July 1910

1 July 1910 • Friday


Weather warm and dry.

Alice and I went out to Tooele on train leaving Salt Lake 7:45 A.M. on account of my grand child Alice Tate’s sickness. She has been sick since last Sunday with what the Doctor calls Bronco Pneumonia. We found the baby some what better then she had been. I administered to her soon after my arrival and in the evening with J. W. & G. S. Tate & Hyrum Lee administered to her aga[i]n. She seemed to be on the improve. We consecrated a bottle of oil at G. S. Tates This day Sarah and Lucena went to Nephi and return just for a train ride & to See the country. They had free transportation through Joel & the Golde &c Blue. About 6 P.M. I left Nerva’s and went up town in Tooele and met a number of old acquaintances & friends. Called in Pres Gowan’s, C Pococks & Estella Lee’s. Estella accompanied me down to Nervas where we were joined later by H. Lee and the children.

2 July 1910 • Saturday


I spent the day at my daughter Nervas until 3:30 P.M. when I left there for home. Estella Lee’s daughter Lucy accompanied me to Salt Lake. Spent the evening at home and retired early. Alice remained at home Nervas. The baby’s condition improved. [p. 174]

3 July 1910 • Sunday


Weather extremely warm.

I arose at 6 A.M. and watered the lawn, cleaned up, read the paper and attended temple fast meeting.

Attended ward fast meeting and spoke & bore testamony.

Attended to blessing of Children and confirmation’s with the Bishopric. I bless Mary [Lovland?] Ronald Price.

Attended evening meeting in 27th ward. Pres Levi Edgar Young occupied 43 minutes on optomism and love. Quoted Paul on Charity.

Alice came in from Tooele on evening train. Geo. & Edith called and spent an hour with us on the lawn.

4 July 1910 • Monday


I assisted Pres. Seymour B. Young in setting apart seven nurses at the home of Sister E. R. Shipp 713, 2nd St. I blessed and set apart the following;

1. Lena Worlton of Salt Lake.

2. Myra B. Winne of San Francisco

3. Iva G. Parsons of Salt Lake City &

4. Rose Clever of Twin Falls, Ida.

after which we partook of a nice cold dinner which included ice cream.

I spent the remainder of the day at home forenoon and afternoon and evening. [p. 175]

In the afternoon a man aged about 30 years called and asked if this was Geo. Richard’s I told him yes and invited him in. He said he had a sister in scandinavia who desired to come out here and asked if I could not lend him $10.00 or $20.00 for the purpose. On inquiry I learned that he had a mother, and several brothers in if forget whether sweden or Norway or Denmark. His name is Hans Peterson, lives at 66 Commercial street, has been in this Country a number of years, is working for Meron and when I informed him that I was not prepared to help him and gave him some advise he showed his color & said Joseph smith was no prophet and the Mormon Church is the most rotten church on earth. I showed him the door & told him he could not talk that way in my house. As he went out he said that I was no saint and that the present president of the church is a liar. All this without any provocation and I am in doubt as to whether I was justified in treating him as humanly as I did. My feelings were greatly wrought up but I held my tongue.

5 July 1910 • Tuesday


Weather cool. My health good. I spent the day at home until after noon studying & writing [p. 176] I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex at 2 P.M. and presided at the meeting I being the senior in authority present. Prests. Seymour B. Young and Joseph W. McMurrin blessed six and I blessed six as follows:

1 Ernest T. Blackham of Moroni, Utah to the Northern States mission.

2. Waldo De St Jeor of Woodland, Ut. to S. States;

3. James Kemp of Crescent, Ut. to Cent. "1

4. Frank Russell of Nephi to California

5. Chancey Lundberg of St. George Cent. States

6. Francis F. Witzel SL City to Eastern States.

I instructed the missionaries. Later I went out with my family to Saltair where we spent a pleasant few hours.

6 July 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the day at home until about 5 P.M. when I went down home town and made some purchases and paid some bills and at 6:15 attended my prayr Circle in the temple 14 in attendance. There were 23 the previous meeting.

7 July 1910 • Thursday


I attended our regular Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Bought a pair of shoes at Z.C.M.I. for myself. Spent the remainder of the day at home. Called on my Mother on my way to morning meeting she having returned from Farmington last eve. [p. 177] In the evening I attended a missionary farewell/entertainment in 18th ward amusement hall in honor of three young missionaries. Rega Card, a son of Pres. Smiths Calvin, and a son of [blank] Snows.

8 July 1910 • Friday


I spent the forenoon home. Cut the lawn, trained up bushes and vines, repaired lawn mower and hose nozzle &c. Bathed and Cleaned up and did some writing. Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and presided. I blessed and set apart six of the eleven as follows:

<1> Ernest Elijah Hansen of Brigham City to Australia.

2. Reuben Gardner Egbert of Grace Ida "2

3. Edward M. Crowther of Laketown, Ut. "

4. Chas. Wm. Price of West Jordan Ut. to New Zealand

5. John Tripp Bringhurst of " " "3

6. Enoch Berg. Jorgenson of Sandy "4 to Swit. & Germany

I addressed the meeting and offered the benediction.

I wrote to Nerva also to LeGrand. Did some studying &c.

9 July 1910 • Saturday


I spent several hours down town. Bought a blue serge Suit at Crabbes Co.’s for $22.50 a $30.00 suit. also a straw had [hat].

I spent an hour or so with my mother in the evening. [p. 178]

10 July 1910 • Sunday


I took 8 A.M. train for Ogden to Attend a Priesthood conventions of the Weber, Ogden & N. Weber stakes. There were on same train for some point Elder O. F. Whitney Prests. B. H. Roberts & Levi Edgar Young. We were met at depot with Auto’s and driven up Ogden Canyon to the Hermitage and back to the Academy building where at 10 A.M. we met according to Count more than 1200 of the priesthood of the three stakes.

A programme was rendered & by request I spoke about 10 min. The assemblage dispensed at 11:10 11:30 A.M. and went to their second. departments where papers were read and commented upon and discussed. I visited High Priests department and engaged in the discussions. I went to dinner with my brother C. C. Richards.

In afternoon the priesthood met in department work. I attended the Elder’s department and spoke. After this meeting I went home with my brother Charles and we administered to his son Jessie who has been laid up about four weeks with a lameness in his pelvis as a result of an accident.

Attended public meeting, in the Ogden tabernacle at 7 P.M. and listened to a discourse of 80 minutes by Pres. B. H. Roberts [p. 179] on priesthood. This was one of the choicest discourses I ever listened to. Returned home on S.L. & O. Ry train leaving Ogden at 9 P.M.

I rejoice in the beautiful visions given us by the Lord through Elder Roberts of the beauties and realities of our relationship to God and our co-operation with him bearing the same authority that Jesus bore.

11 July 1910 • Monday


I spent most of the forenoon repairing bedsteads, chairs &c.

Received letter from LeGrand and answered same. Spent remainder of day writing and studying. Alice and I spent an hour with my mother & sister Asenath in evening.

12 July 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon home studying Attended a missionary meeting at 2 P.M. and assisted in setting apart between 20 & 30 missionaries I set apart the following assisted by Elder A. W. Ivins.

1. Heber John Romney Jr. City to Swiss & Germany

2. Wilford Winkler of Mt Pleasant Ut. to "5

I also blessed Bro. Skankie & daughter to go to Scandinavia in pursuit of genealogies. After meeting I went with my son George to Saltair & had a bath the first in the lake this season for both of us. Joel bathed with us. Alice & children went to Wandamere. Rained some in afternoon. [p. 180]

13 July 1910 • Wednesday


I went out to Tooele and attended the funeral Services of Sister Joseph C. Orme and occupied about 40 minutes addressing a large congregation principally upon the theme of acknowledgment of Gods providences. Read from an[d] quoted from Job & D&C 42; 59 & 63 sections. Had fairly good liberty. I took Oliver and Estella with me. On my return to Salt Lake attended my Circle meeting in the temple. Went home with my son George to supper and later he and Edith came up and we had ice Cream. This is Sarah’s 21st birthday.

While at Tooele I saw Estella Lee & family, my daughter Nerva & family & my daughter Mamie who is visiting out there and met many old friends. The weather very warm and dry.

14 July 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly meeting of the Presidency and Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. I met Pres. Lyman and Bp. Maxfield of Burtner, Millard Co. at the former’s office between 2 & 3 P.M. and acting as a committee Pres. Lyman and I enquired into the affairs of the Melville Irrigation [p. 181] Company and what is being done with respect to getting the water on to their lands deprived by a washing out of their dam. We decided to recommend to the First Presidency a loan of $4.00 four thousand dollars.

We met with Prests. Lund & Smith made the recommendation and it was adopted.

I made some small purchases and went up to Emigration Canỹon depot and met my wife and children who had been up the canyon for a ride. We let the children go home and Alice and I accompanied Geo & Edith out to Salt Air and all had a good bath. Weather clowdy, sultry & warm. pleasant for bathing.

15 July 1910 • Friday


Weather clowdy & threatening. I put catch on window screen and bolts on Cellar & rear porch doors & sundry odd jobs.

Devoted myself to study and writing.

Moselle and Nina complaining, others usually well.

I administered unto Edna Moselle. Estella & family came in from Tooele.

16 July 1910 • Saturday


Weather continues warm. Edna still bedfast. [p. 182] I arose in good time, sprinkled the lawn and painted porch seat, rocker, plant bases &c. Cleaned up and made ready to take leave for Preston Idaho on 4:15 P.M. train with Elders Grant & Ivins to conduct an invitation investigation of charges made against the Stake Presidency. Wrote letter to LeGrand &c.

Later. The symptoms of Scarlet fever developed and I communicated with Drs. Stephen & Gill Richards Both thought from my explanations that Moselle has Scarlet fever and that I should not leave the house without being fumigated. I called Elder Ivins Elder Grant having gone as far as Cache and he thought I would be justified in remaining home until we learn definitely if it is a case of Scarlet fever, which thing I decided to do. I had already called the Doctor but he could not come until towards evening.

When the Doctor, Gill Richards, came he pronounced it Scarlet fever.

Estella Lee & family came in last night and are still with us. We called Dr Paul who said Estella & children might return to Tooele & he would phone Dr. Phipps of Tooele so he could place them under quarantine for a week. Estella and all her children went down to my Son George’s and staid the night [p. 183]

We closed the folding doors after taking down stairs two beds, clothes and other needed articles and Alice and I remained up stairs with Edna Moselle. We have access to the front hall but not they. Thus we separated the others from Edna. We took out of our room where Edna Moselle is the curtains, carpet, pictures, books &c stripping the room and hung up blankets at top of both stair ways. We had medicines sent from drug stores and Alice and I watched over her and treated her with swabbing the throat, Sponging her off, administering to her medicines prescribed by the Doctor &c. I administered to her repeatedly and feel confident that she is going to recover Her temperature during the night ranged between 102° & 103°

176 July 1910 • Sunday


Alice and I nursed Moselle all day giving her close attention. Her temperature continued to rise until before night not withstanding our constant attention to her her temperature rose to 104 2/5° The house temperature remained for several hours at 87° and we had to fan Moselle. I administered to her Several times during the day and my prayr [p. 184] seemed to bring resignation and hope.

We had Formaldehyde burned in the down stairs rooms which were closed up for several hours while the children occupied the lawn.

I did not mail to LeGrand the letter I had written for fear of spreading the disease. I arose at 6 A.M. and watered the lawn & trees. I say arose I was not undressed all night but dozed a little after 4 A.M. and between times of giving medicine & other treatment.

18 July 1910 • Monday

Home In quarantine.

Edna Moselle who has the Scarlet fever has been improving since midnight last night. Others are well. I have been occupied mostly waiting on Moselle. Did some studying.

The weather is very warm the thermometer ranging from 85 to 90° in the house.

I made purchase of an electric fan price $12.00 and received great comfort there from during the evening and the night until 4 A.M. A very sultry close night.

I regretted my inability to fill my appointment at Preston [p. 185] with Elders Grant & Ivins on investigation of charges made against [ecclesiastical title and first and last names redacted]. Pres. J. W. McMurrin was appointed in my stead.

19 July 1910 • Tuesday


Under quarantine.

Edna Moselle is making steady improvement. Others well.

Weather extremely warm.

As Moselle improves towards convalescence, I have more time to read, write and study.

We feel that the Lord has been with us and we have great cause to rejoice and be thankful. May the name of the Lord be praised for ever.

20 July 1910 • Wednesday


Under quarantine. Weather warm Edna Moselle still improving I spent the Spare time reading, writing and studying.

21 July 1910 • Thursday

Home in quarantine.

Edna Moselle still improving. Weather warm. Ruby, Nina and Estella complaining of bowel trouble. Do not anticipate anything serious. I devoted my time to study.

22 July 1910 • Friday


In quarantine.

Weather cooler with cool night. [p. 186] Edna Moselle did not feel so well in the afternoon and during the night. Cause supposed to be some thing she had eaten. Fever 102 2/5°

Ruby was sick during the night and day but felt better and was about towards evening. Others well.

I spent the day reading and studying.

23 July 1910 • Saturday


Weather cooler.

Moselle feeling better.

Ruby convalescent and Sarah & Nina both complaining. Sarah Sick most of the night vomiting & purging. Sick in bed during the day. Cause supposed to be something they have eaten.

Letters from LeGrand, Oregon and Mamie at Tooele.

LeGrand speaks as if he would move back to Salt Lake if the Cement Company for whom he is working sells out their properties & business as they at present contemplate doing having given an option on their properties.

I told Pres. Lyman over the phone that if he deemed it necessary I could get fumigated & released from quarantine now. He advised me to [p. 187] remain in for the present so I feel better at doing so. The confinement is no hardship to me. The oppertunity for study is appreciated. It would be appreciated the more if I could send out letters so I could carry on my correspondence with my folks & friends.

24 July 1910 • Sunday

Home under quarantine for Scarlet fever, Edna Moselle the patient. She is improving nicely. Sarah is still weak in the stomach. Nina improved. Estella poorly at night.

I wrote an article on Germany’s action in expelling Mormon Missionaries.

25 July 1910 • Monday


Edna and others feeling better. I arose at 5 A.M. Watered the lawn nailed up vines, made swing bds. and adjusted swings for the children.

Joel called & saw us.

Weather warm.

I spent most of the day reading and writing.

26 July 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the day studying working on my commentary &c Edna Moselle improving nicely. Others just fairly well Sarah has been in bed [p. 188] for several days.

27 July 1910 • Wednesday

Home under quarantine, Edna Moselle having had Scarlet fever. None of the others have taken it as yet. Nina, Oliver & Estella have not had it. The others have had it. Last night Ruby had an attack of disintery. Sarah still in bed and feeling better.

I trailed up vines, watered lawn &c I gave to the Improvement Era editor for publication an article written July 24. “Why are “Mormon” missionaries Banished from Germany?[”]

28 July 1910 • Thursday


Still under quarantine. Folks improving nicely.

I spent a part of the day reading from the Improvement Era and from the Book of Mormon. Worked on Commentary and C. Received a letter from my son LeGrand, Portland, Oregon dated July 25th in which he stated that he had learned that the Cement Co in which I own $800. stock in Portland had sold out to Mr Moore & others for $1.50 on the $100.00 which means a gain of $400. on my investment of $800. for a few month’s time less interest on same. He also said we might see himself & family returning to Salt Lake within [p. 189] a few weeks which news we hail with delight

29 July 1910 • Friday


Folks feeling pretty well.

I put in about 10 hours hard study principally upon the Subject of Self denial and sacrifice.

Temperature from 80° to 84° Pleasant after 10 o’clock at night.

30 July 1910 • Saturday


Weather not unpleasant.

Folks all feeling pretty well.

I spent the day studying and writing in Commentary. Tithing claimed my attention. I feel that my time has been well spent.

317 July 1910 • Sunday


Folks all feeling well. Some swelling in Moselle’s throat yet but she is feeling well & has a wonderful appetite.

It is two weeks last Friday since Moselle commenced to be sick and I have been quarantined in since then.

This morning Edna Moselle’s Sunday School class called after school each pupil having a flower or flowers for Moselle. They sang for her out side the fence. They did not come inside. I read the August number of the Improvement Era, the papers and did some Study[p. 190]ing. To-wards night it clouded up and started to rain. George and Edith came up and spent about half hour or an hour at the fence conversing with us. They brought us a package of ice cream.

My health is good: never better that I know of. I have a good appetite, eate heartily and experience no discomfort there from.

Alice is free from sciatica which gave her such pain and inconvenience during May and June months. My mother’s health is fairly good. The world is beautiful The Lord is good to us; the gospel is true. May the name of the Lord be praised for ever.

Pres. Jos. F Smith & Bp. Nibley left Salt Lake about July 4th and are in Europe some where I do not hear from them.

Pres. Lyman is poorly.

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July 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-07


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States;”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark here and on the next line for “Australia”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “West Jordan Ut. to New Zealand”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Ut.”

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Swiss & Germany”.

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “July 1910” and then inserted “17”.

  7. [7]Richards originally wrote “July 30” before writing “1” over the “0”.