December 1894

1 December 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather as usual.

I made out November Ranch Report, Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele and went in to Salt Lake with Legrand in afternoon & after doing some little business there we went by street car down to Steven’s in Sugar House Ward, where we staid all night.

2 December 1894 • Sunday

Sugar House Weather cold & dry. Dr. Stephen & I went for a ride and in the afternoon went up town & to Abram’s, by horse & buggy where Legrand & I staid all night The Doctor thought it unnecessary to take plaster off Legrands leg. [p. 48]

3 December 1894 • Monday

Salt Lake Weather as usual.

Left Salt Lake at 7:45 by train & arrived home at 10 A.M. Wrote to Dr Heber at Provo about family Conveyance & taking my son George with me Drove animals out of pasture at Basin. In the evening I attended a water meeting in Adobie School House. Mr. Ney of St. Johns Stayed all night with us & I exchanged wheat for lucern seed with him.

4 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather as usual.

I sold horse to Remington took 4 horses to pasture & went up to Parkers to get the water in Pasture. Paid P Nelson in full for planting wheat. Attended the funeral of Mrs Bates’ Niece or Nephew’s wife at meeting house Apostle Lyman was the Speaker and after he sat down I asked if Our little child Amy is a child spirit or grown & he said grown & as old as any of the Spirits but mus[t] come back and mature her body. I engaged E Green & Geo Horman to bale hay @ 1.50 per ton they furnishing animal & take pay in hay. Took Alice for a ride in the evening. Wrote a lengthy letter to Fred also made bills & wrote Stephen in relation to Legrand. Opened plaster on Legrands [p. 49] knee as his foot was swelling. Wrote up my journal from the 28th ult.

5 December 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy The wind blew all day & rained most of the day.

I straightened up around for storm.

Took Berdie mare to shop and got her shoed. Attended to some business with Transcript. Was measured for a pair of boots by England. Mailed letters to Fred and Stephen.

Legrand complains of his knee hurting him. Mamma has toothache & other ailments. <Read from Pearl of key to Theology.

6 December 1894 • Thursday

Fast meeting.

Tooele Weather windy all day. Some rain Stormy day.

I went to the store & bought damper for Stove pipe & put it in. Attended Fast meeting & blessed Thomas Plianis Roberry Spoke for a short time and after meeting I went with Father Kirk down to H Dew’s & administered to his baby which was sick Had chicken for dinner, Telephoned to Dr Jos. Richards about Legrands leg which gave him pain. I opened the plaster and he got better. I went over & put sulkey plow in old lumber building on Larson farm. In the evening I wrote letters & read [p. 50]

7 December 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather cloudy all day.

I took horses to Basin, caught one of the colts harnessed him and drove him to the Side. Took Alice to the Store &c. Spent the evening at home reading and writing.

8 December 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy. Some wind. I sold hay to Ekker & Beesley. Worked Bay horse for first time and drove him to Basin pasture and while there repaired fence at gate. Drove Sorrel colt at side of the team. In the evening I wrote to H. J. Richards about his wagon shaved, bathed &c.

9 December 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy looking ground covered with snow.

I attended School in the morning and read a selection from the Juvenile. Apostle Lyman and Prest. H. S. Gowans were also present. Attended the afternoon meeting and offered the closing prayr. At 4 P.M. met Apostle Lyman Prest H. S. Gowans and fifteen other brethren in the circle room over the Vestry where we organized a circle Prest. Gowans at the head. We were all taken through a course of sprouts or catechised as to our faith and manner of living. Am happy to say that I passed a successful examination. In the [p. 51] evening I attended a meeting where the Religion class organization was effected with W. S. Marks as and Annie Marshall as teachers & Lafayette Orme & Thos. Martin associate teachers.

10 December 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather clear & quite cool.

I went down to E. Green’s and got him & Geo. Horman to come up & bale hay. I sold & loaded two tons of hay to St Clairs by Scribner’s order and made and put in a new sweep in Bailer or Haypress. Received letter from Fred. also one from W. W. Riter with ck. of $30, enclosed payment for $6.00 6 tons of hay on his demand. In the evening I wrote in my Journal did some other writing & reading. Folks tolerably well.

11 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant some snow on ground just covered.

I made some repairs on baler, loaded a load of baled hay for Salt Lake Caught Young horse for 1st time & harnessed him. I had H Dolling clean & commence paniting [painting] my buggy. I traded to G. A. Rimington 1⅝ acres of Kelsey water for 2 acres of City water on Bonelli Ditch and got the transfer made and new certificate for 10 A of water all I own. Was late in the evening getting ready for Town next morning. Folks usually well. [p. 52]

12 December 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Cold, ground frozen, barely covered with snow.

I arose from bed at 5:40 A.M. and got ready and started to Salt Lake at 7:40 with 3215 lbs. b. hay on hay rack and the smaller of the two bay colts tied at side for first time. Jos. Henson rode in with me and we arrived there at about 6 P.M. I cared for horses, took supper and then watered horses and unloaded hay. Mr. Nebeker Spent the evening there & claimed Abram’s whole attention until a late hour when I retired.

13 December 1894 • Thursday

At Abrams.

Salt Lake Weather cold.

I cared for my animals and after breakfast walked up town with Abram and Hattie. I met Jos. Henson on Jennings Corner and went with him to Bank & to see Mr Gardner about his note which had been paid for but not collected but now in the hands of the Bank. I called on Dr. Richards (Joe) at his office bought a few xmas things and after taking dinner at Abrams’ I started home at 2 P.M. Jos. Henson with me. When I got out on the Jourdan bottoms I put the colt in the team and drove him home. He drove off nicely. We had a cold ride but got home O.K at 8:30 [p. 53]

14 December 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather foggy & frosty in forenoon but clear & cold in afternoon.

I attended Stake Primary Conference meeting in forenoon, presented the names of the officers who were all sustained. Offered the Closing prayr and after meeting Set Sister Maggie Gellispie apart to be Assistant Secretary of the primary of the Stake. Bp. Atkin assisted me. After meeting I went up on the bench & saw horses in the pasture, got new boots from England $7.00 got the horses in from the field and hitched up two bay colts together the 2nd time either had been worked and drove them around town. In the evening I wrote in Journal & daybooks & read the papers. As I was driving the horses in riding Birdie mare She fell broad side on my leg but did no serious damage.

15 December 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy & cold, but little snow fell. I sold load of hay to Geo. Horman. Sacked up 43 bu and 32 lbs wheat and took to the mill 9 miles distant. Drove Brandy & bay colt down and two bay colts back. Did the chores &c. In the evening I went over to Sam’l Lees & with Prest. Gowans administered to his wife. [p. 54] Went up to James Gowan’s on item of business. Shaved, bathed &c. Received a letter from Prest. J. R. Park of Salt Lake asking me to organize a local organization of the Utah Forestry Association.

16 December 1894 • Sunday

Administered to George 16th 7:30 P.M.

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School and meeting. Prest. Gowans Present Davis Hunter & Horace Woolley wer[e] the Home missionaries present & occupeid the time I offered the closing prayr in meeting and attended Circle meeting the first of the organization. Prest. H. S. Gowans opened & I lead in the prayr. In the evening I staid at home as Georgie was sick with sore throat & other ailments, Administered to him. Alice also is not feeling well. I wrote to Doctor Stephen and Abram.

17 December 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather cold.

I drove the two bay colts on the wagon down to Basin pasture, loaded up wheat to take to Mill. Prepaired to go to Salt Lake by team next day. Spent the evening at School Trustee’s meeting, Administered to Lucena who is sick this evening. George is much better.

18 December 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele I left home with team for Salt Lake City at 7:30 A.M. Took ten [p. 55] sacks of wheat to mill and got 1300 lbs flour and 1000 lbs. bran & took to Abram arriving there at 6 P.M. Unloaded & cared for team and went right up town and ta[l]ked with Alice through the telephone learning the condition of the baby. Staid the evening & over night at Abrams.

19 December 1894 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City. Weather Clowdy. I went up Town after breakfast & met Dr S L R and consulted him. Then made purchase of Xmas things and a 50 gal barrel of coal oil for $7.50. Got started home at 3 P.M. and arrived home at 9 P.M. It commenced to rain & blow hard soon after my arrival home. Found A Stayner Jr. here who had just arrived from Vernon to attend the Co. Teachers examination. Got to bed at 12 Midnight but was disturbed of my rest by the baby who was sick & fretted all night.

20 December 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant again. I sold hay to W. Green, hung cellar door, Repaired door step and boarded up shanty window. Caught up new cold [colt?] (brown) and tied him beside team & went to mill & got grist 750 lbs flour & worked the colt back. Spent the evening at home writing Lucena feels some better today. [p. 56]

21 December 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I took Sorrel colt to Basin pasture & turned him out. Worked one brown colt and lead the other beside the team. Sold to C. Pocock 600 lbs. flour for $12.00 took his note in payment. & delivered him the flour. Bought mouse traps and put in granary. Had Pocock cut off tops of young Poplars. Spent the evening at home. Children attended School concert.

22 December 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very windy I drove team & colts to Basin pasture & Georgie rode pony & we drove horses into South end of pasture where there was snow in drifts. In afternoon I canvassed about in the interest of School tax and in the evening attended School tax meeting and presided as Chairman being Chairman of the School Board. Recommended a tax of one per cent which was voted hence levied. Baby feels better.

23 December 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather threatening. I Attended School & meeting & spoke for 30 minutes in the latter. Attended the Circle meeting & presided the Prest. being at Grantsville with Bro. Lyman organizing a circle. Spent the evening at home [p. 57] Heard children recite & sing and wrote letters to Abram, Mother, Seney, Stephen, Nerva, Alice Ann & Fred. for Xmas letters. Lena Lucena improved

24 December 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy. About 4 inches of snow when we arose in the morning and snowing. I got the animals in & fed them, made paths attended to some business down town. Gave $5.00 for the Xmas poor. Repaired clothes line &c. Prepared for xmas a tree &c. Sold load of hay to Jas. Kirk and baled hay to J. S. Lee. All are well this evening and snow 8 or 9 inches deep.

25 December 1894 • Tuesday1

Tooele Weather clear. Snowed during the night several inches so that we now have about 12 or 14 inches of snow. I made paths, cared for animals, Got sleigh down and put shaves in and with Gray mare (Pet) took the children for a sleigh ride. Spent the evening at home reading to the children. Who had a good Xmas & happy time. Hyrum Lee called to see Estella in afternoon and evening. They went to the dance in the evening. We had a splendid Christmas dinner about 4 P.M. [p. 58]

26 December 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold and clear. Coldest night of the season last night.

I took horses to Basin pasture. Thomas Horman accompanied me. I shoveled snow and opened the fence to City ditch from yards for animals to water at; cared for animals, cut wood &c. All pretty <well> excepting coughs. Spent the evening at home reading and playing games with the children. Letter from Brother Fred.

27 December 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold at night but pleasant during the day about a foot of snow on ground.

I cared for animals, repaired door fastening black board, children’s toys &c. Attended to some business down town. Filed deeds of Cemetery lots for record. Spent the evening at home reading and writing and playing games with the children.

28 December 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold & snow deep. I attended to the regular work of the place, met Bp. Atkin and others in consultation at Bp’s. office in the morning. My wife & I went with horse and sleigh over to Lake View where we associated with Lake View people in Ward Sociable capacity and took supper with them, I offered the prayr [p. 59] of thanks & blessing at the table. We returned before dark and spent the evening playing checkers with the children.

29 December 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy. It snowed nearly all day.

I attended to the regular chores, delivered a load of hay to Dr Davis, went up to Abel Parker’s to arrange for oats, went down to E. Green’s and made settlement with him for baling hay. Henry Dolling finished painting my buggy, cost including paint $5.00. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Made inventory of my Properties & means showing my worth at present not including household furnishings to be $8489.20

30 December 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant for the Season of year. I attended, School, meeting and Prayr Circle. Apostle Lyman was present at each. I on invitation visited Apostle Lyman at his home and among other information learned the order of authority of my Priesthood. Wrote Abram & read in Evening.

31 December 1894 • Monday

Last day of 1894.

Tooele Weather warm.

I arose earlier than usual. Did the chores and made my monthly Ranch Report & with letter mailed to Abram. [p. 60]

<Insured school building for $10,000. for three years.

Looked up law in relation to Estrays and trespassing animals

Spent the evening at home with the family writing reading &c.>2

Order of Priesthood Authority.

Peter, James and John ordained Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdry to the Apostleship.

David Whitner and Martin Harris were ordained by Joseph Smith Jr. to the Apostleship.

The three witnesses viz.: Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer and Martin Harris ordained Brigham Young to the Apostleship, David Whitmer being mouth.

Brigham Young ordained John Taylor to the Apostleship.

John Taylor ordained Francis Marion Lyman to the Apostleship

Francis Marion Lyman ordained George F. Richards an High Priest and set him apart to be Second Counsellor to President Hugh S. Gowans in the Tooele Stake of Zion

Was ordained a Patriarch by Francis Marion Lyman.

But for the death of our darling Amy May Nov. 10th 1894, the past year has been a happy and prosperous one. Legrands lameness is also a regretable feature.

<Between 1894 and 1895.>3 [p. 61]

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December 1894, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Richards mistakenly wrote “Sund.” instead of Tuesday in the date line.

  2. [2]These three sentences are written vertically in the left margin of page 61.

  3. [3]This is written vertically in the left margin of page 61.