August 1888

16 August 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Having neglected to write in my journal for nearly a month I now write from memory some thing that transpired during that time. July 27 & 28 I was hunting horses alone on the divides between this and Salt Lake & Utah Valliys. Sunday 29 Rested. July 30, Went To Garfield with carriage and cart and met Lou, Steve, Nerva and families. Lou, Nerva & children came home with us steve returning to S.L.C. Rained all the way home. Met B. F. K. on the road who accompanied us home and staid one week until 6th. Wed Aug. 1st. All went up Middle Cañon in wagon berrying. Took picknick and was about spread quilts and feast when Aunt Lou discovered a Rattle snake coiled in brush near by. We vacated at once ate a bite & returned home. Went to Garfield and met Steve in evening. Took Steve, Lou & children to Garfield and took a bath. also had a bath on the 30 ult. [p. 140] July Aug 3 1888 Went up cañon looking for horses Went around white pine ridge a foot Saw two deer & Killed one hen with rock. July Aug 11 Nerva, Alice, & the two Gee girls went with me to Garfield and had a bath. Sunday 12 Attended two meetings. Geo Remington & wife also Miss Walters came to see us. Finished 2nd crop putting up hay Aug 10 1888. Aug 15th went to cañon and brought Lucy & colt home. Aug 13 Nerva & children and we & children also Geo Remington & family went up Middle Cañon berrying.

16 August 1888 • Thursday

Wrote letters to Mother & Fred wrote up journal for past month. Men Still work at Well in Basin 2¾ in pipe down 210 feet

17 August 1888 • Friday

Tooele Spent eleven hours riding in the mountains after horses. Found two missing horses.

18 August 1888 • Saturday

Tooele Watered trees, made cidar, trimmed stack, sent blacksmithing tools, forge & anvil to Basin.

19 August 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, attended meeting read Book of [p. 141] Mormon & Covenants. Frank K. came in evening.

20 August 1888 • Monday

Repaired hoe, wrapped trees, trimmed trees, wrote letters, Collected debts & paid off what we were owing. Took all the Folks riding in the evening in B. F. K’s ambulance.

21 August 1888 • Tuesday1

Tooele Went To Basin pasture, worked sorrel Prince for first time alone, Telephoned D James for two short lengths pipe. Did the regular chores &c.

22 August 1888 • Wednesday

Took Nerva to Garfield on her way home, met Steve & Lou there all had a bathe in Lake.

23 August 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Wrote letters to Mother & Jas. Walker. Attended County Court as board of equalization of taxes. Picked crab apples, went out east of land to division of water, escorted ladies over the place to view it. Telephoned Lou Richards at S.L.C. to telegraph Fred at Collinston that I would be at Farmington Sunday.

24 August 1888 • Friday

Tooele Made estimate of wire, poles, & posts necessary to complete fencing. Made [p. 142] ready to go to S.L.C. repaired brake comb on light wagon. &c.

25 August 1888 • Saturday

Started from Tooele to Farmington, staid at Garfield a couple of hours & drove to S.L.C. Staid at Stephen’s all night

26 August 1888–28 August 1888

Drove up to Farmington and staid at Mother’s until Tuesday aug. 28th When I returned from Farmington to Tooele in one day. Nerva & Legrand came down with Scarlet Fever just before returning. While at Farmington, Sold my Rail Road Land & 80 acres and improvements to Fred for $850. dollars & Received on payment of same $300.00 The remaining $3500.00 to be paid by Mother & the fifty dollars to be paid by Fred in work or cash before one year from now.

29 August 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele Wrote up accounts, repaired chest lid, Looked over papers, did chores &c. Took folks riding in evening.

30 August 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Nerva still has high fever & soar throat Tried to reach Dr. Jos. by Telephone but could not.

Aug 31st [p. 143]

31 August 1888 • Friday

Tooele Telephoned Dr. Jos. as to Nerva’s condition which was pretty bad. He advised to call in Dr. Dods which I did.

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August 1888, George F. Richards, accessed March 6, 2025


  1. [1]Richards misdated this entry as 22 August.