January 1898

1 January 1898 • Saturday

Home Weather pleasant. The ground is covered with snow but not enough to be good sleighing.

I carried pig down cellar and cut it up & salted hams & shoulders and in afternoon went hunting rabbits. Went to bed early.

2 January 1898 • Sunday

Weather fine.

Home I attended School, funeral of Jas. Howell’s Mother at 11:30 Meeting at 2 P.M. at which I blessed Robert will’s baby at His request Robert Domaraland Wills also John S. Lees baby Amy at his reques[t] Prest. Gowans blessed W. Prince’s baby & Bp. Atkin blessed Poor Matthias Nelsons babe. Attended Circle & blessed the oil(s). Lucena is not well, Attended evening meeting.

9 January 1898 • Sunday

Snow drifting & cold

Tooele The past week has been cold enough to prevent the thawing of Snow Some little snow fell and Sleighing is fine

I have worked all the week transcribing record.

This day I took my team Prest. Gowans with me and went to Grantsville where we attended School and meeting and Spoke at both. in School on subject of Brotherly love &c. meeting Tithing.

10 January 1898 • Monday

Transcribed record in part. <administered to Estellas baby.>

11 January 1898 • Tuesday

Made Annual Report of Treasury of Water Co. [p. 212] Worked on record 1½ hrs. Hauled ice in after-Noon Jos. Tate assisted me. Administered to Alverda & Lucy both being sick with Colds, Recorded a blessing in the evening.

12 January 1898 • Wednesday

Worked at Court house Married a couple from Grantsville Royal A. Palmer and Irene Severe at Dr. Davis’ office. Hauled ice in forenoon

13 January 1898 • Thursday

Transcribed 20 pages of Mining Record B.

14 January 1898 • Friday

Transcribed 18 pages of " "1 B. worked daytime & evening

15 January 1898 • Saturday

Worked at Court House transcribing Record.

16 January 1898 • Sunday

I went to Mercur At Mouth of Canyon picked up a man who proved to be a member of the Church from Salt Lake 1st Ward Named White. He attended S. School and administered the Sacrament. I staid at Wm Bracken’s Blessed his Daughter’s baby Named Ralph Emanuel Burton Blessed Jan. 16, 1898. Attended School at 2 P.M. & meeting at 7 P.M. [s]poke at both. After meeting Bp. D. Caldwell, Wm Bracken & I administered to Bp. Caldwell’s Sons baby Bp. anointed & I sealed the Anointing.

17 January 1898 • Monday

Mercur: Weather wintry & cold.

I returned home in forenoon and worked at Court House in afternoon & evening.

18 January 1898 • Tuesday

Home. Worked at Court House all day & evening.

19 January 1898 • Wednesday

" " " " " " " "2

20 January 1898 • Thursday

" " " " " " " "3

21 January 1898 • Friday

" " " " " "4 finished the trans[p. 213]cription of record & indexing same. In the evening I read Sermon of Apostle A. O. Woodruff shaved.

22 January 1898 • Saturday

Home. I took Prest Gowans with me to Conference We staid at C. L. Anderson’s Apostle A. O. Woodruff & S B. Young wer[e] there also.

I spoke in Afternoon 35 min.

23 January 1898 • Sunday

Grantsville. Attended Conference meetings and administered gave Patriarchal blessings to Sister Maria Samuelson & her son Andrew Johnson. Came home in the evening Weather very cold.

24 January 1898 • Monday

Attended meeting of Shareholders of Water Co. Abram F Doremus came home with me to dinner. Attended Water meeting in the evening & presided.

25 January 1898 • Tuesday

Commenced Proof Reading Mining Record B. Read all day.

26 January 1898 • Wednesday

Continued proof reading with A. J. McCuistion <Attended District meeting at Bowens>

27 January 1898 • Thursday

I took hay to the field for horses went up on the hill and got a load of Straw Repared Spring Seat & tie strap. Cleaned ice away from gates about the yards so they would open & shut freely Put catch on north gates, put handle in ax and handle in hatchet. &c. Recorded two P. blessings in the evening.

28 January 1898 • Friday

No School today. My Son George and I went to Canyon & got a big load of wood. mohogany & oak. [p. 214]

Did some writing in the evening. Recorded a blessing.

29 January 1898 • Saturday

Home Weather still cold.

Georgie & I went to Canyon & got load of mohogany wood. Jos. Tate took one of my horses with his & went along. I was quite sick at night.

30 January 1898 • Sunday

I copied blessings & sent to Grantsville. Attended two meetings & Circle Hearing that N. K. W. had been drinking lately I went & saw him but he denied having been drunk.

31 January 1898 • Monday

I & Jos. Tate took our range horses in the Canyon & took my team & sleigh to get wood. Coming down the hil the drag ran on to the horse Clay & took him down the hill mixed up with the drag for a distance of about 40 or 50 yards & bruised & cut him up badly & made him so lame I could not take the load home. Broke Hame & cut tug & lazy strap.

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January 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1898/1898-01


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Mining Record”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Home. Worked at Court House all day & evening.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Home. Worked at Court House all day & evening.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Home. Worked at Court House”.