July 1903

1 July 1903 • Wednesday

Gertrude had telephoned she was alarmed, Sep was away. Today is cooler and even almost too cool I came home and undressed this morning and slept an hour or so. Hurried through the day– reading proofs and went over twice to the Printing office and across the “bridge of sighs” as we call it, the years and years I have been going there, now very soon the new Annex to the Deseret News Building will be completed and then there will be an elevator instead of climbing stairs.1 The day was hot after the cool morning and I rushed off to the Cannon Farm to see Annie and the children. Arriving I was in a perspiration a most unusual thing for me, and found on getting there that Sister Carlie Y. Cannon was still alive although unconscious. It is a very sad thing indeed. I remained all night, the wind blew up furiously and I did not like to come home, so sent a telephone message to Belle– {p. 189}

2 July 1903 • Thursday

This morning Sister C. Y. Cannon is still alive. Annie and myself went over to the house and saw the family. I came up town in Nell Clawson’s buggy with her. The weather is quite cool and almost too great a change. Read my revise today. I have had most peculiar feelings especially this morning at Annie’s I cannot account for it at all. It seemed that I was done with everything on earth– all had stepped away, and nothing left to bind me here, as if I could even give up my literary work in which I had taken so much pride heretofore. Some sort of giving up all here. I worked on listlessly one and another came in and yet I did not enter into things as I had thought I would. Came home in good time had word about 2. p.m. that Mrs. Cannon had passed away– {p. 190}

3 July 1903 • Friday

<Sister Electa [Wood] Bullock of Provo called on me awhile today.> This is to be a very busy day, I was late coming up and the meeting of the D.R. had been called for half-past one to see about an emblem for Mrs. Cannon who was a Charter Member of the D.R. there were present the Regent Mrs. S. W. Sears, Mrs. J. P. M. Farnsworth Chaplain, Mrs. E. R. Wright who was elected Treasurer to fill the vacancy– at this meeting caused by the death of Mrs. C. Y. Cannon Miss Kate Wells Rec. Sec.2 Mrs. John S. Sears Cor. Sec. and Mrs. E. B. Wells (myself– ) they decided on a shield the same as for Mrs. Claire Clawson Benedict. Directly following this meeting was the R.S. officers missionaries etc. Mrs. B. W. Smith, and officers making five in all and M. A. Caine E. J. Stevenson Susan Grant– Lizzie S. Wilcox, Hattie B. [Bennion] Harker Mary A. C. Lambert, Alice M. Horne M. Isabella Horne. Later came Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder. Sister Caine had a peculiar impression about Sister Hyde– {p. 191}

4 July 1903 • Saturday

Stayed in bed very late writing letters and so forth and then went over to see Belle Sep and Gertrude dined there today. I came home for awhile and then went over to Annie’s and spent the evening. George Q. went to a party at Christoffersons. He had been to the Base Ball & Daniel to the Races. Annie and myself called to see Sister Sarah J. Cannon for an hour or so I came home on the 9 o’clock car but did not reach home until about half-past ten. The handsome bracket in the parlor fell and broke the chocolate pitcher Septimus had given me in San Francisco and the tea pot Belle gave me about the same time. We were rather alarmed at the noise and of course one dislikes to lose gifts that are souvenirs. {p. 192}

5 July 1903 • Sunday

This morning went early to the Temple and sat by Sister B. W. Smith The speaking was very good more so than usual– Alice R. [Kimball] Smith spoke very eloquently of her own life and experience and Sister Bathsheba very feelingly about the Prophet Joseph and President Joseph F. Smith really excelled all his past efforts in his allusions to his uncle the Prophet and his remarkable life and charicteristics. The meeting was longer than usual, a terrific wind storm was blowing outside, Sister Smith & myself went home with Sister Hyde and she took us in her carriage to the funeral, of Sister C. Y. Cannon at the Farm. The wind was terrific. Prest. Smith preached feelingly– and the coffin was covered with flowers, five of her brothers and one of her nephews were pall bearers. I stayed at Annie’s until the nine o clock car again. Margaret came home from Ogden tonight. {p. 193}

6 July 1903 • Monday

This morning went up late wind very high had been all night long. A busy day had letter prepared to send to Mr. [Richard] Ferris in Oakland, California also a copy for Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Went over to Sister Smith’s she is not well, had a long talk with her, called on Clarissa. Annie came up and went with me to lunch. Belle’s new hired girl came this morning. I am anxious to hear from Mell and the girls in the North. Sarah Jane Cannon called Miss Neff and Miss Campbell both talked to me of Susa Y. Gates illness. I went to see Dr. Pratt for an hour this evening. {p. 194}

7 July 1903 • Tuesday

Rulon’s birthday 49 today the girls had dinner in the Park–

I have had some noted callers today President Elmina S. Taylor of Young Ladies Association, President Jane S. Richards of Weber Stake, President Bathsheba W. Smith of the General Relief Society, Kate Hall, Mrs. [blank] Hudson and daughter Several other people. I do feel they more or less distinguished. President Jos. Fielding Smith is in a very fine bad condition to administer to any one, he is suffering with a severe cold. Susa is so severely ill that people are not permitted to see her I went over to Sister Smith’s to talk over the Conferences, and had a pleasant call. Came home and went into Belle’s found John Sears and Florence there and Miss Scoles.3 Really feel very sorrowful {p. 195}

8 July 1903 • Wednesday

Went up in good time and to the Historian’s office and had a talk with Bishop O. F. Whitney– and he read the letter that had been prepared for Richard Ferris of California and commented upon it. Afterwards to the President’s office and saw Br. Winder then back to the office Belle came and Sister Jane S. Richards who had been to see Sister Smith and had decided not to go to Bear Lake. She stayed on for some time, then I went again to the Presidents office and saw all there and we went over the letter and I came away satisfied. Sarah J. Cannon came and we talked of things and she waited for Annie who did not come. I had another long visit from Sister Richards, sent off my letter and did some work but mostly it was to talk with Sister Richards about her affairs Marian is staying at Belle’s tonight. {p. 196}

9 July 1903 • Thursday

I was up very early and went away to catch the train for Provo and met Sister Bathsheba W. Smith. We were soon enroute Br. Levi W. Richards was on the train also Eliza [Slade] Bennion going to Wayne Stake. Sister Dusen

Went early to town called on Sister Alder and asked her to go to Bear Lake & Star Valley, she was willing to go and Sister Stevenson was to go too and attend the two Conferences. Went over to Sister Smith’s with Sister Richards of Ogden then to Sister Beatie’s and had tea and she took me for a drive around the Park twice. It seemed to do me good. Sister Harker had been here in my absence and offered to go with me to Provo if I wished it. I did quite a little work and retired at midnight, to rise at daylight. Went to get Sister Stevenson to her house {p. 197}

10 July 1903 • Friday

Went off early to Provo with Sister B. W. Smith, had a pleasant journey arrived in good time drove to Sister Dusenberry’s with her and saw her house then to the Tabernacle where the Relief Society Conference opened Sister Mary [Wride] John the President presiding Sister Smith and myself both spoke in the morning and heard reports– at Noon there was an elaborate banquet in the basement of the old Meeting house and fifty people sat down to partake at the larger table, Sister Smith at the head of the table, she pronounced the blessing on the food. In the afternoon meeting convened again and Sister Smith Dusenberry Wells John & [Marilla Johnson] Daniels all spoke besides other reports. We took the train for home at 5. p.m. and reached home about 6.30. I was very weary, and exhausted. {p. 198}

11 July 1903 • Saturday

This morning expected Sister Walden to help with mailing but she did not come and I had so many hindrances but persevered and did considerable work for me Miss Lucinda Peterson had been folding for me yesterday and that helped some I did not do all I intended for in the middle of my work Jote Burton carried me off to have dinner with them and so I left everything standing I had a pleasant time however and as she leaves for California on Monday morning, I may never have that pleasure again and therefore I am glad. I came home house alone, and everything seemed terrible Belle was away too, and after I had read for a while I went over again and saw both Belle and Lucile [Sears]. After it was late Miss Dehm came and later on Miss Peterson, so both girls are here tonight {p. 199}

12 July 1903 • Sunday

This morning Miss Peterson went off to Sunday School 17th. Ward and Miss Dehm to eleven o’clock Presbyterian service, and I was left alone, went over to see Belle & Lucile [Sears]. I dreamed last night that I was on the top of a temple that had a very high tower. I looked and saw we were as high as the highest mountains, they were green and very beautiful, Joseph F. Smith was there and Julina and she was knitting a stocking. I was telling the people that the prophecy had been fulfilled that said the House of the Lord shall be established in the tops of the mountains.4 Went to the Tabernacle Rudger Clawson and C. W. Penrose preached, John Smith Patriarch pronounced the benediction. Annie & Cavendish were there Sister B. W. Smith and myself went to dine at Sister Francis– called on Lydia Ann, had tea at Belle’s Sep and Gertrude were there {p. 200}

13 July 1903 • Monday

Bought An Old-fashioned girl by Eliza Orne Jewett for Margaret M. Roberts second birthday on the 18th of July and sent it off from the store direct to her address. Visit from Mrs. Margaret Blaine Salisbury this forenoon for an hour or more, talked about the Silk exhibit in St. Louis at the World’s Fair for 1904. She stayed quite a little while with me and urged me to take care of myself and not work too hard and try to live to be as old as the Pope Leo. She always makes me feel happy when she comes to see me. Altogether I have not had as pleasant a day as usual and have not accomplished much in my mailing, I need more nourishment I think I was over at Dr. Pratt’s and had a cup of tea and she told me about the Lake and the editors and I showed her Br. [Jacob F.] Gates letter. Was at Sister B. W. Smith’s this evening {p. 201}

14 July 1903 • Tuesday

Sister Smith said Clarissa had invited me to the 17th. Ward Relief Society meeting, to hear the Lecture by Lizzie [Elizabeth Smith] Cartwright “The Rights of the Child in the Home”– I managed to go Ida Dusenberry came and went to Mrs. Little’s, I attended the meeting and enjoyed it very much. Margaret Caine came and wrote some letters to her boy and the missionaries, the day has been tiresome very and the heat is almost too much. We expected Eugene but he has not come yet. I went down to Annie’s after leaving the office and had dinner drove down with Hattie Harker in Sister Cannon’s buggy and spent the evening Louise and Margaret had gone to the Lake it was M.I.A. day thousands of people were over there I only reached home at eleven ten The Pope is still alive {p. 202}

15 July 1903 • Wednesday

This morning was rather early and went directly to work and callers came one after another Emeline and Annie were there together Annie Hyde came and I had a fine letter from Daisie Aunt Margaret Pierce [Young] came too and a thunder storm came up in the afternoon with a great deal of electricity in the air some rain and wind. Eugene Sears came home from Chicago this morning, Preston [J.] Cannon and wife5 and Edna Harker came this afternoon. The Pope was still alive when the News went to press. {p. 203}

16 July 1903 • Thursday

Today Eugene returned from Chicago where he had been for some time, he is a sweet boy. Isabel will not be so lonely now as before. The Pope is still clinging to life, though others do not know how long it may last, it is quite wonderful. Had a fine letter from Daisie, she is in Wallace [Idaho] with her mother has the children with her there. Emeline came to see me, and Annie came meantime and we had a little visit the Pope still lingers between life and death, his vitality is a marvel to all about him and the Cardinals are beginning to speculate on what may be the outcome of the conclave, Who will be chosen to fill the papal chair when the time arrives. {p. 204}

17 July 1903 • Friday

Today is the Juab Stake Conference at Eureka and Sister Dusenberry and Sister Caine have gone to attend it. I am still working away at my mailing and seem so unequal to the labor of it and with new help inexperienced. The Pope of Rome is still alive and seems just as likely to live for days as he has for some time. We had a meeting at Sister Smith’s just three of us, Sister B. W. Smith, A. T. Hyde and myself; we had no friction and I felt greatly astonished at the outcome‒ Clarissa could not be there as she was to entertain a few relatives in the evening in honor of her husband’s return from his Eastern business trip. Joseph F. Smith and every one of his wives, and had a fine time I came home to my work had a very uncomfortable night {p. 205}

18 July 1903 • Saturday

Saturday I worked hard fixing up odds and ends and had lots of callers, had an appointment with Sister Smith to go for the pictures at Symonds, Alonzo Hyde took us in his Surrey, we had to wait for the photographer– I do not like the pictures at all but I cannot ask people to keep on sitting for my sake when all the others are fairly good. Sister Smith paid for two for me and we came back to Sister Clarissa S. Williams and had our supper, and visited a little with her then I came back to the office and picked up and came home, went in to see Belle John & his wife were there Florence, came home and did some writing {p. 206}

19 July 1903 • Sunday

Stayed in bed all morning had a nice sponge bath and a fine hot dinner did some copying and one or two other things and then rested and read some in “Temporal Power” by Marie Correlli then went towards evening for a ride with Belle through the park and round past Sister Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s the Park is full of stylish people. I really enjoyed the ride very much but it was rather dark when we returned home and made one a little nervous. I am truly grateful for every blessing of comfort and happiness that I have had in the later years of my life. I have not had so many privileges as many of the sisters with whom I have been associated but I have enjoyed my own gifts of mind and heart and tried to make myself useful in spreading the truth {p. 207}

20 July 1903 • Monday

This morning went off early <with Belle in the buggy> found lots of mail, pictures of Daisie’s two boys Martin Whitney and Stephen Thompson, always called Tom, bright intellectual musical children. the news of my brother’s6 coming to go on to the G.A.R. encampment7 in Los Angelos came today by letter. I was quite elated with the news, it is 43 years last May since he was here, when Annie was a baby in long clothes. I hope it will be a comfort to us all for that one day at least. It seems too short a time if we can all get together and enjoy him it will be fine. I went home early to tell Belle she is very fond of him. I tried to do a little more on my writing going home so early but did not do so much more after all, the weather is fearfully hot. {p. 208}

21 July 1903 • Tuesday

I have had many callers today & hindrances of different kinds. I want so much to get my letters all answered and things more in order, but something new comes up to hinder me very much and I get nervous and restless. I wish I might get even with my work for once I am so elated over a letter from my brother Hiram who says he is coming here on his way to San Francisco to the G.A.R. encampment of the Mass. [Massachusetts] Army to which he belongs. Annie came up and we went to the New Wilson and had lunch together, a very nice visit. We have sort of planned to have lunch at Belle’s and dinner at Annie’s and go from there to the train, hope we can do all we have laid out to do and to show him. {p. 209}

22 July 1903 • Wednesday

<Went to see the Governor today and talked about silk and women.> All day threatening rain and heat intense, I was busy writing letters and so forth went and settled some bills and then at evening to Sister B. W. Smith’s to take her Permit for half-fare, she was in bed when I went but got up and we had a nice little visit together, she seemed lonely and I did not like to leave her in fact I have had that feeling several times of late when I have been with her, she does seem to cling to me, she told me that she dreamed of being in her old room in the Historian’s office where she had slept so many years. I came home and found Belle watering her lawn and flowers. Mr. Gordon and Miss Dehm were here in the porch when I came home, they are very near getting married I believe. Estelle Neff & Ella W. Hyde and Dr. Shipp have all paid me visits today {p. 210}

23 July 1903 • Thursday

<Apostle Cowley paid me a call today he is just home from Soda [Springs, Idaho]> I did not feel very well this morning but went off to Belle’s first and saw the boys cleaning the well for the new pump and then to the office where all was as usual, commenced work on editorial first finished a poem on Faith and then wrote up Reunion R.S. Jordan Stake then Mattie Cannon’s Old ladies party, then about the Pope’s death etc. went over to see Clarissa and then to Dr. Pratt with an invitation to go to Dr. Ellis R. Shipp’s Saturday evening. Stayed and had a cup of tea & some pancakes with her. Went back to work and finally home. Miss Lucinda Peterson who has been staying here since Saturday night July 11. goes home to Bear River City to night to spend the 24th. Miss Dehm tells me she is going away on Monday so I shall not have the two girls much longer {p. 211}

24 July 1903 • Friday

<Prof. Alfred Andre S. L. Orme died at 9.30 last night at County Infirmary> Stayed at home writing and trying to rest Miss Dehm went to see her young man off and at 4. p.m. I went to the meeting at Sister Smith’s there really was no meeting only we two so we talked things over and then I read some letters and came away home there is sad news of accidents Miss Mary M. Pomeroy and two boys were sort of lost in the Lake Miss Pomeroy by the utmost exertion succeeded in getting to the Pavilion to get help for the others, Ross Wells and Roy Larkin were not so successful Ross could swim by [but] Roy could not. After ten hours trying to save his cousin he lost consciousness and was picked up by rescuers sent out from the pavilion, he is in an unconscious condition late this evening, so many of our people have gone to the Lake {p. 212}

25 July 1903 • Saturday

Today we learned Andre had been buried by the County, it is very pathetic as he was a very high-spirited fellow in his way. He had not been true to himself however nor to his religion and had become recreant in many ways. There is no doubt of his belonging to a good family. It is a lesson to young men to walk uprightly and might be made an object lesson of some positive value. Such is the fate of taking a downward course. I have been busy very tried to write In Memoriam of Carlie Cannon8 and to get ready for the party or meeting at Ellis R. Shipps tonight– Sisters Smith and Cannon came to go with me. We arrived early and looked over the house and grounds had a pleasant time, flowers in all the nooks and corners and everything exquisitely perfect. Came home midnight Belle & I. {p. 213} The meeting at Ellis’s after the refreshments was specially gratifying. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith presided and opened with prayer and Lillie T. Freeze blessed every one in the gift of tongues. Maria Y. Dougall gave the interpretation, then she gave Sister Lillie a blessing, in tongues and her own interpretation

26 July 1903 • Sunday

I completed my Record up to date today then went to Tabernacle this afternoon, Br. H. W. Naisbett preached. Dot is sick with a pain in her side. Belle has gone over there. Belle & Brenton went to the grave yard and called at several places afterwards, I met Miss West some girl Eugene has brought home to see the folks. Dot came over and spoke to me outside, Lucile [Buchholz] and Herman were with her. I finished my record and wrote editorial matter tonight. the weather is sultry I saw the new moon. It was glorious it gives one joy & is exalting {p. 214}

27 July 1903 • Monday

This morning hurried off to my office, had some conversation with a stranger from Arkansas. called up at Beck’s to see Dr. Roberts, she was moving into her new house she has built. Went over to the news9 across that old bridge-way which I have been crossing so many years. Annie came up and John Q. and Daniel were both in the office. Ordered R.S. Blanks for Lucy E. [Brown] Johnson Mexico 27 cts. worth. Sister Maria [Mabey] Holt of South Jordan came in to see me. Ella W. Hyde called, Miss Dehm is almost ready to go to Denver or Altona Illinois. L Lula Greene Richards came in and three young ladies. Sister Walden came to say Good Bye she goes to Ogden and Portland to sell Ladies toilet articles. Weather very hot. sent off special copies of paper and six letters today {p. 215}

28 July 1903 • Tuesday

Miss Dehm left today for Denver and Altonah [Altona] Illinois where her mother lives to be married to a Mr. Gordon a man whom she has kept company with ever since she came to me. I have been very busy and went off to Annie’s hardly in time for dinner took the twins a cup each and gave them a box of candy during the day also some cakes. Stayed in the evening and Emmeline came home with me and stayed all night. I had not really accomplished what I desired during the day and felt gloomy in consequence, but I tried to be cheerful and contemplated having some respite on the morrow as it would be the 60th. anniversary of my marriage when only fifteen years and five months old.10 The memories of by-gone years come back at such anniversaries with great force and power of mind. {p. 216}

29 July 1903 • Wednesday

I was very melancholy this morning contrary to my most ardent resolves and felt completely overpowered with the unpleasantness I had to meet. I went to the office greatly depressed and down-hearted. I hardly knew how the day went I went to see after the sisters to go to Lehi and succeeded in finding Sister Alder and at last Dr. Shipp by telephone both promised to go to Lehi in the morning and relieve me. I walked considerably and hunted after Sister Harker who was to go with me to Woodruff Stake on the 31st. However I did not get any one but hunted until I was weary stayed in the office and worked late and came home weary and read the last chapters of Temporal Power by Marie Corelli a very powerful book and very bitter to the aristocracy– {p. 217}

30 July 1903 • Thursday

This morning felt a little more refreshed and more cheerful I see I must go away. It really is all I can do, no one seems either willing or suitable, I prepared all my work and have told Miss Peterson what to do while I am away. I washed and changed my attire and came home at last really worn out. Sister Stevenson is not at home and no disposition to come I think though she talks of what she would do. I have made all the preparation I can. I dread the journey very much, have sent off many letters and brought my last proofs home to read tonight. A letter from Hiram states Carrie is coming with him, he will let me known [know] when he gets nearer by telegram. {p. 218}

31 July 1903 • Friday

No word of an election for a sprum◊◊11 Ruler of the Catholic Church. Went away <morning> on seven o’clock U.P.12 Train Miss Olive Derbage <Hattie Harker with> with me for the Primary Association <R.S. work> she is a very agreeable and intelligent woman. We traveled on to Evanston [Wyoming] admiring the scenery as we went along & became quite well acquainted. Arrived at Evanston about noon Br. [Charles] Kingston met us also Sister Dell [M. Fidelia Leavitt] Marriott President of the R.S. at Evanston We had dinner and spent the afternoon. Br. Kingston came and told us he expected one of the Twelve Apostles and would telephone to the President’s office in regard to the matter. Sister Harker told him she was sure no one was coming– but he persisted in the idea. We were sorry to stay there, called with Sister Marriott on Sister [Mary Tucker] Kingston who had a new baby13 {p. 219}

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July 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 17, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1903/1903-07


  1. [1]The Deseret News was in process of constructing a new building when the Oregon Short Line Railroad building was destroyed by fire. The railroad and other businesses then asked the News if it would rent them space in the new building. To accommodate such requests, the News added an annex to its new building. (Ashton, Voice in the West, 242–244.)

  2. [2]Recording Secretary.

  3. [3]Likely Phebe Carter Scholes.

  4. [4]Isaiah 2:2–3.

  5. [5]Mabel Harker Cannon.

  6. [6]Hiram W. Clark.

  7. [7]The Grand Army of the Republic was a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union army, navy, and marines who served in the American Civil War. Annual state and national meetings were called “encampments.” (“Grand Army of the Republic,” Library of Congress Main Reading Room; “Grand Army of the Republic History,” Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War; “Going to California,” Salt Lake Herald, 30 July 1903, 3.)

  8. [8]“In Memoriam: Caroline Young Cannon,” Woman’s Exponent, July 1903, 32:11.

  9. [9]Deseret News.

  10. [10]EBW recalled her marriage to her first husband, James H. Harris, in Massachusetts on 29 July 1843. (EBW, Diary, Births, 1844–1846.)

  11. [11]text: EBW may have intended the word “supreme” here.

  12. [12]Union Pacific.

  13. [13]Priscilla M. Kingston. (Priscilla May Maw, Death Certificate, “Utah Death Certificates, 1904–1964.”)