January 1908

1 January 1908 • Wednesday


Weather beautiful. Health good. Spirits cheerful and hopeful.

My daughter Nerva & her daughter Thelma went to Tooele on morning train. Mama went with them to Ry. Station.

Sisters Elizabeth C. McCune and Susie Y. Gates called on us for about 10 minutes in forenoon.

In the afternoon Willard B. Jr. Claud and Lee Richards called on us for a few minutes.

I was busy all day studying and writing. A profitable day.

I called on my Mother for a short time in the evening.

2 January 1908 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at the temple from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. Wrote to Joel who is spending his hollidays at Tooele working for C W & M <Co.> Studied and wrote &c.

3 January 1908 • Friday


I spent the day home studying & writing and in the evening Alice & I attended the theatre. Geo. Washington Jr. and enjoyed the same. Moselle had ear ache at night. Mother had a poor night at her home. [p. 79]

4 January 1908 • Saturday


I having no appointment attended the Granite Stake Priesthood meeting in the Granite stake house. Large attendance. Elder H. M. Smith was present and spoke about 25 minutes to the Brethren and after reconvening of the officers I occupied about the same length of time.

I spoke of the sacrifice made by the people to attend this meeting for which the Lord will surely reward the people as sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. But obedience is better than sacrifice, to hearken than the fat of Rams. We do not do as well as we know. The inconsistancies in our lives are due to the fact that we have accepted the Gospel merely as a theory rather than the Reality it is Jesus is our exemplar & Protitype we are to follow. His theme was Thy will be done. That should be ours. If we were consistent fully with our profession it would be. We would have need to teach the people the will of God only but now our whole effort is to impress the people with the necessity for doing as well as we know. Read D&C 20:37 If we had that Spirit now, we would [p. 80] do the Lord’s will as we understand <it>

On my way home I called and saw my mother who is not feeling very well. She had been up but had gone back to bed.

5 January 1908 • Sunday


Alice and I attended the Temple fast meeting and from there went direct to the Granger Ward via. Murray Car to 14th So. St. & with Bro. Macay from there to Granger where I attended the Dedication services of their new house. There were present of the Stak[e] Presidency Frank Y. Taylor and John M. Cannon and of the General Authorities Prests. Jos. F. Smith, A. H. Lund & F. M. Lyman of the Twelve besides Pres F M Lyman John Henry Smith, Heber J Grant Rudger Clawson, Hyrum M. Smith & myself and of the 1st Counsel of the Seventy S. B. Young. All these spoke except John M. Cannon who offered the benediction. Pres. Jos. F. Smith offered the Dedicatory Prayr.

After the Services we all had supper in basement room, then came home. The house cost $16,600. + of which the Church paid $6700. + On my way home I called [p. 81] and visited my mother for an hour. She is feeling better than yesterday.

Joel came in from Tooele in the evening & brought Geo. Gowans with him.

6 January 1908 • Monday


I made a trip down town and called at Mothers. Alice and four youngest children went over with me and spent a couple of hours.

I wrote some letters and attended to some important business.

Did some studying &c

7 January 1908 • Tuesday


I attended the Quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10 AM until 12 Noon. Attended funeral Services over the remains of Sister Folsom widow of Wm H. Folsom at 27th ward house. Speakers Pres F W Taylor, Elder J. H. Smith, G. F. R. & F M Lyman.

Continued our Conference at the Temple from 2 until about 6 P.M.

My boy Oliver was sick at night. I administered to him.

About 4 A.M. Our little girl [p. 82] Estella 14 mo. old awoke us by her making a nois[e] like one older than she in a great fright. She went into a spasm which lasted for perhapse ten or fifteen minutes. We discovered that she had high fever. I administered to her & called up the Doctor & got advises from him.

8 January 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in temple from 10 until about 3:30 o’clock Fasted & had Sacrament.

Attended a meeting of the Gen’l Bd. of Religion Classes at Prest Office. at 4 P.M. And attended Circle meeting in the temple at 6 P.M. Present twenty Circle members. Had report read.

Our baby and Oliver got to feeling better towards night. We were awake with the baby in the night and I administered to her.

9 January 1908 • Thursday


I spent a couple of hours with Pres. F M Lyman and the Salt Lake Stake Prisedency N. L. Morris & Bro Ashton riding throu<gh> 14th ward looking it over with a view to adding to it a tier of blocks from 17th ward as recommended by the Stake Presidency or [p. 83] of annexing the 14th to the 7th & 17th wards. I called on my mother at her home. Did some letter writing and got out some names of dead and mailed to my Bro. Fred. Attended and nursed sick children. Oliver and Estella being sick. Made ready and left Salt Lake for Beaver with Elder Hyrum M Smith on 11:50 P.M. Train.

10 January 1908 • Friday

Arrived at Milford at 8:25 P.M. Bro. Tolton of the Beaver stake Pres. was at depot to meet us and drove us to Beaver, in 3¾ hrs. 32 miles. Learning there was to be a funeral at the Branch School a 2 yr old girl daughter of Bro. [blank] Luke one of the instructirs. I proposed that if they would furnish us a means of conveyance one or both of us would go up & attend. Bro. Tolton phoned up and Bro Rynard Maesar came down & Bro. Smith & I went up and each talked. I occupied about 30 min. Bro. & Sister Luke seemed to appreciate our visit & remarks.

In the evening we had Pres. White [p. 84] come down to Pres. Tolton’s where we were staying and spent a couple of hours talking over stake matters. Pres. Tanner is absent from the Stake.

11 January 1908 • Saturday


Beautiful weather. My health good. I attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting and spoke about 20 minutes. Subj. Zions growth & accompleshments. to Stimulate. Attended afternoon meeting and occupied 20 minutes in conclusion of meeting. Subject. The Stake meetings, Priesthood & Conferences should be participated in more generally by the people especially the officers of the other wards than Beaver. The Presidency should exact from Bishops a representation at these meetings. All stake organizations of male members should be represented at the Priesthood meetings and of both sexes at the Conferences. &c.

Took supper with Bro. Burt the Pres. of the Elders.

In the evening, attended the S. S. union meeting. A large attendance of enthusiastic workers. Bro. Smith & I each spoke. I occupied but about 5 minutes as it was then time to close. Spoke appreciatively of the faithful [p. 85] services of these officers and left my blessing with them.

Slept at Pres. Tolton’s where I am making my head quarters.

12 January 1908 • Sunday


A beautiful day. Dry ground and not cold. My health is good A letter from home reporting children somewhat improved written on 10th Also enclosing a letter from my son George reporting all well.

I attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Occupied about 35 minutes with good liberty and freedom. Subject. If Mormonism be judged by what it has accomplished or done for us then it must be conceded that there is virtue in Mormonism. Read 37th par of Sec 20 D&C showing the class admitted to membership by baptism. It requires repentance from sin which must be preceded by faith. It has made us to enjoy the Spirit of the christ Thy will be done, Father for give them for they know not what they do. His agony in the garden was the result of love for his fellow men and the knowl[p. 86]edge he had that many had taken a course which would bring to them everlasting sorrow. We have partaken of the Spirit. The Gospel has made us as Christlike as we are.

At the afternoon meeting I was the concluding speaker and occupied 30 minutes over reaching the closing hour 5 minutes. Had good liberty. Read from Matt. 7:15. Be ware of false prophets &c also Read most of the 6th lecture on of Faith Showing the Spirit of the work & of the man Joseph. If Jesus was a true prophet so was Joseph Smith by the test given their fruits are the Same. What are they. “To the Law & the testimony,” Isaiah 8:[blank] “Knowing this first” Peter What man knoweth the things of Man save by the Spirit of man &c and Peter at Pentecost &c quoted. The Lord sustained me well. Elder Smith & I with Prof. Hickman & wife, took dinner with Pres. White and family.

At evening meeting there was a large attendance of young people attentive and orderly. I occupied 30 minutes concluding the exercises of the evening. Subject. [p. 87] A plea to the young or Appeal rather, to not waste their time and to seek enjoyments along those lines which would be elevating in character. To not do those things which bring reproach upon the Saints, upon their families & themselves. To do nothing that would stand in the way of their own progress. They are to be in a few years the men & women, Fathers & mothers and are to carry off the work. Now is the time to make a preperation. Time now is to you more valuable than money if you apply it properly. Mingle with the opposite[e] sex in a way that will prove refining and educational, marry for Eternity and do your full duty. Had reasonable liberty and I believe I made a good impression. Spent the night at Pres J. F. Toltons.

13 January 1908 • Monday


Elder H. M. Smith and I with Bro. Wm. David Levi driver went down to Greenville where we attended meeting. The district school was dismissed and the [p. 88] children attended the meeting. There were present at least five men blind, cross eyed or otherwise afflicted in the eyes. One imbecile, one or two lame and one man with no hands, the most motley congregation I ever had the honor of preaching to. [Title and last name redacted] is sickly and spiritually dead so far as official work is concerned. Evidence was apparent that the ward affairs are very much neglected.

I read III Nephi 11:1–end Spoke upon the Subject of Repentance & reformation. The preparation necessary to prepare us for the future life is that which will give us happiness, clear conscience and hope & assurances of future happiness. I occupied 40 minutes followed by Elder Smith.

We drove on to Minersville took dinner with Bro. Geo Marshall Sr. Attended meeting Present about 75 people.

Elder Smith spoke about 30 minutes. Exortation to faithfulness. I followed for about 60 minutes. Read from D&C 128:15–to end of section Temple work and dwelt upon same. Also spoke [p. 89] of cleanly condition of meeting house, Church works. P of G.P. wanting. Thanked people for their attendance which evidenced support of us, faith in the Gospel and faithfulness to duty. The whole is made up of parts. If I am not what I should be reproach comes to the organization of which I am a member. A ward can cast a stigma on the Stake or the Stake on the Church. In traveling through the Church we can not help but make comparisons; the Presidency in considering the wards of their stake can not but make comparisons; the Ward teacher can not but contrast this family with that. Bro. Jones has a model home & family naming some things observed in a model home while Bro Thomas oh <?> my. what a contrast. Every individual should have a righteous desire to excel, so should every ward or stake organizations Not for honor of men but that his duty be well done that he may stand well and be assured of an eternal reward.

After meeting I went up to Bp Baker’s and saw his wife & [p. 90] family who have whooping Cough. We left Minersville at 5:42 and reached Milford at 8 P.M. Put up at Bp. Tanner’s for an hour or more while waiting for the 9:35 PM train. Here I wrote up my journal for the day. Left Milford at 9:35 and reached Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. next day.

14 January 1908 • Tuesday


Arrived from Milford on 6:30 A.M. train. Did some recording of temple work done. Attended Missionary meeting and offered the opening prayr, also instructed the Missionaries. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

John Parley Ellison. Layton to Western States

Geo. H. B. Watts. Murray. " "1

Louis A. Weeks. Cowley Wyo. Southern States.

I ordained Elder Watts a Seventy on written certificate showing he had been sustained before the Stake Priesthood for that ordination. I made certificate of Ordination and addressed to Bro. Watts Sandy R. D. 3.

<Received letter from LeGrand Dating Dec 29th announcing his release and intention to leave Liverpool Jan 20th or 24th>2

15 January 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the Temple at 10 A.M. Received appointment with Elder Hyrum M. Smith to [p. 91] the San Luis Stake to leave here on 6:50 P.M. D. & R.G. Ry. train tomorrow.

I attended a Board meeting of the Church Board of Education at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at temple at 6 P.M. Present 18 members. I spoke of order of prayr and respect for those in authority. A good time had.

I wrote letters to my Son George at Chicago and my daugher Nerva at Tooele. Posted up my books wrote up journal &c.

16–18 January 1908

Thu. Jan. 16, 1908. Home.

I spent most of the day re-adjusting books in book cases, Numbering my journals, writing &c. Visited my mother and made ready and left Salt Lake on D&RG. 6:50 PM train for Manassa, Col. with Elder Hyrum M Smith and Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin via Pueblo.

With out any thing out of the ordinary happening we reached our destination Sat A.M. 9 o’clock Jan 18, 1908. Formed the acquaintance of [blank] Mangram on train and partook of his hospitality, he paying for two meals on diner. My health good. [p. 92]

18 January 1908 • Saturday


Arrived here at about 9 A.M.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference.

Attended 2 P.M. Conference and occupied about 45 minutes time Sat in council with the brethren between meetings. Attended a meeting of the Stake Priesthood at 4 P.M. Present 85 members of the Priesthood. Took expression of the brethren on subject of New Presidency by writing names & handing in. We Made selection of Erastus Snow Christensen for President Called him in and we agreed upon Erastus Anton Nielsen for first and Thomas D Rees as second counselors.

I slept at the home of Bro. Haynie.

19 January 1908 • Sunday


This has been a strenuous day. We met the New Presidency at 8:30 A.M. the High Council at 9 A.M. and in Stake Conference at 10 A.M. At this meeting I occupied 18 minutes on Sacrament & Atonement. Set apart. ordained Seventies at close of the meeting. I was mouth in ordaining the following.

Allen B. Jack of Manassa.

Thales H. Haskell "3 [p. 93]

Wm M. Christensen. Manassa

John C. White. Sanford.

I attended 2 P.M. Meeting & the business of the Conference was attended to and Elder Smith, Pres. McMurrin & I each occupied about 30 minutes. I spoke upon the Subject of meeting attendance and worship of the Lord. Before the Close of the meeting we set apart the New Presidency. Bro Smith being mouth in setting apart Bros. Christensen & Bro Rees & I Bro. Nielsen.

We left Manassa at 4:15 P.M. with Bp Jensen & Pres. Christensen (Bro Smith & I) for East Dale arriving there at 7:30 Went direct to the Meeting house. I spoke after Prest Christensen had occupied about 5 minutes, and occupied about 50 or 60 minutes Elder H M Smith followed for about 15 minutes in which he in an indirect way reproached me for having taken so much time for which I later offered an apology Slept with Bro H M Smith at Bp. Jensen’s. Clear Cold weather.

20–22 January 1908

Monday Jan. 20, 1908

at Eastdale, Col. [p. 94]

Health good, weather cold.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith, Bp. Jensen Pres. E. S. Christensen and I left Eastdale at 8:30 A.M. Arrived at Sanford at 12:30 P.M. And held meeting at 1 P.M. large attendance. Pres. J. W. McMurrin and others from Manassa were present. Pres. McMurrin spoke 25 min. Elder Smith 45 minutes and I concluded in 45 minutes. My subject. Relationship of Man to God and Relationship of this existance to former. The 1st & 2nd estate. We took dinner with Bp. Wm. O. Crowther and drove to Richfield three miles distant and held meeting at 4 P.M. While in Sanford meeting two brethren were ordained Seventies.

I ordained Peter E. Cornum of Sanford Elder Smith ordained the other.

At Richfield I was first speak<er> and occupied 25 minutes & had good liberty. Spoke quietly and deleberately. Made appeal to the boys to seek for a knowledge of the Gospel living good pure clean lives and they should receive knowledge by the Spirit equal to that of their parents. Urged that in our effort to secure [p. 95] secure Eternal happiness, we promote our earthly happiness. Gave temple work as example. Pres. McMurrin followed me for about 25 minutes & Elder H. M. Smith concluded in 45 minutes. We took supper with Bp. John W. Shawcroft.

Took train at Lajara at 6:36 P.M. Our team travel while in the Stake was 58 miles. Pres. McMurrin quit the train at Pueblo having to pay fare at about 3 A.M. & Elder Smith and I went on to Palmer Lake and thus got our sleep quitting the train at 6:30 A.M.

We went to the Hotel and had breakfast, did some writing & reading while waiting for No. 5 west bound due at 10:2[0?] A.M. Took No. 5 at 10 A.M. Tues. Jan 21st and were joined again by Pres. McMurrin at Pueblo and without incident of movment we traveled until 12:50 next day when we reached Salt Lake. On the train I read from Doctrine & Covenants most of the time. On reaching the Presidents office and learning the brethren were still in Council I went [p. 96] to the temple and spent about an hour and a half with them and made report of our labors in San Luis Stake.

Traveled by team 58 miles & going & coming on train 1680 1738 mi.

Received appointment to Summit Stake for next Sat & Sunday.

Attended Theatre at night.

23 January 1908 • Thursday4


I made loan of $1500. of M. A. G. & paid my note of $1450. & int 33.40 at Jordan State Bank. Visited with Mother & Seney. Wrote to my son George and enclosed a check of 25.00 from Sister Asenath to him a loan without int Wrote Peter M Clegg whos[e] third wife has just died.

Bro. Loren J. Robinson called & spent an hour or so & took supper with us. I did some writing &c.

24 January 1908 • Friday


I called and saw my mother. Attended funeral of my Brother Geo. A. Services held at Bro. T. G. Webbers’. By request I rode with Aunt Charlotte, Col. Webber & his wife. The services lasted 15 minutes and [p. 97] consisted of a song by Bro. Geo. D. Pyper. Opening prayr by Uncle Henry P. Richards. A quartett of Pyper, Whitney, Ensign & Goddard and Closing prayr by Ezra Stevenson.

I wrote letters to Geo L. Tate and my daughter Nerva. Wrote in Journal, Phoned my sister Nerva &c

Wm. Robinson of Morgan, husband of Eva Robinson and Eva and ther little 4 yr old son Theron called and spent the evening.

25 January 1908 • Saturday5

I left Salt Lake City on O.S.L. 7:10 AM Train for Coalville, to Attend Summit Stake Conference. Arrived in Coalville at 11:55 A.M. Was in Counsel with Pres. Seymour B. Young and Pres. Taylor between 12 & 2 PM Pres. Moses Taylor Suggested that the East Coalville ward be organized and their meeting house be dedicated and that Bro. Ebenezer Young be ordained a Patriarch. The name of Bro Young had been considered in the Council so Pres. Taylor said & he had been informed by Pat. John Smith. I not having been instructed and no bishop [p. 98] deceded upon by by the Council of the Presidency & Twelve none having been recommended by the Presidency of the Stake and there being a bal. of $125.00 de[b]t on the Coalville east ward house, I phoned Pres Smith in regard to these three matters. He said with relation to Bro Eb. Young, Some of the bretheren were in doubt as to his worthiness and the matter was left to the member of the Twelve who should be on the ground or in attendance at Conference. Thought I might dedicate the house and thought the appropriation might be made.

I attended the 2 PM Conference meeting. Pres. Moses Taylor mad[e] a good report of the Conference Stake. Elder Stevens recently returned from a mission spoke also Bro. Terry Supt of College or Academy who is also a President of the Seventy.

I occupied about 30 minutes in Conclusion with Composure & true Christian Spirit. Not a premeditated sermon [p. 99] but one that brought much peace to my soul and left a most serene spirit.

The singing was beautiful. At 4 P.M. We had a meeting of the Bishops & High Counselors. Letters were read from the P.B.O. one of which sets apart $1400. Compensation for the Bishops and $800. for Ward clerks. The Bps 13 present out of 15 in the Stake & High Counselors indorsed by vote the action of the Presiding Bishopric.

Pres S. B. Young addressed the meeting after which I addressed the meeting for about 20 minutes. Cle[a]nliness about home, out houses &c. Remember those of the wards who are away from home by letter. While the people are at home get into their good graces so they will appreciate your attention. Bps. follow the example of the Presidency of Stake. Begin at the head and clean up

After meeting we met at Pres. Moses Taylor’s home Bro. Wilkins of Peoa who had been Selected to be Pres. of the High Priests Quorum to fill the vacan[p. 100]cy occasioned by the death of Bro Ward E. Pack. Bro Wilkins Contemplates changing his place of residence in the near future to Uintah Reservation & was excused.

We Sent for Bro [first and middle initials and last name redacted] who had been Selected & nominated by the Stake Presidency and sustained by the High Council to be the Bishop of Coalville east ward. We discovered that he had differences & hard feelings towards a number of people of the ward so excused him from further counseling for the time being and made an appointment to meet with the Stake Presidency tomorrow morning at 9 A.M. to consider the matter further.

While on the train coming from Salt Lake I gave away a copy of the Book of Mormon to Mr & Mrs. B. A. Thompson of Alma, Michigan.

A theatre by home troupe was attended by the brethren at night. I wrote up my journal and retired to bed about 9:30 P.M.

Am well. Weather pleasant. [p. 101]

26 January 1908 • Sunday


This was a strenuous day from 9 AM until 10:30 P.M. almost constantly in council & meeting.

At 9 A.M. met at Pres. Taylors Home the Stake Presidency & Pres S. B. Young my Companion. We here decided to recommend to the H Council the name of Edward Sawley for Bishop of Coalville east ward The Council later indorsed him and John W Wild for first and Thomas L Chappel as second Counselors. We conferred with these brethren and questioned them as to their manner of living, faith & exemption from Lodges &c and satisfied our selves that they are the men.

We met Bro. William Davis Lewis in council and nominated him to be Pres. of the High Priest’s Quo. He was sustained by the H Council and later by the Conference and I set him apart. He had been Bp of Vineyeard Utah Stake & later a High Counselor in Box Elder Stake. I spoke at all the meetings and was greatly blessed except in the Conjoint evening meeting when I felt tired and did not do special credit to my self though, I [p. 102] gave good advise and occupied 30 minutes. At this meeting Pres Young spoke one hour running over the time 30 min. Evidences of Book of Mormon.

<At 10:30 Received phone from home saying Estella Lee’s baby aged 16 mo. had died at Mercur. to be buried Tuesday at Tooele.>6

27 January 1908 • Monday


Pres. S. B. Young returned home on 8:20 AM train with my consent. Pres. Moses Taylor and I visited the Academy 52 Students in attendance. Bro. Taylor spoke about three minutes and I occupied 40 minutes with good freedom and magnified Pres. Jos. F. Smith & the church School work.

Went to the home of Pres Geo W. Young and there I ordained his Brother Ebinezer Russell Young a Patriarch after having interviewed him and satisfied myself that he is worthy he having been sustained before the Conference and the Council of the Presidency & Twelve having left the matter to me. Bro. Taylor & Bro G W Young of the Stake Presidency laid on hands with me & Stake Clerk, E. H. Rhead was present. I instructed Bro E. R. Young before leaving. Went to the home of Pres. Moses Taylors’ where I was staying and wrote up my journal for [p. 103] yesterday to this time.

We left Coalville about 11:15 A.M. And drove to Upton 10 miles up the Canyon East. Took supper with Bp. John S. Saxon & family. Attended Special meeting held in School house at 2 P.M. Population 295 souls. Attendance 85 87

Bros. Branch, G W Young & Moses Taylor spoke and between them occupied 21 minutes. Song. I occupied 45 minutes with good freedom. Subjects. Acquaintance. New. Meeting house. Many babies Care of the littleones &c.

We called at Bro. J. Judds and administered to a sick babe 4 mo. old afflected with Erysiplas. & consecrated a bottle of oil. Bro. G. W. Young mouth in Consecrating, Bro Taylor in Anointing and I in the Confirmation.

We drove to Coalville East ward and took Supper with Bro. Thos. Wilde Sen. and attended a special meeting held in the meeting house where we Enstalled a new Bishopric and dedicated the Meeting house. Bro. Branch who has been presiding for more than a year & under whose administra[p. 104]tion the house was built made a report & talk of about 15 minutes. Reported the house to be 30 x 50 ft Cost between $1900. and $2000. Church appropriation $350. & $125. to come Bro. Tayl I occupied about 20 or 25 minutes on subject of nominating and sustaining officers the Lords [way] &c. Read a few verses from 124 Sec 123 por. & others same chapter D. & C. Bro. Taylor presented the new Bishopric which were heartily sustained as follows. Edward Sawley Bp. aged 65 Ordained High Priest and Bishop and Set apart to preside over the Coalville East ward by my self. Bro. John. W. Wilde (seventy) ordained an High Priest and set apart 1st Counselor by Pres. Moses Taylor and Thos. L. Chappel was ordained an High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor by Pres. Geo. W. Young. After which, I offerred the dedicatory prayr about 15 minutes duration. Good liberty & satisfied myself pretty well.

28 January 1908 • Tuesday


I left Coalville at 8:30 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 12 noon. Mama & Joel went out to Tooele this [p. 105] A.M. and attended the funeral of the 15 month’s old baby of Estella Lees. On the train from Coalville I finished reading the Doctrine & Covenants through and read 22 pages in Pearl of Great Price. Met Brother Calvin Richards on train from Ogden to Salt Lake. I wrote letters to George, Nerva, Hyrum, & Stella and to Sister S W Woolley & family, a letter of Condolence Bro S. W. Wooll<e>y died this A.M. Aunt Maria Clark went out to Tooele & came back with Alice

29 January 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. Received an appointment with Pres. Lyman to Millard Stake for this week. Was appointed on a committee with Elders Geo Albert Smith and Anthony W. Ivins the latter having just yesterday arrived from Mexico, to consider the matter of a Presidency for the Juarez Mexico Stake. We invited Pres. Lyman and Elder John Henry Smith to meet with us and we decided to recommend to the Presidency and Council the name of Guy Wilson for President with Helaman Pratt as First and [blank] Romney as second counselors. [p. 106]

I received a letter from my son LeGrand written from Holland Jan. 13th in which he said he would sail from Liverpool on the Steamer Canada Jan 23rd. He enclosed a good picture of himself.

I this day received pass for one trip from Omaha to Chicago and return so I shall calculate to go to Chicago to meet LeGrand and see George and Edith.

Attended Circle meeting 19 pres.<ent.> Wrote letter to George.

30 January 1908 • Thursday


I visited my mother, wrote letters. Attended a missionary meeting at the temple Annex where about 20 missionaries were set apart and instructed. I was mouth in setting apart the fol.

I occupied 12½ minutes with freedom in instructing elders.

Alice and I attended the theatre “The Man of the Hour” After putting Alice on the car for home I went to the depot and took train with Pres. Lyman for Oasis in Millard [p. 107] stake arriving there about 6 A.M.

31 January 1908 • Friday

Arrived at Oasis at 6 A.M. and went to Hotel and had breakfast. Bro. & Sis. Huff proprieters who would not accept of compensation.

With Pres. Hinckley, Bros Reaves & Badger, we left Oasis at 9:35 A.M. and arrived at Holden 25 miles distant at 2 P.M.

Put up at Bp Stephensons.

Attended Relief society Conference at 2:15 P.M. I occupied about 15 minutes with freedom. Subj. The sisters should assist the Genl Church officers, the Stake Presidency and Bishoprics in a steady continuous, unrelenting warfare against sin & evil and to encourage people to good works.

Word of wisdom. Of all classes, the mothers should keep the word of wisdom.

Attended Priesthood meeting in the evening. Pres. Lyman occupied 50 minutes and I 20 min with freedom. Subject. Priesthood and duties of officers &c.

Five men were ordained High Priests by Pres. Lyman & [p. 108] myself. I ordained the following.

Jas. J. Stephensen of Holden

Andreas Peter Christensen "7

Stayed at Bp. Stephensen.

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January 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-01


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “to Western States”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin, continuing into the top margin.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Manassa”.

  4. [4]Richards apparently started to write the date on the line above this entry but stopped after writing “Thu”.

  5. [5]Richards wrote “I” before recording the date.

  6. [6]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 103, with a brace on the left side.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “of Holden”.