June 1920

6 June 1920 • Sunday

Annie and I were too late for the Temple fast meeting so we took a taxi and went down to her home where we stayed all day and Daniel [H. Cannon] came down in the evening and took us a long ride and then left his mother and me at the hotel. We had a good night.

Annie at night [p. 158] {p. 31}

7 June 1920 • Monday

Annie stayed until rather late and I went over to the office we had lunch together in Z.C.M.I.

Katharine came up and stayed with me at night

Sister [Mariah Burnham] Winder wants to visit with her sister1 and attend the conference meetings so will not be able to stay much this week.

Annie at night [p. 159] {p. 32}

8 June 1920 • Tuesday

Annie left at eleven to attend a board meeting at the library and came back to go with me to lunch.

Do not feel well enough to attend meetings of the conference but meet many people in hotel from the different stakes

Katharine stayed with me tonight. [p. 160] {p. 33}

10 June 1920 • Thursday

Annie came early and we went to Z.C.M.I. to lunch then to meeting of Gen. Board There was a good attendance and a very long meeting lasting until six o’clock. We had dinner in hotel and Katharine came about 8 and stayed all night. [p. 162] {p. 34}

12 June 1920 • Saturday

Daniel came for me in the afternoon and took me down to the farm where I had dinner and spent a very pleasant eve[n]ing with Jno Q. and the family. Annie went away at 6 A.M. and Sister Winder came up and fixed my breakfast. and spent the morning with me I stayed at the farm all night sleeping with Katharine. [p. 164] {p. 35}

13 June 1920 • Sunday

Spent all day at the farm and had a nice visit with Margaret [Cannon Clayton] and her little family2 who came over to see me We had a fine dinner and I walked around the garden and enjoyed the trees and birds and had a nice visit with the folks. Stayed again all night with Katharine [p. 165] {p. 36}

14 June 1920 • Monday

Annie came home from St Anthony just in time to bid Abram [H. Cannon] good bye who has gone away for the summer. Daniel came down after lunch & took me & his mother up to the hotel. I went straight to bed feeling extremely tired and also think I have taken cold. Annie stayed all night and Zina [Young] Card & Mrs [S. Louise Bouton] Felts grandaughter came in and brought a bunch of peonies from Sister Louie Felt’s reception. The 40th anniversary of her presidency3 I should have gone had I felt better [p. 166] {p. 37}

15 June 1920 • Tuesday

I had a dreadful night and at 5 A.M. Annie called Sister Winder and the house docter and docter Middleton. It was one of those coughing spells it finally passed off and I felt better but did not go out of my room all day. Katharine came up so her mother could go home and rest and she stayed with me all night.

Katharine at night [p. 167] {p. 38}

16 June 1920 • Wednesday

Felt much better to day and went over to the office. and to Z.C.M.I. for lunch but the wind blew so that I could not cross the street and had to have a taxi bring me over to the hotel. Sister Winder stayed with me at night. Her sister is here from Duchesne and she likes to visit with her

Mrs Winder at night. [p. 168] {p. 39}

17 June 1920 • Thursday

Went over to office quite early and stayed all the afternoon There was no Board meeting but all the members were telephoned too about the change of plans in the nurse school. Miss the meetings very much indeed. and would prefer not to have them postponed. Susie [Susa Young Gates] and Sarah McClelland [McLelland] were the only ones here Annie came up and spent the afternoon Had lunch sent to the office

Sister Winder stayed at night [p. 169] {p. 40}

18 June 1920 • Friday

Went to Z.C.M.I. for lunch and then to the office Annie came about 4 and stayed until 8. Spent the evening in the lobby with Sister Winder and her sister. The Shriners4 are here and with their uniforms and bands make things quite lively Susies little grand son5 died to day. I telephoned my sympathy and sent word to Sister [Emma Adams] Empey to send flowers.

Sister Winder at night. [p. 170] {p. 41}

19 June 1920 • Saturday

Saturday is usually a very dull day for me and I become quite lonesome. but there are many people at the hotel that are interesting and I spent the afternoon in the lobby. Mrs Maria Winder is very lovely and with her sister who is staying here gives me a good deal of attention

Sister Winder at night. [p. 171] {p. 42}

20 June 1920 • Sunday

Had a very long day. Should have liked to go to meeting but was afraid to make the effort. Had dinner here with Sister Winder and her sister In the evening Lucile [Buchholz] (Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz]’s daughter) and Jack [John Q. Cannon Jr.] came & stayed until about ten o clock. enjoyed their visit very much

Sister Winder came after the evening meeting and stayed all night. [p. 172] {p. 43}

21 June 1920 • Monday

Sister Winder and her sister were with me all morning. I do not feel very well and would like my own girls and have had Sister Winder telephone Went over to Z.C.M.I. for lunch and bought a new piece of lace for my neck. Annie came up quite early to stay at night and I had a fine bath and clean change of under wear. Had a very good night.

Annie at night [p. 173] {p. 44}

22 June 1920 • Tuesday

Annie went away about 10. A.M. and I dressed and went over to the office. Louise and Betty [Elizabeth Andrew] came to see me and came back with me to the hotel and stayed until Sister Winder came. We had dinner in the room and I felt pretty well only my limbs ached. There are a great many strangers in the hotel on their way to the San Francisco convention6

Sister Maria Winder at night. [p. 174] {p. 45}

23 June 1920 • Wednesday

Mrs Winder left for temple. Had a bad night and was not very well all day but went over to Z.C.M.I. for lunch later to office and stayed there nearly all day. Had a nice talk with Jeneatte [Jeannette Acord] Hyde who has just returned from the Chicago convention7 Katharine came up early to stay all night & we had dinner but later sent to Mrs Empey to send a nurse because I was so distressed and Mrs Janette [Irvine] McMurrin came and spent the night. Was very uncomfortable all night.

Sister McMurrin at night. [p. 175] {p. 46}

24 June 1920 • Thursday

Mother sent for me at 5. A.M. because she was ill and nervous Dr Middleton was here at 4.30 & gave her a sleeping potion. She felt much better later and ate a fairly good breakfast at 9.30. Met Clara Hedges and pd her 1.00 for her mother8 for staying one Saturday night May 15.th bought journal and register at News book store, Charge.

Sister Winder at night. [p. 176] {p. 47}

25 June 1920 • Friday

Was very sick this morning and had to have a nurse and doctor Stayed in bed all day and had several callers. Annie came about 5 and was here all evening Mrs McMurrin left at eight and Dr Middleton ordered a trained nurse Annie paid Mrs McMurrin 2.50 for the day. The nurse a Miss Elnora Battin recently from Chicago came at 10.30 & Annie went home at 11 after giving the nurse instructions left by the docter. [p. 177] {p. 48}

26 June 1920 • Saturday

Felt a little better all day. Had very little company The nurse Miss Battie is quite nice. The docter came twice. Annie came about five to relieve the nurse and brought a new night gown and chemise and took away the soiled clothes for laundry. The day has been very long & lonesome

[p. 178] {p. 49}

27 June 1920 • Sunday

Louise came up to relieve the nurse and later Belle came down Had a very quiet and pleasant day without much company and no excitement.

Miss Battin at night. [p. 179] {p. 50}

28 June 1920 • Monday

Had a fairly good night and felt pretty well this morning Annie came up to relieve the nurse and while she was here Sister Amelia Wardrup [Woolley Wardrop] Sister [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley and Jennie Hyde called also Kate Thomas and Olive Daley [Whitney Daly]. I had a pleasant day. Miss Battin at night [p. 180] {p. 51}

29 June 1920 • Tuesday

Had a very good day and many visitors. Annie and Louise & Emmie & Winifred [Saville Cannon] came from the reception at Carol [Caroline Croxall Cannon]’s and Katharine spent the afternoon with me. Mrs Winder came in to leave some things. The day was most perfect but seems long when one lies in bed.

Miss Battin at night. [p. 181] {p. 52}

30 June 1920 • Wednesday

The nurse & maid made me & the room all ready by eleven when Madam [Lois Niiya] Hashimoto brought to see me Madam Kaji Yajima9 of Tokio [Tokyo] Japan Pres. of the W.C.T.U.10 of Japan. After they left 3 ladies from Texas called and Sister Edna L. [Lambson] Smith came over with Belle from the Temple. They both looked very fresh & sweet in their white dresses. Dr. Middleton came and said that he thought we could let the nurse go. We will keep her until Friday the end of the week. Miss Battin at night [p. 182] {p. 53}

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June 1920, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1920s/1920/1920-06


  1. [1]Perhaps Fannie Burnham Mortensen (1878–1955). (“Fannie Burnham,” FamilySearch, accessed 26 July 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWV9-LG4.)

  2. [2]Her husband was David W. Clayton, and her children were Ruth Clayton, Sarah Clayton, Robert W. Clayton, and Margaret Clayton. (“Margaret Cannon,” FamilySearch, accessed 26 July 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWC9-RFT.)

  3. [3]S. Louise (Louie) Bouton Felt served as Primary Association general president between 1880 and 1925. (Jenson, L.D.S. Biographical Encyclopedia, 4:282–283.)

  4. [4]Shriners International is an American Masonic society. Established in 1870, it was originally called the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. (“Our History,” Shriners International, accessed 7 Sept. 2022, https://www.shrinersinternational.org/en/who-we-are/history-of-the-fraternity.)

  5. [5]James K. Gates.

  6. [6]The Democratic National Convention was held in San Francisco from 28 June to 6 July 1920. (“Democratic National Political Conventions 1832–2008,” Library of Congress, last modified 26 Aug. 2016, accessed 29 July 2021, https://www.loc.gov/rr/main/polcon/democraticindex.html.)

  7. [7]The Republican National Convention was held in Chicago from 8 to 12 June 1920. (“Republican National Political Conventions 1856–2008,” Library of Congress, last modified 14 May 2021, accessed 29 July 2021, https://www.loc.gov/rr/main/polcon/republicanindex.html.)

  8. [8]Clara Ellen Wells Hedges.

  9. [9]Yajima Kajiko (1833–1925), often called Kaji Yajima in the American press, was also the founder of the Tokyo Women’s Reform Society. She was involved in Christian activism, temperance, women’s suffrage, and women’s education in Japan. (“Japanese ‘Dry’ Worker Visits S. L.,” Salt Lake Telegram, 30 June 1920, 13; “Yajima Kajiko,” Prabook, accessed 5 Aug. 2021, https://prabook.com/web/yajima.kajiko/3752328; Sievers, Flowers in Salt, 89–90; Kana Mori, “Kajiko Yajima’s Contributions to U.S.-Japan Exchange through Woman’s Suffrage,” American View, last modified 25 Aug. 2020, https://amview.japan.usembassy.gov/en/kajiko-yajima.)

  10. [10]Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.