September 1909

1 September 1909 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting of the Presidency & Twelve from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Received appointment to Morgan Stake next Sat & Sund. in Company with Bro. A. W. Ivins.

I attended Circle meeting in the temple at 6:15 P.M. present 16 members. Bro. Howell was administered to and said he felt very much improved through it.

I called on my mother and [p. 181] visited with her. She is recovering from her sickness and sitting up but not down stairs.

Between 10 & 11 P.M. I went down to Aunt Sarah’s with Mamie who is going to the Canyon in the morning with aunt Sarah.

2 September 1909 • Thursday


I called at the Presidents’ office and presented to the Presidency a matter brought to their attention by Pres Rheuben Miller Pres. of Emery Stake wherein in his absence I advised the release of bro. Horseley from the High Council he being the Stake Clerk. Pres. Lyman indorsed my action. Bro. Miller wanted bro. Horseley re-enstated and the Presidency deferred action until they could hear from me.

I went to Wandamere with Alice and the family about 4 P.M. and Alice and I attended the S.L. Theatre in the evening Blanch Bates in “A Fighting hope”

I still have some cold. My mother is improving.

3 September 1909 • Friday


I spent the day at home studying. I went down to my Sister Asenath’s and visited a while with my Mother in the evening. Trimmed my beard & bathed before retiring to bed for the night.

Folks usually well. I still have a cold. [p. 182]

4 September 1909 • Saturday


I left Salt Lake on 7:10 A.M. train with Elder A. W. Ivins for Morgan to attend the Stake Conference. We met on the train Elders J. H. Smith & Rudger Clawson who were on their way to Brigham to attend the Box Elder Stake Conference.

Arrived at Morgan at 10:10 A.M. train belated. We were met at Station by Bro Wm Rich of the Stake Presidency and driven to meeting.

At 10 AM Meeting there were in attendance 128 out of a population of 1800+ We took stock of the meeting by a call of the roll of wards. The Speakers were in order as follows, Pres. Daniel Heiner, Albert Whitier 1st Counselor to Bp. Ezra B. Parish of Peterson, Bp. A. D. Dickson of Richville, [blank] Wm Himming, Pres HP. Quorum. Elder A. W. Ivins and myself. Bro Ivins occupied about 35 minuts and I the remaining 25 minutes. Subject—Missionary work called forth by the remarks of Bro. Whittier that 21 persons over 10 yrs of age had been baptized in Peterson ward the past three months.

We took dinner with brother Wm W. Francis of the Stake presidency.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 180

The speakers in order as follows:

Wm H. Rich of Stake Presidency

Bro Fry Pres. 1st Elder’s quorum.

Bro. Philips, Pres of Seventy of 35th quorum.

Sister Rich of the Relief society

Bp. Alonzo Francis of Morgan ward

Myself & Elder Ivins I occupied [p. 183] 40 minutes Subject attendance at meetings; Worship of the Lord. How to stimulate delinquint members of quorums. Train boys from 8 yrs of age to be good Elders & Seventies. Bps. are to call missionaries from the seventies the Same as from the Elders quorums. &c Be leaders. Feed the flock. In former days shepherds lead their flocks. We should lead and the flock if they have confidence in our lead will follow.

After meeting we went for a ride to see the valley, town and warm springs &c.

5 September 1909 • Sunday


It rained during the past night. I attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting the children being present. The Sacrament was administered. Present 388. We heard reports from S. Schools, R. classes & Primaries of the Stake. Wm W. Francis of Stake Presidency, Elder A. W. Ivins and myself. I told the Story of the Hatch boys of Koosharem. The Gospel demands Self denial and Sacrifice. These children should begin to learn the lesson by denying themselves the right to whisper in Sunday School. We all should practice it so we will be prepared to make greater sacrifices and deny ourselves when greater temptations come to us.

Elder Ivins & I and Bros. Rich & Heiner went to dinner with Bp. Francis in rain storm. At 2 P.M. Session the attendance was [blank]. The authorities were [p. 184] sustained. Bro. Ivins and I occupied about 40 minutes each and Bro Heiner concluded with a few remarks. Elder Ivins’ discourse was one on Temperance & Word of Wisdom. I followed on same Subject. Advised Bishoprics and other presidencies to meet once each week and pray & consider the necessities of the people and the work.

At 4:30 we held Conjoint Mutual meeting. The two associations Y.M. & Y.L. were reported and I spoke for 15 minutes & Bro. Ivins 5 minutes. I quoted Jas 1:37 Pure Religion &c is to do good, & help the needy. These mutual workers have oppertunity to give liberally of those Eternal riches to those in need and enrich them without improverishing themselves. We went to Pres. Wm. H. Riche’s to Supper. Slept both nights at Pres. Daniel Heiner’s.

6 September 1909 • Monday


Elder A. W. Ivins and I left Morgan at 5:25 A.M. and reached Salt Lake at 8:25 A.M. Found all well at home. Weather cooler and my cold less troublesom. Alice, Ruby, Geo. F. & Edith, Nerva & Geo. L. went up Emigration Canon this morning to pick chokecherries.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday. Cut the lawn back and front, did some plumbing & other work after which I blacked shoes, trimmed beard, bathed and changed linnen and went over to my Sister Asenath’s and visited with Mother and admin[p. 185]istered to her. She was sick in bed.

7 September 1909 • Tuesday


I spent the day home reading, writing &c. Visited with my mother.

8 September 1909 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting of the Presidency & the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. Received appointment to Bear Lake Stake for Saturday & Sunday next.

I attended to several itims of business down town.

9 September 1909 • Thursday


We had the electrician here at work most of the day putting switches in our front and dining rooms and making repairs. We are putting in the Tunston lamps in these two mentioned rooms.

I read church history most of the day. By request called at the Presidents office and read letter from Pres W. C. Lyman of San Juan stake with reference to sale of Church ownership of $2500. in Hammond Irrigation Co. stock. I having just been down there was prepared to give information with respect to conditions there.

I took supper with my Son George & his wife, my wife & daughter Nerva & Oliver & Estella being present. Later I called & saw my mother. [p. 186]

10 September 1909 • Friday


I left home with Pres. Rulon S. Wells on 9 A.M. train for Bear Lake and reached Montpelier at 9 P.M. Sister Fox was on same train for Star Valley to attend Mutual Convention and She went with us to Bp. Wilford W. Clark’s where we all spent the night the Bishop having met us at the Station. My health good, Spirits also.

11 September 1909 • Saturday


Pres. Wells & I accompanied Bishop W. W. Clark to Paris 10 miles distant where we attended conference. We met Pres. Ben E. Rich here and he assisted us with our conference work.

The weather has turned cold & Stormy. It rained during the night and snowed during the day several times. Snow low on mountains.

At 10 A.M. Meetings the Speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Jos. R Shepherd, Ben E Rich & R. S. Wells

At 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers were Wm L. Rich of Stake Presidency, myself and Pres R. S. Wells.

I spoke of losses sustained by storms and said that in this asin all troubles we should do the best we can and then acknowledge the hand of God. He owns all and loves us and permits only what is for our ultimate good. We would do this if our faith were perfect. We would do all things commanded if we were not wanting in faith. How cultivate faith &c. [p. 187] The attendance at the meetings was light due in part to the Stormy cold weather.

Attended Religion Class meeting at 7 P.M. and Elder Wells & I each spoke.

12 September 1909 • Sunday


At 10 AM. meeting the attendance was 813. The SS. children present. Sacrament administered and the speakers were in order as follows:

Wilford W. Richards of Stake Presidency.

Prof. Bramwell of Fielding Academy.

Elders Huff, W. W. Clark Jr. & Pres. Ben E Rich.

At 2 P.M. meeting. Attendance 981. Authorities Sustained. Speakers as follows; Elders Ezro Kunz & Austin, pres. Ben E. Rich and myself.

I spoke upon the Subject of Mormonism.

In the evening at Conjoint Mutual A recently returned missionary, Pres. R. S. Wells and I were the Speakers.

I recited “Aubo Ben Adhem” and spoke of the universal brotherhood and what we owe to our fellow men. We have the Gospel to preach to them and the mutuals are preparing us to do that work. Referred to the reading of Church works as they are the implements of warfare we are to use. Referred to Davids experience when he had not proved the armor Saul placed upon him. David was justified & sustained of God. We will not be if we neglect [p. 188] to prove these implements &c.

<Attended Seventies meeting at 4 P.M. and spoke and Set apart W. W. Clark Jr. a President of Seventy in 79th quorum.>1

13 September 1909 • Monday


I had a good night’s rest and feel well in body & Spirit.

The Storm seems to be over

I wrote up the my journal for yesterday. My brother Wilford called on me.

I feel that we have had a good and profitable conference. May the Lord be praised.

We have been royally entertained by Pres Shepherd & family. Took dinner with my brother Wilford yesterday. David Shepherd took us from Paris 10 miles to Montpelier where we took train for home arriving in Salt Lake at 11 P.M. Found folks well except Grandma who is sick in bed.

14 September 1909 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home, writing up my books, Settling, bills &c. Alice & I called on Mother & found her in bed & not very well.

I attended a missionary meeting and assisted in setting apart and instructing missionaries. I set apart the following.

Geo. Edwin Brown, Murray. Cent. States

Clifford Campbell Clive, City. Swis & German

Daniel N. Nelson. Mint Creek, Ida. Northern States.

My daughter Sarah & I went up to the L.D.S. Hospittal and Saw Evan Richards and I administered to him while there. [p. 189]

15 September 1909 • Wednesday


I attended a council meeting of the Presidency and the Twelve in the temple (regular weekly meeting) from 10 A.M. until 3:30 P.M.

Attended religion class board meeting at the Presidents’ office at 4 P.M. (regular weekly meeting)

Attended regular weekly Prayr Circle meeting in the meeting Temple at 6:15 P.M.

Between 5 & 6 P.M. I called at my son’s home & he cut my hair. While there my Sister Nerva called to have her teeth repaired.

My mother has been up & dressed to-day and is considerably improved. Dr. Evan Richards who was last Friday the 10th operated upon for appendicitis is getting along nicely.

I this day received an apointment to Pocotella Stake Conference to be held at McCammon next Saturday & Sunday and returning to Logan Monday address a temperance meeting Monday night. Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin to accompany me.

I cut the lawn in the morning berfore cleaning up and taking my bath.

16 September 1909 • Thursday

Home. Weather pleasant

I visited my mother also my daughter Nerva in forenoon. Studied in the afternoon until 5 P.M. Took 6:05 O.S.L. train to Farmington and returned to [p. 190] Salt Lake with Alice on SL. & O. train 7:33 bringing with us $4.50 worth ground cherries & grapes.

17 September 1909 • Friday

Home. Weather Cooler.

I spent the whole day at home studying and making ready to go north to McCammon, except an hour spent with my mother whose health is so far improved as to enable her to be up and about the house all day.

George F. Jr & Edith came up in the evening and staid until after 10 P.M. and I accompanied them on the car on my way to Depot.

I took the 11:30 P.M. train and reached McCammon at 5:05 A.M.

18 September 1909 • Saturday


Arrived here at 5:05 A.M. and took a room at the Harkness hotel where I got about three hours sleep.

Attended a meeting of the Priesthood at 10 A.M. 50 in attendance Some business attended to and Bro B. S. Hinckley who was present to hold Y.M.M.I. Convention spoke I followed him for 40 minutes & Bro. Noah S. Pond of the Stake Presidency concluded. Subject. Monday evening priesthood meetings. A splendid talk. I spoke of responsibility resting upon us as individuals and as officials. Example necessary. Persecution no evidence of error. Persecution for righteousness sake our lot.

At 2 P.M. the Y.L.M.I.A. Convention [p. 191] was held in one opera house and the Y.M.M. Convention in the other. I attended the Y.M.M. at which Bryant S. Hinckley was in attendance from the General Board. Sister McCune & Sister Hinckley were in attendance at the YLM. convention.

I made a few concluding remarks touching topics discussed.

Bro. Noah S. Pond spoke at both meetings to-day and I have been exceedingly well impressed with his good language and scholarly address as well as his true L.D.S. Spirit. Pres. Wm A. Hyde was with the Y.L.M. this afternoon. He was not at the meeting of this morning having been lawfully detained. Bro Hinckley & wife returned to Salt Lake on the afternoon train.

I ordained Jas. B. Delameter of Grant ward (Downey) an Elder and Moses Fannine <of Pocatello> a Seventy. Pres Hyde spent an hour or two with me at my room in the evening.

19 September 1909 • Sunday

McCammon. Idaho.

I attended 10 A.M. 2 P.M. Conference meetings held in the Harkness Opera house also a Seventies meeting at 12 o’clock. I spoke at all these meetings.

Pres Seymour B. Young and I ordained on this occasion a number of Seventies and set them apart members of the 126 quorum of Seventy.

Following is list of names of those [p. 192] whom I ordained seventies

Leo. D. Johnson of Downy

Edward Wright of Pocatello

John E. Hanson "2 McCammon

P. M. Larson of Robin

I also set apart Limhi F. Zundel a President of Seventies a member of the Council of the 126th quorum.

The attendance at the conference meetings was good. The speakers at forenoon session were in order as follows;

1. Noah S. Pond of Stake Presidency 35 min.

2. Henry S. Woodland " " " 10 "3

3. Elizabeth McCune of Genl Bd. Y.L.M.I.A.

4. I occupied 20 minutes. Temple work.

5. Pres. Seymour B. Young " "4 13 min.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers were Wm A. Hyde Stake President 40 min. temperance

Pres Seymour B. Young 30 min.

I spoke about 30 minutes. Missionary <work at home>

The sacrament was administered in forenoon and authorities sustained in afternoon.

I went with Pres S B. Young to a Mrs. Edwards to dinner on his invitation.

Pres Seymour B. Young and Sister McCune and I left McCammon at 4:30 P.M. and reached Salt Lake at 9:30 P.M. All well at home.

20 September 1909 • Monday


I watered lawn, read paper, did my usual writing of Journal and records of work done at Conference.

Made & mailed certificates of ordination. Studied temperance &c

Weather pleasant. My health & Spirits good. [p. 193]

I took the 4 P.M. O.S.L. train with Seymour B. Young for Logan arriving at 8 P.M. We were met at the Station by a brother Norton and a son of Prof. Lindford’s with team who drove us to the Stake tabernacle where we found a public Temperance meeting in session just singing the opening selection.

Prof Linford made a report of work done by a committee appointed by a former mass meeting. A committee on resolutions was appointed and later reported resolutions which were adopted. Another Committee was appointed to advance & promote the interests of Prohibition.

I occupied 50 minutes on the Subject of temperence & Prohibition as effecting the Logan city people. Pres. S. B. Young occupied same time same subject. There were several hundred people present. We were encouraged after by a number of the brethren coming to us and thanking us saying the cause would be materially benefitted by our remarks.

I went home with prof. Linford.

21 September 1909 • Tuesday


I left Logan with Pres. S. B. Young at 8:15 A.M. and reached Salt Lake soon after noon.

I spent a couple of hours with my mother who is up & dressed but not quite well.

Wrote up my journal &c. [p. 194]

22 September 1909 • Wednesday



I attended regular weekly council of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Attended Special meeting of the Twelve from 3 to 5:30 P.M. in the temple. Elder M. F. Cowley was present by request and interrogated as to his knowledge of what is being done on the quivive in way of plural marriages. He claims to lie clear of any responsibility since his resignation from this Council.

I attended Circle meeting from 6:15 to 7:15 P.M. in temple as usual weekly.

Received Geneological record of the Longstreths this day from one Elder Dredge of Philidelphia Cost $4.00 + postage 31¢ This is a book of 804 pages and gives the geneology of the descendants of Bartholomew Longstroth who came from Longstroth Dale, YorkShire England 1699. We have done work in temple for near 200 of these names taken from the Dawson Record. This will be a nice addition of names to do temple work for.


23 September 1909 • Thursday


I read the papers, wrote letters, read over the manuscript of a sermon I preached in the Tabernacle Aug. 29th 23 pages typewritten as taken by F. W. O. It required about 70 minutes for its delivery. It will likely appear in next Saturday’s news.

I took the Longstreth Record over [p. 195] to Mother’s and showed it to her and she was delighted with it.

I attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex and assisted in setting apart and instructing the missionaries. Offered the opening and closing prayr. I blessed and set apart the following.

John F. Snedaker, Ogden, to Switzerland & Germany

Sterling Booth Talmage, City Gt Britain.

James Almon Artimus Crane, Bennington Ida. So Africa

I mailed to Elder Wm R. Dredge at Philadelphia a money order of $4.35 to pay for Longstreth record & postage.

I wrote a lengthy letter to Miss Agnes Longstroth Taylor of Philadelphia, Pa. Author of the Longstreth Record.

24 September 1909 • Friday


I filled an appointment at the Presidents’ office at 3 P.M. Saw Prest Wm H. Taft on Brigham St. while he was enroute to Fort Douglass in Auto. Called on my mother and visited with her a while. Read, wrote & Studied remainder of the day.

25 September 1909 • Saturday


I by special invitation accompanied Prest Wm H. Taft & part[y] to Salt Air from 930 to 11:15 A.M. and attended organ recital at Large Tabernacle with the party.

Spent the remainder of the day at home reading, writing &c. [p. 196]

Alice and I attended the theatrical in the evening. “Loves Watches.” Salt Lake Theater

26 September 1909 • Sunday


This day being set apart to fast on account of General Conference coming on First Sunday of the month, I fasted until after Fast meeting.

Alice and I went to the Large Tabernacle at 8:35 A.M. where Pres. Wm H. Taft and party were present. Pres. Taft occupied about thirty minutes in a practical discourse. Text. Prov. 15:1 “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” A beautiful Service was had after which the President and party viewed the School children on Brigham Street from A to Q. Streets including the living flag.

We walked home; called at Mother’s and visited for about an hour.

Attended 27th Ward Fast meeting and bore testimony. Attended evening meeting and after meeting Alice and I called at the home of Bro. John Gibson and I administered to him. He was taken with stroke of appoplexy while on the Street car returning home about noon.

At the close of the evening meeting I assisted the Bishopric & others in setting apart Bro. Monson second counselor to Pres. Paul in the ward mutual and I blessed and set apart my daughter Sarah Ellen who had been sustained as second counselor to Sister Collestr in the presidency of the Y.L.M.I. associatn. [p. 197]

27 September 1909 • Monday


I met with First Presidency, members of the Twelve and others and heard read a paper prepared by Elder O. F. Whitney by request of the Presidency on the Eternal progression of man or our attitude towards the subject of Evolution. This meeting was held at the President’s office from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Met with a committee consisting of Elders J. H. Smith, Elder Ivins & myself with Bro. J. E. Talmage to obtain from him a proposition of the Sale of the Copy Right [blank] of the manuscript “The Apostasy.” from 4 to 5 P.M. and attended to other business.

In the evening I attended weekly Priesthood meeting.

28 September 1909 • Tuesday


I met the members of our council at the temple at 10 A.M. an adjournment was taken until 4:30 P.M.

I attended the funeral services of Sister Phoebe Judd Kimball held in the 18th ward house. Elder O. F. Whitney made the opening prayr and Pres F. M. Lyman the closing prayr. The speakers were in order as follows; J. G. Kimball, John Henry & Pres Jos. F. Smith.

At 2 P.M. I attended the funeral Services of A. Milton Musser held in Second Ward house. Elder John Henry Smith offered the opening prayr and I the closing prayr. The Speakers were in order as follows: Pres Jos. F. Smith, Pres. Anthon H. Lund, Pres F. M. Lyman, B. S. Hinckley, Hugh J. Cannon [p. 198] and Bp. Iverson. Elders Clawson, H. M. Smith and A. W. Ivins of the Twelve were also present and of the Seventies Council Pres. Seymour B. Young & J. W. McMurrin.

Convened with the Twelve in temple from 4:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Quarterly Conference of the Twelve.

I was called up at 4:10 A.M. by bro. John Gibsons folks, my wife and I & we went down. Bro W. G. Atken was present and we administered to brother Gibson who is suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. I remained there until after 8 A.M. Nina ailing

29 September 1909 • Wednesday


I fasted and attended quarterly meeting of the Presidency and Twelve from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. Sacrament administered.

Attended Religion class Bd. meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting in the temple at 6:15 P.M. attendance twenty.

The weather is delightful and my health is good. Nina remained in bed all day sick with Stomach and bowel trouble. Other folks usually well.

I called down and saw brother Jno. Gibson about 9 P.M. He was in a dying condition. Several men and women being there I did not remain long. He died soon after I left.

30 September 1909 • Thursday


I cut the lawn, dug up flowers in front and took grass sods from the rear of the house [p. 199] and filled in where flowers had grown in front and made other improvements Cleaned my self up and went down to my mother’s where I spent an hour or two. Read & Studied the remainder of the day and evening. Spent a few minutes with Pres. Lyman in his home in the evening.

Nina is very much improved, others usually well. Weather delightful.

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September 1909, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 189.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “of”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “of Stake Presidency” and “min”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Temple work”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 195.

  6. [6]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of page 195, next to the last paragraph of the 21 September 1909 entry.