August 1896

1 August 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine

I took Carriage & all the folks to Garfield where we met Sister Nerva, Aunt Lou & others, bathed. Attended concert &c.

2 August 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

Took my team & carriage & Elder Lyman & wife & H. S. Gowans to Grantsville where we attended Stake Con. under grove at meeting house lot Apostle Taylor was there. I opened afternoon meeting. [p. 88] Staid at Bro. C. L. Anderson. Gave blessings to Thomas William’s wife, daughter in law & grand child also to Bro. Flinders & wife & administered to Bro Abram Fawson’s wife & daughter.

3 August 1896 • Monday

Grantsville Weather Stormy.

Moved benches back into meeting house at noon. Had good meeting, both yesterday & to-day. Assisted Apostles Lyman & Taylor & in administering to several persons at vestry & Anointed Sister Hunter at her home & Apostle Lyman sealed the anointing.

4 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant I had the boys haul wheat & I plowed. Accompanied C. R. McBride down to Mr Russells & administered to his wife

5 August 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant I prepared to thresh & had the threshers to dinner & they threshed 188½ bu of barley for me. [p. 89]

6 August 1896 • Thursday

Fast Day.

Tooele Weather windy. I fasted, prayed & attended meeting. Wrote up my Journal from Monday July 27th to date from memory. Administered to Philip Kirk & John McKellar. Wrote letters & plowed in garden.

7 August 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy.

I plowed all day, Geo leveled.

8 August 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm & windy. I made a leveler & plowed barley stubble four horses & gang plow. Unwell at night

9 August 1896 • Sunday

Lucena’s birth day.

Tooele Weather warm

I should have met Prest C. L. Anderson at E.T. but felt so poorly, did not go. Had a touch of cholera. I looked over Book of plans & deciding about what we wanted wrote to the auther Geort [George] Payne & Son of Carthage, Ill. for plans & specifications Wrote in Journal for three days including to-day.

10 August 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather hot.

I plowed in lot, tied up vines, repaired granary [p. 90] Finished leveler &c. In the evening I took all the family up in Canyon. Jos. Tate & family also went up; were gone about 3½ hrs.

11 and 12 August 1896 • Tuesday and Wednesday

Tooele Weather extremely hot. I worked all day at field finished plowing barley stubble, leveled &c. Suffocating night. At 1 oclock in the night I commenced vomiting & perging & continued until about 6 A.M. & off & on all day. Had Bros. Craner & Gillispie in who consecrated a bottle of oil & administered to me & in the evening Bro J O Dunn & Bro. Geo Craner Administered to me & I got better. Rested pretty well all night & vomited no more.

13 August 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather still very hot. I got up before noon & at 4:20 started to the Canyon with the folks.

14 August 1896 • Friday

Tooele Hotter hotest.

Bro Rimington threshed & I hauled my share of grain from machine 150 bu.

Geo. Gee helped me. Bathed & retired early. Let John England have two loads wheat at 40¢. [p. 91]

15 August 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very warm. I took the family to the Lake & all bathed except Stella. Met Alma Vance there & his wife.

16 August 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm. Rained at Mercur. I took my team & buggy & Prest. Gowans with me & went to Mercur. Put up team & took dinner at Wm Bracken’s. Held meetings at 2:30 & 8 P.M. & reorganized the Branch. Took supper & slept at Sister McIntosh’s.

17 August 1896 • Monday

Mercur Tooele Weather hot.

I gave Hannah May McIntosh a blessing before breakfast. After Breakfast left for home at 7:40 & arrived at 10:40 A.M. All tolerably well. Paid A. F. D. $27.25 Ranch collections full. Wrote Letters &c.

18 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather clowdy some rain.

I harrowed & leveled at field two 3 horse teams. Attended lecture by Cluff & Lund in the evening.

19 August 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cooler. [p. 92] I took water on my lots at 4 A.M. After breakfast I went to field, boys with me & continued harrowing & leveling.

20 August 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

Leveled & harrowed all day the boys & I & the boys gathered & burned sages. Did some writing in the evening. Recorded a blessing. Rained hard at night.

21 August 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening The boys & I worked on the farm with two teams of 3 horses each leveling & harrowing & two of the boys piled sages. In the evening did some writing.

22 August 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Annual Excursion for Tooele Co. to Garfield. George & Nerva went Joel Legrand & I worked at field leveling & harrowing. Took the folks for a ride in the evening. Ed Bonelli Shaved & Shingled me. J R Bowden called on me. Hyrum Lee came from mercur.

23 August 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took Team & buggy & Prest. Gowans to Grantsville where we attended school & meet[p. 93]ing & I spoke at both. After meeting organized Prayr Circle. & gave blessings to Sister Rowberry & her four daughters. Called on Mr C. Z. Shaffer & talked with him about building & showed him my plans. He said he would do the carpenter work for me & take one of my city lots as part pay. Estella went to Mercur with Hyrum Lee to stay a week or longer.

24 August 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I wrote Letters to Mother, to Anderson Press Brick Co. & to Geo. Payne & Son Archetects. The boys & I worked at field harrowing, leveling & gathering brush &c.

In the evening I bathed, wrote in Journal for three days past & did some other writing. Wrote to Chas Z. Shaffer Carpenter to J. E. Boothe Lauer of Provo, to Grantsville Co-op about Lumber & Card to Spry about hat

25 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I leveled & the boys harrowed & piled sages. Repaired gate hinge & dug up stumps. Folks all well. Did some writing with evening & recorded a blessing. [p. 94]

26 August 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Received sketch of house two floors from Payne & Son. Leveled in forenoon & in the afternoon with team & buggy & Alice & babe went to Grantsville. Arranged to get my rough lumber of J. L. Wrathall & Co. Arranged with Chas. Z Shaffer to do my carpenter work & Fred Lionberg to do my mason work to house the former $2.00 per day & board, the latter $2.75 per day & board. Shaffer’s helper $1.25 per day & board. They take my Donaldson lots as part pay for $445.00

27 August 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Engaged Geo Gee to lead mason at 3 bu. wheat per day. Arranged to get adobies from John Martin @ $4.00 per M. He takes 20 bu. wheat @ 40¢. Spoke to Albert Lindholm about doing my plumbing. Arranged with Jos. Henson to drill my wheat @ 20¢ per acre. I vitral the wheat & furnish two of the three horses needed. Arranged with John Mercer to get rock from his quarry @ 5¢ per load. Mailed Sketch of [p. 95] two floor plans to Payne & Son Architicts Carthage, Ill. with order to have plans & specifications perfected soon as possible. Mailed P.O. Money order $12.00 half payment. Brought the boys from field in buggy. In the evening By request of Jos. C. Orme went down to his home & gave blessings to himself wife & three children.

28 August 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather clowdy, some rain. Plowed at field all day. The boys harrowed & piled sages. In the evening I read Transcript & News, wrote in Journal for three days last past & retired at 9:30

29 August 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I plowed until noon & brought the gang plow home with me after noon & stowed it under the granary The boys remained at field at work in afternoon. I attended to odd chores and went up in Canyon & inspected rock quarry. Jos. Tate accompanied me in my buggy. Called at Abrams & at Dunns.

30 August 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. [p. 96] I accompanied Prest. Gowans to St. John his team & put up at Bro. Larkin’s, Attended School & Meeting & spoke in both.

Gave Patriarchal blessings to Bro. Larkin & wife & to Geo. Thos. Burridge. Administered to Alice Burridge & Sister Loyd. Anointed the former & sealed in Latter case. Arrived home at about between Sun down & dark.

31 August 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I repaired old wagon in forenoon & in the afternoon settled with Ben Peasnall for cutting barley 1250 lbs barley. Took steel to Shop to make gads. Hauled wheat from Thresher on the hill. Mr Shaffer & Mr Fred Lionberg came to see me & we settled on contract as follows. Mr Shaffer is to receive for his work $2.00 per day & board & his helper 1.25 & board & tak[e] in part pay the Corner Donaldson lot at $230.00 He is to have all the work. <1 A. water.>

Lionburg berg is to receive $2.75 & board & take 1/2 lot or 5 rod front for $107.50 1/2 A. water. Did Some writing in the evening. Georgie leveled at field. [p. 97]

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August 1896, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025