January 1883

21 January 1883 • Sunday

Daily Record.

Snowed nearly all day. Went to Teacher’s meeting in the fornoon. Visited with Mariah Clark in the afternoon in company with Alice, Loren and Sarah.

Tended baby in the evening for Nerva while she, Alice and Frank went to meeting. Alice was taken dizzy in meeting and came home before it was out.

Took Nerva and Frank home in the sleigh after meeting.

22 January 1883 • Monday

Took Mother over to Nerva’s in the sleigh 11 o’clock and brought her home at 4.30 P.M. Went to see Barton about the survey of our lot.

Visited some of the young men in the capacity of a Teacher of the Y.M.M.I.A.

Spoke to F. Knowlton about taking his farm on shares. He said I could have it if we could agree upon the terms. He spoke of buying the flat above Jed. Stoddard’s place belonging to the Richard Estate.

Alice and I went in the sleigh down to Tippets’ to change our hats as we had previously got them changed at meeting.

Attended Y.M.M.I.A. in the evening.

23 January 1883 • Tuesday

Drove my Bell colt in the sleigh over to B. F. K’s. He & I went with the sleigh upon the bench above Jeddie Stoddard’s. He said if there were 10 acres on the flat, It would be [p. 5] worth $150 00/100. Took dinner with him.

Came home and found Mother sick and soaking her feet. She went to bed and I got O. L. Robinson to come over from the hall and we administered to her. She got better.

Spent the evening reading in a book which treats of horses, breeds, Diseases, cures &c.

24 January 1883 • Wednesday

Warm and Pleasant. Mother some better. Rec’d a letter from Aseneth, my sister

Hauled three loads manure on to the old field. Spent the evening at home reading.

25 January 1883 • Thursday

Warm and thawing. Mother sat up nearly all day. Wrote cards to Alice Ann, Aseneth, Steve and Fred. Hauled one load manure. Went to mill, and to depot to post cards.

Spoke to Calvin about the Richard’s Est. Property. He said he held the deeds but W. B. R. has the selling of it. He had made " " "1 an offer but had not got a reply.

I offered Calvin $100 00/100 and a cow and calf for that portion of the Burdic lot lying east of ours. He refused said he had been offered 130 00/100 cash. B. F. K br’t Mother a piece of beef and gave me $1.55 to pay to stayner for a book on Philosophy.

Stormy in the evening. [p. 6]

26 January 1883 • Friday

Mother still better, Rec’d a letter from Jeddiah Earl pertaining to the 3d Quorum of Elders; also two books from N.Y. Advertizing Sackets Pulverizing plow. Spent 25¢ for Straps for sleigh and coarse salt for horses.

Hauled two loads Manure on to the old field.

27 January 1883 • Saturday

Mother still improving.

Cleaned out the stable and hauled three loads manure on to the old field.

Received a visit in the evening from Ebin Wilcox and Abbigail Abbott. Parched corn and read from Mark Twain Roughing it abroad & art and etoquett of making love.

28 January 1883 • Sunday

Warm and pleasant. Received a letter from Alice Ann, <in Arizona>; Went over to Franks in a sleigh with E. O. Wilcox and took his work on horses and a book on Sackets Pulverizing plow. Walked up to meeting with him. Took Alice down to Mariah’s in the sleigh after meeting and brought her back before evening meeting. Went to evening meeting which was a lecture by Bro. Fatheringham upon his travels in India.

29 January 1883 • Monday

Stormy all day. Started to write a piece [p. 7] for the Young Men’s Monitor.

Went to see B. F. K. about taking his farm. He wants me to take it for 3 years.

Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. in the evening.

30 January 1883 • Tuesday

Stormy all day.

Finished a piece for the Young Mens Monitor and read in the Amk. Agriculturist. Offered Calvin $140 00/100 Cash for that portion of the Burdick lot just east of our lot. He said he thought he could make a bargain with a certain man to let him have the two lots for a span of mares so he did not accept of my offer.

Gave Horace Stayner $1.60 to give to his Father for Frank Knowlton. Octoroon at the Social Hall tonight.2

31 January 1883 • Wednesday

Rained all day.

Changed $20 00/100 at the Store. Loaned Mother $10 00/100. Paid J. D, Wood $5 00/100 on last years Temple donation for Mother, and gave her the receipt. Spent most of the day and evening at home reading and writing. Received a letter from C. H. Romer pertaining to the Quorum. Wrote a letter to Aseneth and card to Steve.

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January 1883, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1883/1883-01


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “W.B.R.”

  2. [2]This was likely a reference to the play The Octoroon; or, Life in Louisiana by Dion Boucicault, first produced in 1859. The play, according to Boucicault, was a drama about life in the American South, including a depiction of the institution of slavery. (Nineteenth Century American Plays: Seven Plays Including the Black Crook, Myron Matlaw, ed. [New York: Applause, 1967], 203–258; John A. Degen, “How to End The Octoroon,” Educational Theatre Journal 27 [May 1975]: 170, 173.)