February 1889

1 February 1889 • Friday

Tooele Made out water tickets, worked on monthly account or report. Spent the evening reading from Bible & Pearl of Great Price.

2 February 1889 • Saturday

Made out another form of report on vouchers, made openings in loft floor for feeding horses. Attended YMMI Association in evening [p. 171] and by request spoke after the programme was carried out.

3 February 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School, meeting in afternoon and Joint Y.M. & Y. L. meeting in evening.

4 February 1889 • Monday

Received registered letter from Fred with $2000 encloles [enclosed] payment on note of $30.00 without int. Wrote A. F. D. Mother and Seney. Paid Geo. Spiers for sack sugar $8.25

Hauled hay in to stable to feed Vick. attended Teachers meeting

5 February 1889 • Tuesday

Made brakeblocks, repaired wagon box, Sharpened picks, mended stay chains &c. Attended Priests meeting at Robt. Meiklejohn’s and by request occupied a portion of the time.

6 February 1889 • Wednesday

Took the children for a ride after which Alice and Estella took the team and sleigh and went for a ride. Attended to the regular work of the place, Sorted over and tied up in bundles, the lath from old building in front of the house. Sorted over & piled up several loads of material from old building north of barn yard. Went [p. 172] with Henry Beauchamp visiting as a Teacher in the evening after which I wrote to Fred and Seney.

7 February 1889 • Thursday

Tooele Fast day, Attended Fast meeting. went teaching in the evening, Made out water tickets and recorded them in water Record.

8 February 1889 • Friday

Worked on old building in front, tearing it down, hauled some of the best of the rock up to yards also timbers. visited Spent the evening at home reading the paper.

9 February 1889 • Saturday

Finished tearing down old building in front of house. Attended Y.M.MI.A in the evening, Spoke upon Ben. Clegg’s Subject, he being absent Faith Course of Life 16 ch. Gospel by Roberts.

10 February 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school and meeting. Wrote A. F. D. & Steve.

11 February 1889 • Monday

Sharpened two hay knives, wrote A. F. D. Went to Mill to get Southworths signature to voucher.

12 February 1889 • Tuesday

Piled up timber from old granary in front [p. 173] Hauled out six loads of manure, besides doing all the chores and going to the post office. Visited as a Ward Teacher in the evening.

13 February 1889 • Wednesday

Tooele Hauled seven loads of manure besides doing all the chores of the place. Went to Seventies meeting and from there, by request of Prest. Lee, went into the Vestry a large hall with him and talked to the young Ladies in association capacity. Snowed two or three inches in the evening.

14 February 1889 • Thursday

Hauled one load of manure on to dry lucern near Scott’s east fence.

Hired Jno. M. Icegreen to help me to put up wire at $1.50 per day to be p’d in hay @ $1200 inferior quality. worked in the blacksmith shop; welded two log chains & put a large hook on one, put a hook on stretcher chain and made a new stretcher bar, sharpened a grub hoe &c. Valentine Day Spent the evening at home.

15 February 1889 • Friday

Stretched wire on fence South of Street leading to cañon. Bro. & Sis. Gee were here in the evening. [p. 174]

16 February 1889 • Saturday1

Snowed all day, made weekly report and wrote A. F. Doremus, went to post office, store & Shoe shop

172 February 1889 • Sunday

Tooele Attended Sunday school and meeting assisted in administering the Sacrament and spoke in meeting. Spent the eve. at home.

18 February 1889 • Monday

Stretched wire all day and attended Teachers meeting in the evening. weather continues cold.

19 February 1889 • Tuesday

Finished putting wire on fence east of Mecham’s and put one wire on east fence of land south of street as far as the top of the hill. Attended meeting at Robert Meiklejohn’s presided over by the Priests Spoke at that meeting.

20 February 1889 • Wednesday

Finished putting wire on fence around land south of street. Spent the evening reading the news paper.

21 February 1889 • Thursday

Repaired wire fences all day, spent the evening at home reading from the Book of Mormon & Doctrin & Covenants. [p. 175]

22 February 1889 • Friday

Tooele City Worked on water troughs one half the day and in the afternoon made weekly report and wrote A. F. Doremus, copied January Report on vouchers. Attended school concert in the evening.

23 February 1889

Tooele My 28th Birth day, Worked all day on water troughs, and stack yard fence on west side. Shaved, bathed, wrote in my Journal and went to bed about 8.30 o’clock P.M. Received a letter from Calvin W. Richards and answered it while waiting for dinner

24 February 1889 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and meeting; spoke in Sunday school. Spent the evening at home.

25 February 1889 • Monday

Sold Mr Gee 1000 lbs hay— sold Co-op one barrell of vinegar at 40¢. per gal. Drove horses out of basin pasture and fixed up the gate at Terminus. Took horses over to Stockton &c.

26 February 1889 • Tuesday

Took a barrel of vinegar to co-op store Went to Basin pasture and repaired pasture fence Read G Q Cannons and [p. 176] Wilford Woodroof’s sermons as delivered in the S.L.C. Tabernacle Sunday Feb 25.

27 February 1889 • Wednesday

Loaded a load of hay for J M Icegreen after which I went to the Basin pasture and worked the remainder of the day on the pasture fence.

28 February 1889 • Thursday

Besides the regular work I took to pieces one set of harness washed, oiled it and put it to-gather again, Made out monthly report in the evening.

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February 1889, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1889/1889-02


  1. [1]Richards wrote the 17 February entry before the 16 February entry.

  2. [2]Richards wrote “16” before crossing it out and writing “17”.