December 1900

1 December 1900 • Saturday

Home Weather moderated & clowdy Ground dry or rather bare. I issued bills to parties owing for lumber, Sold lumber &c. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele & Presided. Prest. Gowans sick & Bro. Anderson absent. Had report from Presidencies of High Priests, Seventies & Elders. Bro. Williams talked on tithing settlement & I followed on same subject & gave general instruction to brethren

<a good an[d] spirited meeting.

I called one [on] Prest Gowans mailed Copy of blessing to Dora Wood.>1 [p. 36]

2 December 1900 • Sunday

Weather continues fine.

Home I attended School & bore testamony. Fasted, Attended fast meeting & blessed three babies by request of their parents. Ruth Walters, Amy Park and James A. Russell. Preached at Charles Lindholms funeral service. Went to Cemetery & took Lucena and Mayme for a walk. In the evening we all went to meeting. Wrote Fred.

3 December 1900 • Monday

Weather fine.

George & I went after Cedar stumps & in the evening I attended a missionary meeting & spoke & assisted in setting apart a number of missionaries to labor in the Tooele Ward in interest of Mutual Improvement. I set apart Wm Cassity, James A. S. Smith, Henry Dolling & Alma Lindholm.

4 December 1900 • Tuesday

Weather fine.

George & I went & got a large load of dry stumps (cedar) and in evening I attended Mutual & volunteered a lecture the appointed one Peter Shields being absent Paid 25¢ ea. for Myself & 3 boys to Mutual.

5 December 1900 • Wednesday

Geo. & I hauled a large load of cedar Stumps.

6 December 1900 • Thursday

" " " " " " "2

7 December 1900 • Friday

" " " " " " "3 Foggy weather

8 December 1900 • Saturday

Two sows had 9 pigs each during the past night & this A.M. Put them in pens & cared for them. Killed the hog fatted pig. Sent 8 sacks of wheat to mill to be ground for pigs. Attended theatre at night (Lost Mine) Weather foggy Folks well.

9 December 1900 • Sunday

Weather foggy & raw.

I attended School at Tooele. One Mr. Glenn of Salt Lake was present at School & asked questions which confused the Theological class. I answered same satisfactory for which he thanked me. Luke 13 ch. 25 verse. I attended meeting where Bros. Wm Spry & Thos. Rowberry of Grantsville were present & spoke & I followed them [p. 37] speaking of the duties of a congregation. Attended Ward Teacher’s meeting & spoke upon Tithing. tithing settlement &c. Attended High Priests meeting in evening Lecture on resurrection by Archie Bevan After meeting administered Patriarchal blessing unto Edith May Dunn.

10 December 1900 • Monday

Foggy & cold.

I sent $70 by Jas Dun[n] & 39. by check & mail to bank. Issued ck favor of U. Lum Co. #213 Dec Nov. Sales & collections, Mailed check <note> to Mother one I made last May. &c. Attended Meeting in Brick hall in evening to Consider matter of securing canyon lands to the people.

11 December 1900 • Tuesday

Wrote Some letters read from R & F of Nauvoo & Prepared 5 lectures in Manual. Attended Mutual & volunteered & delivered two lectures the parties to whom they had been assigned not being present. After meeting, by request I took Thos L. Speirs with me & went over to Hotel & administered to Sister McKendrick who is very sick.

12 December 1900 • Wednesday

Geo & I went after Cedar stumps, left home at 7 AM & got back at 2:30 P.M. with a fine load. Read from R. & F. of Nauvoo & in the evening Attended Irrigation Co. Meeting. Mother & children attended Magic lantern Show by Bro Russell.

13 December 1900 • Thursday

Went to canyon & got cedar stumps. Attended School teachers meeting in Meeting house. I by request offered the opening prayr. Read the Dec 1st Juvenile lives of Abram O Woodruff <&> Rudeger Clawson

14 December 1900 • Friday

Went over to field & got looked after animals.

Settled my tithing Paid for the year


My tithing according to my accounts


Over paid


Bought vegetables &c. [p. 38]

Bp. Atkin requested me to visit John A. Smith and talk with him on tithing also Andrew Russel. Dr Davis informed me that Mrs Brown (M B Nelson’s 1st Wife) desired to see me at the Miner’s hospittal some day between the hours of 3 & 4 P.M. Object he thought is baptism.

Attended theatre in evening. A failure.

15 December 1900 • Saturday

Weather pleasant.

I put partition in shed pig pens & made & put in new troughs. Sold lumber &c.

16 December 1900 • Sunday

Attended school here & after school went with B. L. Bowen, Wm Cassity & Albert Lindholm to Conference of Young Men at Grantsville, Nerva went along. Put up team at Bp. Wrathall. I spoke in afternoon for 35 min on tithing, Mutual work &c. Took supper with Dr Stookey & wife & blessed their baby, JoDella, Bp. Wrathall assisting. After evening meeting we came home.

17 December 1900 • Monday

I went after cedar Stumps & got a good load & took to Meeting house. Attended a meeting of land owners in canyon. Studied manual & got lectures for Mutual Read from R & F of Nauvoo.

18 December 1900 • Tuesday

Went after Stumps & got a big load Attended Mutual in evening. Read R & Fall of Nauvoo after meeting.

19 December 1900 • Wednesday

Went to east field & repaired fence. Went to west field to see grain prospects Alice accompanied me. Got washers put on buggy. Attended High Priests meeting. Went to theatre at night Alice Sarah & Ruby also

20 December 1900 • Thursday

I bought new account book and posted up tithes & offerings back as far as 1890.

I read the “Rise & Fall of Nauvoo[”] by Roberts finishing it at Midnight. a book of 459 pages [p. 39] By request of Mrs Woodward, Nelson Brown at the Miners Hospittal I visited her in relation to baptism which she desires but had the idea that it could be performed in the Hospittal bath tub. She being too weak to be moved to faunt I advised her since she had been baptized & not cut off to not worry but that her repentance would be accepted of the Lord I thought She in answer to my question, “Have you made peace with the Lord” answered in the affirmative most positively.

I called at Andrew Russells to make appointment with him for a family visit by myself as a special teacher. He & wife were away.

21 December 1900 • Friday

Weather cold, ground still bare Threatening Storm. I bought Xmas News & read from same. Attended Dist. School Xmas exercises. Administered to J. S. Dunns wife who is in labor. Geo Speirs Anointed. Administered to J. S. Dunn’s fife [wife] the Second time after the baby boy was born.

22 December 1900 • Saturday

Delivered to Gollaher’s mill 2865 lbs barley for John England on store acct. Had wheat chopped for pigs 7 sacks. I put manger on in yard under shed 26 feet long. Wrote to Mother in evening. bathed & trimmed up for S.

23 December 1900 • Sunday

I accompanied Prest H S Gowans to Clover 16 miles distant where we attended school & meeting & spoke at both. I took dinner with Junius Tanner & wife & by request blessed their 1st born boy 8 mo. old. At meeting I ordained Samuel A Jordon Gordon an Elder Issued certificate of ordination. Returned home arrived about 6:45 P.M.

<The Prophet Joseph’s Birthday.>4

24 December 1900 • Monday

I wrote letters to all my brothers & sisters Made purchases for Xmas. Estella & Hyrum came in middle of afternoon from Mercur They staid with us & we had a nice tree which [p. 40] they helped dress & load with gifts. In the evening at 7 P.M. at the residence of the Bride’s parents I united in marriage William S. Rimington & Laura J. Osgood. Retired to bed at 12 o’clock.

25 December 1900 • Tuesday

Xmas Our children & all were happy. Hyrum & Estella were with us. I spent the day & evening home reading most of the time. Alice Hyrum Estella the Boys & Nerva all went to the opening ball in Brick Hall. I staid with little girls. Alice took little girls to children’s dance in Afternoon.

26 December 1900 • Wednesday

Snowed a little & I had animals brought in from field. I answered the request of Sister Agnes McKendrick’s family & went over to hotel McKendrick where sister McKendrick lay in a dying condition we all knelt about her bed & I offered a prayr for her & dedicated her unto the Lord.

In the evening by appointment Bro. Joseph C Orme & I visited Bro. Andrew Russell & family & talked tithing to them Bro Russell being a non tithe payer never having paid tithing. Sister Russell indorsed tithe paying and before we left Bro Russell did the same & gave us the promise that he would pay tithing here after. A good spirit prevailed.

27 December 1900 • Thursday

I read the bible most of the day. In the evening Prest. Gowans & I administered to Sister Libby Lee who was in extreme pain in head & neck. She went to Sleep & felt much better. Bro. Joseph C Orme & I went to John A. Smith’s as special teachers he having paid no tithing for years. We took up a labor with him on tithing & received his promise [p. 41] to pay $50.00 soon as he could market his wool and continue tithe paying. The Lords name be praised.

28 December 1900 • Friday

Home Cold last night, ground bare & dry. Sent dry stock back to field, took stock of lumber and with the help of the boys hauled 300 bu of wheat to the Mill amount due the mill co. for $150.00 advanced. Read the Bible & Book of Covenants in evening.

29 December 1900 • Saturday

Attended funeral service of Agnes McKendrick and spoke for 55 minutes. Administered to Libby Lee

30 December 1900 • Sunday

Attended Tooele School & Meeting. Offered benediction at former & spoke about 20 min. at latter. Visited Bro. Simpler sick & administered to Ora Pesimer in same house. Administered to our baby Nina who is sick with cold. Read to the children from the Juvenile.

31 December 1900 • Monday

Home Weather cold & clear and ground dry. Snow on the mountains. I worked on annual Statement of lumber business. Attended the funeral service of Mrs Wm. Picket and offered the closing prayr. Walked up to Cemetery & back. Called to see Bro Simpler & Ora Pesimer. Bro. B. Marks & I administered to the latter. Hyrum & Estella being with us we engaged in a game of Aurthurs and as it was the last day of the year & last day of the Century we Stayed up until the New Century came in & noted that the Moon and stars continued to Shine and all nature seemed undisturbed by the ushering in of the 20th Century. [p. 42]

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December 1900, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 December entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Geo. & I hauled a large load of cedar Stumps.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Geo. & I hauled a large load of cedar Stumps.”

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 December entry.