June 1897

1 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather threatening storm

Plowed on the bench farm: Ground very dry.

2 June 1897 • Wednesday


3 June 1897 • Thursday


4 June 1897 • Friday


5 June 1897 • Saturday

Put mower & rake up for use, Attended [p. 168] Stake Priesthood meeting. Bro. Russell & Wife of St. John took dinner with me. Plowed on the bench in afternoon. Put down carpet in little bed room in the evening. Shaved & bathed.

6 June 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Some clouds & wind.

I attended School & after School assisted in ordaining some boys to the lesser Priesthood. I ordained William Francis Tate A. Teacher. Blessed P. A. Droubay’s baby boy in meeting. Adminstered to John McKellars Jr. wife.

7 June 1897 • Monday

Weather warm.

Tooele I commenced cutting my lucern & cut about 12 acres & raked & cocked same with the help of the boys.

8 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather clowdy. rained some towards evening. Brought desk over from Bro. Craners & in evening arranged books in book case. We continued the haying.

9 June 1897 • Wednesday

Plowed on bench & towards evening put up so [some?] hay at Bowden field. Attended Water Com. Bd. meeting at Court house & presided as Prest of the Co. [p. 169]

10 June 1897 • Thursday

Weather threatening. Shaffer & Barnes commenced work again this morning having been off this week. I irrigated at home, took boxes off wagons, greased them & went to field & got hay racks & put them in repair.

11 June 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening.

I hauled two loads of hay from the field & put up derrick rope & pulleys & unloaded two loads. &c. Drew a sketch of derrick with dimentions & wrote to Fred & sent sketch as he had formerly requested it.

12 June 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I hauled hay all day & with the help of the boys hauled & unloaded four large loads of hay. Shaved & bathed.

13 June 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy & hot.

I attended school & meeting at Grantsville & Spoke at each.

Took dinner at Bp. J S Wrathall’s Administered to Sister Ellen Anderson Bro Gowans accompanied me to G.

14 June 1897 • Monday

Weather very windy. [p. 170]

The boys & I finished cutting & putting up hay in the Bowden field.

15 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very windy. Excursion for Sund. School up Middle Canyon. I went to field Boys with me to mow lucern in the Bowen field but after Starting to mow Concluded to not cut it but pasture it. So went home. George rode his horse up canyon. I took the other folks, Estella along, for a ride over to see grain &c.

16 June 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy a little in the early morning. We put our mower & rake away for the Season & hauled four large loads of hay.

17 June 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather threatening.

We hauled four large loads of hay.

18 June 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening & windy. Hauled four loads of hay.

19 June 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy & threatening rain. We hauled one & the last load of hay and unloaded three loads. Finished topping the Stack & put chain wire over them. [p. 171] Hauled 19 loads hay about 30 tons. Took down derrick ropes &c. I arranged with Newel Whitney for an old steel bar to pay for straw in the fall. Took it to the Shop & had it fixed up by Hyrum Lee. Folks usually Well.

20 June 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy

I attended School, afternoon & evening meetings & Prayr circle. Offered the opening pray at evening meeting & blessed the oil at Circle over which I presided Prest Gowans being absent at Clover. Bro Lyman occupied the time at both meetings. Between school & Meeting I looked over meeting house & school grounds with Bro Lyman, Bp. atkin & Bro Craner & concluded with them that the Relief society would better buy the adobe building & grounds with 1/2 A. water for $350, than build on Meeting House lot.

21 June 1897 • Monday

Weather windy.

I took wagons to field & took off the hay racks & put on wagon boxes cleaned tar off them & greased them. fixed up bugy with washers &c. cleaned up the Wagon shed & about stack yard. &c. [p. 172] The boys helped Mama wash & worked in the garden & assisted me.

22 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I plowed on the bench. At about 5 P.M. Bp. Atkin & Bro. Craner Came up & requested me to go & attend the funeral Service of Frank Bates at Cemetary at 7 P.M. & Talk the Father O. P. Bates having requested me to do so. I did as requested & afterward took Mama & Estella for a ride.

23 June 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

On invitation of Old Folks Committee My wife & I went to Garfield. Had an enjoyable time. I went in to city & bought a ladder, paints &c. Ereturned home in the evening.

<Old Folks at Garfield>1

24 June 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy.

Plowed all day on bench.

25 June 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy.

Plowed all day on bench, finished my summer plowing & brought my gang plows home & put away in shed. Have plowed this summer 60 acres. Bathed & read papers in evening. [p. 173]

26 June 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm, clowdy &c.

I went to Station & got new header & took to field. In afternoon Geo. & I took teams plow & scraper & went to field & made a good crossing over large hallow. In eve. I bathed shaved & with Bro. Gowans administered to Bro. John Gillespie sick with stomach troubles.

Painter & Carpenters still working on house.

27 June 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather clowdy, Sprinkled. Prest. Gowans accompanied me to Lake View where we attended School & meeting & spoke to the Saints. Put up team & took dinner at Bp. Shields & after Meeting pronounced Patriarchal blessing upon their Son Eleroy. Found Hyrum Lee & Estella here on my return home. They took supper & spent the evening.

28 June 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy part of day. Mr Colt from S.L.C. came out & helped me set up headed [header] did not get through to-day. I moved my safe from granary to house before train came in. Painters & carpenters still working. [p. 174]

29 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm some clouds. Was putting up header in forenoon. In afternoon M[r]2 Shaffer & I went to Salt Lake for lumber for header boxes. Put up at Utah Lum. Co. yard.

30 June 1897 • Wednesday

S.L.C. Tooele Weather warm. Some clouds. I loaded my lumber for header boxes attended to other business & left S.L.C. at 12:20 Took dinner at Spencer’s & arrived home at 9:15 P.M. George met us at ET. 10 miles from home with another team. Received letter from Mother & answered it in evening.

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June 1897, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1897/1897-06


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 and 24 June entries.

  2. [2]A black circle here obscures the letter, which is supplied from context.