October 1897

14 October 1897 • Thursday

This has been a very gloomy day– made up the paper for the 15th. Aunt Zina has been to see me– we went together into the Hall of Relics. Hebe the Governor and his staff including John Q. went in full dress to Provo to the County Fair– it is Governor’s day. Lillie [Elizabeth Taylor] Cutler was married today to Ed. [Edward E.] Jenkins. Louise & Margaret have been practising this evening in the Operretta the Rebellion of the Daisies May Earle is one of the principal persons in it the leader and trainer of the children [p. 319] {p. 118}

19 October 1897 • Tuesday

This is the birthday of Isabel familiarly called “Dot”– by her own family– she is Mrs. Buchholz now however and is 25 years old today I gave her half-dozen tea plates her mother gave her a book & [blank space] Em a sofa pillow cover and Lucile [blank space] and so on– she seems not to care very much about her age or the presents– I dined there and we had ducks roasted sweet potatoes etc. Went to Aunt Zina’s and was very late in getting home– as usual– a long walk from there

It is little Barry [Hillard]’s birthday he is four years old I think he is a wonderful child for that age. [p. 324] {p. 119}

21 October 1897 • Thursday

Today we are to have the meeting Br. W. [William] W. Riter and Br. James Sharp are to be the speakers. I have sent out sixty two invitations, they were signed by myself and Dr. Pratt– About twenty five ladies came and we had an interesting time– I was elected Chairman and Laura Hyde, Secretary. After the meeting I went to a party at Sister Lizzie Wilcox’s– beside the Dr. C. [Charles] F. Wilcox and wife there were present S. M. Kimball M. E. [Mary Ellen Able] Kimball and L. W. [Lucy Walker] Kimball Zina D. H. Young– Maria [Haven] Burton, M. W. Wilcox, E. J. Stevenson & son Ezra [T. Stevenson] Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor B. W. Smith & myself also Margaret P. [Pierce] Young– Sister Zina made a little speech of greeting and we sung O my Father and after we were ready to go home Sister Zina blest Lizzie in the gift of tongues & gave the interpretation, it was sorrowful [p. 326] {p. 120}

22 October 1897 • Friday

Today has been very gloomy and I have been very busy and occupied we had the kindergarten meeting here but I could not pay much attention and at evening I went to the City and County Building to meet with the Republican Central Committee meeting called to protest against President McKinley appointing U.S. officials who were not Utah men for our state. Rob. Campbell was quite impatient because of something W. K. Walton had said and they had quite a scene, but were reconciled at last– the Chairman did not come and nothing permanent was done. I came home late and very weary. I am reading The Philosopher of Driftwood by Mrs. Jenness Miller [p. 327] {p. 121}

23 October 1897 • Saturday

Today I had word to attend a meeting of the State Committee at Dooley’s office in the Wells Fargo Bank– there were present J. [John] E. Dooley R. [Robert] S. Campbell and Meaghan [Charles W. Meighan] of Ogden besides myself but we were a majority. The address sent out is to be taken by Mr. [A. C.] Bishop the State Attorney General and to be delivered in person if possible to obtain an interview. I knew I must do certain things and hurried and worried myself to get off a few papers to the city subscribers– as I expected to go to Lehi on Monday– it is so hard to do so much– I went to Annie’s for a little while & came home very late cold and weary after trying to catch cars and missing them– [p. 328] {p. 122}

24 October 1897 • Sunday

It is raining and dismal outside– Dr. Pratt came down and we went through the Portrait Gallery of eminent women trying to select characters suitable to take at the club annual. We talked of books principally. And of one called “Six Modern Women[”]– by Laura M. Hansson– Psychological Sketches– transaled [translated] from the German by Hermione Ramsden– published by Roberts Bros. Boston– it is a charming book– The women are Sonia Kovalevsky– George Egerton Eleonora Duse Amalie Skram Marie Bashkirtseff– A Ch. Edgren Leffler–

Going over my poems to arrange the contents, I find my longest poem has two pages lift [left] out I hunt for the manuscript & succeed at last in finding the original copy– I tremble with excitement I am here alone and the rain is more <& more dreary> [p. 329] {p. 123}

25 October 1897 • Monday

Left on the early morning train for Lehi– the day was cold and uncomfortable. Arrived all right at Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring’s and soon Sisters [Mary Wride] John & [Marilla Johnson] Daniels came from Provo. We had quite a nice meeting very reminiscent– 29 yrs. since the organization and Sister Standring gave a number of particulars. I spoke about 35 minutes– some on the political situation the movement for non-partisan city governments and upon the general history of the Relief Society and the silk culture. We had a fine dinner at Sister Standrings and the afternoon meeting was a crowded one. Bishop [Thomas R.] Cutler spoke briefly but very strongly upon home industries– I spoke much upon the need of employment for the poor and how necessary it was to teach industry and what could be done in sericulture– other sisters followed in the same strain [p. 330] {p. 124}

27 October 1897 • Wednesday

The anniversary of President Daniel H. Wells and we are to meet at Cal’s. I hurried all day so much so that I was weary and low-spirited when the time came to go. I had to go home to dress, the house was very cold and it seemed a forlorn way to celebrate– I was late at the party and it added much to my discomfort. I felt greatly oppressed for some reason. It was the night of the rally at the theatre for the Citizens Reform or Non-Partisan ticket John Q. was there and Annie had more than her share of anxiety with all her little ones. Eugene went out of Belle’s family the only one. I saw a few of the tableaux, <they> were very good. Louise sung but it was over before I came– We were very late getting home and I was thoroughly exhausted the house was cold and my heart was sad and heavy [p. 332] {p. 125}

29 October 1897 • Friday

This morning rose at six and made needful preparations for the Temple– went off in time to attend the Sisters meeting– Sister Bathsheba Smith presided in the absence of Sister Zina– the subject was special instructions about clothing. Then we went into the meeting up stairs and I sat in Aunt Zina’s seat by Sister Smith. President Lorenzo Snow was presiding C. [Charles] J. Thomas was the speaker– Joseph [S. Wells] took charge of the names of the Wells family he gave me the name Mrs. Isabel De Welles– there were Martha, Lydia Ann, Hannah and myself. Susan [Alley Wells] was at Charlie [Charles H. Wells]’s his wife [Susan Riter Wells] was confined while we were at dinner at Lydia Ann’s, has another girl,1 of the boys who went there was Joseph, Louis [R. Wells], Victor [P. Wells] and Melvin [D. Wells]– girls Kate [Wells], May, Nett [Susan Annette Wells Culmer] and Annie S. Wells, wife of Joseph. Bishop Butler wife & mother in law–2 Sisters E. [Elizabeth Taft] Webb & M. [Maria Burnham] Winder [p. 334] {p. 126}

30 October 1897 • Saturday

Today commenced trying to get papers ready to move, had a woman helping, have had many callers, Meeting in 14th. Ward. Club tonight– character entertainment at Dr. Shipp’s– installation of new officers. Dr. R. B. Pratt elected President, R. H. [Rebecca Herrod Beesley] Doolan[,] Vice Presidents– M. A. [Mary Alice Cannon] Lambert Rec. Sec. Aimee [Cahn] Schiller Ass’t Sec. L. D. Alder Cor. Sec.3 Edith Lovesey [Rossiter Lovesy] Ass’t <Cor.> Sec. Hattie Harker Treas. I. [Isabel] Cameron Brown Vice Pres. at large. The characters represented were L. D. Alder L. H. Sigourney. L. A. Clark, Hypatia, Dr. [Orielle] Curtis, Portia R. H. Doolan E. R. Snow, Ruth Fox. Dolly Madison, Helen Vilate Kimball Lady Montague, Dr. Pratt Mrs. Heman’s E. B. Wells, Harriet Martineau Lizzie Wilcox a tailor from Sartor Resartus [p. 335] {p. 127}

31 October 1897 • Sunday

Sister Mary Ann [Pullin] Clive’s funeral at 11. A.M. today. Belle is sick with sore throat– Louise went home early this morning. [p. 336] {p. 128}

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October 1897, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 22, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1897/1897-10


  1. [1]Louise Wells.

  2. [2]Probably Alva K. Butler, bishop of the Granite Ward; his wife, Emma Finch Butler; and her mother, Malinda Gamble.

  3. [3]Corresponding secretary.