February 1905

1 February 1905 • Wednesday

<Carlie [Caroline] Young Cannon’s birthday anniversary–> This is a dull morning and I must go to Annie’s, Little Cavendish [W. Cannon] <10. today> cannot have a party as he had been promised. I was very busy Minnie J. [S. Ephramina Jensen] Snow called and had some talk with me about clubs and Societies. Wanted me to send a Committee to the President. in connection with the Young Ladies Association. I bought flowers for Cavendish & a book Child’s Garden of Verses by [Robert] Louis E. Stevenson and hurried down there on a half past five car–John Q. Louise and Winnie [Winnifred Saville Cannon] were all on same car. Had chicken dinner and afterwards we went into the parlor and had music and children recitations and drill Cannon boys twins1 and Jack [John Q. Cannon, Jr.], then Annie John Q. and myself sat awhile by the grate fire Louise had been to a meeting and had a social chat {p. 68}

2 February 1905 • Thursday

Rose late miserable morning. Left Annie’s on eleven o’clock car Grace with me. came up in rain, have been doing errands etc. Wrote Circular letter yesterday and had type written copy made, showed it to Dr. [Samuel H.] Allen today and he made some further suggestions which I have embodied and shall have it rewritten. Bishop [David] McKay of Huntsville came to see me today in reference to a reorganization in Huntsville, wanted some advice and we talked the matter over and he expressed his views freely; we agreed perfectly and as I wished to be very positive I consulted Br. [L. John] Nuttall who also agreed with me on the matter of postponing a meeting of legal importance, there is not much going on today as storm hinders Mr. [Orange J.] & Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury left today for New York– {p. 69}

3 February 1905 • Friday

<Belle is sick today cannot sit up– > I was late going to the office and found so many waiting for me Sister [Emma Smith] Woodruff came on almost immediately and I had to get errands done and room arranged for the meeting, Margaret came up said the children were better and later Sister Smith and Julina came and wanted to talk to me alone we went in the other room and they told me President Smith wished me or requested me to tell Mattie [Martha Brown] Cannon she was not wanted at our meetings and ask her to resign–I felt I could not possibly do that but I promised to think it over until tomorrow and then see Julina at her own home. I feel it very keenly and it seems to me to be impossible for me to do. Dr. Allen came in and spoke to us in our meeting today about nurses for the New Hospital I am broken hearted over this affair. of Mattie Cannon2 {p. 70}

4 February 1905 • Saturday

<I feel confident my prayers are answered in some things.> This morning when I went over to Belle’s, heard of Lucy B. Young’s death. It really seemed to me such a shock that I was almost prostrated and I really had a dreadful night because of the meeting that had been perplexing. In fact I had been disappointed in one of my friends, that was a shock, it is very hard to be mistaken suddenly in one’s friendships, after having such implicit trust. I went to see Susa, Mabel [Young Sanborn] and Dora [Eudora Young Hagen] all were sorrowful, Dora most of all it seemed to me, it does seem sad when one after another leaves us and the old ties are broken. I saw a lawyer in regard to the General Board and he said I was right in my decision. He will speak to the President about it.3 Came home and called on Belle, went to the Bee Hive and saw Julina and Gerusha [Jerusha] Smith Pierce Jos. F. Sister {p. 71}

5 February 1905 • Sunday

I rose early and went away to the Temple mailed my letter on the way, and met Sister Smith in the office, after we were seated in the usual room, we were told the meeting would be in the Annex– so we went back there. Meeting seemed different because of the change. Much to my surprise Susa was there and spoke it was quite a shock to me. President Smith spoke eloquently and with much emotion, L. W. [Levi W. Richards] & S. [Samuel] W. Richards A. M. Cannon, J. [James] E. Talmage, and C. [Charles] W. Penrose also J. [John] R. Winder a few minutes, I went home with Sister [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and from there to the Fast Meeting in the 18th. Ward, then over to see Hannah [Free] Wells, and walked from there to Annie’s car & found Jos. S. Wells on the car going down to speak at the meeting in Cannon Ward. Baby seems well Annie went to meeting today and spoke. Came home on nine o’clock car– {p. 72}

4sung. On the mountains top– prayer Levi W. Richards, Anthem Great and Marvelous, President J. R. Winder Susa Y. Gates spoke of the Prophet Joseph Miss [Maud May] Babcock faith and inspiration O, Zion etc Samuel Richards went to Washington in fall of 1857– Sung an anthem, Angus M. Cannon testified Carried a letter from Col. [Thomas L.] Kane’s mother5 {p. 11} telling him of his father’s6 death 110 of them together saw the camp of the enemy–7 had met Col. Kane and he gave them advice– a severe hail storm came on and the soldiers met went into camp again– take a <sublet> cut off and go round by Bear River The Lord will protect his people, James E. Talmage just returned {p. 12} from Washington glad to be at home Dr. Margaret C. Roberts C. C. R. [Caroline C. Raleigh] Wells, C. W. Penrose Apostle its over fifty years since that hymn was composed in the lanes of England at the time of the Elders return he was Pres. of the London Conference raised 600 pounds $3,000– {p. 13} President Jos. F. Smith love that enters into the hearts of those who receive the truth On the mountains tops appearing prayer {p. 14}

6 February 1905 • Monday

Went up very late, soon Joseph came and we talked confidentially for some time Sarah J. Cannon and Sannie [Rosannah Cannon] Irvine left on the train today for Alameda [California]. I felt sorry not to have seen her off. It was to have been the Reaper’s Meeting but because of the funeral of Sister Lucy B. Young it was adjourned for one week. I went in to the Cooking School and had some soup and fish, then started off the Services were fine, Bishop O. F. Whitney presiding, first Quartette “Rest for the weary Soul,” prayer by Bishop [Isaac] Barton sung “Nearer To Thee,” Dr. R. B. [Romania Bunnell Pratt] Penrose Miss Maude May Babcock Br. Schultess [Arnold H. Schulthess] was the first speaker then after the sisters President Joseph F. Smith made a fine discourse, closed with George D. Pyper singing The Resurrection Day, Benediction Bishop Whitney[.] came home to work and felt very weary– saw many old friends {p. 73}

7 February 1905 • Tuesday

Was busy all day nearly went down to Post Office and Rio Grande Western and felt very cold and wretchedly uncomfortable. Went to see Emeline Lyde [Eliza Free Wells] and family in the evening had dinner there and a good visit Came home late and read nearly all night, Sister Smith came over after leaving the Temple, had a letter from the Cor. Sec’y she wanted me to reply to and gave me the money to buy a Council pin– sent to Mrs. [Lillian Bates] Hollister for it {p. 74}

8 February 1905 • Wednesday

This is Emmeline [Cannon]’s birthday she is 12 today and I bought her a new blue dress light color and light material. Sent her a dozen carnations a variety of colors 3 white three dark red three pink and three variegated. Her mother had given her a new dress also her father and the children several useful things. I went to the open meeting of the Jewish Council and a paper was given on the Women of the Bible from Eve down to the Christian Era, there was music and impromptu remarks on Marriage and divorce by Georgie Snow Carlton [C. Georgianna Snow Carleton] I was invited to speak but declined Went to Annie’s had dinner and spent the evening came home ten o’clock car {p. 75}

8Feb. 8. 1905

Jewish Council Mrs. [Nell Pinkerton] Moore vocal Solo encore Mrs. [Ida Newhouse] Ganz accompanist Mrs. Freund9 Women of the Bible paper Eve Sarah Rebecca Miraim [Miriam] Moses mother {p. 16} Abagail [Abigail]– Jezebel Arthalia [Athalia] High School Quartette vocal & instrumental encore Mrs. Carlton the one thread connecting is economic the omnibus in which our ancestors ride {p. 17} Rebecca Harding Davis– Lady Henry Somerset [Isabella Somers-Cocks Somerset] {p. 18}

9 February 1905 • Thursday

This has been a very full day so many things crowded in Sister Smith came from the Temple and brought a letter, from Madame10 to be answered in reference to insurance Legislation, and Sister Smith replied in terms of disapproval or not wishing to take any part. Annie came up and I had no chance to talk with her, she talked to Sister Smith about raffling11 and about Temple cleaning and so on– afterwards I finished my letter to Sister Sarah J. Cannon, and did some telephoning and got arranged for the Lecture in the evening by Bertha Kunz Baker– She gave L’Aiglon by [Edmond] Rostand She is a superb actress and finished reader in elocution but her subject was a gloomy one Belle and Margaret my granddaughter– it had a depressing effect upon me {p. 76}

10 February 1905 • Friday

Today it snows, and is very unpleasant, Phebe came up to see me also Sister Stevenson and I went off to the meeting of the D.R.12 at Phebe’s, had a pleasant time and a talk with Phebe when the meeting was over, and then coming home Charlie [Charles S.] Burton asked me to get in the carriage and ride with him. Wrote a short letter to sister Farnsworth, meantime some one was talking to me constantly, but I managed to get it done after a fashion. At evening Belle came up and we went to the lecture together it was different yet not altogether pleasant first was The Romancers by Rostand– The Land of Heart’s Desire W. B. [William Butler] Yeats “A Fairy Play” then “The Hour Glass” A Morality also by W. B. Yeats– now here I am at home sitting by the fire most comfortable {p. 77}

11 February 1905 • Saturday

A frightful snowstorm when I first went up almost noon as cars had not been running regularly– Edna L. [Lambson] Smith telephoned and said that her Aunt Bathsheba was there and she would like me to come right away, so I set off and took Jordan Bridge car and arrived in the snow and wind. She had a fine fire in her parlor and we had a peaceful and pleasant afternoon, and a fine dinner which we thoroughly enjoyed, we talked most of Church affairs and reminiscences of her mother,13 she showed me her mother’s old scrap book containing many very important things, Belle came and we went to hear Mrs. Bertha Kunz Baker in the Holy Grail. Very interesting Belle had been in the afternoon and took Herman Dot’s baby[.]14 came home quite late weary indeed {p. 78}

12 February 1905 • Sunday

Laid in bed late then tried to get some work done that had been hanging heavy on my hands wrote fourteen letters went over to see Belle a little while towards evening. Came home and wrote again and read in a new book My Study Fire. it was a restful day comfortable though not entirely so, as I had a desire to go to the Tabernacle. Two of the letters I wrote were to very old friends of long ago and really brought to mind many very sad scenes in which I had been a participant, one cannot recall these old associations without waking up ghosts of the departed, “so to speak” and tears will come unbidden and make one’s head and heart sad and heavy. {p. 79}

13 February 1905 • Monday

<Mary Davenport Kimball is dead was buried today aged 78.> Today I have been much upset– papers coming over and Reaper’s Club meeting in the afternoon, not very many present Mrs. M. W. Wilcox, Mrs. Emilia Maeser, Mrs. E. J. Stevenson, Mrs. Chistina [Christina] Trescott, Mrs. Ida Haag, Miss Julia Druce Mrs. Sarah J. Chamberlain and myself. After some desultory matters Mrs. Maeser <read> two of the Lectures in “School and Fireside,” excellent instructions June called has just come home from the East. finally saw Annie for a moment in the hall, she told me I must come down. so as soon as I could clear the room I started down there. and never for years have I been so dreadfully nervous, I felt if the car had started I would almost go wild, I reached there in time to buy some oranges for the children, found things quiet but John Q. had started for <Canada Sunday night–> {p. 80}

14 February 1905 • Tuesday

<Children had been making valentines and gave us all some.> Last night we talked until very late, I slept with Annie in her room, I had very little sleep however, my heart was full of sorrow. This morning I was late and Louise came up with me, she feels the sadness very much indeed. She has been with me all day and we have had rather a sociable time, I am bowed down with so many sorrows one after another. Tonight is the Golden Wedding of Brother and Sister Samuel W. [Mary Parker] Richards and I am going so are Sisters Bathsheba W. Smith and Jane S. Richards, and I have tried in vain to go down home and dress, so many callers and those who hindered me so much that I really could not, and at the last must go from the office with only a little extra care, the party was very happy one I read my poem Reminiscences of Nauvoo & the Exodus. went home to sleep. {p. 81}

15 February 1905 • Wednesday

<Yesterday the new Rabbi [Charles J.] Freund and his wife15 called upon me.> This morning was late again Louise was there when I arrived folding papers. we had a multitude of callers, and all sorts of hindrances and Louise had to leave early to attend a meeting, Emmeline & Catherine [Katherine Cannon] are to sing in an entertainment in Liberty Stake, Margaret went to take them over to their Aunt May [M. May Wilcken Cannon]’s who has charge of that part of the program. Dear little things so sweet and lovely, O what terrible troubles there are in this world. I went down on the half-past six car and spent the evening came home on ten car from there reached home 11.20. and soon prepared for bed but could not sleep much. Terrible indeed are the sorrows that come to our children worse indeed than our own ten times over, the darkest cloud has a silver lining and if we only wait and pray A brighter day may dawn. {p. 82}

16 February 1905 • Thursday

This morning tried to be early but only reached there at eleven and found Margaret at work went out on some errands and came in and prepared for the meeting of the D.R. Held in Room 508. a very pleasant and harmonious meeting Belle came up for which I was very glad, she seemed in better spirits than usual. Margaret Cannon and myself lunched at Franklin’s, I have accomplished very little today, must make a greater effort tomorrow, Sent off some picture postals tonight hope they will reach the address and give some pleasure. In the meeting today Mrs. W. [William] H. King [L. Anna Lyman King], Mrs. J. [John] D. Spencer [Clarissa Young Spencer], Mrs. Ella W. Hyde Mrs. I. M. W. Sears, Mrs. P. [Philo] T. Farnsworth [Julia Murdock Farnsworth] Mrs. Geo. A. Smith [Lucy Woodruff Smith], Mrs. W. [Willard] T. Cannon [Caroline Croxall Cannon], Mrs. L. [Lewis] M. Cannon [Mary Hoagland Cannon], Mrs. H. [Hiram] B. Clawson [Emily Young Clawson] & myself ten people O, I am sad indeed tonight. {p. 83}

17 February 1905 • Friday

Margaret was with me all day most wretched state of mind Emeline [Young Wells] came and it was very sad to be pitied and sympathized with and yet she is a sweet and lovely friend and perfectly genuine in her love and sympathy with those of her relatives and friends who suffer. O how can we endure all only the Lord can help us and only through prayer can we obtain strength. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came and brought me a letter to reply to for her and I had one to answer that needed a word from her of affirmation. She lay down on the lounge and had a nap seemed much fatigued and had severe pain in her head. I felt very anxious about her. Margaret Caine was here and went over home with her. our Margaret went home on 5.30 car and I went on 6.30 down there Rule & Jode Wells came later– had prayers with us, children were in bed {p. 84}

18 February 1905 • Saturday

George Q. had his horse, saddle and over coat taken last night from Br. [William H.] Derr’s while he was inside. Added to our already troubled hearts, seemed a double portion. I slept none scarcely and I am sure Annie did not or any of us very much. Came up on eleven oclock car. Letter for Annie from John Q. Louise came up and took the letter home, she posted one to her father while here. I have had some errands to do and several callers. Louis [E.] Granger my grand-nephew came to talk with me about himself and family. I gave him a Book of Mormon. Sister H. A. [Harriet Ann Taylor] Badger is going with M. A. Caine to the Jordan R.S.16 Conference Monday. Emmie [Emma Sears Roberts] has sent me china from Chicago– cup saucer and 2 plates have had a fairly pleasant day {p. 85}

1719 February 1905 • Sunday

Tabernacle B. [Brigham] H. Roberts– read from Paul in Corinthians 146 Quorums of 70 men 96. Elders in each Quoru[m] Presiding Bishopric & 12. High Priests are the tribunal to said is the Chairman of the Senate Com.18 John Olsen sing Hosanna to the King. {p. 15}

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February 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1905/1905-02


  1. [1]Abraham H. Cannon and David W. Cannon.

  2. [2]Martha “Mattie” Brown Cannon was the wife of Franklin J. Cannon, a son of George Q. Cannon and Utah’s first U.S. senator, serving from 1896 to 1899. After church leaders opposed his reelection, Frank Cannon lost his seat and worked as the editor of several newspapers, including the Salt Lake Tribune, for which he wrote editorials criticizing church authorities and policies. He was excommunicated on 14 March 1905. Although church priesthood authorities might advise women leaders on a course of action, they respected the stewardship of the women over callings and releases or resignations in their own organizations. EBW generally sought to follow the advice of President Smith, but she seems to have seen this matter primarily in personal terms. EBW and other sisters likely felt protective of Martha Brown Cannon, who had been treated poorly by her husband, and who they believed was judged unfairly for his activities. Martha remained an active member of the church. (Holley, Frank J. Cannon, 214–218; “Cannon, Frank Jenne,” Biographical Directory of the United States Congress; “Cannon Excommunicated: The Mormon Ex-senator Attacked Policy of Church Authorities,” New York Times, 15 Mar. 1905, 1; Kenneth Godfrey, “Cannon, Frank J.,” in Powell, Utah History Encyclopedia; “Excommunicated,” Deseret Evening News, 15 Mar. 1905, 5.)

  3. [3]Although EBW’s reference to consulting a lawyer is not fully explained, it appears she was still concerned about removing Martha Brown Cannon from the Relief Society general board due to her husband’s offenses and felt reassured by the attorney’s counsel. There is no evidence that action was taken against Cannon, and she remained listed as a general board member until 1907. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 437.)

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  5. [5]Jane Leiper Kane.

  6. [6]John K. Kane.

  7. [7]This refers to the Utah Expedition, which was stationed in Wyoming during the winter of 1857–1858. (Richard D. Poll, “Utah Expedition,” in Ludlow, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 4:1500–1501.)

  8. [8]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary. EBW apparently wrote this entry later and backdated it. The date of the Council of Jewish Women meeting is confirmed in the previous entry.

  9. [9]Bertie or Birdie Obendorfer Freund (1864–1944).

  10. [10]Lydia Mary Olive Mamreoff von Finkelstein Mountford.

  11. [11]Raffling goods as a fundraising method has been discouraged by church leaders, since, as with other kinds of gambling, one person receives a reward for purchasing a ticket and many receive nothing. (See EBW, Diary, 4 Dec. 1897; and Smith, “Raffling,” 592–593.)

  12. [12]Daughters of the Revolution.

  13. [13]Susannah Ogden Bigler.

  14. [14]Herman Buchholz.

  15. [15]Bertie or Birdie Obendorfer Freund.

  16. [16]Relief Society.

  17. [17]text: The entries for 19 February–2 April 1905 come from volume 32 of the diary.

  18. [18]Committee.