March 1906

1 March 1906 • Thursday

Home A foot of Snow and still Snowing when I got up in the morning. Snowed until after noon and then commenced again at night.

During the day, I worked out doors most of the day making pathes, doing chores, deliveries &c.

In the evening I wrote to Grandma, Geo. & LeGrand.

2 March 1906 • Friday

Attended to Business as usual.

In the evening, I attended meeting of Stake Presidency.

3 March 1906 • Saturday

With my team & Surray accompanied by Prest. Gowans, J. W. Tate & Jno Gillespie went to Grantsville where we attended Stake High Council & Stake Priesthood meetings. Put up team at [p. 221] Bp A. K. Anderson’s and took dinner there Roads bad for about 3 miles. Dry ground in Grantsville.

<Bp Jas. M Wrathall was set apart as a High councilor by Prest Gowans and I was mouth in ordaining E M Clark an High Priest and setting him apart as an alternate.>1

<Ordained E M Clark High Priest. 3/3/06.>2

4 March 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Lots of snow & mud.

Attended school, Circle and two meetings.

Fasted and gave usual fast offering.

5 March 1906 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but sloppy. Our boy Oliver Still has a swollen neck what seems to be absess. Others well. I attended to business as usual and in the evening held council meeting with Prest H. S. Gowans and J W Lee of Mercur and later went to the Theatre Home Troupe accompanied by My wife, Nerva, Nina, Mamie and Sarah.

6 March 1906 • Tuesday

Home Weather pleasant but muddy underfoot I attended to the business of the place as usual and in the evening figured Estimate for Geo Park. $254.50 + 7.10 261.60

7 March 1906 • Wednesday

Home Weather pleasant

Attended to business as usual. Spent the evening at home.

8 March 1906 • Thursday

Home Attended to business as usual.

9 March 1906 • Friday

At Home " " "3 <Attended Presidency meeting in evening>

10 March 1906 • Saturday

Weather pleasant

Home I took my team & Surray and Prest Gowans & Wife & Bro John Gillespie and went to Grantsville where we attended Stake Conference. Prest F M Lyman & Prest Seymour B Young were present. Good meetings I reported the Stake at 1st meeting. Put up team at Bp. Wrathalls and took dinner with Bros Lyman & Gowans at C L Anderson’s. I [p. 222] drove home in the evening.

114 March 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather threatening storm and in the evening the wind blew fiercely.

I took my team & Surray and returned to Conference at Grantsville. Attended the meetings, councils &c. Assisted in ordaining and setting apart officers. Was mouth in Setting apart Bro E W Jones 1st Counseler to J W Lee Bp. of Mercur.

Returned home in the evening. Bro Lyman rode with me. Sister Gowans rode with M B Nelson. This day I put up my team and took dinner with C. L. Andersen.

12 March 1906 • Monday

Tooele Weather very windy.

Home I attended to regular business of the place. Attended Council meeting with Prest. F M Lyman & H S Gowans at the latter’s home from 10 AM until 12 Noon. In afternoon I took Bro Lyman up to Cemetery and to the depot. In the evening I attended a theatre Wife against <for> wife. Bitner troup.

13 March 1906 • Tuesday

Home Snowed most of the day.

Attended to business as usual. Spent the evening at home. In the night Oliver was taken with pain and cried hard. I got up and administered to him after which he rested well.

14 March 1906 • Wednesday

Home Stormy day and about 8" of snow. Attended to business as usual and in the evening we went to theatre Bitner Co. Texas Ranger. It was fine.

<Letter from Chas Pocock & answered>5

15 March 1906 • Thursday

Home Stormy day.

Attended to business as usual. Did some work in stable. Took out a part of the manger and reinforced remaining part Spent the evening at home.

<Letters from both Geo & Legrand.>6 [p. 223]

16 March 1906 • Friday


I attended to business as usual and in the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency at my office.

17 March 1906 • Saturday

Attended to business as usual.

18 March 1906 • Sunday

I took my team and picking up Bro. C A Orme at Erda we went to E. T. Ward where we attended School & meeting & held Ward Conference. Took dinner with Patriarch Wm Moss & his Son Wm. Attended evening meeting at Tooele. Prest Gowans & Stake Clerk J W Tate went to Vernon by train.

19 March 1906 • Monday

I attended to usual business of the place Joel returned from Salt Lake where he had been since Friday last.

<attended School meeting in evening.>7

20 March 1906 • Tuesday

Attended to usual business

In. Bro. H C Hansen called on business & requested me to administer to him for his rheumatics &c which I did.

During the night my wife was taken with a severe sore throat fever &c and I got up, administered to her.

We attended last meeting for the season of YMM this evening.

21 March 1906 • Wednesday

A Busy day. Lumber hauling and Coal. Made good sales. Wrote up my journal from the 15th from memory.

Alice quite sick with sore throat &c

Spent the evening at home.

22 March 1906 • Thursday

Mama better

Home Weather threatening & some rain.

We finished unloading car of lumber except a small load.

Attended to regular business.

I dreamed a dream in which I saw the Savior

<See Feb. 22nd? — also July 26. page 101 Vol. 7>8

<I dreamed I saw and embraced the Savior. Date?>9 [p. 224]

23 March 1906 • Friday

Home Weather fine. Roads drying fast. A busy day with us. In the evening I attended Stake Presidency meeting at my office. Folks better.

24 March 1906 • Saturday

Home Weather sunshine & Rain <changeable> Attended to business as usual and in the evening attended a social farewell party at Geo Remingtons Robert Remington Farewell before leaving for his mission to the Samoen Islands. A Purse of $30.00 was raised for him, a nice supper and a good time I gave $2.50 and made a talk

25 March 1906 • Sunday

I took my team and J W Tate Stake Clerk and went to Lake View where we held ward Conference. Attended School & meeting. After meeting we adjusted differences between Bp J G Shields & Robert J Shields & wife. Called on Alex shields and counseled with him about having his endowments. Called on Jno. A Bevan & J. S. Lee about getting up a party for Geo L Tate before he goes away on his mission. Arranged to have an entertainment Wed. night next at J W Tates. In the evening I administered a blessing to Robt. Remington my daughter Sarah acting as scribe. Then went to meeting where Elder Done of S. L City lectured on the life of David.

26 March 1906 • Monday

I put down upper floor in stall of stable Made other repairs worked all day out side. In the evening I wrote up my journal for the passed four days Wrote letters to Mother & to Bro Fred. Read papers &c

27 March 1906 • Tuesday

Attended to business as usual.

28 March 1906 • Wednesday

" " " "10

29 March 1906 • Thursday

In the evening I attended a theatre by Public Theatre Co. Excellent playing Mama & Nina accompanied me.

Consecrated a bottle of oil for J W Tate family.

<Administered to Nina>11 [p. 225]

30 March 1906 • Friday

Weather clowdy

Home I attended to business as usual. Administered to Nina who has sore throat &c.

In the evening I attended meeting of Stake Presidency after which I went to the theatre “The Sweetest Girl in Dixie.” with Alice.

31 March 1906 • Saturday

Attended to business as usual.

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March 1906, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 222, above the 3 March entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 3 March entry.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual.”

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “Mar. 12th” before writing “11” over the “12”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 March entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 15 March entry.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 19 March entry.

  8. [8]This insertion was written at the bottom of page 224 underneath the 22 March entry.

  9. [9]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 March entry.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual.”

  11. [11]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 March entry.