August 1911

1 August 1911 • Tuesday


Weather warm Folks well.

I attended a committee meeting at 10 A.M., Went to City & County building and arranged to have a water meter put in my house.

I spent the afternoon home worked out doors a part of the time.

2 August 1911 • Wednesday


Weather Cooler. All well.

The water meter applied for Aug 1st (yesterday) installed to-day. Pres. Lyman’s installed at same time. The minimum charge is 60¢ per month. The rate of charge is 7¢ per 1000 gal. I have been paying $16.80 per yr. water tax. In reading the meter Cu. feet are indicated. Each Cu. ft. stands for 7.48 galons i.e. Seven and forty-eight hundredths galons equals a Cu. foot.

I sat with committee reading Bro. Osborn Widtsoe’s book manuscript on Restoration in forenoon. My Son Geo. & I visited Elias Morris’ stone cutting yard and inspected his tomb stones & monuments.

I wrote business letters to J. A. Hyde & to Hyde Whitmore Co. Assignee Thos H. G. Parks. [p. 275]

3 August 1911 • Thursday


Folks all well. Weather pleasant

I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10 AM to 3 P.M. and when I came out I found Alice, Ruby, Lucena, Edith and two of J W Tates daughters Luella & Edith waiting on the temple Corner for street car to Saltair depot. I joined them and we went to Saltair and had a bath and supper and returned home on 7.15 train. Watered the lawn as usual read the News and retired at 10 P.M.

4 August 1911 • Friday


Folks Well. Weather warm.

I showed Pres. Lyman how to read his water meter.

Attended a committee meeting with Elders Penrose & Smith J. F. Jr., at the formers office where we engaged in reading manuscript as per appointment of First Presidency.

I reported to the Ward Clerk Anthony Fisher of 27th Ward of which I am a member, the blessing of our baby Ray of Oct 19, 1911 by my self. This by indorsement of the bishop.

This day’s paper announces the signing yesterday of the treaty of Arbitration for peace by U.S, England & France. All questions in[p. 276]cluding questions of territory, mon[e]y or honor to be settled by arbitration.

I spent the afternoon home studying. Alice & I spent an hour or two with Le Grand and Ina at their home and LeGrand & I administered a blessing unto Ina who is nearing time of confinement.

5 August 1911 • Saturday


Weather warm Alice was sick during the afternoon and night with heat and summer complaint. She got to feeling better towards noon to-day.

I spent the time home studying until time to take 4:15 P.M. train which I took for Logan Cache Co. where I went accompanied by Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr. to Attend Cache Stake Conference. We were taken from Logan Ry. Station by Joseph E. Quinney of the Cache Stake presidency to the Stake tabernacle where we attended a stake priesthood meeting, the Attendance being 226. Pres. Hyrum Grant of Davis Stake being present was asked to talk which he did occupying about ten minutes. I followed for about 30 Min. Subject. Necessity for officers in the church discharging with fidelity the obligations laid upon them. Read Matt 25:14–<28.> The “talents” Our callings are as talents, we should improve them and if we do not [p. 277] that talent may be taken from us & we be accounted as slothful servants. Elders Jos. F. Smith Jr. and Pres. S. F. Baliff each spoke briefly.

Elders Smith & I staid at Pres. Baliff’s while in Logan.

6 August 1911 • Sunday

Home Logan.

Am well. Weather pleasant.

Attended 10 O’clock Conference meeting in the Cache Stake tabernacle. Attendance 1105. Stake population 8800+ The Sacrament was administered and the following named brethren Spok[e] in order as named. Joseph E. Quinney of the Stake presidency, Prof. Linford of B.Y. College, Jos. Hyrum Grant of Davis Stake, Pres. Chas. H. Hart.

Between meetings Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and I walked over to former President Isaac Smiths, he had gone to Lewiston, we then called at my brother Fred’s. Only Carrie, Maybel & Nanny at home

At 2 P.M. meeting, present, 1390. Authoriti[e]s sustained. The speakers were as follows; Dr. Oliver H. Budge of the Stake presidency, Joseph Smith Jr. myself and Pres Baliff. I recapitulated the good things said of the people & spoke well of the Presidency, explained the principle of Storing wheat, elevators prefered to granaries, High Priests & Seventi[e]s [p. 278] eligible for teacher’s work &c. good liberty.

At this time we brokefast with an excellent dinner parpared by Pres. Baliffs daughter. After Supper the Rev. Mr. Nutting & another minister named [blank] called on us and Elder Smith & Mr. Nutting had quite an argument over points touched upon by Elder Smith in his afternoon talk.

At the evening Conjoint Mutual meeting. There were rendered several musical Selections, a reading by a sister, a talk by Bro Cordon of former presidency and I followed with a talk of about 35 minutes. Subjects. Sacrifice & tithing. The sacrifice required of us to-day is tithing. Elder Smith followed.

After evening by request Pres Baliff, Elder J. F. Smith Jr & I called upon Sister Preston who was prostrated with grief on account of the drowning of her 19 yr old Son Vernon in the Bear River while bathing Near Tremonton to-day noon. We administered to her a blessing. I was mouth. Retired to bed late.

7 August 1911 • Monday


I had a poor nights sleep;. mosquitos bad. Pres Jos. E Quinney took us for on Auto ride for 40 minutes before train time 8 A.M. Elder Smith & I left Logan at 8 A.M. & arrived in Salt Lake at 11:50 A.M.

Folks well, weather warm. [p. 279]

Wrote up my journal and other records & did other writing. Received a letter from my son Joel in England and answered it.

8 August 1911 • Tuesday


All well. Weather very warm <88°>

I attended a committee meeting from 10 AM to 12 noon reading history manuscript. Spent the afternoon & evening at home. Spent a half hour with Pres. Lyman considering important matters. Alice’s sister Estella Lee & her children came in from Tooele without giving us warning. My cousins Sadie Longstroth Wright an[d] Ethel Longstroth called to see us in the evening.

9 August 1911 • Wednesday


Weather 99° All well.

I attended a committee meeting, reading Osborn Widtsoe’s book manuscrpt on Restoration from 10 to 12 o’clock Met Pres. Lyman in his office at 12 noon with brother [blank] fulmer interviewing him as to his circumstances and how he would feel about taking a second mission to Tahiti to preside over that mission. He manifested a proper spirit of willingness and his circumstances were [p. 280] favorable. We later suggested his name to the Presidency & Twelve to succeed Pres Seegmiller in the Tahitian mission and it was indorsed.

I attended a director’s meeting of the U.I.V. Co. at 2 P.M. and my Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M.

10 August 1911 • Thursday


Weather warm & dry. Folks all well.

Attended regular weekly Council & prayr meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. I received here an appointment with Pres. Jos W. McMurrin to Cassia Conference next Saturday and Sunday.

By courtesy of Pres. F. Y. Taylor I received a complimentary pass to the Wandamere Moterdrome for myself & party. I took with me Mama, Estella Lee, George, Sarah, & Ruby and heard the Mexican band play, saw the Motercycles races and George and the girls danced. A pleasant evening’s entertainment.

11 August 1911 • Friday


Still warm Folks well.

Estella Lee and her family and Alice and our children from Nina down in age went to Farmington on 9 A.M. train to Spend the day with their kindred people.

I sat with Elders Penrose & Smith J F Jr. [p. 281] reading the Witdsoe manuscript in the forenoon. Edith & babe went to Tooele to-day and George took dinner with us.

George, LeGrand, Sarah, Ruby, Lucena, Mamie & I went out to the lake and had a bath. I later took train which leaves Salt Lake 11.45 P.M. for Oakley, Idaho to attend the Cassia Stake Conference.

12 August 1911 • Saturday

On Train.

Am well.

Elder McMurrin & I on our way to Oakley Idaho, took breakfast on train while waiting at Pocatello. We arrived at Oakley at 3 P.M. and were met at train by Bp. David P. Thomas of Oakley Fourth ward with Auto and driven to meeting house meeting proceeding. I spoke about 25 minutes. Subject advantages & blessings of having been born of L.D. Saint parantage & having had the invironments of the gospel. Referred to Saul of Tarsus ( Paul) We might have been as he was. The lesson we should learn from Paul’s experience. What the world should learn. Elder McMurrin occupied about 35 minutes. Attendance 337.

Attended Conjoint Mutual in the [p. 282] evening. A programme of 90 mins. all local talent was rendered and as the temperature was very warm we concluded without either Bro McM. or I speaking.

I staid at my Sister Sarah’s.

13 August 1911 • Sunday

Oakley. Ida.

Well. Warm.

Ordained & Set apart Bishopric <of Marion>

Attended two Conference meetings and an extra public meeting in Burley ward in evening.

Attendance 610 — 629. 150

I spoke at afternoon meeting on Academy debt, patronage & the object & benefits of Church Schools. Sacrifice as required by the Lord. What is the Sacrifice required of us? At Burley I spoke on free Agence Read the hymns Know this that every soul is free— and Wheat & Tares. Though in the outward Church Saints should live right before the Church & the world. Example. Prejudices.

I had good liberty at all the meetings. I took dinner at Pres. Jacks and blessed his invilide wife. Called on my Cousin Edmerisa Whitney Oldham and Dr. Oldham took us in his Auto from Oakley to Burley 25 miles in 1 hr 37 min. We took train soon after 9 P.M. [p. 283]

14 August 1911 • Monday

On train

Am well. Warm Weather.

Elder McMurrin & I arrived from Cassia about 11:40 A.M.

I took my bath and spent the afternoon writing in my journal & records and answering Correspondence. Wrote to Joel, to my sister Alice, to my brother Fred, to Bp Sparks, to Pres. E. J. Wood, mailed $10.00 ck to Dr A. G. Gowans, glasses for Lucena, mailed certificates of ordination &c.

15 August 1911 • Tuesday


Warm weather Am well.

Alice not quite well but at her work as usual.

I did some choring before breakfast, nailed up vines, repaired screen on door &c. Went to the Bps Building to read manuscript with Elders Penrose and Smith J. F. Jr. but the former was out of town and our committee meeting was postponed. I spent the afternoon at home.

16 August 1911 • Wednesday


Folks usually well. Weather continues warm

I spent the day home studying and writing. Attended my circle meeting in the evening. [p. 284]

17 August 1911 • Thursday


Folks well. Temp. 101°

I attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.

Alice and I went out to Saltair on 5 PM train, had a bath & returned on 7.15 train. Alice and I spent several hours at my son LeGrand’s home in the evening. LeGrand and I administered a blessing unto Ina as she was in labor.

18 August 1911 • Friday


Folks usually well except that LeGrand’s wife, Ina, is sick with confinement, she having given birth at 3.45 A.M. to-day to a nice baby girl.

I staid home until evening when Alice, Geo., Edith & I went up to LeGrands & saw the new baby.

*I this day shaved clean the first time for perhapse twenty five years that I have been without mustache.

19 August 1911 • Saturday


Warm All well.

I attended to some business down town and went out to Salt Air with Mama, Geo & Edith & Mamie and Mama & I by courtesy of [p. 285] Elder Heber J. Grant attended the Salt Lake Theatre.

I this day filed my claim against the Hyde Whitman Co. Consigned for $250. plus interest on promisory note favor of N. L. Richards or Geo. F. Richards

I filed with temple recorder about 133 names for temple work and had previously paid him $50.00 to apply on same.

I sat for my photograph with a smooth face. Secured my Standard pullman birth for Los Angeles for Monday night.

20 August 1911 • Sunday


Cooler All well.

I took 7.45 A.M. train for Tooele. Attended Tooele School & meeting and spoke at both. Had a brief but pleasant visit with Nerva and Estella at Nerva’s where we took dinner. J. W. Tate & Bp. Edward Atkin came in and we administered to Nerva’s little Alice, Bp. Edward Atkin anointed & I sealed the anointing.

On arriving home about 7 P.M. found my son George & Edith & had a nice visit with them.

Ina continues to improve nicely & the baby is well. [p. 286]

As I am about to leave for Mexico to be gone about six weeks and there is scarcely sufficient paper left in this record to last & record the events of that trip I abandon this record here and with the 21st commence with a new record book.

We have had a long season of hot weather and welcome the indications this day of a change and moderation in the temperature.

This day’s paper records more fighting in Mexico 90 miles from the City of Mexico in which 150 were lift on the plazza of Tautepec, [1/2 page blank] [p. 287]

[pages 288–299 blank]

Price paid 40.¢.1 [p. 300]

[end of fourteenth volume]

21 August 1911 • Monday

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd Ave.,

Salt Lake City

Utah. [p. 0]2

Book XV.

From Aug. 21, 1911


Oct. Nov. 2, 1912 [p. 0]3

[p. 0]4


Weather moderated. Folks usually well.

I this day made the necessary preparations to leave for an extended trip to Old Mexico to visit our settlement in the Juarez Stake in company with Pres. Rulon S. Wells who left Salt Lake last night for Los Angeles where he will spend a day with his sone & join me there Wednesday A.M. I made a trip down town and attended to several items of business & shopping and prepared to take 11.50 P.M. train. S.L.S.P.L.A. Road.

I made my connections all right.

22 August 1911 • Tuesday

On train for Mex.

My train left Salt Lake at 11.50 last night. I traveled all day without incident. The weather was very warm in the day time down the Meadow Valley wash, Calienta, Moapa & beyond to Las Vagus I studied the Doctrine & Covenants most all day, but few passengers. Two fans in operation & temperature 99o.

23 August 1911 • Wednesday

On train.

Arrived at Las Angeles at 8 A.M. Pacific time and was [p. 1] met at Ry Station by Pres. R. S. Wells. We took car to S.P. Ry station where I checked my grips and we then went up town. I got a shave and Pres. Wells and I took sight seeing car and saw the City for two hours for $1.00 each.

We took S.P. train at 1 P.M. for El Paso.

24 August 1911 • Thursday

On train.

Arrived in El Paso at 7 P.M. Mt. time and went direct to St. Reges Hotel and from there to barber shop for a shave. I read nearly all day the papers and Y.M.M.I. manuel. Pres. Wells & I attended a picture show in the evening. I wrote up my journal and wrote a letter home, had bath &c.

25 August 1911 • Friday

El Paso, Texas.

Raining Am well.

Pres. Wells & I went out to the Cemetery and saw Abram Owen Woodruff’s grave. I wrote home to my sisters Asenath & Nerva and mailed with one written last night to Alice, my wife.

We took street car over to Ciu[p. 2]dad Juarez about noon and passing through the Custom’s house took train on Mexican North Western leaving Ciudad Warez at 1 P.M. We arrived at Pearson 160 miles South of Ciudad Juarez at about 7.15 P.M. and were met by brothers Geroge Romney and Stowell and driven to Colonia Juarez 8 miles. I staid at Chas. E. McLellan’s and Pres. Wells staid at Guy Wilson’s. We attended a council meeting at brother Wilsons until after midnight over affairs developing in the Colonies in the way of Mexican interferences and especially as to how brother Orson Brown could be safely gotten out of the country.

26 August 1911 • Saturday

Colonia Juarez.

Clowdy. Am Well.

We left in company of six conveyances and sixteen people about 8.30 A.M. for Pacheco 33 mi. distance over mountainous & rough roads. We reached Pacheco about 7 P.M. On the way in Rock Canyon we saw a combination of rooms inhabited some day by an anscient [p. 3] people. Fifteen rooms in all in various sizes from perhaps 8 x 8 ft to 12 x 16 ft in size.

We were distributed among the Saints. Pres. Wells & Romney & the latters’ mother staid at Patriarch Wm Blacks. I had unpleasant bed fellows & consequently poor night.

27 August 1911 • Sunday

Pacheco, Mex.

Attended Sunday School officers & teacher’s meeting at 9:30 A.M. Pres. Wells made a few remarks. Attended Sunday school. The ward population is about 175 souls and the attendance, including visitors was about 132. Many people away from home. Sacrament was administered and the following brethren spoke

1. Hyrum S. Harris of Stake presidency

2. Charles E. McLellan " " "5

3. Myself

4. Pres. Wells. R. S.

I occupied 30 minutes, referred to the surroundings, the products of the country & the chilren. Lambs. Jesus was so spoken of without marks or blemish. Meek, harmless are lambs. The Lord desires us to be such. Jesus to Peter Jno. 21:[blank] Feed my lambs, sheep. Told the story of German Shepherd boy. [p. 4] A lesson to all of us shepherds to prove trustworthy and not be easily induced to neglect our flocks.

At 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were after sacrament, two young men from Chuihupa, home missionaries, Johnson & Jefferson, Pres. R. S. Wells & myself. Pres. Wells occupied the time from 2.50 to 3.30. I occupied 20 minutes Message of love & blessing from the President, Congratulations on Meeting house, decorations &c. The gospel is intended to make us like the Father & the Son. The gospel was accepted by our parents with that understanding, we should have been so educated. We have our agincy but are responsible as to how we exercise it. We Should follow our file leaders. and seek counsel from them.

A public meeting called for 7 o’clock. P.M.

Pacheco has a population of about 175 exclusively L.D. Saints. It is situated in a round valley surrounded by low pine covered mountains, the valley just large enough for the town, the fields principally are running up into the pines in open places [p. 5] Apples, plums are abundent and there are some peaches, Bushes, roses &c, prolific vegetables prolific.

At evening meeting the attendance was good as it had been at former meetings. The speakers were brothers Thurber, Clayson, Farnsworth, myself, Pres. Romney & Pres. Wells.

I occupied 35 minutes. Subject Word of Wisdom. I considered the subject from three viewpoints, Obedience; to be worthy of higher blessings; the priesthood & temple blessings and Character, i.e. when properly taught it shows weakness on our part to yield. Lucifer is leading men away. We fall victims to his wiles. I had good liberty & satisfaction in my effort. A good meeting, may the Lord be praised.

I had a bed on the porch and rested reasonably well.

Wrote a letter home to Mama. Brother & Sister Black treated us with good consideration.

28 August 1911 • Monday


All well Weather fine.

We left Pacheco for Garcia at 9 A.M. and arrived at noon 12 miles most [p. 6] of the way up hill and over very rough roads but through the grass & pines, beautiful cenery. The party members were distributed among the families of Garcia. Public meetings held at 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. Population 231.

Attendance good. At 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were in order as fol., C. E. McLellan, Harry Lorenzo Pain, my self. I occupied about 50 minutes Subject, Sacrifice. What our predecessors have had to sacrifice; what the Gospel requires, What are the Sacrifices we are now required to make; are we making them. Tithing as a sacrifice received especial attention. I had good liberty.

Between the meetings we went to Sister Eltons home and instructed and set apart Joseph V. Elton a missionary to Mexican Mission. Pres Wells mouth. Pres. Junius Romney set apart James E. Whetten president of the 4th Elder’s quorum. We administered to Mary Elton, Martha Humfries, & Catherine Romney and after the evening meeting we administered to brother Bowler, choir leader.

At evening meeting the Speakers were Pres. Romney, Pres. Harris, Bp. Clayson, Bp. Thurber, Brother Farnsworth, [p. 7] and Pres R. S. Wells, the Latter occupying 47 minutes.

I staid at Bp. John T. Whetten’s, took supper at brother Lester B. Farnsworth’s. Slept in the wagon and had a good night’s rest.

29 August 1911 • Tuesday

Garcia, Mexico.

Am well. A light rain storm last night makes everything beautiful and a pleasant atmosphere this morning. This is a beautiful round valley much the same as Pacheco and equally as picturesque.

I have been happily surprised to find such desirable localities and conditions as surround our people at Pacheco & Garcia.

This morning I arose about 6.15 oclock and wrote up my journal before breakfast. We drove about 25 or 28 miles this daya and camped on the Larigo stream. All this days travel has been among beautiful timber, longleaf and meadows of grass.

Prests. Romney & McLellan and I on horseback with guns & fishing tackle left the party at 12 noon and went over the divide probably five miles to a stream and Pres. Romney caught 23 & Pres. McLellan 18 fish. We [p. 8] overtook the company about 5 P.M. and camped at about 7 P.M. All well in camp. Climate perfect. No rain though during each days. the sky has been clouded making the travel delightful.

30 August 1911 • Wednesday

Lango stream between Garcia & Chuichupa. All well.

We arose at 6 A.M. and broke camp at 9 A.M. arrived at Chuichupa, 12 miles at 11.30. We were met by an escort of four horsemen on outside of town. Pres. Romney & I were directed to former Bishop Benjamin Browns where we staid.

I here shaved, shined shoes, changed linnen &c. before dinner.

This town of Chuichupa has a population of possibly 300 souls. almost exclusively L.D. Saints. It is situated in the edge of a beautiful valley about one and a half by three miles, edged about by low pine covered hills very much the same as Garcia. This is the most southern ward in Juarez Stake.

At 2 P.M. attended public meeting. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Harris, Farnsworth, Thurber, R. S. Wells & myself. I occu[p. 9]pied 30 minutes on temporalities and good liberty and pleased the people. Bro. Baker told me that he listened with eyes, ears and mouth open to what I said and was greatly interested.

After meeting I ordained Geo. Thomas Sevey a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Chuichupa ward. I also set apart Wilford Salsbury Davis, Second Counselors to the Bishop. The first counselor being absent was not set apart. We expect to set him apart at Juarez. These were already High priests.

With teams between meeting our party and others drove around the valey and inspected crops and reservoir. Opportunities are abundant for the prosperity of the people. The purchase by our people is same as at Garcia three miles square.

I took supper at Counselor Davis’.

At evening meeting the speakers were in order as follows, Prests. Romney & McLellan, myself and Pres. Wells. I occupied 30 min. with good liberty. Commenting on remarks of previous speakers & [p. 10] the blessings of the Lord on this people. I sited attention to Paul’s experience and asked what assurance we have that we would not have been like him under similar circumstances. How thankful our birth and invironments were so favorable. Spoke of observations in St Johns. Our boys should know how to ride bucking horses, preach the gospel, Run an engineering crowd & be secretary of a mission. A consistent L.D. Saint. Knowledge is necessary. Avail yourselves of the advantages of Church High School I learned that about 20 students are going to Juarez to School this season.

I slept in a wagon and had a good night’s rest.

31 August 1911 • Thursday

Chuichupa, Mexico.

My health never better.

Weather delightful.

I breakfasted at Bp. Geo. T. Sevey’s. Attended a priesthood meeting at 8.30 this morning which lasted about an hour or longer. Wrote up my journal for yesterday.

Our company left Chuichupa [p. 11] about 11 A.M. feeling that our stay here has been both pleasant and profitable. We camped and took dinner about 3 P.M. Arrived at the Saw mill 20 miles from Chuichupa about 7:30 P.M. We held meeting in one of their largest rooms and had by count eighty-nine adult people, the children & babies were not counted. The Speakers were in order as follows;

Pres. Junius Romney 15 min, Pres. R. S. Wells 30 min., self 30 min. I spoke on the subject, Mormonism. I slept on a cot in the house and had a good nights sleep. Retired about 12 midnight.

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August 1911, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]This was written at the bottom of the blank page.

  2. [2]This text was written vertically on the inside front cover.

  3. [3]This text was written on the recto of the front flyleaf.

  4. [4]The verso of the front flyleaf was left blank.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “of Stake presidency”.