August 1880

23 August 1880–1 November 1882

Book I.

Aug 23, 1880 to July 31, 1890. [p. [0]]

George F. Richards


Davis County


January 21— 1883. [p. [0]]

A Daily RECORD of the Principal Events in my Life. My Labors, Pleasures and How my Time is Occupied, Beginning Jan 21/83 also Mentioning Some of the principal events since Aug. 23/80, with my more important transactions of business etc. &c.

Geo. F. Richards. [p. 1]

Commenced school at the University of Deseret in Salt Lake City, August 23,— 1880. Kept bachelor’s hall in company with Henry, Charles and William Miller in the back room of Sister Wells’ house on the north side of the Jennings block — Ward. Rent $5.00 00/100 per month.

Passed examination in all my studies at end of the 1st semester or half year. Stood examination in all my studies at the end of second semester or full year. Received a certificate of graduation, in the course of English Language and Literature and passed in all the studies in the normal course so far as I studied which excepted only U.S. History.

Began school again the following year at the University of Deseret in August 21/81. Took up the studies of Algebra, Geometry, Nat. Philosophy and Penmanship.

Sept. 3/81 bought of Maroni Sechrist Two mare colts each five months of age.

Began in the employe of the U.C.R,R,Co. December 23/81 as Clerk in the Carpenter and Lumber Yard Dept. S.L.C. under Peter Reid Forman. Wages $2 00/100 per day. June 1st 1882 my wages were raised to $2 25/100

March 9th 1882 was married to Alice Robinson of Farmington. Rented two rooms of old lady Thompson of 16th ward at $5 00/100 per mon. and moved in on the 9th inst. [p. 2]

Nerva <My Sister> was married September 14— 1882.

On invitation of Mother I moved to Farmington Sept 16/82. My Employers were very anxious that I should remain with them, and it was with considerable reluctance that they consented to my leaving. They invited me to call when ever I could conveniently and see them.

I built a wash house 10 x 14 feet and 8 feet high with shingled roof, two doors and one window; also repaired the old shanty moved it back and put a shingled roof on it.

Went to Cache in company with Steve and Lou by rail, in the month of October 1882. Left Mendon Nov. 1st/82 with my two yearling colts, Freds pony and Steves roan mare.

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August 1880, 23 August 1880–1 November 1882, George F. Richards, accessed March 30, 2025