Seventies. We took train at 6:20 and arrived in Salt Lake following morning at 9:20 one hour late.

We found the stake affairs in good condition. A live & energetic president [p. 59]

24 January 1910 • Monday


Arrived in Salt Lake from St Anthony, Idaho at 9:20 A.M. and I took 10:30 train for Tooele where Alice and the two youngest children are visiting with a view to bringing them home. I found my daughter who has a baby girl born Jan 2nd in bed and suffering from a very painful breast. Her husband, Geo. Laurence Tate and I administered to her. They were without hired help and Alice decided to remain there for a day or so and Oliver and I returned home.

In the evening I wrote up my journal for the past three days from memorandum. Did some other writing & posting read the paper and retired to bed early. I did not sleep well on the Tourist last night and feel the need of a good night’s rest.

25 January 1910 • Tuesday


It snowed six or eight inches last night. The forenoon was pleasant but it turned cold towards evening.

I met Pres Lyman and Elder Hyrum M. Smith at the former’s office according to appointment but owing to the absence of H. H. Cummings and Elder H. J. Grant members of the committee appointed by the General Church Board of Education to examine the applications made by the Church Schools for funds and make recommendations to said board as to appropriations, an adjournment was taken until 2 P.M. [p. 60] At 2 P.M. all the above named committee were in attendance and we spent about 3. hrs 40 min considering the matters for which we were appointed. I attended to some business with Historian’s office people. Met the 6 P.M. train from Tooele expecting Alice and the baby (Estella) but they did not come. I tried to get Geo. Lawrence by phone during the day to learn how Nerva is getting along but failed Spent what spare time I had reading the Newspapers and Church History.

26 January 1910 • Wednesday


I attended a committee meeting at 10 A.M. and again at 2 P.M. on Church School appropriation, religion class general Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M.

A stormy day.

Geo. F. Jr. and I attended the theatre in the evening ‘The Shepherd King.” Alice at Tooele.

27 January 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular Council meeting of the Presidency & the Twelve from 10 AM to 2:30 P.M. Received appointment to Emery Stake for next Saturday and Sunday.

Alice and I attended the dedicatory services of the Bishop’s building in the afternoon and evening, She having come in from Tooele on mid day train. A grandee occasion and good supper. Pres. [p. 61] Joseph F. Smith offered the dedicatory prayr of 15 minutes duration.

28 January 1910 • Friday


I left home in company with Pres R. S. Wells on 7:50 D&RG train for Price, arriving there at about 1:40 P.M. We were met at train by Henry G. Mathis of the Emery Stake Presidency who with team and sleigh took us to Huntington 25 miles south of Price where the Emery Stake conference is to be held. Brother Arthur W. Horsley stake Clerk went with us. Sleighing good, Weather cold but we were well prepared and did not suffer. Pres. Reuben G. Miller & 1st Counselor John H. Pace were not in attendance at the Conference, the former quarantined in home and latter away from the Stake.

In the evening we attended a High Council meeting and assisted the brethren in consideration of some questions brought before the meeting. I staid with Bishop Anton Nielson and Pres. Wells & other brethren elsewhere.

29 January 1910 • Saturday


Weather pleasant, good sleighing. My health first class.

The estimated population of this the Emery Stake is 6,000+ At the opening session of conference Sat. 10 A.M. the attendance was 264. The Speakers were in order as follows; Henry G. Mathis of Stake Presidency, Frank Killian R.C. Supt., Mary Fowler S.S. of Primaries, Sister L. P. Oveson S.P. Reliefsocieties, Pres Rulon [p. 62] S. Wells and myself. I occupied 25 min. Subject. Duties of Parents to children, the Auxiliaries as helps to parents.

At 2 PM. meeting the attendance was 482. The Speakers were in order as fol.;

1. Rex Miller Ret. Missionary, from Germany.

2. Thos. Wells " " "8 W. States

3. Albert Collard " " " England

4. I occupied 35 minutes Subj. Gathering; temple work, Genealogies, Genealogical Society. and Genealogical Magazine.

5. Pres Rulon S. Wells 22 minutes.

At 4:30 P.M. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting. Attendance 167. Business transacted and Pres. Wells & I each addressed the meeting. In presenting some young men to be sustained to be ordained Seventies the meeting got into a muddle and I helped them out instructing them as to the proper order of promoting in the priesthood. Pres. Wells followed and indorsed me heartily.

At 7:30 PM the Conjoint mutual meeting convened. Attendance 320 A young lady gave a nice lecture on what makes the home &c. The presidents of the two organizations each reported their work. Bro Hickman Pres. of the Emery Stake Academy spoke Subject. Herreditaryments, Invironment & Will. I spoke 25 minutes. Eternity of the Marriage Covenant. Followed by Pres R. S. Wells. This has been a strenuous day.

30 January 1910 • Sunday


Attended conference meeting 10 A.M. [p. 63] The sunday school children met with us, and were dispersed among the old folks. I advised the brethren to hereafter have the children seated by them selves in the front on main floor, the reasons obvious Attendance 597. The sacrament was administered. The speakers were in order as follows; D. C. Woodward Stake Supt S.S. Elder Dykes of Emery Academy. I spoke about 30 minutes. Subject. Education & Church schools. Emery Academy. Each should do his share in construction and then patronize home school. Pres Wells followed me for 15 minutes.

At Conclusion of morning session I met with the Seventies in the District School building where Elder Pres. Wells and I ordained eleven Seventies. I ordained six of them as follows;

1 Arby Marshall of Huntington.

2 James A. Rowley "9

3 Ray C. Grange "

4 Thos. Wm. Kirby "

5 Wm T. Lidster of Cleveland

6. Louis E. Edwards. Ferron

At 2 P.M. session, Attendance 585 The authorities were sustained Pres. Rulon S. Wells occupied 35 min Subject. Secret orders &c.

I followed for 40 minutes Subject tithing. Pres. Mathis made a few closing remarks and the Conference adjourned.

At conclusion of the Conference I ordained five High Priests as fol.;

1. Albert Collard of Huntington

2. Leroy W. Young " "10 [p. 64]

3. John W. Guymon of Huntington.

4. Owen W. Guymon " "11

5. Wm Marshall " "

Sister Thos. J. Hardy asked question about temple work.

The general verdict is that this has been an excellent conference.

Between the hours of 4:40 and 8:40 we drove from Huntington to Price where I staid at Pres Henry Mathis’ home over night & Pres Well[s] slept across the Street in excellent quarters.

31 January 1910 • Monday

Price, Utah.

Pres Rulon S. Wells & I took 7:56 A.M. train for home. Arrived in Salt Lake about 1:30 P.M.

Alice being in Tooele having gone out yesterday I phoned her and learned that Nerva is improved & sitting up and in view of the fact that Ruby is sick in bed and the others at school and that Nerva now has hired help I suggested that Mama come home this evening or to-morrow.

I wrote up my journal from memoranda for the past three days.

I made certificates to the six seventies and five High Priests I ordained while in Huntington yesterday, recorded same, wrote up records &c.

Mother returned home from Tooele.

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January 1910, George F. Richards, accessed March 30, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 42.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 43.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Saturday” before crossing it out and writing “Friday” above it.

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “of Heber. Utah”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “of Heber.”

  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “Pres.”

  7. [7]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “minutes”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks here and in the line below for “Ret. Missionary, from”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks here and in the next two lines for “of Huntington.”

  10. [10]Ditto marks here for “of Huntington”.

  11. [11]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “of Huntington.”