January 1906

1 January 1906 • Monday

Reached the mouth of Echo Canyon at 8.15 A.M. Mond. Jan 1, 1905

Reached Salt Lake at 12:50 Noon Monday Jan. 1, 1906. We went up to Aunt Seneys and spent the afternoon and evening and about 10 oclock P.M. repaired to the White House where we stayed all night.

<Phoned home from Salt Lake>1

2 January 19062 • Tuesday

Salt Lake

At White House Went home on 8 7:45 AM train arriving at Tooele at 9 A.M. [p. 203] We were met at depot by Joel with team and sleigh and got home all right and found all well at home. Good sleighing and weather threatening storm. Visited with the children all day

3 January 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to business all day and in the evening I commenced to write up my journal from Dec 16th when I started east.

4 January 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm & thawing

I attended to business, made several deliveries and in the evening finished writing up my journal to date from notes taken in memoranda while on my trip East from Dec 17th to Jan 2nd 17 pages. I this day wrote to LeGrand and to George. All well at this time

Our trip Cost us some where from $200. to $225.

5 January 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Good Sleighing I spent most of the day taking Stock of lumber. Had Albert Lee paint my sleigh 1st Coat. In the evening attended a meeting of Stake Presidency held at my office. Folks usually well.

6 January 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clear and pleasant for Winter Took my team and Surray and accompanied by Prest. H. S. Gowans, John Gillespie and John W Tate went to Grantsville where we attended Stake High Council & Priesthood meetings. I occupied a part of the time in each.

The Stake Presidency took dinner with Bp. J. L. Wrathall and on suggestion of Prest F. M. [p. 204] Lyman spoke to the Bishop about releasing him on account of ill health and over work from presiding over the Grantsville ward. He said he never felt to resign from any church office. or position but if we felt like honerably releasing him he would appreciate it very much. The understanding was there had with him that at our next visit to Grantsville we would give him a release and that the time would depend somewhat on Bro F M Lyman’s convenience as he had expressed a desire to be present. Sunday Jan 21st would suit us. At our High Council meeting, The Priesthood meeting confirming the action, on my suggestion Bro Thomas williams as stake clerk of the High Council, Sam’l Johnson assistand [assistant] and E M Clark assistant stake clerk to J W Tate were honerably released from those duties and the whole placed upon the Stake Clerk J. W. Tate who will be expected to attend all the meetings of the High Council and Stake Priesthood meetings as well other stake meetings and Keep a record of the preceedings of same. The above action is taken in view of the fact that the Stake Clerk now received some compensation for his services and believing that we will get better Service.

At the High Council meeting it was discovered that we were short six or seven dollars of having enough to pay the rent on Stockton school building to the end of the year 1905. I headed a list with $1.00 and the deficiency was soon made up. This makes $3.00 I have given for that purpose the past year. [p. 205]

7 January 1906 • Sunday

Tooele I fasted and gave $1.00 donation to the poor as that is my custom and the amount I usually give. I attended S. School, Sacrament meeting, prayr circle and evening meeting Conjoint Y. M. & Y. L.

By previous appointment I spoke in Sunday School on the Joseph Smith monument, memorial services &c.

In fast meeting, I bore testamony and spoke briefly of points of historic interest I had recently visited. At evening meeting, Mathew speirs should have delivered a lecture but not being present I was asked to speak of my recent travels which I did to an attentive audience for about 55 minutes, tracing our journey from Salt Lake to Cleveland returning to Chicago.

At Fast meeting, I blessed J E Johnsons baby and named her Francis. Assisted in blessing Ada Vowles’ and Sister Geo. McLaws’ babies.

8 January 1906 • Monday

Tooele Weather Cold fair Sleighing. I paid to the meeting house fund the amount assigned to me.

Attended to the regular business, wrote to My Mother and to my son LeGrand. Had Albert Lee painting Sleigh. I read through a 26 paged pamphlet entitled “The Art of Business Getting”.

9 January 1906 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold. I attended to the business of the day and in the evening I attended Y.M.M.I.A.

10 January 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather threatening change [p. 206]

I attended to the business of the place and in the evening I took supper at Estellas and spent the evening there Alice and Nerva had been helping Estella quild [quilt] during the day. Our girls were coasting on the Hoogland hill Main St. in the evening. Until now all were well.

11 January 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy and threatening <storm> I attended to the regular business of the place which includes sales, deliveries, stock taking &c. Spent the evening office work. As a result of last evenings Coasting, Lucena has sore throat & fever.

12 January 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather Changing, wind & thawing Lucena has fever nearly 104° I administered to her during the day and in the evening Prest Gowans assisted me and we administered to her again.

This day I attended to business which included making estimates on matereal for an office for W. S. Marks said bids for Jas. M & James T. Gollaher respectively figuring on stock, pricing &c.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency at my office Prest. Gowans & I present.

13 January 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy & windy. I worked on stock sheets, attended to business correspondence, made delivery to E D Horman & got freight from depot. &c.

Lucena is feeling some better to-day. In the evening I had a talk with W S Marks over the phone and with Thos Horman in my office over lumber estimates for W. S. M. office. [p. 207]

14 January 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Prest. Gowans went to Lake View to attend to the auditing of the tithing reports. Bro CA Orme went to Lake Point for like purpose and to fill our appointment there. I remained home to receive expected tithing reports and audit same but none came. I attended S. School, afternoon and evening meetings and prayr circle. Bro. Levi Young, Son of Prest. Seymour B. Young occupied most of the time at afternoon meeting and all the time at the evening meeting. His talk was good. J. A. Bevan spoke about 10 minutes in afternoon meeting. After evening meeting I read from Church History Vol 1. Introductry.

15 January 1906 • Monday

Warm & thawing weather.

Tooele Ground frozen & Icy.

I had a car load of upper lumber Come in. I had Dick horse’s shoes taken off & sharpened and reset. Engaged Jos Tate & team and Geo Horman & Culbert Bowen to help and we commenced unloading car of lumber in afternoon. Hauled one load each. team, two teams.

In the evening I without assistance audited Bp. Stookeys Tithing reports.

<clover Reports were delivered to me by Prest G. about 6 PM and I delivered same to him audited same night.>3

16 January 1906 • Tuesday

Weather windy & thawing

We hauled ten eight loads of lumber and unloaded seven. Attended to the regular business &c.

In the evening I audited Tithing reports at my office. Mercur & Vernon

<Vernon Tithing reports were by Prest G. delivered to me about 6 PM 16th also Mercur Reports in part. I audited same in evening.>4

17 January 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm and <pleasant> Folks well. We finished unloading [p. 208] car of lumber and checked up same. Had Culbert Bowen helping us. In afternoon I attended High Priests meeting and there spoke a short time. In evening I wrote in journal and did office work. At the evening <afternoon> meeting I was mouth in consecrating a bottle of oil.

18 January 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy, rained lightly much of the day. We attended to the regular business, wrote a number of business letters, continued Stock taking &c.

In the evening we did office work and got out more than Sixty Callenders for mailing. Folks well. Letters from both George & LeGrand.

19 January 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy, some rain and at 6 P.M. Commenced a heavy snow storm. This day I assisted Joel with stock taking and pricing, Attended to regular work, including business correspondence. Concluded Contract with J. T. Gollaher to furnish the material for Marks’ office. Sold over $40.00 worth of lumber to-day.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency at my office. Bro Orme not present. Folks well.

20 January 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold & about 4" snow which fell last night

I met Bro. Lyman at Depot and brought him up to C R McBrides and at 1 P.M. took him & Prest Gowans to Grantsville with my team & Surray. Put up team at Bp. Wrathall’s. Attended a Ward Priesthood meeting at 3 P.M. and after the Priesthood meeting Bro Lyman the Stake Presidency Patriarch Barras & Bart Hale [p. 209] and Bp. Wrathall counseled together and agreed that we name for future Bishop (J S Wrathall having been released) August K. Anderson. As counselors Wm J Clark & J. W. Anderson.

We took Supper at Bp. J W Wrathalls Prest Gowans & I called on Thos Williams about tithing matters in the evening.

I staid at Gustave Andersons at night.

21 January 1906 • Sunday

Grantsville Weather cold.

I took breakfast with brother Gustave Anderson and with him went to Sunday School and took dinner with him. We met at Meeting of Priesthood at Meeting house at 1:30 P.M. where the Names of new Bishopric were submitted and sustained. They were likewise sustained at the Ward meeting. I made a few remarks indorsing the brethren. At the meeting on the Stand Bro. Lyman ordained August K. Anderson Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Grantsville ward. Prest Gowans set apart W J Clark as 1st Counselor and I set apart J. W. Andersen as 2nd Counseler to the Bishop.

After meeting, We attended to the Setting apart of assistants to the Relief society President, sisters Hammond and Sister Leroy Anderson and I anointed Bro Robinsons boy for his Speech he having an impediment there in and Bro Lyman blessed him.

We returned to Tooele about 7 P.M.

22 January 1906 • Monday

Tooele Attended to some business and then at 10 oclock met with Prest Gowans Prest Orme Elder F M Lyman, Bp. E M Orme & C r McBride [p. 210] at home of Prest Gowans to Consider the matter of a new Bishopric for Batesville ward. E B Woods was dicided upon for Bp. The conditions in Mercur were also considered. It was thought advisable to make a change in Bishopric at time of our next visit Feb. 11th We visit Lake V, Batesville for similar purpose next Sunday.

Towards evening I went over to Wm Garvins with J. S. Lee and named his baby & blessed him. (Geo. Arthur) Very Sick having Convulsions. Called on several parties with a view to collecting but did not succeed well. Car lumber arrived to-day.

23 January 1906 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sent a large load of baled hay to Stockton to Mr Doolittle by Jos Tate and had our team hauling lumber from the depot and at noon put on Jos Tate & team hauling from Depot. I helped with the unloading and attended to business &.

In the evening I administered to both Nina and Moselle both being sick of sore throat &c. And I wrote a 7 page letter to my son George who is in St Louis with his family studying.

24 January 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

Nina & Mosell about as yesterday or perhapse some better.

We finished unloading a car of lumber to-day. Attended to business &c. In the evening I did some reading &c.

25 January 1906 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to business as usual. made some deliveries. &c. Nina & Edna improving [p. 211]

26 January 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather misty.

I attended to business as usual.

Folks pretty well to-day. Stak[e] P. Meeting in even.

27 January 1906 • Saturday

Tooele Weather foggy.

Attended to business as usual and in the evening attended theatre “The Missouri Girl.”

28 January 1906 • Sunday

Weather very foggy

Tooele With my team Prest Gowans & I went to Batesville where we attended school & meeting and between school & meeting a Priesthood meeting. We hat [had] thought to present to the people a new Bishop but after getting an expression from the priesthood we felt undecided and postponed same for the present.

Joel went to City on afternoon train.

Folks pretty well.

29 January 1906 • Monday

Tooele Weather dense fog & cold. Joel at Salt Lake. I took care of the business. Ordered a car of fir lumber & lath from Halman Payne &c.

Consecrated a bottle of oil for Bro. C. R. McBride. In the evening I was looking for an article I wrote some time ago on Relationship between parents & teachers and in doing so examined and burned a great many letters and papers and finding some forms of certificate of ordinations reminded me that in Oct last I ordained Chas. Hansen an Elder and had not given him a certificate of ordination. Looking up the date from my journal found it to be Oct 22/05 Accordingly I made out Certificate & with a letter mailed same to Bro Chas Hansen with an apology for deferment.

<I this day prepared photoes in envelope. stamped & addressed to each of the members of the party who went with Prest Smith to Vermont to the Monument dedication. Pictures of our boy Oliver who also went about>5 [p. 212]

30 January 1906 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather foggy and cold.

Mama met Joel at Depot in the morning with team & buggy.

I cared for animals and attended to business as usual did some reading of News paper, Lumber & Imp. magazines. Dictated several letters &c. In the evening studied up on subject to present to the Parents meeting in School house next Thu. eve.

31 January 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Still foggy day & night.

I attended to the regular business. By phone to Halman Payne &c bought a car of flooring in transit. $580.50. Borrowed at Bank $250.00 and Sold to Higley Bros a Mitchell Mt. Wagon 1¼" for $147.00

In the evening Alice & I attended Missionaries reunion at Philip DeLaMar’s.

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January 1906, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 January entry.

  2. [2]Richards misdated this entry “Jan 2, 1905”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 15 January entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 16 and 17 January entries.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 January entry.