March 1901

1 March 1901 • Friday

Tooele I sold lumber, wrote letters, made monthly report to lumber Co., fixed up accounts &c. In evening I administered a Patriarchal Blessing to Thos. Henry Lindley who spent the evening with us.

2 March 1901 • Saturday

Made ready and with my team took to Grantsville to Stake Priesthood Meeting. Jno. Gillespie, Bro. Lindley & Sister Gowans & her grandson Son Taylor. Prest Gowans returned with us. Put up team & took dinner at Prest. Andersons. In the evening I attended the theatre by home troup “Because You Love Me”.

3 March 1901 • Sunday

Attended School. Fasted. Bore testamony. Attended Afternoon & evening meeting, offered benediction in afternoon. Attended Circle. Took my team & Bros. Lyman, Gowans & McBride up to Huffaker’s where we administered to Sister Huffaker who was very sick. I anointed & Bro Lyman sealed the anointing. Called at Cemetery. [p. 55]

4 March 1901 • Monday

Weather fine.

Home I plowed all day at west farm. George did also. Received Card from Roscoe Grover & answered same.

5 March 1901 • Tuesday

Hauled load of straw from bench farm. Took team & carriage & went up to Geo Huffakers to attend funeral service of Sister Huffaker. For want of time services were dispensed with except that I by request of Bp. Atkin offered up a prayr. Twelve conveyances went to Station to See them off on Train as She was taken to Murray for burial. I hauled a part of the family. After my return from Station I telephoned Utah Foundry & Mc Co. to use iron in tire of attachment rather than wait longer for steel. Went to Lake View to See Elijah Spray & proposed to let him pasture my canyon land this summer if he would pay the interest. Attended Mutual in evening.

6 March 1901 • Wednesday

Geo. & I plowed at west field all day.

7 March 1901 • Thursday

Geo & I " " " "1 until 3 P.M. Commenced to rain at 2:30 P.M. I made ready and Alice & I went down to Alvin Walters’ where we attended the picnic sociable of the missionaries Had a nice time and got home at 1 o’clock. Stormy night.

8 March 1901 • Friday

<Stormy day & night in Tooele.>2

I wrote letters to Nerva & others. Attended to some business down town. Made ready & with team & buggy took Alice & baby to Grantsville where I left Alice at Prest. C. L. Anderson’s while I attended Seventies conference meeting Bros. Golden Kimball & Jas W. McMurrin being present. They occupied the time & gave good instructions. At 5 P.M. we met at Social Hall the Seventies in a reunion & picnic sociable. I, by his request, [p. 56] sat next to Bro Kimball at the table. Bro. Kimball responded to the toast “Our young men.” Bro. McMurrin to the toast Our young ladies, I to the toast Our Patriarchs which I did about as follows.”

In behalf of the Patriarchs of the Tooele Stake of Zion, Six in number, four of whom are present here, I desire to thank the Seventies for their kind invitation to us to be present. I am pleased to be numbered with these men & barring myself I can say you could not find five better men any where. If you need counsel or are in trouble go to them & they will give you good counsel & keep your counsels. If you need blessing they will bless you & do you good. I hope to see the time when the Patriarchs will be organized for instruction. The Patriarchs are not remembered by the people. I call you my brethren & Sisters to my witness How often do the Elders in their prayrs in the pulpit pray for the Patriarchs. How often in your family prayr do you remember them. Pray for & sustain them, seek blessings at their hands and under their hands shall you be blessed.

We staid all night at Bro. Anderson’s.

9 March 1901 • Saturday

Snow in Tooele, bare ground here.

Grantsville Alice & I arrived home from Grantsville at about noon. We attended a Primary concert in afternoon. Read Papers &c.

<19th anniversary of our Marriage>3

10 March 1901 • Sunday

Windy & threatening storm.

Home I attended School, afternoon & evening meetings. At evening meeting I occupied about 30 minutes talking to the Young. Attended prayr circle, administered blessings to May S. Higgie & Catherine G. Gillet [p. 57] and made copy of each for the parties.

11 March 1901 • Monday

Snowed all the forenoon.

Home I dictated to Nerva while she recorded a blessing and then I recorded four blessings. Went down to Ekenstams & Bro. Marks accompanied me. We prayed for and administered to Sister Ekenstam who is very sick. Called on Bro. Field.

In evening I attended School meeting where we levied a special school tax of 5 mills to defray expense in construction. Trustees are to assess other 5 mills.

12 March 1901 • Tuesday

About five inches of snow, windy.

Home I remained in doors nearly all day, prepared three topics for Mutual & in evening lectured upon one covering eight notes. I did some writing, read the News &c.

13 March 1901 • Wednesday

Went to Salt Lake by train. Arranged to have my purchases sent to Success Grocery Store opposite U. N. Ry Depot. Went up town on car Called in Morris’ & got meat pies hot. Went to Dr. Richards’ office on 4th floor of Templeton Telephoned to Dr. Stephen at his home he having been sick during the night had not come up to office this day. Telephoned the U. F. & M Co. about attachments & at their request went down to their factory 779-781 Main Went to D. S. L. Ry Depot by car & on 6:30 P.M. went to Farmington. Called at Mariar Clarks. Met & conversed with O. L. R. Alices’ brother. Went up to Nervas & got supper & while there E. B. Clark came after me with buggy to take me to his home where he had a large company of people having had the patriarchs there in afternoon to bless his family & to Supper & now having a meeting with many people present. I was honored with a place by the Side of Apostle J. W. Taylor & the Patriarchs of whom there were present E. T. Clark. Bro Willard, Jos. E. [p. 58] Robinson, Thos Steed, Bros Pace & Taliman.

I offered closing prayr. Met many old friends & had a hearty hand shaking. Slept at Nerva’s

14 March 1901 • Thursday

At Nervas.

Farmington I called on Ezra, Thos. Abbott, Maria Clark, Henry Robinson before leaving Farmington which I did on O. S. Line Ry at 9 A.M for S.L.C. Attended to business at Bank; with Utah Imp. Co.; Co-op Wagon Co.; Studebaker Co., bought Suits for Geo & myself at Gardners, Telephoned Utah Machine Co. about attachments when they replied that they thought they would have ten or a dozen ready for shipment to me at Tooele Next Monday the 18th inst. Visited with Willard & Stephen in evening & slept at Stephen’s.

15 March 1901 • Friday

Left Stephen’s home at 6:40 A.M. by car to U.N. Ry Depot where I boarded the train for home. Had pleasant conversations with Bp. Moss, Miss Clark of E.T. and Charles Anderson of Clover who was just returning home from a mission to Southern States. George met me at Station with team & buggy. George took Alice & Estella to Grantsville to take their rags & warp & arrange to have carpet woven. I wrote up my Journal from last Tuesday to date, read the paper &c. Mailed checks amounting to $116.39 to bank. Fixed up books &c. Wrote several letters. Called on Francis Marian Lyman Jr at his Fathers home & at his request I administered to him a Patriarchal Blessing P. W. Dunyon acted as scribe. Danny Parry called in evening & howed [showed?] up his lamp and I gave an order for one which with extension & extra chimney cost $7.25 Lamp with extra chimney 6.00, extension $1.25

16 March 1901 • Saturday

Went to west field where Legrand & Joel were plowing. Took Sam’l Johnson with me & showed up attachment & Sold him one [p. 59] of my old ones with second hand plow for $22.50 at 6 mo. Took F. M. Lyman Jr. out riding. Put box on wagon &c.

17 March 1901 • Sunday

Stormed between 5 & 7 PM

Home Took My team, Bro. Gowans with me & went to Clover where we held Ward Conference. Joseph Turner who had handed in his resignation as counseler to the Bishop was released & Orson Johnson was sustained in his place & ordained by H. S. G. a High Priest & set apart to be a 2nd Counseler.

St. Johns’ people came up to meeting enmass. I spoke both in school & meeting. Fed team at Frank De St Jeor’s and dined at Bps. Returned home in a snow storm & wind.

18 March 1901 • Monday

Home. I telephoned U.M. & F Co. about attachments. Saw Darwin Dunyon about selling Pete. Wrote letters, Sold attachment and plow to Gustave Anderson to be delivered when I get first lot from Salt Lake. Did some work at Relief society Hall preparing for Relief. Party. Attended Party in evening.

19 March 1901 • Tuesday

Went up on bench & got Straw for bedding from off the bench. Sold attachments to Nels Johnson, & N. Scribner. Got skins & Boxings put on Studebaker wagon. Sold & delivered $31.60 worth of lumber to Geo Hammond shingles included. Prepared to go to City to-morrow for first load of Attachments, plows &c.

20 March 1901 • Wednesday

Geo. & I with 4 horses & hayrack on wagon went to Salt Lake for a load of Attachments. They not being up to the Standard were rejected and I came home without any. I bought of Co-op Wagon & Mc Co. plows &c amounting to $126.76 wholesale. Arranged to get wholesale on all their goods as I shall need them or sell them Put up team & staid at W. B. R. [p. 60]

21 March 1901 • Thursday

Loaded plows &c Attended to & Completed business deal with U I Co & Co-op Wagon Co. by which I get their goods at wholesale & the U. I. Co. sells my attachments. Left Town at 4:30 P.M. and got home at 4:30 A.M. 12 hrs on the road. Had two lame horses and had to leave black mare Gypsey near Garfield.

22 March 1901 • Friday

Sent Geo. back to Garfield after Gyp[s]iy mare & he brought her on to E.T. & left her at B. Davies. I unloaded plows. Saw H. Lee about fixing wagon & buggy, posted up my Journal, sales of lumber, &c. Sold to J. T. Gollaher an attachment, plow & thrible trees. $35.00 Cash $20.00 Note $15.00 Cared for animals &c.

23 March 1901 • Saturday

Took wagon to Shop for repairs, Sold lumber to T. M. Davis two loads for sunshine.

Went down to E.T. & got Gipsey mare foundered. Received orders from Roscoe Grover & Edw’d Leaver for Attachments George plowed in forenoon & in afternoon brought home load of lumber. In the evening I poulticed Gipsys feet. Did some writing &c. Retired to bed at 11 P.M.

24 March 1901 • Sunday

Went over to Bro. Gowans’ & there assisted by Bro C. R. McBride Consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to Prest. Gowans who was sick in bed with Lagrip. Took my team & carriage & went to Lake View where I met Bro. C. L. Anderson & we attended School & Meeting. Ward Conference & I presented the Genl Stake & Ward authorities. Spoke at both School & meeting at former upon the Subject of previous preparation both by teacher & pupils. At latter Spoke upon the Subject of Chosing men for positions and the necessity for laboring. Accepting of the Gospel only is not sufficient

After meeting I went down to Bro Henry [p. 61] Harrise’s where I administered Patriarchal blessings to His oldest daughter and to Wm W. Sagers. Frank Whitehouse acted as scribe. I took supper there before leaving for home. Took dinner at Walter Adamsons Called at Bro. Spray’s to learn how his 12 yr old girl is who had apendecites [appendicitis]. She is much improved.

25 March 1901 • Monday

Stormy day.

Home Geo. & I hauled lumber from Station. Made two trips with two teams. Folks well.

26 March 1901 • Tuesday

Stormy most all day. Several inches of snow on ground. I wrote letters, read the papers, unload lumber, Loaded lumber to haul up to Mill, cared for animals &c

27 March 1901 • Wednesday

Thawing weather.

I hauled several loads of lumber up to the Mill. Got some repairs done at shop, Repaired fences. Sold #40 O.C. Plow to Alvin Walters.

28 March 1901 • Thursday

Listed property for assessment, corrected price list of Co-op W. & M. Co. Wrote letters, had Clay & Ira shoed. Went up on bench farm & got straw for bedding. Made estimate of lumber required. &c.

29 March 1901 • Friday

Went to Farmington by train to attend Uncle B. F. Knowltons funeral next day. While in Town I ordered car of lumber which is to go out home Monday. Met Mother & Nina at 6 o.clock O.S. Depot & at 6:30 accompanied them to Farmington Staid at Nervas Alice Ann was there

30 March 1901 • Saturday

At Nervas. Went over to B. F. Ks in forenoon & assisted in dressing & preparing him for burial J. T. Smith, Dan’l Miller & Mr Cory were with me. Attended funeral service & at grave dedicated the grave. Jos. F. Smith J W Taylor & J. G. Kimball were the speakers. I assisted in directing the funeral. [p. 62]

31 March 1901 • Sunday

Farmington I accompanied Willard B. Richards over to Katie Knowltons to see the folks. Called on Wm. Vanfleet & family. I attended to my fast & to Meeting & by request offered the opening prayr. Met & shook the hands of many old friends. After Supper went to L.G. [S.L.] City by O.L.L. Ry. Nervas Willard with me going out to our home on a visit. Staid all night at Sarahs.

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March 1901, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “plowed at west field”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 March entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 March entry.