September 1906

1 September 1906 • Saturday


Attended Stake Conference. I occupied 15 min from 8:45 11:45 to 12 Noon and in afternoon to 35 min.

Subject. We are only fully converted when we live, or accept every law & principle Obedience & Free Agency

8. P.M Priesthood meeting Presidency of stake should take stock often of H C & Bps Bps should keep tab on Ward Teachers & other offices & the Teachers on their people doing individual labor where necessary.

2 September 1906 • Sunday

Preston Elder J H Smith Came in on 8:50 8:40 PM train last night Did not get to Priesthood [p. 142] meeting

I attended A.M. Con. also Afternoon meeting and spoke 35 Minutes. (Temple Work) What the Lord has done for us in redeeming us from the inconsistent doctrines of our parents.

Went over to Overflow meeting and spoke about 30 minutes. Subject How we can purchase salvation with our means. &c.

Attended Young Peoples meeting in evening & occupied about 25 min. The responsibilities resting upon the youth. Marriage while young regardless of finances. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. &c

<assisted Sunday in administering to a boy named Wilcox and to sister Rogers & sister Goaslind.>1

3 September 1906 • Monday

Returned home from Preston. Attended to some business with Prest Winder relation to [p. 143] Recommend for a sister at Oxford to do temple work and at Prest Winders request answered letter.

It being Labor Day I accompanied my family, Mother Aseneth & others to Wandamere from 5 to 9 P.M.

4 September 1906 • Tuesday


Arranged to accompany Elder Geo Albert Smith to Big Horne Stake to leave at 3:30 PM today via Denver. Alliance to Cowley.

Wrote up my journal for several days.

I left SL City at 3:50 PM with Geo Albert Smith on D. & R. G Ry for Bighorn Stake (Cowley) via Denver & Alliance on D & R G and Burlington Rys. Pullman. Awoke Wed Sep. 5 at Glenwood Springs. 4:40 A.M.

5 September 1906 • Wednesday

On train between Glenwood Springs 4:40 AM and Denver 5:30 P.M. Went to [p. 144] Burlington office & secured Pullman births Thence to mission head quarters where we met Prest. McRae & family 5 or 6 Elders and two lady missionaries Sister Benningham & sister Almind. Ate melon with them. Had a visit and Prest McRae accompanied us to depot while the Elders went out to hold meeting on streets. We left Denver at 8:30 P.M. and arrived at Alliance about 5:30 AM Wed and had a wait there until 9:55 A.M.

6 September 1906 • Thursday

Left Alliance at 9:55 A.M. Arrived at Toluca Wyo. Fri 1:30 A.M. Slept at Hotel.

7 September 1906 • Friday

at Toluca.

Left Toluca at 8 A.M. and arrived at Cowley at about 1:30 P.M. We were met at depot by Prest. Byron Sessions & his son Perry who took us directly to his home in Byron some five or seven miles distant. After Supper [p. 145] Elder Geo. Albert Smith and I took a walk about the town. We held evening meeting in the log school meeting house I spoke 35 or 40 minutes

Subject. Encouraging the people, speaking of the advantages of their country. The necessity for pioneer life to make room for our children and those who are being gathered in by the gospel net.

Since you are dependent upon the Lord you should serve Him well that His favor may be upon you. When you build build better. Homes comfortable but they should view you are able be built with architectural design & be made attractive evidencing to all your faith in the Country and that you are here to remain.

Elder Smith occupied about 40 minutes in conclusion. By arrangement made by Prest Sessings I staid over [p. 146] night with Bro. Thomas (Stake clerk)

8 September 1906 • Saturday

Byron, Big Horn

Went from Byron to Cowley with Prest Byron Sessions and attended Conference meetings.

At. forenoon meeting I occupied about 55 minutes with great freedom. Subject.

Living oracles vs. Bible.

The Letter Spirit "2 vs letter.

Organizations of church.

Duties of officers from teachers up. Testified of the Gospels truth and of the divine mission of Joseph Smith and his successors and was nearly overcome with emotion in thus testifying Such an experience as I never before experienced except possibly at a funeral service. Took dinner with President Crosby.

At afternoon meeting Bro. Smith read letter written by one of Jos. Smiths progeniters and otherwise spoke occupying 1 hour’s time. Good talk. [p. 147] At 4:30 P.M. held a general Stake Priesthood meeting I occupied about 25 or 30 min Subject. Recommended that the Pearl of Gt Price be kept on the Stand of all the ward houses & at Stake conferences. also that the Congregations be counted & the Count be recorded by the Stake Clerk & in the wards by the Ward Clerks and that a labor be taken up with the people to increase the attendance of the people at their sacrament meetings.

Talked upon the Subject of prayr Convert the new comer. &c At forenoon meeting there were present 245 and at afternoon 310 present.

After Priesthood meeting I went home with Bro Gustave Anderson formerly of Clover Tooele Stake. Prayed with them and took supper with them. Returned to Prest Crosby’s where I staid all night & selept [slept] in his unfinished home. [p. 148]

9 September 1906 • Sunday


Attended conference meeting.

At forenoon meeting I occupied about 30 minutes speaking with freedom upon the Subjects The blessing children are to their parents. Jewels in the Crown of our glory. Our duty to them. What the auxiliaries are doing for us. Why we should be loyal to those organizations, evils of dress &c.

Afternoon meeting was preceeded by a meeting of the Presidency, High Council and Bps & Counselers at which I spoke for about 20 min. with freedom. We would lay down our lives for the work but will will not lay down our tobacco &c.

Afternoon meeting I spoke 40 minutes with good freedom Present 572 Subjects

Follow the lead of the Apostles They are the engineers and avert Sin Sorroes [sorrows] &c Building up homes & make your country inviting. Do not go to extremes & debt. [p. 149]

After 4 o’clock attended High Priest. meeting and spoke for about 20 minutes. Subject. By indulging in tobacco &c we lower the dignity of the Holy Priesthood and rob our selves of honor. We do not know how our bad habits block our way. Be missionaries and when you meet ask the brethren to report the results of their work, during the past week or month. I took dinner with Bro. Chas. Lyman.

In the evening I attended Conjoint meeting and spoke with good liberty for 21 min. Subject. The responsibility resting upon the rising generation and what they are to become. The Gospel is here to stay, The mt. of the Lords house is being established in the tops of the mts &c.

Sister Erdley & Bro G A Smith each occupied about 30 min. I slept at Prest Crosby’s. Wind & Rain in night. [p. 150]

10 September 1906 • Monday

Cowley Wyo.

I attended Y.M.M.I. Convention at 10 A.M. and spoke briefly on two topics. Attended afternoon convention and offered the closing prayr.

I rode to Lovell with Bp. Jolly and attended the evening meeting held in School house where I spoke for 55 minutes with reasonable liberty and satisfaction. Subject.

Commendations for sacrifices made. Advised the building up of the country and building of good houses public & private but not to overdo and involve yourselves or the people in debt. Take hold of the good businesses such as banks, mdse [merchandise], Creameries &c. Spoke of the purpose of the Church in encouraging these colonies for the benefit of the individuals and to make a resting place for those whom the Lord gives us and those gathered out [p. 151] of the world by the preaching of the gospel. The Angel has flown, we have received the message with power and authority to preach it which we are doing. People receiving the word become objects of hate from our enemies and their former friends become enemiese they gather out to the Mountain of the Lords house unto which all nations are flowing.

This gospel of the Kingdom is to be preached to all the world &c Chastity of our young people referred to. Marriage &c.

11 September 1906 • Tuesday


Left Lovell with Bp. Jolly & Bro Porter Counselor for Burlington at about 10 A.M. Bro. Geo A. Smith & Prest Sessions in another buggy. Arrived at Burlington about 5 P.M. Put up at Bp. Jas S. McNiven’s. After Supper Went 2 mi: to Meeting. Prest Sessions spoke a few minutes after which I occupied 1 hr & [p. 152] 10 min. with reasonable freedom Spoke of the trials of the people Read from Bk. Mormon Ether 3 ch. and quoted the Lords saying to Jobe where wast thou &c. quoted from Mat. By their fruits ye shall know them &c about 120 evil spirits to each person at one time on the earth to tempt & try them. Related Joseph’s first vision and showed that Christ being true his doctrine was true & Josephs doctrine being the same is true hence Joseph is a true prophet &c Bore my testamony. Slept at Bp. McNivens.

12 September 1906 • Wednesday

Burlington We left Burlington about 8 A.M. Called at Saml Johnson’s whose wife is a snyder woman and Bro. Porter and I administered to her Brother about 18 yrs old. Got mellons at Bro Tolmans. Arrived at Byron about 1.30 Took dinner and went on to Cowley station where we were met by Prest Chas A. [p. 153] Welch with whom we had a talk for about 2 hrs the train being an hr late. We took train for Toluca and at Franny picked up prest. Crosby and had a good talk with him he also being on his way to Billings via Toluca. Arrived at Toluca at 12 Midnight.

We found in this stake disunion in the Presidency The Burlington ward in bad condition. The Bishopric not united no Bps Council meetings. Bp. using liquer &c He offers to resign. Bp Partridge of Cowley reported to be using tobacco. We talked straight to the Presidency privately and to the High Council & Bps in Special meeting and have hopes that something will be done within the next three months to effect union in the stake.

13 September 1906 • Thursday

Toluca Wyo. Left on Belated train 4 hrs late and at about 5:40 P.M. [p. 154] for home via Denver.

We passed the Custer Battlefield & Saw the monument & graves and at 5 A.M. we were awakened with the request that we change cars It was just Coming day light A Ry Bridge had been burned and the two trains were facing each other on either side of the bridge. We arrived at alliance about 1. P.M & continued on to Denver. Arrived at Denver about 9:30 P.M. Fri. and Staid all night at Winsen Hotel.

15 September 1906 • Saturday

Left Denver at 10:30 AM and arrived at Salt Lake Sunday 2:30 P.M. Bathed cleaned up and attended evening meeting in Ward House and spoke a short time. I there told the Bp before the people that what ever was wanted of me I was willing to do and would assist in pay[p. 155]ing off the $2000. debt on the meeting House to the am’t the Bp. would indicate. Prest R W Young & my Brother Franklin S. were present and Spoke at Meeting.

My Son George came in by train and Bro Franklin & wife & Bro Young accompanied me whence where they staid about 1/2 hr.

17 September 1906 • Monday

Geo & I called on M D Wells of C W M Co and made sale of my home & business at Tooele. Their Agt U. S. Cline is to take the home with 12 Rods sq. of ground at $4000. and the CWM Co is to have the remainder of the land & buildings for $1500. and all the stock at what it will figure up when inventoried & listed at present worth.

Made appointment to go out in the morning & [p. 156] take stock &c.

<Geo & I called on Aunt Alice & we administered to her. Engaged S.L to help us.>3

18 September 19064 • Tuesday

Home. My Son Geo. & I went out to Tooele on morning train C.W.M. Co Sent Chas Pratt along with us and we took Stock and in the evening we worked on prices.

19 September 1906 • Wednesday


Continued Stock taking & O D Romney & Jas Johnson of C.W. & M. Co Came out U S Cline also there. We Continued the work of stock taking and pricing same

20 September 1906 • Thursday


I went in to City on 5 A.M. train. Joel took me to train.

Attended Council meeting in temple in forenoon Attended a meeting of a Committee on Genealogy of the Richards family.

Attended Prayr Circle.

Bro Fairbanks took Dinner with us. [p. 157] I phoned my son Geo. at Tooele

21 September 1906 • Friday

Home I went out to Tooele on the A.M. train where I assisted in the pricing of inventory of goods taken. attended to Some business pertaining to Sale of property.

22 September 1906 • Saturday


I called on Estella and administered to her a blessing. Assisted in pricing inventory &c.

Returned to City in evening.

23 September 1906 • Sunday

Home I bathed and attended Ensign Stake Conference in Assembly room in forenoon and Spoke for 30 min. Subject Ward teachers & officers in Church.

Attended meeting in the large tabernacle in afternoon and after meeting visited my aunt alice [p. 158] Watt at A. F. Doremuse’s.

Attended ward sacrament meeting at 6 P.M. and occupied the time 30 min. Subject “By Grace are you saved” Also The Gospel here to Stay Gospel preached to every nation &c. Good freedom quiet fire side talk.

George came in on train arriving at 6 P.M.

In the evening I did some writing.

24 September 1906 • Monday

Home My son Geo. & I put in the day and evening at C W & M Co. office working on inventory of Goods being sold to them checking list, pricing &c. Received a phone message from County Attorneys office requesting me to go down and be examined as a witness in the Case of Prest Jos F Smith. A complaint having been filed by Martin Owen [Charles Mostyn Owen] against Prest Smith. I went [p. 159] down but was of no service to them.

25 September 1906 • Tuesday

Home Geo. & I continued our work on Inventory at CW & Ms office assisted by Mr. Pratt.

In the evening we met at Geo Romney Lbr Co. office & O D Romney attached lbr prices.

26 September 1906 • Wednesday


My son Geo. went out to Tooele on AM Train. I accompanied him to depot & from there went to CW & M Co Office & worked all day on inventory finishing about 6 P.M.

Inventory including fn.


Real estate & buildings


Home & 12 x 12 land to Cline

5 4000.00


27 September 1906 • Thursday

Home Attended Council meeting at temple, Attended to [p. 160] some business at bank.

Attended a Committee meeting of History, Genealogy and temple work for the Richards family Association from 3 PM until 6 P.M.

Attended Prayr Circle at Temple. Mouth in prayr

28 September 1906 • Friday


I attended to business down town with C W & M Co, with Utah Nat Bk with Kelley Stationery Co. and with Mother & Aunt Seney.

Geo. & I downtown together.

Our Tooele freight arrived and we had watson Bros. Drag it up for us.

29 September 1906 • Saturday

Home I left Salt Lake on 7:10 A.M. train for Morgan in Company with Elder Geo. A. Smith. Our train waited in Ogden 2½ hrs for S. P. train and we reached Morgan about 1 P.M Lost A.M. meeting of Conference. Prest Heiner took us to his home where we took [p. 161] dinner. At afternoon meeting Elder G. A. Smith occupied 45 min. leaving me 20 min which I occupied with reasonable freedom. Subject. Fashions We should set the fashions. We have been called out of Babylond & we should not adopt her fashions. Attended a meeting in the evening called for the Stake officers and there addressed the priesthood for about 25 min. Staid all night with Prest Rich.

30 September 1906 • Sunday

Morgan Attended the two conference meetings and the meeting of the young people in the evening. At A.M. meeting I spoke 45 minutes. Subject Duties of parents to Children and their allegiance to the S. School and other auxiliary organizations

Afternoon meeting I spoke 45 min. Subject our 6 presidents and what they and the work the Church & Gospel has [p. 162] done for us and the world. Temple work &c. Recommended that the stake have a temple day each year and that they make preparations to go in a body to the temple once each year & individually as often as possible. This would direct the thoughts of the people towards their dead. Went home to Supper with F W Clark husband of Emma Robinson. After evening meeting administered to a young lady Hazel Eddington who is afflicted with rheumatism. During the day I assisted in adminstering also to M J. Tucker Epelepsy to Clara Porter Carter Slept at Prest Heiners.

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September 1906, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 143.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “vs.”

  3. [3]This insertion was written at the top of page 157 above the portion of the 17 September entry on that page.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “1908” before writing “6” over the “8”.