March 1904

1 March 1904 • Tuesday

Weather squally Snow not all gone. Attended to the regular business of the place. Issued bills to parties owing &c.

2 March 1904 • Wednesday

I have contracted a cold which is very disagreeable. Weather Stormy. I attended to my regular business and had good sales.

3 March 1904 • Thursday

Weather pleasant. My cold no better. Business good. Attended to regular work. And in the evening I visited to Bro. Geo Craner and at his request Bro. Owen Dunn & I administered to him.

4 March 1904 • Friday

Stormy. Thunder, Lightning & Snow all at same time. Attended to business during the day at [and?] at night attended meeting of Stake Presidency at my office.

5 March 1904 • Saturday

Attended High Council and Stake Priesthood meetings and theatre at night. Scrap of paper.

6 March 1904 • Sunday

Attended School, meeting and Circle.

71 March 1904 • Monday

Weather this month so far has been windy, stormy with occasionall fine <day>

82 March 1904 • Tuesday

Good business attended to business as usual

93 March 1904 • Wednesday

A busy day in the lumber yard

104 March 1904 • Thursday

Stormy day heavy day not much business Ordered one car of pine lumber of Cascade Lumber Co. Spokan Wash. and submitted list of fir for car to 9 parties for bids. [p. 158]

11–25 March 1904

Friday Mar. 25, 1904

Since the 10th inst we have had much stormy weather, wind & snow. & but little fine weather. My teams have been plowing when the weather & conditions would permit. I have been kept busy with my business, accounts &c. On the 12th Prest Gowans & I with my team went to Grantsville where we attended a surprise party on Prest C. L. Andersons. Remained at his house over night. Came home Sunday 13th & Prest G. went by train to Vernon I attended the School & meetings here.

Sund. 20th Prest. G. & I went to ET & held ward conference. Stormy day. Monday 21st Alice & I attended a surprise at Bp. Atkins where I was the prime mover in getting it up & it was a success. Jos C Orme & P M clegg assisted me. Wed. 23d Attended a similar party in the Relief hall on Jno Bowen choir leader gotten up by choir. Folks tolerably well.

Fri. evening Stake Presidency meeting as usual. Bp. M. M Stookey staid with us two nights while he attended School meetings

27 March–10 April 1904

Sund. Apr. 10, At home. From memory I write my journal from Mar. 25, 1904 to date. I think it was Sund. Mar. 27th Prest. Gowans & I went to E.T. Ward where we attended Ward Conference meetings.

Sat. Apr 2nd I went to City to attend Conference While there I attended all the regular conference meetings and a Special Priesthood meeting Tuesday 10 A.M. the 5th. Staid each night with my son George & wife Attended to business between meetings. Ordered a car of lumber from Taylor Romney Armstrong Co. to be shipped from Salt Lake and a car from Morris, Merrill & C to be shipped direct from mills. Returned home Thur. 7th Car of lumber came out same morning

Sat. Apr. 9th I went to Grantsville where I attend[e]d [p. 159] Stake High Council & Priesthood meetings

Apr 10th This Sunday 10th I got permission to remain home on account of Mama’s feeling poorly. I took this oppertunity of writing up my diary.

At 2:42 PM There was born to us a son.

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March 1904, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “6” before writing “7” over it.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “7” before writing “8” over it.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “8” before writing “9” over it.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “9” before writing “10” over it.