June 1910

1 June1 1910 • Wednesday


Arrived from Canada and Big Horn Stakes at 8:20 A.M. found Alice in bed where she had been for three weeks. I bathed and attended R. Class & Y.M.M. General Board meetings and my prayr circle in evening. Called and saw my mother whose health has improved greatly while I have been away.

2 June 1910 • Thursday


I was appointed with Elders H. J. Grant & H. M. Smith at our Council meeting a committee to consider and look into a proposal from the Ensign Stake Presidency to create a new ward from the 18th, 20th & 21st wards north of 7th st. and add to 27th ward another tier of block on west side of present line.

We went over the ground in Bro. [p. 156] Grants’ auto, called & say [saw] Bp. Roming & Bp. Woolley & Bp. Clawson and reached the conclusion that the recommendations should be carried out but since that action would necessitate the building of a meeting house and the Trustee in Trust not being in a position to assist in its construction it was decided to report that we want time and let the Stake Presidency ascertain if they can accomplish it without present assistance, otherwise that it be postponed for the time being. The advisability of reorganizing the 27th ward Bishoprick was considered and a man for bishop in case a change was <is> made.

My son George’s name was named as a most suitable person but that he had moved out of that ward and the advisability of his being called to go back and to preside there was considered and by those present, Grant, Smith & Young, agreed that it would not be asking too much of Geo. The brethren spoke many words in his praise.

We have arranged for a trip to Portland leaving Salt Lake to-morrow Alice & I and our Son George & Sister Minerva. Round trip $31.50 special excursion rate a/c Rose Carnival.

Alice is improving nicely. Her trouble has been & is Sciatica. Others all well. Weather beautiful. [p. 157]

32 June 1910 • Friday


Weather pleasant.

I attended to some business down town in forenoon. Made ready and with my wife, my son George and my sister Minerva left Salt Lake on 2:25 P.M. train for portland.

Mr Tibball volunteered to take us to the Ry. Station in his Automobile which proffer we accepted. We had a Standard Pullman and mama who has been sick and is lame with sciatica stood the trip well.

4 June 1910 • Saturday

On train in Oregon. We enjoyed our ride except a few hours where the sand drifted in and the temperature too high for comfort. We arrived at Portland on time 8 P.M. and were met at station by our Son LeGrand also Alex. Nibley with his Auto met us and drove us to LeGrand home where we found Ina and baby feeling well. It was a joyous meeting. We retired to bed late.

5 June 1910 • Sunday

Portland, Ore.

Attended Branch Sunday School at 10 A.M. and addressed the School. Attended Sacramental meeting at 11:45 A.M. and addressed the meeting. Attended 7 P.M. meeting. My Son George occupied about 20 minutes and I occupied 55 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Mormonism. We my Son & I attended a Branch Priesthood meeting [p. 158] from 9 to 10 P.M. and I addressed the meeting. Retired about 12 P.M.

6 June 1910 • Monday


Weather continues clowdy. I think we have not seen the sun since we came to Portland. The temperature cool but not cool enough to make us put on an over coat even when out automobiling. Folks well excipting Alice and she is improving in her sciatica.

Pres. Ballard called at my son LeGr’d to see me. He my sons Geo. & LeGrand and I took train to Oswego, seven miles south on the Willamette where the Portland Cement plant is to be built. Returned from Oswego & see King Oregonia receive the Golden Kee to the City. Made inquiries about boating on the river to the ocean &c. We took seeing Portland Car Geo, LeGrand, Ina Sister Nerva, Alice & I & the babe and spent two hours seeing the city and all were greatly pleased with our ride and what we saw. The City park on the hill is next to an Eden and some of the homes and surroundings show that man has been trying to imitate natures beauty. Although I was here three years ago last Oct. I had forgotten in part her beauties & charmes. Portland is a beautiful City. Our ride of 2 hrs cost 75¢ ea. [p. 159]

I wrote home to Ruby and to Nerva. In the evening Pres Ballard, Sister Nerva, my sons Geo. & LeGrand & I went up to the Oaks resort to witness the fire works. The battle between the Monitor and Merrimac was scheduled but it was a farce and on the whole the fire works was a disappointment. This was one feature of the carnival programme.

7 June 1910 • Tuesday

Portland, Ore.

Geo. & I went down town in forenoon and called at LeGrand’s office. Alex. Nibley took us from there for an Auto ride and at conclusion we called in the apartment stores and bought some postal cards, a fountain pen and &c.

Afternoon Geo. LeGrand & I walked over to the Inman Poulson Saw mills and saw their workings. Geo. Aunt Nerva, LeGrand & Ina went down town in the evening and saw the parade while Alice and I remained home and cared for the baby.

8 June 1910 • Wednesday

Home. Portland.

We went down town and saw the Auto parade, thence to the Armory where we saw the rose show, thence to Council Crest and return which filled in the day pretty well.

9 June 1910 • Thursday

Portland, Oregon. [p. 160]

Folks usually well, weather fine and sun shining.

Pres. Ballard, LeGrand & Ina & baby, Aunt Nerva, Geo. & I took 11 A.M. electric car and went up the Willamette river 12 miles to Oregon City the oldest City in the State of Oregon. Here we crossed on foot the suspension bridge one of the longest & highest in the Country about 500 feet long, 85 ft high above the water and under the bridge the river is about 40 feet deep. Just above the bridge are the Willamette falls 40 ft high and here the Oregon City locks, 4 in number and 10 ft. high each. On the side of the locks is situated the Crown paper mills the largest perhapse in the country, capacity 40 tons per day of 24 hrs. We went through a portion of these mills where paper is manufactured from logs of wood. At the Locks we saw a steamer about 125 ft long and 35 feet wide pass up through the locks Anna Comings and here we boarded the Excursion boat Oregona and rode down through the locks and down the river to Portland. We had lunch on the boat.

I went from the boat with Pres. Ballard to the L.D.S. Meeting house where we met 15 Elders and held a meeting with them. I occupied nearly an hour addressing the Elders after which Pres Ballard [p. 161] and Conference president Cook each spoke briefly and indorsed what I had said. After meeting the Elders all shook hands with me and several said how much they enjoyed my instructions which of course made me feel well believing that I had been instrumental in blessing the Elders.

We spent the evening at home and the boys & I played checkers.

10 June 1910 • Friday

Portland, Ore.

I arose at 7 A.M. My son Geo. pressed my trousers and cut my hair. I trimmed my beard &c. Wrote up my journal &c. All usually well & weather warm & Sunshining.

I wrote letters to Mother, to Dr. Stephen & to Bro. Fred. Spent several hours studying &c and towards evening we all went up to Pres. Ballards and took supper. Alex. Nibley took Alice and some others in his Auto and returned them. We left soon after 8 o’clock in a rain storm. Bp. C. W. Nibley was with us having come to town this A.M.

11 June 1910 • Saturday


Weather pleasant. My health good. Pres. Melvin J. Ballard, my Son George and I took N.P. train at 10 A.M. for Tacoma. Arrived at 4 P.M. and took street car and went direct to the Defiance Point City park fifty [p. 162] odd blocks north. Returning we took boat Indianapolis for Seattle arriving at 8:45 P.M. We were met at docks by Elders Curtis & Oliver Dunn, my wifes Nephew, Bro. Geo Horman & wife. Arrangements having been made for my son George and me3 to go to Bro. Hawley’s, Elder Oliver Dunn accompanied us over. We paid fares & gave him $2.00 to assist him. We received a cordial welcome and spent the night in comfort.

12 June 1910 • Sunday

Seattle, Wn.

Attended Sunday School at 10 A.M. Meeting at 12 M and again at 7:30 P.M. and addressed each meeting. George spoke at noon meeting and Pres. Ballard at evening meeting. Three newly converted members baptized this morning and confirmed at morning meeting I confirmed Jacob Albert Johnson. I ordained V. L. Chamberlain an Elder and set him apart 2nd counselor to Pres. Henniberg in the Seattle Branch presidency.

The reliefsociety was reorganized and I assisted in setting the officers apart. We saw the town in auto with Bro. Holly, including fair grounds.

We took dinner with Bro. Geo. Horman & family. We boarded the train at 12 o’clock mid-night.

13 June 1910 • Monday

Portland, Ore.

We arrived from Seattle at 8 A.M. an hour late. After breakfast I [p. 163] wrote up my journal for past two days. My son George & I went down town and made some purchases presents for LeGrand & Ina.

We took 8 P.M. train for home.

14 June 1910 • Tuesday

On train between Portland. Pleasant ride. All well

15 June 1910 • Wednesday

Salt Lake

My Sister Nerva, my Son George & my wife and I arrived in Salt Lake at Noon from Portland, Oregon and found all well at home.

I attended a meeting of the General Board of Religion Class workers and my Prayr Circle meeting. Wrote a letter to LeGrand and in the evening I read the paper and wrote up my journal &c.

16 June 1910 • Thursday


I attended weekly Council meeting of the Presidency & the Twelve. Received appointment to Pocatello Stake Conference for the 18th & 19th Attended the funeral services of Bro. Wm Asper a member of our Circle The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. John Henry Smith, Pres Jos. F. Smith, myself, R. C. Badger, Pres. Nephi L. Morris and Bp Widtsoe I went to the Cemetery and dedicated the grave. This occupied the day up to about 5:30. I spent the remainder of the day at home My mother and Sarah E. Smith called [p. 164] on their way home from Dr Stephens. Alice is able to walk about but is still lame with Sciatica and being otherwise delicate she is unable to be about much. Others well.

17 June 1910 • Friday

Rained hard.


I spent most of the day at home. Several hours, however, I spent in going down town and attending to business. Took Oliver’s trycicle to repair shop, paid bills, got birth ticket, sent my check to C.S. Nat. Life Ass. Co. Policy by registered letter to the home office in Denver with a requisition for a loan with which to pay premiums.

I left Salt Lake on 11:45 P.M. train for American Falls, Ida. accompanied by Bp. David A. Smith.

<This day I presented to Mr. Tibbold in leather binding the Standard Church Works excepting the Bible which of course he would have

He accepted them with good grace.>4

18 June 1910 • Saturday

On Train. Arrived safely at Pocatello at 6:30 A.M. when we were joined by Pres. Wm. A. Hyde and others and continued on to American Falls where we left the train and were taken by team sixteen miles South to Rockville. Bp. May drove our team and took us to his home where I read aloud to the brethren the pamphlet by Charles Ellis entitled, “Mormons and Mormonism.” Took dinner and supper at the Bishops and slept at Sister Hautz’s.

The morning meeting by pre-arrangement was dispensed [p. 165] with. The afternoon meeting was a general priesthood meeting at which there were but few in attendance out side the Rockville Rockland ward. This ward was well represented. Bp. David A. Smith and I, Pres Woodland & Pres. Hyde were the speakers in the order named.

I occupied about 40 minutes Sub. missionary work with the Strangers who come among us. This talk was inspired by the suggestion made by Bp May while riding over from Ry. that the outsiders are coming in in great numbers and it looks as if we would be soon out numbered.

I attended a matched ball game between Neeley and Rockland ward boys. Attended a special meeting called for 7:30 preceding a dance. There were quite a number of Young people present and a nice programme was rendered. I spoke about 30 minutes subject Prov. 23:7 “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Causes of evil thoughts & effects. “Man is <literally> what he thinks, his Character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. Referred to the Subject for senior Class Y.M.M., “The making of the man” “Physical man, Athletics, reading &c.

19 June 1910 • Sunday

Rockland. <Ida>

Had a good nights rest in the home of Sister Houtz and [p. 166] am well and happy this A.M. After breakfast I wrote up my journal for the past two days, Attended Sunday School session of the Conference and Spoke. Subj.:

1 Parents. Next to our own salvation of interest to us is the Salvation of our children. Make use of Auxiliaries.

2. Auxiliary officers and Teachers.

a. Importance of their mission

b. Should teach what parents neglect first principles.

c. Guardians.

3. Children. Story Gerhart. German Shepherd. Sacrafice & self denial the narrow way. Practice self denial until you have complete self control.

At the 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers. were Prests Pond, Hyde, Bp. David A. Smith & myself. I spoke of the flagrant disregard of the Word of Wisdom and instructed the Bps to visit every user of tobacco & warn them that such disobedience could not be rewarded by recommends to temple. When warned then do not recede from the position taken.

We were driven to the train at American Falls after meeting by a Bro. Fifefield. Went to Grand Hotel and slept about 4 hours and we were called at 2 A.M., took train and arrived in Salt Lake at 10 A.M.

Folks well, weather warm.

20 June 1910 • Monday


Arrived home from Pocatello Stake [p. 167] at 10 A.M. wrote up journal and records. Attended to some business down town. Visited my mother and my Sister asenath. Read from magazine Parents’

21 June 1910 • Tuesday


I read the papers, did some writing and studying in forenoon. In afternoon I attended a missionary meeting and assisted in setting apart twenty six missionaries.

<1>5 I was mouth in setting apart the fol.

Frank F. Brown, Blackfoot to N.W. States

<2> Clarence A. Dangerfield. Provo. to W. States

3. Mayben Fox. Raymond, Canada. to E. States.

4 Edith Irene Handley of Am. Fork to N. "6

5 Eva Anderson Noyes. Provo. to E. "

I went out to the Salt Air and took supper with the Primary Board members in honor of the 30th aniversary of the date of the appointment of Sister Louy B. Felt to preside over the Primaries.

I called and saw Elder Geo. A. Smith who has with Bro John Acorn a room on the North end of the pier at Salt Air and are living there. With Pres. John Henry Smith and Bro Acorn I layed on hands on Elder Geo Alberts head and I pronounced the blessing.

22 June 1910 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant.

Alice and I joined the Old folks and went to Tooele twenty car loads of people who were right [p. 168] royally entertained the Tooele People doing themselves proud. Alice and I took dinner at my daughter Nerva’s with my wife, Estella Lee and families. My daughters Ruby & Nina were out there visiting. Ruby was in bed sick and Geo. Lawrence Hyrum Lee & I administered unto her. We returned leaving Tooele at 5:15 and reaching Salt about 7:30 P.M.

23 June 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2:40 P.M. Elder Penrose having arrived home last Tuesday met with us for the first time since he left for his European mission 3 yrs 8 mo. ago. I received an appointment to the Rigby stake for next week.

Attended to Several items of business down town and at home wrote and studied & read &c the remainder of the day.

24 June 1910 • Friday


I remained home all day reading, writing and studying. Took train leaving Salt Lake at 11:45 P.M. for Rigby, Idaho.

Weather pleasant.

My health good,

25 June 1910 • Saturday

Rigby, Ida.

Arrived here on belated train at 11 A.M. went direct to meeting. [p. 169] At forenoon meeting of conference The speakers were as follows; Two young men from State Normal school, Stake Supt. of S. Schools, the latter speaking when I went in meeting and Bro. Call of the Rigby Stake Presidency.

Attendance 160 Population [blank]

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 242. No choir at either meeting. The speakers were in order as follows; Harry Robinson, Pres. Don C. Walker, Elder Gray, Bro. Boyce Supt. of R. Classes, and myself.

Missionary work with the strangers who come among us. Many of them are of the blood of Israel and sent among us by the Lord for us to convert. Some of those who have been converted among us have proven themselves to be choice people. Referred to what had been done along this line by other Stakes and wards. Sacrifice and self denial the strait gate & narrow way. The small sacrifices required of us now if cheerfully met will prepare us to make greater ones later on if necessary &c good liberty.

After the 2 P.M. meeting we held an interesting priesthood meeting. I occupied the time about 60 minutes. Subject. Let every officer do his duty and every presidency of Stake, ward or quo[p. 170]rum bear the responsibility of his calling and have every thing in good condition when his superior comes along. Quorum presidents should have their quorums in order and have missionary work done with quorum members. Convert the members and they will be faithful. I also spoke upon the Subject of proper care to be given the Lesser Priesthood quorums & members. I had good liberty and felt that good would come of it.

I went with Pres. Don C. Walker to Lewisville ward his place of residence and staid all night.

26 June 1910 • Sunday

<Administered to Pres. Walkers daughter Sister Milard.>7

Attendance 678

Lewisville, Ida.

Drover [Drove] over to Rigby 7 miles to Conference. At forenoon meeting I occupied about 30 minutes addressing myself partly to children and partly to grown ups. Recited Aubo Ben Adhem. Spoke of what Christ has done for us. What caused his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemena (the wickedness of the people Mosiah 3:7) How to make his heart to rejoice D&C 18:10—by repenting or better to never sin. These children pure as the angels of heaven should be kept so as long as possible &c. We make the Lord and our parents whom we love and owe so much by being and doing good We make them to sorrow when [p. 171] we are bad children and we obtain salvation or condemnation for ourselves as we are good or bad children. We are all children so we can all take it to ourselves

At afternoon meeting we sustained the authorities. Bro Oscar A. Kirkham of the YMM Gen. Bd. was present and spoke very impressively on duty of parents to children. I followed on Subject of Genealogy and temple work.

In the evening Bro. Kirkham was the principle speaker. I took ten minutes in conclusion. A two hours meeting.

I took Yellowstone special at Rigby at 11:18 P.M. and reached Salt Lake at 7:35 A.M. Mond.

<attendance 8:29>

27 June 1910 • Monday


Arrived in Salt Lake at 7:35 A.M. I cut the lawn cleaned up yard tied up vines &c Bathed and cleaned up generally, did my writing, read the papers, &c. Aunt Maria Clark took dinner with us.

Weather very warm.

28 June 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home. I took Oliver with me on noon train to Farmington where we spent a few hours with my Mother and my sister Nerva and family.

We returned to Salt Lake on [p. 172] train reaching Salt Lake at 5 P.M. Went to Wandamere where Alice and the children had preceded us and spent a few hours returning leaving Wandamere about 9:45 P.M.

29 June 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon at home. Attended a Religion Class Bd. Meeting Attended my Circle, 23 members in attendance.

30 June 1910 • Thursday


Attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple. I was appointed on a committee with Pres. Lyman & Elder Ivins to consider a requisition by Fred. Lyman in behalf of the people of Burtner ward for $5,000.00 to assist them in sustaining loss by the dam going out of the Sevier river.

I bought a 24" leather lined, hand sewed cow hide suit case for 12.00 at Gallager’s trunk store.

Sister Higgs called in the evening to see me. Also Bro. Peterson of Provo Rhoda Robinson’s husband.

Sarah came in from Tooele where she has been for several days. Nerva’s baby is quite sick with Bronchial trouble. Nina & Ruby each have sore throat. [p. 173]

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June 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “10” before writing a “3” over it.

  3. [3]Richards appears to have written a “c” above the “m” in “me”.

  4. [4]This insertion was cross-written vertically over the 17 June entry.

  5. [5]The “1” on this line was evidently meant to be placed on the following line.

  6. [6]Ditto mark here and on the next line for “States.”

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin of page 171 next to the 25 June and 26 June entries.